How To Use Taurus In A Sentence

  • I mean, Ford sold about a gillion Taurus sedans and wagons. Marqued for death
  • The Taurus mountain range runs right along this southern coast of Turkey and protects the beaches from north winds making them a wonderful suntrap.
  • What I noticed in your birth chart in particular is an opposition between moon in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio.
  • Powering the ‘new Ford Taurus’ is a 2.3 L four-cylinder engine rated at 160 horsepower.
  • A merger may have triggered the output of energy in this galaxy, Centaurus A.
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  • We'll meet a baby ankylosaurus incubated from an abandoned egg; rampaging, short-armed carnotauruses; and a pack of nicoraptors, which are like mangy, feral dogs. Terra Nova Exclusive: On the Set of TV's Hottest New Show
  • It is now accepted that all humpless domestic cattle are of a single species, Bos taurus, and that they all descend ultimately from the aurochs, Bos primigenius.
  • Centaurus A with jets powered by a supermassive black hole within - the orange jets are as seen in submillimetre by the Atacama Pathfinder and the blue lobes are as seen by the Chandra X-ray space telescope. Can a Really, Really Fast Spacecraft Turn Into A Black Hole? | Universe Today
  • In the same period transit Saturn in Taurus was making two passes over natal Pluto.
  • She is a typical Taurus/Taurean/has a typical Taurean personality.
  • You'll meet fascinating people and have exciting adventures, but do pay attention, Taurus.
  • This Sun in Taurus Full Moon is called Wesak ( WE - sock ).
  • This fine combination works in harmony to produce a character endowed with common sense on the Taurus side, and the famous Libran sense of fair play and justice.
  • Taurus, earthiest of all, comes during spring in the northern hemisphere, when earth's explosion of flowers proclaims our planet's fertility and beauty. Sacred Conversation
  • It's easy overlook Aldebaran in this scene , but this star is the brightest one in Taurus.
  • The new Taurus cartridges are not only effective, but also non-polluting.
  • While on the subject of inebriation, I am convinced the Metro horoscope writer must have been half-cut when he wrote yesterday's entry for Taurus.
  • This star used to belong both to Auriga, where it was known as the heel of the Charioteer ...and to the constellation Taurus, where it represented the tip of the Bull's northern horn.
  • Born on October 10, 1930, Pinter is a libra/horse – the measured commander, his Sun in Libra/Moon in Taurus – (same as Steve Reich, F. Scott Fitzgerald and M. Antonioni, charming, cultured, determined, good judgment, and patient.) Harold Pinter – A Master and a Caretaker
  • Venus in Taurus lends glamour and a fierce ability to enjoy life to the hilt.
  • The Glock 9mm has about as much relationship to the flintlock pistol as a Ford Taurus does to a saddle horse.
  • Centaurus A is apparently the result of a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies resulting in a fantastic jumble of star clusters and imposing dark dust lanes.
  • The woman is Europa, a main actress of the myth for Taurus.
  • For example, the star Algol, which is located in Taurus, is given in many dictionaries as descending from al-ghāla, ` the destroyer, 'but its more likely origin is the more familiar form from the same root: ghul ` a woodland demon' from which we got our word ghoul, ` a defiler of graves. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 3
  • Also, your progressed moon at 11 Taurus is making a trine aspect to your natal Uranus in Virgo.
  • Taurus has one of the longest histories of the zodiac signs.
  • Taurus Antinor's breath came in short, stertorous gasps, his throat was parched and his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. "Unto Caesar"
  • In the ancient astrolatry, the half year of increasing days, extending from the Winter to the Summer Solstice, was personified by the composite figure representing the constellations of Taurus and Astral Worship
  • I also have a hammerless, light Taurus 38 Special. The Volokh Conspiracy » Women’s (or Men’s) Concealed Carry Handgun Recommendations:
  • I stared at the constellations: Ursa Major, Canis Minor, Taurus and Gemini --- that's my sign. RESCUING ROSE
  • Sacred Conversation yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sacred Conversation'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: An astrological shift of the Sun from Taurus to Gemini puts emphasis on the Devine Feminine and "sacra conversazione" (sacred conversation).' Sacred Conversation
  • She pulled her gray Sunbird behind Gretchen 's white Taurus. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • Now, astronomers have found further evidence that Centaurus A is a maelstrom of violence.
  • The star cluster of the Pleiades is located at 28 degrees Taurus.
  • The other half of the Grand Cross is the opposition of Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Taurus.
  • The narrow strip of tall open forest is crucial for the conservation of the northern populations of three species of mammals that are restricted to this forest type, namely: yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis, brush-tailed bettong Bettongia penicillata (E) and swamp rat Rattus lutreolus. Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
  • It is true that they may not have the flair and excessive energy of their fellow Ariens, for the fire of their Sun sign is grounded by the Taurus earth provided in the Moon sign.
  • One of the most apt approaches for all of us, and one that elegantly combines the highest Taurus and Gemini energies, can be found in a type of Italian Renaissance painting called the sacra conversazione. Sacred Conversation
  • halfe cours," in one of which the sun would be in Aries, and in the other in Taurus; and that when Chaucer says that "the yonge Sonne had in the Ram his halfe cours yronne," he meant that the _Aries half of the month of Notes and Queries, Number 78, April 26, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • A spectacular example is the giant galaxy Centaurus A, lying some 16 million light years away.
  • The TAURUS rocket is scrap -- in rocket science, a 66% success rate sucks by any performance measure. Orbiting Carbon Observatory Launch Fails - NASA Watch
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • It is true that they may not have the flair and excessive energy of their fellow Ariens, for the fire of their Sun sign is grounded by the Taurus earth provided in the Moon sign.
  • Centaurus population is thinly spread across these colonies, now totalling approximately 5 billion human beings.
  • She is a typical Taurus/Taurean/has a typical Taurean personality.
  • The 2006 Ford Taurus has been made available as a sedan or a wagon.
  • The Centaurus Colony may then be declared a separate patriarchate, with full patriarchal jurisdiction going to the cardinal who will accompany you. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • The finding suggests that Scutum-Centaurus wraps all the way around the Milky Way, making it a symmetric counterpart to the galaxy's other major star-forming arm, Perseus.
  • In occidental astrology mars is in Taurus which represents less energy and competitiveness than mars in Aries.
  • On the bovine family tree, zebu are ten times further removed from the three members of the B. taurus group than those three are from one another.
  • A total of 34 microsatellite primers, polymorphic in their respective species, were selected in this study (30 bovine [Bos taurus], 2 ovine [Ovis aries], and 2 caprine [Capra hircus]).
  • Our work has shown that the cattle of Europe, northern Asia, and Africa all have closely related DNA sequences and that they all belong to a group that corresponds most closely to the humpless cattle known as Bos taurus.
  • Only 11 million light-years away, Centaurus A is the closest active galaxy to planet Earth.
  • Natives of the Taurus-Scorpio group are enormously perceptive and highly sensitive.
  • This star used to belong both to Auriga, where it was known as the heel of the Charioteer ...and to the constellation Taurus, where it represented the tip of the Bull's northern horn.
  • Through its association with Venus, Taurus has affinity with Copper, marcasite, alabaster, lapis lazuli and chrysolite.
  • It is true that they may not have the flair and excessive energy of their fellow Ariens, for the fire of their Sun sign is grounded by the Taurus earth provided in the Moon sign.
  • Centaurus is a southern constellation and its brightest stars are not visible in regions above latitude 29 north.
  • Many wetland birds thrive here, including the Australsian bittern (Botaurus stellaris poiciloptilus) and the magnificent white heron or kotuku (Egretta intermedia). Westland temperate forests
  • Now, Taurus has a handgun chambered in the mini-magnum.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • It's easy to overlook Aldebaran in this scene, but this star is the brightest one in Taurus.
  • The scientist recently returned from an expedition to Turkey's Taurus Mountains near the headwaters of the Tigris River.
  • Ford has sold more than 7 million Taurus cars since the model was introduced in late 1985 and called a "jellybean" or "flying potato" because of its futuristic curved design. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • Avlus Gellius demaunding of the Philosopher Taurus, whether a wise man could be angrie? The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Taurus is the epitome of classic cool. The Sun
  • There are three conspicuous clusters in the northern sky that are visible to the naked eye -- viz. the Pleiades in Taurus, the Great Cluster in the sword-handle of Perseus, and Praesepe in Cancer, commonly called the Beehive. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • In Georgics II, 146, Vergil repeats the phrase maxima taurus victima, but the phrase must have had its origin in the Catalepton, since here maxima balances humilis. Vergil

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