How To Use Taunt In A Sentence
The American troops come home in disgrace and the American military is taunted and ridiculed by the American media, global media, Islamic terrorists, and the moonbats here and aborad.
Sound Politics: What It Means
They've all combined to form a huge black cloud that is going to taunt me all day.
She evaded his grasp and left without another word, sashaying her hips tauntingly.
And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.”
I phrased it as a sarcastic taunt, but I genuinely wanted to know the answer.

The last thing we want is to put ourselves in the position where he is taunted or provoked and reacts again.
Let's steal motorbikes and ride to Taunton!
Times, Sunday Times
Jim Koch loves to talk about little companies that take on the Big Guys: artisanal-cheese makers who battle importers, the microdistillers who taunt liquor giants — and, most of all, the tiny microbrewer who elbows aside industry behemoths with a full-flavored beer and a well-crafted marketing pitch.
Beer Baron
He scorned prudence in moderation at all times, and his behaviour, when the wave of Revolution at last carried him to power, gave point to the taunt of Thiers -- "c'est un fou furieux.
The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914 (5th ed.)
Not surprisingly the nine-year-old is subjected to cruel taunts at school because of her weight.
The Sun
He defiantly skirted the Italian coastline aboard his luxury yacht, taunting the authorities who had steadfastly refused to allow him to set foot in his native country for more than half a century.
He might surface, gasp for air and taunting by his pirate comrades and then be keelhauled back underwater.
taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'
He loves to tease and to taunt.
The Sun
But he was unable to speak or write Marathi and fellow students taunted him.
He taunted, and I merely stumbled back as I felt more blows upon my side, my front, and my back.
This report of the UK media awards describes a an apocalyptic scene, as scribes, put beyond use with alcohol, heckle and taunt their peers; standing on stools, booing the MC off the stage.
He had to endure the racist taunts of the crowd.
The carrying off of the spear and the cruse was a couch of almost humour, and it, with the ironical taunt flung across the valley to
Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII
She's a real tease, taunting him to steal a kiss or cop a feel.
When you decide that you have the right to taunt someone, you have no idea what kind of marginalization that they have put up with before encountering you.
Archive 2009-11-01
And what better way to incite people than by a continuous stinging of their pride and resentment, by taunting or “twitting” them? sdg Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Doing It With Twitter
Molari of Taunton, questioned whether the moped was a vehicle as defined by the law.
News from
Every so often, one of the peones comes out from behind the barrera to taunt the bull, dodging agilely, all to see the character of the animal, and to draw him to different areas of the ring.
There is no such thing as a bullfight
No. To me the idea that words or taunts can enrage somebody to kill and act out of anger, and our judicial system says that's okay, is barbaric.
Despite the taunts of a young cabin boy from Brooklyn who told us how seasick we would get, none of the flyers suffered.
However, before exploring this problematic I want to establish the strange way in which the sailors 'taunt impinges on Equiano's interpellation of George into his masochistic reading of Foxe.
The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
She said her husband, a rail clerk, went outside to confront the louts but they just taunted him and started smashing his car.
As they wait for assistance to have the man taken into custody, they studiously ignored taunts and provocations and remained astonishingly polite throughout.
For Mike, bodybuilding was a way of dealing with hurtful childhood taunts and ostracism.
He will hit the road, and the talk-show circuit, to trumpet his outsiderhood and to taunt Dole and Clinton.
Stewing On The Sidelines
A taunting, chill laughter toward which he was meant to react with hostility.
He refers to himself as "a dinosaur" and is taunted by an old criminal rival who teases him about his impending retirement: "You're days from the scrapheap.
The (Really) Long Goodbye
A Wall Street Journal analysis of market data provided by Elroy Dimson , Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton of the London Business School suggests the central-bank intervention might indeed be a turning point for the markets: U.S. and emerging-market stocks may be poised to outperform, while European stocks could be headed for more trouble.
How to Play the Rescue
She had barely escaped disinheritance but that didn't stop her from confronting her father or taunting him about her lifestyle.
Taunts that players receive when they're involved in road games may be brutal, but they don't inflict as much hurt as the barbs tossed at them by fans in their home park.
Unfortunately, this kindly pledge is not forthcoming in the case of the third R, arithmetic, for in mathematics, virtually every time you turn your brain around they challenge or, maybe better said, taunt you with a new potentially ego-threatening subskill to conquer.
A Mind at a Time
They will taunt and tease the audience, but in the end, the perennially unlaid Jackson will do another Spiritual Guide routine.
Archive 2007-01-01
For the last three plus years the Repug corporate types taunted me over dinner as they swilled expensive wine and generally lorded it up over their sole meuniere.
Firedoglake » Imperial Reckoning
They then started taunting him and shouted at him before kicking the football into his face.
Throughout his high school years in the nearby town of Bay Minette, he weathered the taunts and teases of classmates for being gay.
On Monday I got roasted in the sun in Taunton.
I got called the nastiest names, was taunted everywhere I went, people damaged my stuff and generally made my life hell.
2008 August « MeltedMoment's Weblog
This point deserves attention, not for the sake of the miserable and ruinous advantage which is obtained by taunting an adversary in controversy with inconsistency till you drive him to improve his logical position by increasing the exactingness of his demands, but because the advocates of Home Rule (honestly enough, no doubt) confuse the matter under discussion by a strange kind of intellectual shuffle.
England's Case Against Home Rule
His odd appearance and manner attracted the attention of local children, who would continually taunt him, provoking him to lose his temper and damage property.
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Photo of the Day – Tauntaun Sleeping Bag | Manolith
Imagine if your colleagues all began to taunt you, all of the time, every day.
It cues our hate to keep us watching, like a bullfighter taunting a bull: waving red to draw our attention and anger.
But brutal conditions and the taunts of the mortician's apprentice cause a defiant Oliver to run away to London.
Ungainly, provokable, I batted at the wisecracks and taunts of my peers as at a swarm of wasps.
His sole weapon seems to be his mouth, whether by taunting or biting.
‘'Tis I who have the map to the pearl-treasures of these isles, and not thee, Northerner, ‘he called, taunting Viro.
Imagine that this isolation causes you to weep and even scream in distress, and that everyone with any power to do something about it, at best ignores you and at times even taunts you, or jeers at you.
He took sadistic pleasure in taunting the boy.
He then taunted the dying man: 'There you are.
Times, Sunday Times
Squeezing her eyes tight she tried to block out Reed's cold, insistent taunts and the jeering catcalls that seemed to get louder with each passing moment.
Some of the girls taunted her about her weight.
Temperatures have risen to 60 degrees in the Boston area, but a flood watch is in effect this afternoon through Monday morning with 1 to 2 inches of rain expected to fall, according to a meteorologist from the National Weather Service in Taunton. Top Stories
 Hercules taunts Thor that he needs to “live up” to the legacy of Hercules, and Thor responds with a nard shot worthy of Ric Flair himself, followed by a wedgie of steel.
Review: Incredible Hercules #136 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
Her voice taunted him in mock arrogance, but he could tell from the hint of darkness under her eyes that though she meant it flippantly, she was very tired.
It's only a drop of water after all, so we pulled out the waterproofs and trotted down to Taunton for a weekly taste of town just the same.
He once confessed to owning the prized possessions of a superb board of bird's-eye maple and Moluccan ebony, edged in sycamore, an 1871 boxwood and ebony Staunton set, plus a chess clock by Grant's of Stamford.
The boys soon began taunting and insulting each other, in some cases turning against good friends who were now on the opposing team.
Twelvetrees does not have the control and consistent goalkicking of Staunton but that hardly mattered against a Leeds side who could not cope with Leicester's power at the scrum and all-round velocity.
Billy Twelvetrees revels in new role as Leicester hammer Leeds
Yet he endured the taunts.
Times, Sunday Times
Nero's boyish pride by taunting him with what she called his degrading and unmanly subjection to his mother.
Nero Makers of History Series
It's not that long ago I remember being taunted in the street by building-site workers for carrying a baby in a sling.
Are there more plans afoot for designs with which to taunt the technological world?
Times, Sunday Times
It would not be the first time that the neighbourhood gangs had taunted me.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Finding no solace at home, he is taunted, bullied and beaten by a pugilistic stepfather and eventually sent by his sympathetic, but passive, mother to a private boarding school to study his sixth form.
And Stine just kept right on provoking him with taunts and derision.
After all a bully is somewhat similar to a stalker, they follow you, taunt you, frighten you.
On Good Friday at Highbury, the Liverpool support went from the noisy Scouse taunting we know so well - when they were 2-1 up at half-time - to orderly seated silence.
Hobson, fed up with Swaby's taunts since their tasty duel two years ago, jumped round the ring in joy.
I encountered layers of airborne mist and fog on the Taunton road, quite thick in the hollows but mostly wisping across at about head height, caught in the headlights and looking like wraiths and ghosties in the night.
Although Taunton is raceable today, overnight temperatures could slip to as low as minus 2C.
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The record doesn't want you to just kick back and listen, preferring to taunt you from your chair via head-nodding blues punch-ups and brawling rock 'n' roll.
She has lived with stones thrown through the front window of her Athy home, taunts and jeers, media hostility and the utter loneliness of no contact with her family and much loved daughters.
Perhaps, accustomed as he was to hearing such queries and taunts by the driver, the conductor remained a mute spectator.
But he rammed the cruel taunts back down their throats with a performance that showcased his character as his quality.
The Sun
The sun had become a burning circle amidst a sea of turquoise, and heat hazes pranced along the horizon, carnivals of air that taunted with hints and effigies of water.
Watchman: Babel Series Part One | SciFi UK Review
Not for once did she believe his aberrational humility would last against all his friends’ taunting.
Video clips and secret recordings are being used to taunt head teachers and their staff.
Times, Sunday Times
MBC students admitted free. more info: 886-4091 or www. jewishfilmfest -
And due to public pressure - which came in the form of letters, phone calls, taunts, jeers and even bomb threats - the city was forced to pull the plug on the project.
The character voices and taunts are annoying and lame.
Each time Alvin came out of the porthouse with a crate of iron bars, they'd call out to him, taunting him.
Prentice Alvin
Lord Wellington is, for you, only a decayed old gentleman now: I rather think some of you have called him a 'dotard' - you have taunted him with his age, and the loss of his physical vigour.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
The eldest son in his family, Mohan had a bad time at school because his speech was the focus of many unkind taunts from his classmates.
She also said taunts and jibes about her old, unnatural look had been upsetting.
The Sun
I was first confused, then enraged, as he bobbed in the waves repeating his taunting question.
Her first day was filled with jeering and taunts but she remained patient with them.
Xaphista spoke to her often, coaxing one minute, taunting the next.
The fashion vanguard will have to develop new strategies to resist the taunts of the uncultured, or even to exploit them in the service of greater hipness.
There is a provocative bunch of yobs among their exports, while not listed soccer thugs, still ignite tempers by taunts and tease and then claim innocence when the law steps in.
One of the MPs, a big redneck shitkicker, began poking one of my guys, a black soldier named Mickey Washington, with his baton, taunting him about being a lifer in the army.
Dancing with the Devil
The other children used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses.
It would not be the first time that the neighbourhood gangs had taunted me.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman
The drama, which focuses on a backstreet abortionist, was crowned British film of the year, while its star, Imelda Staunton, took the best actress accolade.
She, too, delivers a dual personality: the innocent young college girl Doc feels obligated to protect; and the little coquette, taunting Turk with promises she has no intention of fulfilling.
Fans still trade abusive taunts and many thankfully can still take a bit of name-calling without crying to the authorities.
Once upon a time, it was a schoolyard taunt to label someone "four-eyes," but in Taiwan, they have adopted an unusual take on such labels.
Paul Rockower: A Taiwanese Take on Four-Eyes
The more he intermingles mordacious taunts with earnest reflections on the feelings of a man suffocated by a less than satisfying matrimony, the harder it is to take him seriously.
It is not news that we have depraved people among us; nor is it news that they like to taunt society with their combination of relish and indifference.
As soon as they turn the corner, Tommy's behavior turns to taunting and jeers.
McCain is like a baby, a very old baby, always trying to taunt Obama but never works! fj johnson
McCain says Obama's Iraq trip would convince him of success
By far the most serious allegation concerns one student who, the letter says, was put in an armlock by an officer and taunted with the words ‘Is this hurting yet?’
I met Tom whilst I was deejaying in a club in Taunton, in Somerset.
It was under the pressure of people in the audience hurling drunken comments, taunting him, wanting him to fail, expecting him to fall apart.
Still, the memory of the Cowboy's brief taunt still haunted him - `Now, the turn is yours, mon ami.
He loves to tease and to taunt.
The Sun
His taunting of the king and a scurrilous lampoon of Charles II in front of the French ambassador helps to seal his fate.
Running away?"he taunted softly.
In the pressured environment of the top flight, leaders have to take the knocks and endure the taunts while holding firm to their core beliefs.
Times, Sunday Times
Our main competitor on the 92S also was a long time collector who loved the coin as much as we did and was determined to add it to his amazing set (needless to say our taunting him with pics of cute puppies calling his name did not make him leave before the sale).
THE FUN SHOW 2009 : Coin Collecting News
I was humiliated, and dealing with the endless taunts from my classmates led me to overeat.
Indeed, Paul Weaver is taking a break from the Formula One circuit to bring us live coverage of the big match between Somerset and the title favourites Nottinghamshire down in Taunton.
County cricket - as it happened!
Suitably inwardly calmed, he returned with the role of McCabe, a maverick wildlife liaison officer who wasn't afraid to use unorthodox methods to get results when it came to bad people taunting squirrels or baiting frogspawn.
They began taunting the friends and threatening them, before launching a physical attack.
Wales made the man who taunted England just one week earlier look average with as good an 80 minutes of defending as is imaginable.
Times, Sunday Times
B o R N E B Y T H E W I N D, the banners floated above the runway, their painted slogans taunting the dusty trees.
DeMott (“The Age of Overkill,” New York Times Mag - azine, May 19, 1968) has called “the mindless cycle of super taunts” so characteristic of our own time of
There is a charm in Tennyson's "Godiva" or his "Enoch Arden" beyond the reach of mere art; it is found in the noble spirit of the heroine who replies to the taunt of her husband, --
Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism
The video clips can be recorded so users can relive magic moments - or even use them to taunt pals who support rival teams.
My appreciation for all things peculiarly British, let alone particular to the westcountry, rose a notch yesterday whilst sat at Taunton station waiting for the bus to Minehead.
They knew this as well, so they taunted me with their sharp swords and barbed words.
He loathes food critics, loves a fight and taunts women with his arrogance and charm.
The balance of trust and the preponderance of suspicion were all skewed in Taunton today.
The film's central character Vera Drake played by Imelda Staunton, who was nominated for a rash of best actress awards, is a char whose concern for her family and neighbours is the driving force of her life.
The name "Batonga" stems from a word Angelique made up as a response to taunts when she was going to school -- the boys didn't know what the word meant, but to her it was an assertion of the rights of girls to education.
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In the middle of another hour long mocking taunt of his dad for how much better this war was going, his mother belted him with a cheese grater.
Throughout his high school years in the nearby town of Bay Minette, he weathered the taunts and teases of classmates for being gay.
The pair finally reached for their delete buttons yesterday, wiping away all trace of the cruel taunts.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, it would have been more dignified if there hadn't been the taunts and jeers.
The Sun
On February 27th Sheridan, with two divisions of cavalry, ten thousand sabers, moved up the Valley to Staunton.
Wales made the man who taunted England just one week earlier look average with as good an 80 minutes of defending as is imaginable.
Times, Sunday Times
A voice cut cold and taunting through the clangor of the fight.
When he finally made it to the stage to alternately flip his hair and continue sneering, he began taunting the crowd and encouraging them to pump their fists - then the sound promptly gave out.
If one boy wanted to taunt another, all he had to do was clap-clap, pause, and the message was clear: ‘You are nothing but a hijra.’
As the aircraft continues to teeter absurdly on the edge of the sky, little pain-flavoured wisps of memories will start to taunt him.
So saying, and summing up the whole with a provoking wink, and such an interjectional tchick as men quicken a dull horse with, Petit Andre drew off to the other side of the path, and left the youth to digest the taunts he had treated him with, as his proud Scottish stomach best might.
Quentin Durward
As a schoolgirl, she was the butt of taunts by ill-bred bullies.
Booker Washington, riding a crest of popularity, taunted Turner with statistics.
Each time she missed, Jesse taunted her again, until Amber was so angry with him that she booted it the hardest she ever had.
He just turned the taunts into motivation and was soon ramming them back from whence they came.
The Sun
The tartan taunts did not prevent him turning to a compatriot in his hour of need.
On February 27th Sheridan, with two divisions of cavalry, ten thousand sabers, moved up the Valley to Staunton.
They were defensive about the taunts of critics who branded them with the photographic label.
A failed student, who also turns sexually rash, Rajan runs away from the taunts and threats of his father.
The soldiers, who now began to be taunted and vilipended as Boches, threw all discipline to the winds and, feeling every hand raised against them, resolved to raise their hands against every man.
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
By 1994, the league added a ‘taunting’ clause to its technical-foul rule to, in effect, penalize a player for non-verbal trash talking.
By virtue of her rare acquaintance with savage customs, she was able to taunt the Barghîz with the horrors of their tribal mystery, to divulge which is _Death_!
A Saw type figure, played by Tyler Perry as Madea in a horrific Richard Nixon mask, taunts the survivors with his eerie song "kerplunk kerplunk, marbles on your head, I pull out another stick, and you'll be dead.
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He'd make humorous, taunting faces or just out-do her hits with an unserious blow or a tickle.
Let's steal motorbikes and ride to Taunton!
Times, Sunday Times
I saw women's faces and heard taunting voices in my head.
Times, Sunday Times
Did the taunts and rejection of women make him evil or was it just a part of his makeup?
In front of 1500 striking firefighters at a rally in Glasgow yesterday, the somnolent Prescott was not so much demonised as taunted.
I saw women's faces and heard taunting voices in my head.
Times, Sunday Times
He only fought with real men who deserved it, not little boys who taunted and teased.
She cringed at the sound of the word sister coming out in a taunting voice.
He sauntered home at Taunton last week.
The Sun
So, instead, we drove to Taunton, through the bright sunshine, along hedged roads running between folded hills, with black-thorn bearing bright white star-flowers, and wild cherry and prunus in full bloom against an endless blue sky.
Or do you wait till they tire of the taunting and go to release the victim when the coast is clear?
Sandra stayed at home, away from the taunts and jibes of her white schoolfellows, and illicitly befriended the children of the family's black nanny.
Their fellow Muscovites taunted them on the sidewalks and on the streetcars, loudly criticizing their appearance, hurling insults at them, sometimes attacking them.
When I passed through Williton on my way to the railway station in Taunton early this afternoon the Shell garage was the focus of an orderly queue of vehicles waiting in line for their turn at the pumps.
Lucky didn't like this child and taunted him by saying ‘hahaha, your Dad's dead and mine's not, your dad's dead and mine's not’ in that sing-song way you all know so well.
‘It is a compromise, a fudge and a deferral,’ he taunted.
I felt the need of posh nosh today so I fired up the little blue Ford and motored down to Taunton, intent on spending an obscene amount of my weekly housekeeping on goodies from Marks & Spencer.
He made mention of the loud Canadian ‘blokes’ who crudely jested and taunted him from across a busy downtown street.
By releasing it into the world, he relieved himself and taunted the fates to punish him.
They were defensive about the taunts of critics who branded them with the photographic label.
A WOMAN who claimed she was taunted by colleagues because of her chronic flatulence yesterday lost an employment tribunal claim.
The Sun
She began to tease and taunt him by playing with his locks.
Her corkscrew curls taunt me all through class.
Black players have to endure endless taunts.
The new guy whispered something to Jessica that Taylor couldn't hear due to the laughter, jeers, taunts, and whistles of the other students.
The general behavior of the sprinters - lording it over their opponents in a taunting and self-congratulatory manner - was the opposite of what the Olympics are supposed to be about: international friendship and solidarity.
Three Staunton penalties eased Ireland into the game and he converted his own try and the first of left wing Gary Brown's two.
He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts.
When he was four years old, a little girl in his pre-school class taunted him from the top of a playhouse that he was ‘too little’ to ever climb that high.
Having married her, as he openly avowed, for her fortune alone, he soon dissipated this, the solitary charm she possessed for him, and was then unmanful enough to taunt her with the inconveniences of that penury which his own extravagance had occasioned.
Life of Lord Byron
We know precisely why most people will wish to see it, and it has a whole lot more to do with urges to hoot and jeer and taunt than with any sober discharging of civil responsibilities.
I heard the taunting whistle of the koel and I knew I was in a mango orchard.
As a young woman, Babs was attached to the staff of Stauntons of James Street, Westport, and during her time there she gained a deserved reputation as a warm-hearted, caring and generous person.
It was hard to believe he had once swum out to meet the ocean, to taunt the big waves, and dance on them, just him and his board.
CATCHING THE BIG ONE • by Morley Young
Representative assemblies are often taunted by their enemies with being places of mere talk and bavardage.
Representative Government
Ivor and Pauline were lured back to Stroud's bungalow at Staunton, on the pretext of discussing the cash settlement.
But while fear of a shark attack may haunt Australian beachgoers as they dip their toes in the oceans that surround their nation, for "shark whisperer" Ian Gordon taunting a massive Great White Shark to attack is all in a day's work.
Taunton's College was found to have good teaching and learning standards across the board.
In the quieter reaches of Taunton, walking through the back lanes from Magdelane Alley past the Church and into the huddle of old roads and shops by the river, it was truly pleasant.
Nikolas was already relishing the idea of taunting Tyler with this interesting information.
Far along in the distance one could see the cows frolicking in the fields, the birds soaring past the trees, and the cats taunting the field mice.
They returned to the hall in time for the next item on the agenda, amid jeers and taunts from the Treasury benches.
From afar they began to taunt the crowd in the square, chanting, ‘We own this country now,’ and ordering the people in the opposition crowd to return to their homes.
It also offers a prime taunting spot: During several Phillies games this week, more than 200 knotholers heckled Philadelphia players on the field: "Worthless!" they brayed at right fielder Jayson Werth, who ignored them.
Watching Baseball Through 'Knothole' Isn't Naughty When Giants Play
It's too cruel to taunt Jim with his failure in the examination.
I prefer her, cuirassed in pride, armed with a taunt.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte