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  1. one of two pieces of armor plate hanging from the fauld to protect the upper thighs

How To Use tasset In A Sentence

  • It is Mr. Roe's opinion that the defensive armour on the quarter jacks dates from the first half of the fifteenth century, the plain oviform breastplates and basinets, as well as the continuation of the tassets round the hips, being very characteristic features of this period. Vanishing England
  • Nam qui saeculis omnino quindecim, non oppidam, non villam, non domum reperiunt imbutam doctrina sua, donec infelix monachus (Lutherus) incesto connubio votam Deo virginem funestasset; aut Helvetius gladiator (Zuinglius) in patriam coniurasset; aut stigmaticus perfuga (Calvinus) Genevam occupasset; ii coguntur Ecclesiam, si quam volent, in latebris venditare, et eos parentes asserere, quos nec ipsi noverint, neque mortalium quisquam aspexerit. Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
  • {44} Intererat mea id rescire, ipse enim petii ab illo, jam exacto biennio, ut id faceret, eumque pulchri successus certum reddidi, quod esset omnino conforme meis Principiis, absque quo nunquam de eo cogitasset, eo quod contrariâ tenebatur sententiâ. — Pascal
  • Maeoniumque senem Romano prouocat ore, forsitan illius nemoris latuisset in umbra, 25 quod canit, et sterili tantum cantasset auena ignotus populis, si Maecenate careret. qui tamen haut uni patefecit limina uati nec sua Vergilio permisit carmina soli. Laus Pisonis
  • Composition varied but was around 60 percent pikemen, in burgonet, corselet and tassets, ten percent halberdiers and 30 percent shot, in morions.
  • The pikeman's head was protected by a high combed morion in the Spanish style, rather than the earlier sallet; he wore a breastplate with attached tassets over his thighs and - if an officer - a gorget to protect his throat.
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