How To Use Tasse In A Sentence

  • Round his neck is a horizontally striped silk scarf with a tasselled fringe.
  • I reached for the yellow tasseled pillow that was placed on the couch, wanting to beat Sophie with it a million times over.
  • Some loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels, which symbolized falling rain.
  • Her clothes were long and loose, the shawl brightly colored and rimmed with tassels.
  • However, last year corn leaf aphids remained abundant in some field after tasseling, and the feeding appeared to cause death of the tissues fed upon.
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  • A ação pela recuperação da legalidade foi muito protelada, por medo de que a sociedade interpretasse mal imagino. Global Voices in English » Brazil: The country’s largest university becomes a battlefield
  • When derided for mounting a pair of Government "bluchers," tied over bare feet, with bits of glaring tassel-string from his camel-saddle, he quoted the proverb, "Whoso liveth with a people forty days becomes of them. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • For the most drama, try using deep eggplant in a single piece of furniture, such as a sofa or perhaps a trio of tasseled pillows.
  • He was in Prince Albert's 11 th Hussars, and cut quite a dash on horseback in his crimson trousers, braided tunic, tassels and plumes.
  • A four-poster bed took up half the room, veiled in long, sheer violet curtains and gold tassels. Rogue Oracle
  • He is a trim, nice-looking 72-year-old wearing a tweedy jacket and spiffy tasselled loafers.
  • Accessorise the look with long tasselled shoulder bags in patch-work leather and butter soft suede boots.
  • The elaborate tassels on the ends of his red breechclout reached below his knees when he stood.
  • Principio ut illo advenimus, ubi primum terram tetigimus, continuo Amphitruo delegit viros primorum principes; eos legat, Telobois iubet sententiam ut dicant suam; si sine vi et sine hello velint rapta et raptores tradere, si quae asportassent redderent, se exercitum extemplo domum reducturum, abituros agro Argivos, pacem atque otium dare illis; sin aliter sient animati neque dent quae petat, sese igitur summa vi virisque eorum oppidum oppugnassere. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Academic dress for masters is a plain black stuff master's gown, a black trencher cap with a black silk tassel and a hood of black silk lined with the colour of the faculty, school or professional grouping and academic dress for juris doctor will be the same except that the tassel on the trencher cap is white silk rather than black silk.
  • Symptoms vary with the species, age of plants when infected, and the climate, but usually include chlorotic striping of the leaves and leaf sheaths, stunting, excessive tillering, and deformities of the ears and tassels. Chapter 10
  • Slide 27: Variety • Bialetti models • Sizes (in "demitasse" cups) • Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is a close-fitting red felt hat with a flattened top and a tassel worn to the side.
  • It is a country where acquaintances embrace when meeting and strangers are greeted with warmth, bonhomie, and a demitasse of rich coffee.
  • Accessorise the look with long tasselled shoulder bags in patch-work leather and butter soft suede boots.
  • Even a demitasse of chicory coffee must have been hard to come by in Seneca, South Carolina in the last world war. Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: Selling Mother's Louis Vuittons on eBay
  • These tasselled slippers have just the right amount of sparkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before we had been long on the Barrier he developed mischievous habits and became a rope eater and gnawer of other ponies 'fringes, as we called the coloured tassels we hung over their eyes to ward off snow-blindness. The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
  • Tassels hung from her ceiling fan and sketches were still tacked to the wall.
  • But the Frenchman is asking for trouble after turning up for training in these boots with tassels and matching leather trousers. The Sun
  • A style of male dress most often seen in the United States is the fustanella, a full, white pleated skirt; a black and gold jacket; a red flat fez with a large tassel (puskel); and shoes with black pompoms.
  • I slide into the flow of tasseled trishaws, pedestrians, clicking bicycles.
  • Soon we were above ground in a silvery twelve-seater custom van, my seatmate fiddling with a loaded ashtray, fine gray dust sprinkling his shiny black tasseled loafers.
  • Florence's instrument looks to be covered with a tasseled cloth.
  • Also, the rails carried black cords with black tassels hanging down, giving a sombre effect to the wooden coffin clamped to the trolley platform.
  • It was rather an elaborate military uniform, with golden tassels on the edge of its golden epaulettes and gold trim on the cuffs and collar.
  • Also, the rails carried black cords with black tassels hanging down, giving a sombre effect to the wooden coffin clamped to the trolley platform.
  • Smiling and bashful she stood there in her clinging skirt and wampum-broidered vest, her slender, rounded limbs moulded into soft knee-moccasins of fawn-skin, and the Virgin's Girdle knotted across her thighs in silver-tasselled seawan. The Hidden Children
  • We finished off with a small but very strong demitasse cup of Arabic-style (Turkish) coffee flavored with cloves. NJ Dining: Al-Safa (Bab Al-hara)
  • The one on the left is a traditional demitasse spoon, confirmed in this case by a label on a boxed set.
  • So he got back in touch with Margaret who quickly rustled up two pairs, one with black and gold satin stripes, the other covered in sequins complete with gold tassels.
  • She was leaving her husband; what was more grievous to her, she was leaving her home; she was on the streets of New York, with her small savings in her greasy purse -- clasped tightly in her two hands under her "Sunday cape," that was trimmed with fringe and tassels in a way to remind you of a lambrequin. McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
  • Stassen observes that pigs were used as a sacrifice to Roman gods.
  • Their traditional loincloths are sometimes decorated with bright tassels and pompoms.
  • For instance, each celebration involves colorful garb - from tasseled dashikis floating down South Street during Odunde to the embroidered silk robes worn on Chinese New Year.
  • It is Mr. Roe's opinion that the defensive armour on the quarter jacks dates from the first half of the fifteenth century, the plain oviform breastplates and basinets, as well as the continuation of the tassets round the hips, being very characteristic features of this period. Vanishing England
  • Stylishly clad in a pair of fashionably cut blue jeans and a close-fitting black top fringed with tassels along the lower edge, she was all smiles as she waved and acknowledged the cheers of the crowd.
  • But the Frenchman is asking for trouble after turning up for training in these boots with tassels and matching leather trousers. The Sun
  • It was easier when the body politic watched the jiggling mammaries on TV and drank beer by the caseload to forget their domestic trifles, but that darn internet went from being a cybernetic version of the Home Shopping Network for fatasses incapable of bestirring themselves beyond their own barcalounger, to something that could actually be used to communicate concepts requiring critical thinking and studied responses. Firedoglake » It’s High Time for Some Truth
  • Severum persecutionem concitasse refert, in qua per omnes ubique locorum Ecclesias, ab athletis pro pietate certantibus, illustria confecta fuerunt martyria. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • That was a little hard to believe given that, at the time Lindeberg said this, she was wearing a sleeveless second-skin dress in black silk georgette, its hem a riot of vibrating tassels, its single concession to mumsiness an elasticized waist. Daily Fashion Show Pictures
  • For two large, sedan chairs," he said, "four small sedan chairs and four carriages, are needed in all so many large and small tassels, each tassel requiring so many catties of beads and thread. Hung Lou Meng, Book I Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • We move on to the cornfield and possible ways the leaves, corn and tassels might be rendered.
  • Avoid strangulation with window-blind cords by installing breakaway tassels.
  • Dodd and Pendleton were the piquets on the Quinta's driveway and when they saluted him Christopher just touched the ivory heel of his riding crop to one of the tasselled peaks of his bicorne hat. Sharpe's Havoc
  • Choose from our extensive collection of soutaches, crystal beading, and tassel or silk fringe for the finishing touches.
  • A fascinating mix of braids, tassels, chenilles and decorative trimmings in delicate silken yarn complements the entire package.
  • The high temperatures came right during the critical corn tasseling and silking stage.
  • Early stages of floret development are similar in the ear and tassel: each floret is enclosed in a lemma and palea and all florets produce two lodicules, three stamens, and a gynoecium.
  • I walked over towards the windows and started to unravel the gold tasseled ropes so that the curtain would prevent any light from shining through.
  • The New Testament records that observant Judeans wore decorations called tassels on their garments.
  • _Un remede d'Empereur (Neron) pour se debarrasser d'un rhume, -- et de commère pour attendre le meme but -- fut envelopper un oignon dans une feuille de chou et le faire cuire sous la cendre; puis l'ecrasser, le reduire en pulpe, le mettre dans une tasse de lait, ou une decoction chaude de redisse; se coucher; et se tenir chaudement, au besoin recidiver matin et soir_. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • As a Jewish male Jesus wore the fringed tassels tzitzit on his outer garment, which indicates his strict observance of the mitzvoth or commandments of the Torah or Jewish Law.3 In that sense he is not “liberal” with regard to Jewish observances in any modern sense of the term. The Jesus Dynasty
  • It was all afghan goods, joss-sticks, tassel skirts, little jackets. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • “For two large, sedan chairs,” he said, “four small sedan chairs and four carriages, are needed in all so many large and small tassels, each tassel requiring so many catties of beads and thread.” Hung Lou Meng
  • Colourful material and tassels hung down from the top edges and corners of the bed.
  • I suffocate in a room with lots of swags and tassels.
  • Wrap tassel drapery cords around the pillow and tie them to the chair.
  • Videntes autem fratres Joseph, quod mortuus esset pater ecorum, dixerunt Fortasse odio habebit nos Joseph, et reddendo reddet nobis omne malum, qui affecimus eum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • The skin is often decorated with warts and filaments that look like tassels.
  • He often incorporated sofa-lined niches or low-lying daybeds abundantly piled with tasseled cushions.
  • Go stand in a shoe shop and watch women fight over the final pair of suede boots with the kitten heel and tasseled edgings around the top that have been reduced to sell.
  • He often incorporated sofa-lined niches or low-lying daybeds abundantly piled with tasseled cushions.
  • It was like a beret, though round and from the center of the hat, hung a tassel.
  • She has Christmas fern, autumn fern, ostrich fern, northern maidenhair fern, tassel fern, Japanese painted fern, lady fern, cinnamon fern, sensitive fern and one she calls tatting fern that was new to me. News | SJ |
  • (For those of you who don't know me, I actually have a nice chapeau [ "hat" in French] with a tassel from the University of Michigan School of Social Work where I trained to be a therapist in grad school.) May 2006
  • On the way back I passed an old man riding a motorcycle, wearing a blue plaid lungi, dingy white shirt, and a tall red fez with a black tassel.
  • They are in all manner of shapes, strings of mucuna and poison-beans; carved images stuck over with feathers and tassels; padlocks with a cowrie or a mirror set in them; horns full of mysterious "medicine;" iron - tipped poles; bones; birds 'beaks and talons; skins of snakes and leopards, and so forth. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • He played with a tassel in each hand, sometimes nervously chewing the toggles.
  • But instead I have gone with a more traditional flapper look, tassely little dress, feather boa, long black gloves, cigarette holder, fishnet stockings.
  • Also, I bought my zills after class (the Arabesque ones) and so I took them home and sewed on the elastic and my favorite beads on the thumbs (so you can tell them apart) and then sewed a very proud making zill bag with some black silk and my left over trim and tassels and some ribbon. Finger cymbals too loud? problem solved: crocheted zill covers « raincoaster
  • Current UNL chlorophyll meter recommendations for corn before tasseling are to apply more nitrogen if the leaf reading is less than 95 percent of the well fertilized nitrogen strip.
  • Application of nitrogen after tasselling is rarely effective and should be avoided.
  • Below: Satin or embroidered ribbons, brocades, bows and tassels can all give added dimension and interest to pictures.
  • At the present season, a thriving field of Indian corn, now in its most perfect growth and tasselled out, occupies nearly half of the hollow; and it is like the lap of bounteous Nature, filled with breadstuff. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 109, November, 1866
  • My companion actually ordered a liqueur coffee, which was served black in a demitasse, with the Grand Marnier in a separate liqueur glass.
  • And now as August draws to a close, many of us are wondering whether there will be enough warm days left to mature the corn that is just barely tasseling.
  • Depending on plant growth stage, these tiny cutworms may proceed to the unfolding whorl where they feed on parts of the emerging tassel, or move directly to the ear or leaf axil.
  • She accessorized with a scarf and tasseled loafers. Princess Letizia Wears Elbow Patches & Loafers (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Each panel is embroidered before assembling the skirt and decorative welting, cord and tassels are added for just the perfect finishing touch.
  • The man, tall and broad and dressed in a sweater and tasseled loafers, wraps his left arm around the woman's back.
  • Single straight sword with sheath and tassel, enchanting price, for beginners and collectors.
  • Wrap tassel drapery cords around the pillow and tie them to the chair.
  • Bientot je fis prendre a mon malade une forte tasse de mon elixir de vie; il le but avec avidite, et voulait redoubler; mais j’exigeai un, ajournement de deux heures, et lui servis une seconde dose avant de me retirer. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • A fascinating mix of braids, tassels, chenilles and decorative trimmings in delicate silken yarn complements the entire package.
  • Her outfit - a thigh-length, tasselled, backless dress - drew gasps from the audience.
  • This dress uniform includes tasseled cap and shoes, white stockings and the fustanella, a shirtwaist with pleated skirt of white fustian.
  • It was a beautiful sword, long, simple and elegant with an ivory hilt and a golden tassel.
  • A tiny butternut-shaped woman was hired to channel an endless flow of coffee and tea into demitasse cups that she continually distributed on trays. Day of Honey
  • I repeat, this is not a man who should be describing others as wearing pink tasseled slippers and conical hats covered in polka dots.
  • For the great tassels still hung at the sides and – Well! you may call it an impossible find or say that if the bauble was there it should have been discovered in the first search for it! The Filigree Ball
  • These absurd little scarlet bluchers with tassels are for little boys; the brown morocco shoes are for grooms A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Treat this soybean R3 - R4 stage with the same importance you would treat your corn tasseling and silking periods.
  • Instead of his usual suit, he was dressed casually in an open-necked knit shirt, and light-colored slacks, and soft Italian shoes with little tassels over the instep.
  • I tried my best not to radiate my unfamiliar paranoia too far outside of my presumed business posture, all brown suit, yellow shirt and silk tie, expensive tasseled shoes only a buffoon would wear, but I could tell it wasn't working on this particular scene for some unknown reason. Spy vs. Park
  • So they brought the lute in a bag of red satin, with tassels of saffron-coloured silk: and she opened the bag, and took it out and behold on it was graven, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • After they've stowed away about eleventeen courses, from grapefruit and sherry to demitasse and benedictine, them that can leave the table without wheel chairs wanders out into the front rooms, and the men light up fresh perfectos and hunt for the smokin 'den, and the women get together in bunches and exchange polite knocks. Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
  • He looked gorgeous, dressed in a pink silk gown with a gold-tasselled cord round his waist.
  • He wore a black achkan and a red fez with a black tassel, and was amazingly dignified.
  • Serve the soup in little espresso / demitasse cups and hand round on trays.
  • Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth with embroidery and the addition of fringes, tassels, and pompoms.
  • See also: embroidery and tasselled hemlines. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is amazing how the simple button, tassel and Ottoman quilting was raised to the altar of couture art.
  • Lilac plumbago, red hybiscus, and golden allemanda mingle with pink and purple lantana, yellow daisies, and hedges of scarlet tassels, enclosing wicker huts in patches of banana and cocoanut. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • The male flowers are on the tassels at the top of the plant; the female flowers form the silk that hangs out of the developing ears.
  • The end of the rite is a year early, and virginal women have gathered to burn their tassels in the presence of the King who is expected to choose his 17th wife from the maidens.
  • Carefully placed fans, well manoeuvred balloons, tassels, pasties and body stockings ensured that the audience seldom saw what they thought they did.
  • Dinner is often finished with a demitasse of sweet Cuban espresso.
  • It's reversible and has a tasseled edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don Pedro Gil: his progeny grew up a thriving and merry-hearted, though short and bandy-legged generation, while Senora Gil, befringed, belaced, and betasselled from her head to her heels, with glittering rings on every finger, became a model of slattern fashion and finery. The Alhambra
  • Corn tasseling started last week in many fields.
  • It can be purchased with a demitasse serving set, and is also available in silver or gold plate.
  • A removable shelf allows the object to be removed from the box without exerting stress on the binding, skippet, tassels, and metallic cord.
  • Pour in demitasse cups, giving each a topping of foama clear indicator of an accomplished coffee maker. Crescent by Diana Abu-Jaber: Questions
  • Quod cum fieri (fortasse nec a peritissimis) à me certè non possit, præstat interim ut cum aliqua venustatis injuria magnam partem Europæ alloquatur, quam intra paucos suæ gentis clausa apud cæteros omnes conticescat. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Anthers from developing tassels were staged with the acetocarmine squash technique.
  • This applies especially to fancy forms with frills and tassels that in a multiple crown produce an undistinguished tangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deconstruct the traditional centerpiece by making mini arrangements in demitasse cups.
  • Zouave dress of short, embroidered jacket, baggy trousers and tasselled cap was copied by regiments on both sides in the American civil war.
  • The Chancellor's cap shall be a black velvet trencher cap with gold tassel and button and trimmed with three centimetres gold braid.
  • He was garbed in a thick robe of blood red, trimmed with a golden thread and tassels.
  • The purple and green ash flowers, which opened like little tassels on the bare twigs, still linger on some trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • She likes to play peekaboo behind the different cabinet doors, and she's really into fabric swatches and tassels.
  • This applies especially to fancy forms with frills and tassels that in a multiple crown produce an undistinguished tangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faculty was splendid in their academic regalia, students all gowned with their mortar and tassel led by a marshal carrying the college's mace.
  • Most distressfully (but, my dear, how successfully!) to wail he did, his locks of a lucan tinge, quickrich, ripely rippling, unfilleted, those lashbetasselled lids on the verge of closing time, whiles ouze of his sidewiseopen mouth the breath of him, evenso languishing as the princeliest treble treacle or lichee chewchow purse could buy. Finnegans Wake
  • Good day to you, Signora Milito," Tony replied, and both adults waited while Frank lowered his demitasse slowly to his saucer. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • Lesions generally first appear near tasseling and disease spread occurs until maturity.
  • The surrounding ottomans are covered in deep-maroon silk and fringed with gold-dyed tassels.
  • A quasi-sacred part of it is the inkle, tape or string, often a most magnificent affair, with tassels of pearl and precious stones; and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It was all afghan goods, joss-sticks, tassel skirts, little jackets. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • Cotton Fabric , Silk Fabrics, Tassels, Curtains Fabric, Sofa Clothes Tassels and Trimmings.
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • Forget about Flora Danica china unless you have 1500 Euros for a demitasse! Terry Kelhawk: It's Different in Denmark
  • Foster Dulles, exhausted and unwell, heatedly reminded Stassen that “it was the British and French who had just vetoed the proposal for a cease-fire.” Eisenhower 1956
  • On two visits we received a demitasse of creamy soup accompanied by an airy cheese puff as an amuse-bouche.
  • He was at least seven feet tall, and as hideous as he was big - a great yellow, globular face set on massive shoulders, with a tasselled cap on top, staring pop-eyes, and a great sword clutched in his pudgy hands. Flashman's Lady
  • Nam qui saeculis omnino quindecim, non oppidam, non villam, non domum reperiunt imbutam doctrina sua, donec infelix monachus (Lutherus) incesto connubio votam Deo virginem funestasset; aut Helvetius gladiator (Zuinglius) in patriam coniurasset; aut stigmaticus perfuga (Calvinus) Genevam occupasset; ii coguntur Ecclesiam, si quam volent, in latebris venditare, et eos parentes asserere, quos nec ipsi noverint, neque mortalium quisquam aspexerit. Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
  • He does not, under any circumstances, wear tasseled loafers.
  • A demitasse of Turkish coffee, so dreamily dense I feel its gently sandy texture on my lips, chaperones a cube of pale golden Turkish delight.
  • Pieces in the Bird's Nest pattern for individual use identified thus far are limited to the tea knife, demitasse spoon, egg spoon, large and small ice cream spoons, teaspoon, and nutpicks.
  • Their evidence that it represents a new species is based on differences in ecology and tassel and plant morphology.
  • Look at the nine-tasselled royal crown, for example. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pollen begins to be shed two days after tasseling and continues for five to eight days.
  • The sofa was upholstered in yellow and blue satin, shiny and tight, finished with rolled gold cord and tassels.
  • He is wearing his overcoat, his hat, a long scarf whose tasseled ends reach down to his massive knees. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • Gold velvet drapes were tied back from a large bay window with tasseled cords, fleur-de-lis-patterned shades covering the panes of glass. Haven
  • Allie wound a string around a black bead and glanced at the child decorating her removed armlets with tassels and a tan fringe.
  • All my heart, all my affection, all my admiration, went out spontaneously to this frisky little forked black thing, this compact and compressed incarnation of energy and force and promptness and celerity and confidence, this smart, smily, engaging, shiney-eyed little devil, feruled on his upper end by a gleaming fire-coal of a fez with a red-hot tassel dangling from it. Following the Equator, Part 5
  • We carry a vast collection of tassels, curtain tie-back tassel, beaded fringe, bullion fringe, chainette fringe, tassel fringe, chair tie tassels, jacquard ribbon, lace, beaded appliqués and many more at the best possible prices.
  • The cute tasseled loafers are from her mother.
  • She accessorized with a scarf and tasseled loafers. Princess Letizia Wears Elbow Patches & Loafers (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • On the Hot Creek, White Pine, and Golden Gate ranges we find a still hardier and more picturesque species, called the foxtail pine, from its long dense leaf-tassels. Steep Trails
  • Fresh pollen was collected from anthers on plants by gently tapping the stems of plants while holding a collecting tray below the tassels.
  • Plant height and leaf numbers of maize plants were measured at the tasselling stage.
  • Shifting his attention to his blanket, he unbraids a single tassel, then rebraids.
  • Thus shut in, its hatchways looked like the entrance to deep vaults or mines; especially as her men were wheeling out of her hold some kind of ore, which might have been gold ore, so scrupulous were they in evening the bushel measures, in which they transferred it to the quay; and so particular was the captain, a dark-skinned whiskerando, in a Maltese cap and tassel, in standing over the sailors, with his pencil and memorandum-book in hand. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • It had curtains of velvety maroon, which were tied back with gold tassels.
  • It is a close-fitting red felt hat with a flattened top and a tassel worn to the side.
  • My gown had three velvet stripes on each flowing sleeve and my tassel was gold.
  • Soon we were above ground in a silvery twelve-seater custom van, my seatmate fiddling with a loaded ashtray, fine gray dust sprinkling his shiny black tasseled loafers.
  • She wore a bright red dress that fell to her knees in length, with black petticoats adorned with gold colored tassels.
  • Also counted was the number of tassel branches of each plant, including the main spike.
  • As corn plants mature, seed companies hire crews of mostly students at about $8 an hour to remove the tops—called the tassel. Midwest Teenage Rite Ends in Tragedy
  • She rode her bike closer to him, clutching the white handles with the decorative purple and pink tassels hanging from it.
  • Tom, who stood by her, idly spinning the curtain tassel, followed the familiar figure with his eye, and seeing how gray the hair had grown, how careworn the florid face, and how like a weary old man his once strong, handsome father walked, he was smitten by a new pang of self-reproach, and with his usual impetuosity set about repairing the omission as soon as he discovered it. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • English sole, sauce tartare; spaghetti or ravioli; escallop of veal, caper sauce; French peas with butter; roast chicken with chiffon salad; ice cream or fried cream; assorted fruits and cakes; demi tasse. Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.
  • So we met to do him honor; worshipper and eager fawner begged a tassel of his whiskers, or his autograph in ink; never was there so much sighin 'round a pallid human lion, as he stood his lines explaining, taking out the hitch and kink! Rippling Rhymes
  • A bed at one corner, with coarse curtains tacked up at the feet to the ceiling; because the curtain-rings were broken off; but a coverlid upon it with a cleanish look, though plaguily in tatters, and the corners tied up in tassels, that the rents in it might go no farther. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The surrounding ottomans are covered in deep-maroon silk and fringed with gold-dyed tassels.
  • New to Scotland, the classes are being booked up by people who have grown tired of the treadmill and are taking up tassels instead.
  • Pliny, in his third book, says that from time immemorial the people of the southern coasts of Spain believed that the sea had forced a passage between Calpe and Abila: “Indigenæ columnas Herculis vocant, creduntque per fossas exclusa antea admisisse maria, et rerum naturæ mutasse faciem.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The New Testament records that observant Judeans wore decorations called tassels on their garments.
  • A second, smaller robe, also with tassels, is carried rolled up in a reed scroll called a ‘suitcase’ in English.
  • Her secrets: old feather fans, tasselled dancecards, powdered with musk, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer.
  • The second phase of Stewart's Wilt occurs after tasseling.
  • The mozzetta of the canons of Klosterneuburg is usually decorated at the neck with violet tassels and cords.
  • Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth with embroidery and the addition of fringes, tassels, and pompoms.
  • It seems to me that then, a tasselled loafer would be just the thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • At all events the tassel was a warning, a terror, and a hope. Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood
  • We have a video of me standing silently on stage, my mortarboard crooked, the tassel hanging in my face, my eyes like those of a deer caught in headlights. Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
  • More information at photography Fab.collection Above, a red nubuck bag by Fabienne Chapot at the Tassenmuseum in Amsterdam. What's on around Europe
  • When I was young I'd redip them all the time, twirl one then the other, put fire on my arms, and I'd cross my arms and set the burning tassels on my arms. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The harsh wooden surfaces of Jacobean England were embellished with elaborate gimps, galloons, fringes and tassels.
  • He saw us approach, and greeted us with a whinny and a gesture of his long tasselled tail.
  • That her present lover was not a man to be trifled with, she clearly saw; and bitterly resolved that when he returned to her, she would run no risk of again ruffling the plumes of her "tasselled gentle". Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • Guests are offered an elaborate tray of hors d' oeuvres from which they may help themselves; then the meal begins; a demitasse of soup, a first course, and so on until dessert when a Dalmatian spotted ‘doggie’ bag of sweets is delivered.
  • The floor with tassels of fir was besprent, filling the room with their fragrant scent.
  • Fresh pollen was collected from anthers on plants by gently tapping the stems of plants while holding a collecting tray below the tassels.
  • Whether you prefer simple chasubles and stoles, chasubles with galloons, overlay stoles with symbols, embroidery, tassels - Glory and Praise Vestments can accommodate your style.
  • The men wore loose tunics and breeches, both in lovely colours, and wide tasselled sashes and embroidered vests.
  • Beyond those, a pair of tasseled loafers were getting soaked as their owner walked. Choker
  • In the maize tassel, gibberellin concentration is 100-fold lower than in the developing ears.
  • The tassels or fringes of thread on the corners of a garment, especially a prayer shawl, worn by men as prescribed by ritual law.

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