How To Use Tartar In A Sentence

  • I tried both the delicate, unsalty gravadlax and a tartare served with the roe and a very lemony asparagus salad.
  • Tartaric acid is what gives balance to sugars in white wines and tannins in reds.
  • The 'light' canapés include a crab salad, rose veal tartare and partridge escabeche. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moroccan lamb meatballs, halibut and shrimp cakes with romesco, brioche panini with fontina and truffle oil, roasted pepper and Serrano ham, fried risotto balls, tuna tartare with chermoula on toast, fried polenta with mushroom duxelle. Three Stages of Amazement
  • The pulp of Baobab fruits has a taste like the cream of tartar and is used to treat fever, dysentery and stomach ailments in some parts of Asia.
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  • By toadying to the royal family of Crim Tartary, she was lady-in-waiting to the young Princess Angelica.
  • Cham of Tartary themselves, contended to load me with gifts — doth he think I am to abide in this old castle like a bullfinch in a cage, fain to sing as oft as he chooses to whistle, and all for seed and water? Quentin Durward
  • Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar and salt into a bowl.
  • In addition to its many uses in cooking, cream of tartar is one ingredient in an electrochemical method to remove tarnish from silver jewelry and cutlery.
  • Various species of _Lecanora_, particularly _L. tartarea_, known as cudbear, are used in dyeing woollen yarn. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Sanjiang will, on behalf of Liangshan tartary buckwheat, strike to international markets, and embrace a new "firing" era and opportunities for rapid development.
  • When tartar, argol, oxalic acid, lactic acids and other assistants of an organic nature are used, then a different effect is obtained, the bichromate is completely decomposed, and a deposit of chromium oxide formed on the wool. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Quicklime is an alkali that operates in this much like the salt of tartar in the other operation; you must not leave the matrass open, because the force of this water doth consist in a volatile. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • We had cod goujons, which came with tartar sauce, and a slab of flavoursome chicken liver paté with a sweet redcurrant sauce and dainty triangles of toast.
  • Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et � porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, qu� faciunt octo The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • His dramatic vocal colorations leave no one in doubt that as Emperor of the Tartars he can command an army.
  • The content of the original worship of the Tartar was really rich, including nature worship, animal and plant worship, ancestor worship, number worship, Shamanism and other forms of worship.
  • Possible the barnacle, like the barometz of Tartarean lamb, may be a survivor of the day when the animal and vegetable kingdoms had not yet branched off into different directions. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A mild acid (usually citric, but sometimes acetic, boric, lactic or tartaric) is often added to amidol formulae to prevent oxidation, which can cause staining of the print.
  • As far as entrées go, don't miss the salmon tartar.
  • Magorum quæ vocatur Cassan, [Vel Cassibin.] quæ regia ciuitas est et nobilis, nisi quod Tartari eam in magnaparte destruxerunt: haec abundat pane, vino, et alijsbonis multis. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Why do the vast tribes of India, deceived and enslaved by the bonzes, trampled upon by the descendant of a Tartar, bowed down by labor, groaning in misery, assailed by diseases, and a mark for all the scourges and plagues of life, still fondly cling to that life? A Philosophical Dictionary
  • After the tuna tartare, I was presented with aji mackerel sashimi tossed in shiso blossoms.
  • St. Blaise will cure it sooner than tartarized antimony. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • For brunch, try the Cape Cod cakes $11, croquettes of hijiki seaweed, herbs and spices served with a can't-believe-it's-not-mayonnaise-based vegan tartar sauce. Not Just for Vegetarians
  • Great (1462-1505) that Russia, -- now frequently called Muscovy from the fact that it had been reorganized with Moscow as a centre, -- after a terrible struggle, succeeded in freeing itself from the hateful Tartar domination, and began to assume the character of a well-consolidated monarchy. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • Usually acidulation is done with less expensive citric acid, rather than tartaric acid, the acid of wine grapes.
  • The name mammoth, which is probably of Tartar origin, Witsen appears to wish to derive from Behemoth, spoken of in the fortieth chapter of the Book of Job. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • Set some quenelles of steak tartare around the dish and set some mache in the center.
  • Again, there is the "kiang" met with in Ladakh, and the "yo-totze," an inhabitant of Chinese Tartary. Popular Adventure Tales
  • If plaque is not regularly removed the flora evolves, and plaque may calcify, forming calculus (tartar).
  • I helped myself to sachets of ketchup and tartare sauce and tucked into my fish.
  • ** We have found, tliat oxymel qoU cfaiciy baccx juniperi, &c. arc much ftronger diuretics, but much weaker ancihydropics, than cremor tartari. The Monthly Review
  • The tuna tartare is tart yet tame, easily eclipsed by the mixed-seafood seviche sparked with pickled jalapeño or the yellowtail sliced like carpaccio and brushed with just lemon, sea salt, and basil.
  • Dip the fish and chips into the tomato ketchup and tartare sauce as desired.
  • Pastor has now put his own name above the door, while continuing to serve his trademark market-led cooking using lots of familiar, seasonal ingredients jazzed up with discreet fusion, such as the filet de bacalao on ginger-scented Santa Pau beans, and steak tartare pictured. 10 of the best restaurants for new Catalan cuisine
  • This marauder was a Tartar, who had been a soldier and deserted. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • Other compelling dishes were grilled squid and asparagus spears wrapped in bacon, with a salsa tartar sauce, and langoustine on aioli-flavored rice. The Small Plates of Seville
  • The rich Tartars somtimes fur their gowns with pelluce or silke shag, which is exceeding soft, light, and warme. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • In the 14th century, Tartars hurled plague-infected bodies at their enemies.
  • Delights included a kind of caviar martini: oyster "tartare" at the bottom, black jelly of oyster next, haricot cream and a garnish of caviar and gold leaf on top. New York Sun - All Articles
  • Though it is essentially an Aryan language like our own, and contains only a slight intermixture of Tartar words, -- such as bashlyk (a hood), kalpak Russia
  • Tartars be most insolent, and they scorne and set nought by all other noble and ignoble persons whatsoeuer. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Vpon the forenamed plaine there were wont to be great store of villages: but for the most part they were all wasted, in regarde of the fertile pastures, that the Tartars might feede their cattel there. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Trained as a chemist, he first made his living not in wine but in one of its lowlier by-products, tartaric acid, a scummy substance derived from grape skins that could be refined into cream of tartar, which was the active element in baking powder and a useful substance in various other culinary endeavors; you could even clean pots with it. LAST CALL
  • One of these, the "araba," is an heirloom from their old Tartar ancestry, and is only an exaggerated ox-cart with seats, and a scaffolding of poles around it. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • But that the inflammable substance [B] alone is the cause of this action, is plain from this, that, according to the 10th paragraph, not the least trace of sulphur remains over, since, according to my experiments this colourless ley contains only some vitriolated tartar. Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
  • A French journalist warned in 1831 that ‘the barbarians who threaten society are not in the Caucasus or the steppes of Tartary; they are in the faubourgs of our manufacturing towns’.
  • Pasteur grew crystals of a compound including the tartaric acid and noticed that they came in two nonsymmetric forms that were nonetheless mirror images of each other. First Contact
  • Before our starters arrived, we were presented with a few amuse-bouches of melba toast with goats' cheese and red pepper, and salmon tartare tartlets.
  • Between the two, there's a warm goat cheese croquette with beet tartare, oysters Rockefeller, and other seductive offerings.
  • Some think they find them afar off, in Scythia, Tartary, and Russia. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Set some quenelles of steak tartare around the dish and set some mache in the center.
  • The Dromard No.14 is indeed a fine footballer but caught a real tartar in Knockbeg full-back Paddy Kelly, whose tackling, harrying and blocking continuously frustrated the Longford ace.
  • Kistler later prepared aerogels from many other materials, including alumina, tungsten oxide, ferric oxide, tin oxide, nickel tartarate, cellulose, cellulose nitrate, gelatin, agar, egg albumen, and rubber.
  • The astringency of the root of the dock is due to tannic acid, and the acidulousness of the leaves to tartaric acid and the binoxalate of potash. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Quite possibly the "cleanest" dish I've ever had at a fine dining establishment that wasn't a crudo or tartare of some sort. Archive 2009-05-01
  • -- F.O. H.L. L., of N.Y. -- According to Ure, strass is made as follows: 8 ounces of pure rock crystal or flint, in powder, mixed with 4 ounces of salt of tartar, are to be baked and left to cool. Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Pasteur grew crystals of a compound including the tartaric acid and noticed that they came in two nonsymmetric forms that were nonetheless mirror images of each other. First Contact
  • High amounts of malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic and other organic acids combined with the enzymes catalase and peroxidase give honey its renowned antibacterial properties. Dr. Reese Halter: Giving Thanks for Bees
  • Saracens themselves, and Italians, and Russians, were attentive to the multitudes of Mongols and Tartars.
  • This was a romaunt in four cantos upon the already familiar episode of Francesca, that "lily in the mouth of Tartarus. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • The diseases known as tartaric, especially gout and lithiasas, are caused by the deposit of determinate toxins (tartar), are discovered chiefly by the urine test, and are cured by means of alkalies. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Et ego quidem ab vno Fratrum Prædicatorum, videlicet à Fr. Simone de S. Quintino, iam ib illo itinere regresso, gesta Tartarorum accepi, illa duntaxat, quæ superius per diuersa loca iuxta congruentiam temporum huic operi inserui. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • John Wiltshire really caught a tartar in King but still managed to keep him scoreless from play.
  • It is capable of exerting sufficient friction under the brush to ensure pearly whiteness of the teeth without injuring the enamel, whilst the camphor in it tends to destroy the animalcula in the secretions of the mouth, whose skeletons or remains constitute, as we shall presently see, the incrassation popularly called “tartar.” The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • He had already won Lady Spilsbury's heart by recommending to her the _honan tcha_, or Tartar tea, which enables the Tartars to digest raw flesh, and tinges water of a red colour. Tales and Novels — Volume 07
  • He was a native of Kesh, a small town fifty miles south of Samarkand, the capital of Bokhara, which was known as Tartary in those days. Modern India
  • That computers still can't fathom some of the Tartar's famous combinations will come as a relief to many.
  • Cambaleth quæ est ciuitas multum antiqua, et veni ad Catai, et eam ceperunt Tartari: Et iuxta eam ad dimidium miliare aliam ciuitatem fecerunt, quæ vocatur Caido et haec 12. portas habet, et semper inter vnam et aliam sunt duo miliaria, et medium inter illas ciuitates benè inhabitatur, ita quòd faciunt quasi vnam ciuitatem; The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Tartari illum quem equitant vna die, illum non ascendunt in tribus vel in quatuor diebus post hoc. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The following are also well-known salts of tartaric acid: potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt) (KNaC_ {4} H_ {4} O_ {6}), potassium antimonyl tartrate (tartar emetic) (KSbOC_ {4} H_ {4} O_ {6}). An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The tartar sauce had a zippy, homemade taste to it, and both our plates were rounded out well with green salads and ample servings of perfectly nice fries.
  • He was a masterful but a pleasant man, very civil to customers and to his friends generally while they took him the right way; but one who could be a Tartar if he were offended, holding an opinion that his position as landlord of an inn was one requiring masterdom. The American Senator
  • It is often mixed with grain cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
  • The dreadful tale of the Kalmuck Tartars, in 1770, fleeing from their enemies, the Russians, over the desolate steppes of Asia in mid-winter; starting out six hundred thousand strong, men, women, and children, with their flocks and herds, and reaching the confines of History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • This stratagem was employed successfully both by the Tartars against the Genoese in the Crimean War of 1346, and in the Russo-Swedish Wars of 1710.
  • If a person's religious ideas correspond not with your own, love him nevertheless. How different would yours have been, had the chance of birth placed you in Tartary or India! Percy Bysshe Shelley 
  • Thrust it down, below the depths of Tartarus, into the lightless prison of the Titans!
  • When I complain D. points out that she cannot eat pink meat and I can eat well done meat, when I point out that she could eat from the outside of the roast, leaving me the pink inside, her reply is that the meat isn't cooked properly, then I add that she can eat steak tartare, which is completely raw, she adds that doesn't count. Archive 2006-01-01
  • The Tartars used such a method against the Genoese in Crimea in 1346 and the fleeing Genoese tragically spread the black plague from Asia to Europe.
  • My initial patriotic instinct was to order the U.S. beef and ask for it "tartare," just for spite. Archive 2003-02-01
  • Quemiset did not fully reject Hellot's theory of coloration but elaborates it, taking, for example, the role assigned to alum by Hellot and supplementing that with a discussion of the use of vitriolated tartar to dilate the pores of the wool more thoroughly. reference reference Quemiset ultimately rejected that change, having reasoned that, because the tartar had a sharp taste, it would close, rather than open, the pores. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Or without argol or tartar, but I think their use is beneficial. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • I tried both the delicate, unsalty gravadlax and a tartare served with the roe and a very lemony asparagus salad.
  • The tuna tartare with chopped avocado, the clam chowder with smoked bacon and the giant Louisiana prawns were all a hit.
  • Other dye-stuffs, such as fustic, Persian berries and Alizarine yellow, are best dyed on a basic chrome mordant, which is effected when tartar or oxalic acid is the assistant mordant used, or when some other form of chrome compound than bichrome is employed. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Whereupon they highly commend the braue courage of the Almans, hoping as yet to be deliuered out of the bondage of the Tartars, by their meanes. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • One interesting note to Donaldson's work in Eger is that he developed schools specifically for Georgian and Tartar prisoners. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The tataki of tuna with fennel and gingered ponzu was fine, as were the spiced tuna tartare and tuna sashimi rolls.
  • If a person's religious ideas correspond not with your own, love him nevertheless. How different would yours have been, had the chance of birth placed you in Tartary or India! Percy Bysshe Shelley 
  • I ate smoked scallops with cauliflower purée and lobster vinaigrette; halibut with fricassee of oysters and artichoke dumpling; and creme brûlée and strawberry tartare with basil sorbet.
  • We brush, floss, use tartar-fighting rinses, and swish around mouthwash to freshen our breath.
  • We make a real remoulade, we don't serve a bottled tartar sauce, and our own cocktail sauce is made with fresh tomatoes.
  • He had infantry, cavalry, arquebusiers, Cossacks and many Tartars, with heavy artillery, which was shipped down the Volga.
  • It decompofcs vi - triolated tartar, but is itfelf decompofed by barytic lime. The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • We got a lobster salad, yellowtail with jalapeño and smoked-salmon tartare with caviar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The toothbrush is no longer useful because the tartar is closely attached to the teeth.
  • Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar
  • One might as well propose steak tartare for the banquet of the next world congress of vegans.
  • In the Turco-Tartar dialect a heath is called tala or tschol. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • They like this spa-like environment so much, they depurate, or cleanse themselves of contaminants, making them fit for their ultimate dates with drawn butter and tartar sauce. Top Stories
  • Many of the Tartarres when the bodies lie freshe bliedinge on the grounde, laye them downe alonge, and sucke of the bloud a full gloute. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Many forms of baking powder contain sodium bicarbonate combined with cream of tartar. Potiron - French Word-A-Day
  • It completed a circuit of cultural influence by stimulating the further publication of many forms of travel literature, particularly the cosmographies, which invariably included a chapter on the Tartars.
  • None of the experiments cited seemed to me capable of shewing this more clearly than that according to the 10th paragraph, because this residuum, as already mentioned, consists of vitriolated tartar and alkali. Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
  • Some treat it by stippling in acids underneath the gum, thinking thereby to dissolve away not only the tartar, but the necrosed bone. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • Accordingly, the expedition's medical kit contains substances to induce vomiting (ipecac, white vitriol, tartar emetic) and to loosen the bowels (jalap, rhubarb, cream of tartar, Glauber's salts, calomel, magnesia, assafoetida).
  • I also can supply recipes for devilled sardines, eels with tartare sauce, monkey-nut macaroons and what to do with cold pheasant remains.
  • Brooklyn chef Lukas Volger honors chickpea-spinach burgers, tofu-chard burgers, beet "tartare" burgers, Main RSS Feed
  • In a few cases which have come under my observation, I have found this and the senega snakeroot (Polygala senega) convenient and useful prescriptions in this disease; the latter, with tartar emetic solution, to promote expectoration; and the former, with flaxseed tea, as a stimulant diaphoretic, combining them with spirits of turpentine when it has assumed the typhoid form. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • This is the doorway to the afterworld… heaven, hell, paradise, nightmares, Elysian, Tartarus… whatever name you want to grace it with, but it is not as people view it.
  • Fifteen parts of acetate of amyloxide are dissolved with half a part of acetic ether in 100 or 120 parts of alcohol; this is the essence of pear, which, when employed to flavor sugar or syrup, to which a little citric or tartaric acid has been added, affords the flavor of bergamot pears, and a fruity, refreshing taste. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Roll the tartare in the clingfilm away from you into a ballottine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tartars are affildled with ulcers, made by the cold, of the nature of what we call chilblains, but greatly worfe; and m Poland and Lithuania there rei {ns a peculiar difeafc called the plica poknlcaf fo terribly painful and pflfenHve, that fcarce any thing can be thought oi worie. Encyclopædia britannica;
  • Some organic acids form copper salts, which generally are toxic, such as verdigris induced by acetic, lactic or tartaric acids. 1. Technical requirements for Asbestos substitutes
  • I had a sublime salmon tartare with lemon crème fraîche and caviar, and my husband grudgingly let me taste his foie gras/duck parfait / brioche thing.
  • Venison can be simmered in rich stews, flash-fried, smoked for bresaola or eaten raw in tartare. Times, Sunday Times
  • under Genghis Khan Tartary extended as far east as the Pacific Ocean
  • ] [Footnote 46: "Vibrantur bombardarum fulmina, Tartariæ volvuntur nubes, Martem sonant crepitacula, reboant summa montium juga, reboant valles, reboant undæ, claraque Nautarum percellit sydara clamor. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • Tartareus cupiat Phlegethon Stygiaeque paludes! inter liuentis pereat tibi fulgor arenas, nec post ad superos redeat famis aurea puros! Gold
  • I pointed out to him that steak tartare is not a test of a kitchen.
  • The Greeks call it Tartarus, a place even worse than Hades; the Hebrews, Gehenna or Sheol; for Islam it is Jahannam; in China and Japan it is referred to as Di Yu; the Buddhists and Hindus call it Naraka. The Thieves of Darkness
  • Then his army drove the Tartars beyond the Danube.
  • _ -- The liquors from B were found to contain saccharic acid: the acid from C and B contained a dibasic acid which appeared to be tartaric acid. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • These Tartars do not differ much in physiognomy from the Chinese. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • This prevents a buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth.
  • Two of the best appetizers, a seafood salad and a tuna tartare, are enticingly seasoned with sesame seeds and sriracha.
  • Ipecacuanha is the most certain in its effect from five grains to thirty; white vitriol is the most expeditious in its effect, from twenty grains to thirty dissolved in warm water; but emetic tartar, antimonium tartarizatum, from one grain to four to sane people, and from thence to twenty to insane patients, will answer most of the useful purposes of emetics; but nothing equals the digitalis purpurea for the purpose of absorbing water from the cellular membrane in the anasarca pulmonum, or hydrops pectoris. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The Tartars from the north built a city near this location as early as the tenth century.
  • Turanians on the North and East, to the Tungusic, Mongolic, Tartaric, and Finnic tribes. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • ‘hussar’ is Hungarian; ‘caloyer’, Romaic; ‘mammoth’, of some Siberian language; {14} ‘tattoo’, Polynesian; ‘steppe’, Tartarian; ‘sago’, English Past and Present
  • My enfeebled stomach, harrowed and irritated with medicinal compounds, with ipecac, colocynth, tartar-emetic, quinine, and such things, protested against the coarse food. How I Found Livingstone
  • A superficial sore spreads over it, slightly covered by a yellowish, mattery pellicle; and on the teeth, and extending down the gums, there is a deposition of hardened tartarous matter, which is scaled off with a greater or less degree of difficulty. The Dog
  • The vengeful Tartars stage a surprise night raid on Temujin's camp.
  • The Tartar skull shines from under a high taper calpac, the The Purple Cloud
  • Tunc ipse Vut accepta præda Moal et à Tartaris reuersus est. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Crossing the great steppes of eastern "Tartary," "like the rolling sea to look at," Rubruquis at last reached the Mongol headquarters at Prince Henry the Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. With an Account of Geographical Progress Throughout the Middle Ages As the Preparation for His Work.
  • [Page 107] 3 Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China, by M. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Tooth decay, fillings and tartar build-up can also all contribute to discolouration.
  • Capers are used in a number of sauces, for example tartare, rémoulade, and ravigote.
  • The word steppe, or step, is Russian, and not Tartarian. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Tartari in præcincto expeditionis habent singuli duos arcus, cum magna pluralitate teloram: Nam omnes sunt sagittarij ad manum et cum rigida et longa lancea. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Take 450g plain flour, plus extra for dusting; 1tsp bicarb ofsoda; 1 tsp cream of tartar; 2 tsp sea salt; 85g beef dripping or butter (or 6 tbsp olive oil); 225g Berkswell, roughly grated; 300ml sheep's milkyoghurt. Food for Fort: Super-cheesy scones, cooker hoods and foul-tasting garlic
  • If he ate flour in any form or however combined, in the smallest quantity, in two minutes or less he would have painful itching over the whole body, accompanied by severe colic and tormina in the bowels, great sickness in the stomach, and continued vomiting, which he declared was ten times as distressing as the symptoms caused by the ingestion of tartar emetic. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Tartari verò quos equitant die vna, non ascendunt tribus diebus, vel quatuor postea. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • It is a fresh Italian cheese made from cream coagulated by citric or tartaric acid, and therefore a kind of cream cheese.
  • You can drown your food in lashings of malt vinegar or tartar sauce.
  • Turanians on the North and East, to the Tungusic, Mongolic, Tartaric, and Finnic tribes. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • The Chinese and Tartar mandarins who accompanied them hindered them exceedingly; they had orders not to let the Fathers go where they would, ... and would never allow them sufficient time for observation of meridians, the measurement of roads, the variation of the needle (magnetic needle), the rhomb, and the estimation of positions from these elements. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • And, as a matter of fact, the proper maturation of a wine is impossible without a due amount of tartar; besides this, it develops in the wine a well-defined vigour and tonicity, which improves its taste, while it also increases its alimentary qualities. The Art of Living in Australia
  • How different would yours have been had the chance of birth placed you in Tartary or India! Declaration of Rights
  • The traditional comes laced with the exotic — scallop tartare is dressed with yuzu — elevating dishes from sensational to the sublime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tartare is another example of the way a classic French bistro dish has been adapted to new-age cuisine. Daily News & Analysis
  • Between the two, there's a warm goat cheese croquette with beet tartare, oysters Rockefeller, and other seductive offerings.
  • The relations of the missionaries, who visited Tartary in the thirteenth century, (see the seventh volume of the Histoire des Voyages,) express the popular language and opinions; Zingis is styled the son of God, &c. &c.] [Footnote 8: Nec templum apud eos visitur, aut delubrum, ne tugurium quidem culmo tectum cerni usquam potest; sed gladius Barbarico ritu humi figitur nudus, eumque ut Martem regionum quas circumcircant praesulem verecundius colunt. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
  • Not a bad portioned burger but they forgot the tartar sauce and lemon and it was slightly fishy. Crain’s Says Comfort Diner is Gone For Good | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • The Tartars catapulted bodies infected with plague into Kaffa in the Crimea in 1346 at the end of a three year siege
  • The reviewer parts company with Malia's view of Russia under communism as a kind of second Red tartar yoke.
  • Alumina is applied either in the form of alum or of sulphate of alumina, argol or tartar being used as the assistant, oxide of alumina being deposited on the fibre. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et à porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, quæ faciunt octo The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He fought against the Poles and the Turks and the Tartars, returning to Scotland in 1666.
  • Slabs of cod are battered and cooked until they take on a golden hue, then served with a lemon wedge and creamy tartar sauce.
  • Certaine of the Tartarres, professing the name of Christe, yet farre from his righteousnes: when their parentes waxe aged, to haste their death, crame them with gobins of fatte. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The terrors and horrors of Cocytus and Styx, ghosts and sapless shades, and the rest of their Tartarean nomenclature, must vanish. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • N. Post annos Christi 1100. illa prima Tartaria (de qua supr� scripsi in prima parte, capitulo quinto) fuit nimis oppressa seruitute sub Regibus circumiacentium sibi nationum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The mountainous Mongun Taiga, Tsagan Shuvuut and Turgen Uul are strictly protected areas, being the habitat of the snow leopard Uncia uncia (EN) at the northern margin of its Mongolian range; also of Tartarian roedeer Capreolus pygargus, Altai argali Ovis ammon (VU), the world's largest sheep, and Altai marmot Marmota baibacina (EN). Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • We called it right here last week when we said Sligo had drawn a real tartar in Donegal, and so it transpired at Ballybofey on Sunday.
  • Lituania, and are farre more ciuill than the rest of the Tartars, of a comely person, and of a stately behauiour, as applying themselues to the fashion of the Polonian. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • In 1687 and 1698, he launched two disastrous campaigns against the Crimean Tartars.
  • It is often mixed with cream of tartar , a fine powder commonly used in cooking.
  • We went to dinner a few more times, always at places that served steak tartare.
  • Tuna tartare, served in hollowed-out lemons, is vitalized with an unexpected foursome of currants, pine nuts, fava beans, and sun-dried tomatoes.
  • The nationalities including Uighur, Kazak , Hui, Kyrgyz , Tajik, Tartar all believe in Islam almost.
  • I also can supply recipes for devilled sardines, eels with tartare sauce, monkey-nut macaroons and what to do with cold pheasant remains.
  • After the invasion of Tartars and the Fall of Baghdad, the centre of calligraphy moved over to Iran where it is still alive with all its beauty and delicacy.
  • Once this has happened, Quemiset continued, it becomes appropriate to introduce the vitriolated tartar. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • [85] Their encounter was varied, and balanced by the contrast of arms and discipline; of the direct charge, and wheeling evolutions; of the couched lance, and the brandished javelin; of a weighty broadsword, and a crooked sabre; of cumbrous armor, and thin flowing robes; and of the long Tartar bow, and the arbalist or crossbow, a deadly weapon, yet unknown to the Orientals. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • When plaque is allowed to remain on the teeth for too long, it collects close to the gums and turns into a hard substance called tartar.
  • What he dined on was hard to say: a chocolate-covered row of scallops, perhaps, or tuna tartare topped with a tuile of crispy green-tea jelly.
  • Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare. Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
  • The ratio stays same as cream of tartar calls for the recipe.
  • The tuna tartare was mixed in a light cream sauce, and served with a mound of black caviar.
  • In inflammatory fevers with great arterial action, as the stomach is not always affected with torpor, and as there is a direct sympathy between the stomach and heart, some people have believed, that nauseating doses of some emetic drug, as of antimonium tartarizatum, have been administered with advantage, abating by direct sympathy the actions of the heart. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • It is probable, that when mild emetics are given, as ipecacuanha, or antimonium tartarizatum, or infusion of chamomile, they are rejected by an inverted motion of the stomach and oesophagus in consequence of disagreeable sensation, as dust is excluded from the eye; and these actions having by previous habit been found effectual, and that hence there is no exhaustion of the sensorial power of irritation. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Position and climate create habits; and, since the country is called Tartary, I shall call them Tartar habits, and the populations which have inhabited it and exhibited them, Tartars, for convenience-sake, whatever be their family descent. Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
  • I helped myself to sachets of ketchup and tartare sauce and tucked into my fish.
  • Perhaps it was because he wished it to be known that he considered himself the equal of any Tartar ruler; perhaps because he desired to have a title superior to that of the nobles who descended from former grand dukes, and who inherited the rank without the power; at any rate Ivan IV was crowned as the first Czar. The Story of Russia
  • Spoon a portion of red curry vinaigrette around the steak tartare.
  • Lozenges, particularly those into the composition of which substances enter that are not soluble in water, as ginger, cremor tartar, magnesia, A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
  • What Pasteur correctly made of this is that the molecules of tartaric acid could exist in either a “right-handed” or “left-handed” form, rather like left- and right-handed gloves. First Contact
  • She found a tube of Crest Tartar Control squeezed up from the bottom and a column of neatly capped deodorant. NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE
  • The eluate is treated with tartaric acid to form the acid tartrate of d-lysergic acid N,N-diethyl amide which is isolated. L.S.D., R.I.P.
  • He, an old Regular, despite the iron discipline so candidly hated, was withall a staunch supporter of fair play for the ranker, a tartar on parade, and feared more by the junior N. C.O.'s than the very inhabitor of lower regions. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Malagasy · Okraina: faha-65 taonan'ny famindràna faobe ireo Tartares avy any Crimea Global Voices in English » Ukraine: 65th Anniversary of the Crimean Tatar Deportations
  • In the mid-nineteenth century, the renowned microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur took on one of the puzzles of the day: why a solution with tartaric acid derived from living things in this case, the discarded yeast remains of the winemaking process behaved differently from a solution with the same tartaric acid that had been made synthetically. First Contact
  • The inside was tasty, fluffy and tender, and barely required the creamy tartar sauce that came with them.
  • English sole, sauce tartare; spaghetti or ravioli; escallop of veal, caper sauce; French peas with butter; roast chicken with chiffon salad; ice cream or fried cream; assorted fruits and cakes; demi tasse. Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.
  • Louis Pasteur performed the first enantiomeric resolution in 1848 while studying crystals of a salt of racemic tartaric acid.
  • In the 14th century during a siege of Kaffa, which is now the Ukraine, the Tartars catapulted bodies infected with the plague over the town walls.

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