

  1. according to legend, the seventh and last Etruscan king of Rome who was expelled for his cruelty (reigned from 534 to 510 BC)

How To Use Tarquin In A Sentence

  • None had fairly begun to emerge from gentilism; none had advanced so far as the Greeks of the first Olympiad or the Romans under the rule of the Tarquins. The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest
  • First, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, will celebrate Pontifical Mass and ordain five priests for the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) in the church of St. Francis in Tarquinia (a small town in Latium) on the Feast of the Annunciation (25 March 2009) at 10 a.m. Three Important Upcoming Masses in the Usus Antiquior
  • Little Hammer, you see how he hide his head: not because he kill the Tarquin, that Brigley, but because he is a poor 'vaurien' now, and he once was happy and had a wife .... The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • Ovid, the elegiac poet who was a contemporary of Livy, quotes her as saying to Tarquinius, ‘Why, victor, do you rejoice?’
  • Tarquin is in the corridor calling on his mobile phone.
  • In the hills near Rome in 70 BC, Tarquinius, a slave proud of his Etruscan heritage and trained as the last Etruscan haruspex soothsayer, leaves the estate when his mentor is killed on the orders of a Roman noble. Archive 2009-08-01
  • If it so wer, that Lucius Brutus, that noble and famous manne were on liue, and before your presence: would he not vse this oracion: I Brutus, somtyme did banishe and cast out for crueltee, the state and office of kinges, by the horrible fact of Tarquinius, againste Lucretia, and all that name bani - shed, but you haue brought in tyrauntes. A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike because all other partes of Rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an Oracion vpon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde
  • It was from the circumstance of the curiæ having persisted under the kings until the time of Servius, and the reign of the later Tarquin not being deemed legal, that the royal laws were generally distinguished by the name of leges curiatæ. The Social Contract
  • Tarquinii, the stone being of the colour of peperino. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Do you know how pissed off the Aussie and Kiwi Coast Guard services get at the repeated trouble and expense of having to rescue some no-mates Tarquin from Havant who gets himself into trouble in the Southern Ocean? Touching Duh Void
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