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[ US /tɑɹɑnˈtinoʊ/ ]
  1. United States filmmaker (born in 1963)

How To Use Tarantino In A Sentence

  • Punch "has a good chance of being PG-13", says Snyder #SDCC cinematical: RT @cinematical: OMG Sucker Punch is Tarantino meets Final Fantasy meets your most erotic fetish dream. Cinematical
  • When the movie came out the critics went wild, hailing Tarantino as the golden boy of the 1990s.
  • Con i milioni di drive-in theatre girati nel mondo, un genio come Tarantino sceglie un piece for one person movie per farne un remake ... e sceglie il mio! Archive 2009-11-01
  • The blurb says that this is Tarantino's greatest movie.
  • Making an abhorrently violent film anti-violent screed at 24 frames per second is no small trick, and Professor Thurman assured me that the ready supply of filmic blood in "Kill Bill" and the other titanic Tarantino movies means the violence is shown as violence and hence abhorrent -- in contrast to fakey-bakey movies that show death without the red stuff. Michael Conniff: CON GAMES: Violence On The QT With Quentin Tarantino
  • Exotic camera angles, extreme lighting on the contours of faces, ultra close-ups of clotted cream, and Waltz exclaiming ‘Bingo” combine to produce a perpetual string of edgy, 'compellingly' watchable vignettes – This is Tarantino’s best yet. Edge, Contrast: Inglourious Basterds is the best yet
  • In Tarantino's Kill Bill, genres are mashed, smashed, and encouraged to fornicate in order to form whole new subgenres - it's a blend of action movie, anime, horror, graphic novel, cheesy samurai movie and Chinese shadow puppetry (i.e. the scene where Uma Thurman fights the bad guys/girls behind a screen in silhouette.) MIND MELD: The Best Genre Crossovers
  • Chiba is a Tarantino favorite, and it makes perfect sense that this is the sort of homage he would throw in to one of his most important movies as a nice touch. Jules Winnfield's Ezekiel Reference Explained
  • But here, the dialogue is all building up tension to the violent release, which is what Tarantino does best. WATCHING: Inglorious Bazz-turds
  • It was the fact that Tarantino's sword-wielding warriors and their nemeses were women.
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