How To Use Tapped In A Sentence

  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • She tapped her umbrella on the setts, calling haughtily for way, and way miraculously appeared. At Swim, Two Boys
  • When Schmidt tapped the chauffeur's arm, the man pressed a button that raised a glass panel at his back.
  • He was convinced his phone was being tapped.
  • The divided and conquered nature of the country has made it easy for oil to be tapped without raising the ire of countries worldwide.
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  • Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s. Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
  • My finger tapped the ‘J’ key over and over, but not hard enough to make a letter appear on the screen.
  • She tapped the lid into place.
  • The point is we felt that all agencies had a fair opportunity to sell the property, that we tapped a wide spectrum of potential buyers, and came out of the deal satisfied with the overall marketing effort.
  • She gathered her courage and tapped at the frame of the screen door.
  • Using these search engines is an untapped resource that should not be overlooked.
  • He tapped a spot on the map with the rubber tip of his pointer - the synthetic oil refinery at Odertal, Germany.
  • I tapped ashes from my cigarette into an ashtray on the floor and decided to take her up on the offer.
  • Wiretapped recordings obtained pursuant to Title III are ordinarily exempt from disclosure under Exemption 3.
  • Despite Cairn's mixed results, the Arctic waters off the coast of Greenland remain enticing for oil companies, where experts estimate that 4. 1bn barrels of untapped crude lies. Cairn Energy fails to find enough oil off the coast of Greenland
  • But with extensive prior experience in camping, she was tapped to assist with the development of this new program.
  • Keen to dampen down any rumours and to reassure staff that all's well, he tapped out a hastily written memo to his staff using his Blackberry.
  • He tapped me on the forehead, smacked my butt, and even stuck his finger in my ear.
  • ‘Born-on’ dates on kegs will be logged when beer is delivered and again when tapped.
  • You are ready and able to recognise your untapped potential and devise a step-by-step plan to use it. The Sun
  • His characters were cads, letches, and leering louses, but they effectively tapped a bit of that inappropriate urge in us all.
  • A fourth scale tapped use of specialized resources: archives, special collections, microforms, and CD-ROM databases.
  • Clean drinking water for millions, waiting to be tapped from the polar ice. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Interview: Karen Dionne, part 1
  • The leader rapidly tapped in the combination that opened the door and switched off the alarms.
  • We must make use of our untapped reservoirs of talent.
  • The water needed to be tapped from a reliable spring four miles away raising the cost of the scheme to £3,000 - to be paid by the householders.
  • Highlights -- Epstein agrees ads will never "bankroll" console game development, but believes the potential in online gaming is just beginning to be tapped. Archive 2008-02-01
  • He walked over to me, took off my glasses and gently tapped my forehead just above the bridge of my nose.
  • Fresh water was piped in from the lake behind the settlement and could be tapped into with relative ease, giving Mac the unlimited fresh water that had always been his dream.
  • He tapped the enter key and the screen popped up.
  • The writer tapped into a rich vein of humour in the play.
  • He checked the tank she had set out for him, tested the regulator, then tapped on the pressure gauge.
  • Meanwhile, his foot tapped, his eyes closed tight, and his thick cheeks ballooned with air to refill the bladder.
  • Their friends had shown that there was a well of goodwill out there towards the soldiers that was at yet untapped. Times, Sunday Times
  • So when Mark Hensby tapped in his par putt on the second playoff hole to clinch his victory at the Deere, he also earned a spot at Royal Troon.
  • Sammy tapped her thumb furiously on the kick button, blocked Jack's move, and sent the character spiraling into the air.
  • It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan.
  • To the back of Adian lay a bar, with flasks and wooden kegs that were tapped for liquid stacked in every available place.
  • The commandant tapped his heart, looked once more at the old pontooner, mounted his horse again, and went his way side by side with Benassis. The Country Doctor
  • Talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey showed up for court duty in Chicago today and was tapped to sit on a jury in a murder case.
  • I tapped my mechanical pencil against my desk and sighed deeply, glancing at the clock from the corner of my eye.
  • The Sincan High Criminal Court has revoked the "nonsuit" decision of the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on the criminal complaint about the phones of Ömer Faruk Eminağaoğlu being tapped. Hurriyet Dailynews
  • The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. Oh, Good « Gerry Canavan
  • This implies that the potential of this untapped resource has yet to be fully realised.
  • Namibia is a country full of resources and untapped human potential.
  • Your nose is blocked by sudden untapped reserves of mucus, so it's lucky you keep a box of paper tissues beside your bed.
  • This facility will be demonstrating how the research and skills base of the city's university can be tapped to produce real business returns.
  • BRAND: I think you would want to press the procedures that were used, see whether the wiretaps have been legitimately authorized, whether all the material that was wiretapped, including some things that we lawyers call exculpatory -- that is, things that tend to prove your innocence -- are not on the tapes or that should be on the tapes and available to you. CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2008
  • I tapped him on the shoulder and, using my best traveller-sign-language, indicated that he had dropped them.
  • Coming from the Independent Womens Forum, she was tapped by Ashcroft to Chair Commission on Violence Against Women - and spent her entire tenure fighting enforcement of Clinton sponsored Anti Domestic Violence legist - ya know, the one that reduced Domestic Violence by almost 30% it's first 2 years - Despite "Suspension" Of Campaign, Two McCain Advisers Attacked Obama Today
  • In his 15 years in power, he often said he believed the mountains of Namibia were full of mineral wealth which had yet to be tapped.
  • The machine-rolled product tapped into pro football fans as the brand they can trade up to from mass market stogies or down to when they do not have the inclination to buy a $5 smoke.
  • The treatment is necessarily operative; cystic tumours may be tapped and injected with iodine, but the more satisfactory procedure, both with the solid and cystic forms, is to incise freely the overlying thyreoid tissue and enucleate the tumour. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Daniel walked up to a large grapefruit tree and lightly tapped his foot on the ground.
  • You'll discover all your untapped potential and get the chance to use it. The Sun
  • She absently tapped her artistry pencil on the sketch paper as she stared out onto the whitened garden with unseeing eyes.
  • They tapped her for a reportorial assignment.
  • Carpenter has tapped one of his officers who previously expressed an interest in computer sleuthing to specialize in cyber crimes.
  • Niebeldingk tapped the youth's shoulder calmingly. The Indian Lily and Other Stories
  • At a time when most Christian music was staid and churchly, they started a Christian rock band that soon was being tapped for a national record deal.
  • Make wise and judicious use of resources, without waste, but use them; do not allow them to languish untapped.
  • He chewed his lip and tapped another gasper on his thumbnail, looking keen. Watershed
  • The new Classic features the AccuTrigger, a hinged floor plate with a straight-line feed, a high-luster blued-barreled action (no sights, drilled and tapped for scopes), a satin lacquer American walnut stock and a Monte Carlo comb and cheekpiece. Rifle Roundup: 27 New Guns for 2006
  • Iraq has vast and untapped mineral deposits located throughout its various provinces and regions, offering unrivalled opportunities for the extraction of key minerals such as sulphur, phosphorate, salt, gypsum, limestone and ironstone, as well as range of metallic minerals. Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • The drilled and tapped receiver, hinged floorplate, trigger guard, and magazine follower are all made from milled steel. Has anyone heard of a J C Higgins model 50 chambered in 270. It was my dads gun and he gave it to me and was just wondering.
  • But an even higher profile role came in 1987, when Ronald Reagan tapped him to be chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  • Also, the region is an immense source of oil and underground water that has yet to be tapped for usage.
  • The Fool represents the untapped potential in all of us.
  • She was barely a blip on the political scene when McCain tapped her for the '08 campaign, and now she has dumped all her political life for book tours and interviews on Oprah. Christie, McDonnell explain Palin's absence from campaign trail
  • His hand was hard around her waist; his boots tapped out an intricate rhythm like a drum.
  • Elsewhere, railway lines tapped more effectively crops which had formerly been transported on water, by animals, or by porters.
  • She tapped her perfectly manicured fingernails on the granite tabletop impatiently.
  • There is a rich vein of literary talent here just waiting to be tapped by publishers.
  • He tapped Brett on the shoulder and socked one to him straight.
  • If not, however, he's definitely tapped into powers that have been long dormant in design.
  • The T3's receiver is also drilled and tapped to accept other popular bases and rings.
  • When the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped, it is done.
  • His feet were unshackled, however, and tapped anxiously on the floor.
  • At particular risk are aquifers, underground repositories of water that are tapped by wells for agricultural irrigation and drinking water.
  • He believes he once tapped a vein of inspired eloquence at a state conference of mayors and shire council presidents in Dubbo.
  • A barking mad pooch has tapped into fame with his ability to turn on the waterworks.
  • After a brief fight with the childproof cap, I tapped two red and yellow capsules out into my palm and dry-swallowed them. Crossed
  • He tapped lightly under the collar-bones, and then bent forward with his biaural stethoscope in either ear. Round the Red Lamp
  • I think those who dance round the moon to Wiccan goddesses have tapped a profound and liberating tradition.
  • The right pleural effusion was tapped, and it was demonstrated to be a transudate by chemistry.
  • The associate membership status has opened the door to a new and untapped market.
  • When the creature I now watched hovered before the blossom of a convolvulus whose calyx it tapped with a tongue shaped like a glass probe, it was almost invisible. Commonplace
  • I leaned over and tapped Alyssa on the shoulder, and signaled her to follow me by motioning my head in that direction.
  • When the old man returned from the toilet, he tapped Bedford on the shoulder and gestured for him to stand.
  • The boss tapped his pencil on the desk.
  • The Lord Chief Justice cleared his throat and tapped gently with his eyeglasses upon the vivid sleeve of his robe. Flowers for the Judge
  • I clattered and tapped endlessly in my hornpipe shoes on the red-tile floor in the kitchen, and anywhere there was a wood or flag floor.
  • Tolkien tapped into his vast wealth of knowledge concerning mythologies to recast the Christian Mythos in terms non-believers can understand.
  • The typical Beret statement is playfully provocative, experimental yet mining many of the same humorous and satirical veins tapped by Dada and Fluxus antiart. Chicago Reader
  • She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring.
  • CASE IN POINT Obama tapped VP Joe Biden to "allocate" the stimulus $$trillions. Latest Articles
  • Lincoln tapped her feet and rubbed a handful of nibbled fingernails up and down her jacket as if fastening and unfastening a zip.
  • After a moment, Henry tapped the man on his epaulet-clad shoulder and relieved him of his beautiful burden.
  • The mayor was taken on a site tour of the operation, by the Brewing Director, where he saw the art of brewing and even tapped bungs into shives.
  • The guys tapped on their heels, balanced precariously and even attempted a few body flips.
  • I think my phone is being tapped.
  • The keg will be tapped at 6 PM with wine, other beverages and snacks provided.
  • Henry Hyde, R-Ill., a longtime abortion opponent tapped by Dole to chair the committee crafting the official party platform.
  • Both sides then added penalties before Newbridge forced their way over for a try following a tapped penalty.
  • To his surprise, Alexander recalled, Baker won and tapped him to go to Washington to work as his legislative assistant.
  • He tapped his foot and nodded his head in time to the beat of the drums.
  • We've already tapped a long-term credit line with our bank, and I don't want to exchange equity for cash.
  • Many parts of the world have available brackish water resources that could be tapped and purified to augment limited freshwater supplies, but traditional desalination processes such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis consume significant amounts of energy. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • He reached out and tapped my nose with his finger in a loving way.
  • She tapped on the world map with her pointer.
  • A rubber tree can be tapped regularly throughout the year and the tree remains productive for 30 to 40 years.
  • Is there any resource that we have left untapped?
  • His eyes were riveted to the overhead screen while the heel of his right foot tapped nervously on the floor.
  • But officials said that she referred to illicit activity in wiretapped phone conversations. The Sun
  • The official suspected that his phone was being tapped.
  • I was tapped by Charlie Mitten at Newcastle United and in those days you had to put in a transfer request.
  • The heat can be tapped to provide hot water for laundry, kitchen or cleaning services.
  • Ralph tapped me on the shoulder.
  • The flats on the front receiver ring and rear bridge are both dovetailed for Legacy's factory rings as well as being drilled and tapped for a variety of base and ring configurations.
  • She tapped on tabletops and trod the backs of shirtless he-men, hoofing it up with Ginger Rogers and Bob Fosse.
  • We had a 90-year-old neighbor whose six ‘kids’ would travel from all over the eastern U.S. to be there the day he tapped his first tree of the season.
  • Celly swallowed the bitter dregs of her coffee and tapped the phone against her thigh.
  • If you arrive when the cask is tapped, you'll get to see the cellarman (or "landlord" or "publican", etc.) tap the cask. Long Island Beer Events
  • She tapped the shoulder of the person in front of her, asking for passage forward.
  • Indeed, what struck her was the untapped potential of the magazine, which is why she accepted the editorship.
  • He had just denied his investigators illegally wiretapped journalists covering the story. The Sun
  • Local bars in some towns and villages will also sell poyo the sweet, lightly fermented palm wine tapped from the high tops of palm trees.
  • Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.
  • Part of Flying Lotus's Brainfeeder collective, Bruder has tapped into the vein established by Lotus's Cosmogramma LP of last year; a continuum where breakbeats and solo extemporisation are paired with abstract sounds, and use of the word "astrality" is encouraged. Thundercat: The Golden Age of Apocalypse – review
  • Behind the uncertainty of the future of the British Grand Prix is motor racing's desire to exploit untapped markets, notably in China.
  • He spied a wealthily dressed man in the crowd and tapped on his son's shoulder.
  • She tapped the Company to provide the finger foods and yummy sweets for the gathering.
  • From what sources I read, the focus on policy issues has shrunk to accommodate this untapped rage and not-so-latent racism and sexism boiling in the conservative media outlets, which finds its voice in Ann Coulter's coprolalia. Coulter Clarifies "Faggot" Remark
  • He did not recommend driving westwardly as it was feared a large volume of water would be tapped.
  • His days as a ‘war correspondent’ come through ‘codes tapped out in the dark’.
  • This "frier," whose shanty leaned against a tumble-down house, and was propped up by heavy joists, green with moss, made a display of boiled mussels lying in large earthenware bowls filled to the brim with clear water; of dishes of little yellow dabs stiffened by too thick a coating of paste; of squares of tripe simmering in a pan; and of grilled herrings, black and charred, and so hard that if you tapped them they sounded like wood. The Fat and the Thin
  • When his party's candidates for president and vice-president die suddenly, Mays is tapped by the party's mucky-mucks to run for president in 2004.
  • CIBC tapped the centuries-old clovered bond market in Europe on Tuesday with a 675-million Swiss franc financing. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I tapped the treads of his sneakers with my foot.
  • In their hands they carried heavy ferruled canes, with which they tapped the pavement in unison as they went; and their boards bore the above legend in front and a further huge poster at the back which read: The Blonde Lady Being a Record of the Duel of Wits between Arsène Lupin and the English Detective
  • He had actually built up the Hendrickton and Pas Alos from a narrow-gauge, "jerkwater" road into a part of a great cross-continent system that tapped a wonderfully rich territory on both sides of the Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive, or, Two Miles a Minute on the Rails
  • A wedge had been tapped into their friendship.
  • untapped reserves of coal
  • I had only just turned my back when she tapped her pen intolerantly on the counter in a sharp, staccato rhythm.
  • Then a crow's-foot, or tripod of iron, tapped and threaded for iron pipe, is screwed to the terminal block. Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine
  • He tapped his pipe out into the fireplace.
  • The following year she was tapped as its commentator/model supervisor.
  • The Cinderella Society is about an outsider who gets tapped to join a secret society of good populars dedicated to defeating the mean girls of the world. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Take 5: Kay Cassidy, author of The Cinderella Society
  • He tapped the pencil tip on the paper. Morse code.
  • They had tapped into Pete's negative emotions and used them to create a rampaging supervillain.
  • Todays aussie emos also prefer Wireless: So learnings in identities, avatars and the like from gaming are key. (btw re global incumbents - a front page on your global property also does not necessarily equal global success: and universities are the untapped angle as well re facebook like preemptive plays) Throw in the best of youtube, livejournal, myspace and u probably still underestimate it. Archive 2006-06-01
  • In third grade, I was tapped for the role of Martha Washington in the school play.
  • Although Chinese companies have expanded aggressively in untapped markets such as Africa, Mr. Alierta's growth ambitions are confined to the markets in which Telef ó nica already operates. Telef
  • The ravers danced, the normals tapped their feet and the rockers looked a little perplexed.
  • Some in the private sector have identified water as the last great untapped natural resource to be exploited for profit.
  • The grill of her car gently tapped his lower half as it finally rolled to a complete stop directly in front of him.
  • The coach said his club had wire-tapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip.
  • Drinking glasses filled to varying levels with water and tapped lightly with a teaspoon or cake fork can produce a beautiful tune.
  • Huge reserves of fossil fuels remain to be even considered, let alone tapped, eg gas hydrates under the oceans.
  • If there is a serious disruption in supply, then those reserves will be tapped.
  • He was tapped up by his mother at 8 o'clock in the morning.
  • When he'd done that he took the cigarette out of his mouth, tapped some ash off and studied the glowing end.
  • Ashwell was comforting, her room was the "homiest" place Judith knew, so she tapped at the door of the pleasant little brown room at the end of the corridor. Judy of York Hill
  • Firstly, the film's hacker-as-hero shtick tapped into the geek chic of the dot-com days, before the bubble burst and sidewalks became littered with chubby, goateed types clutching ‘will program for food’ placards.
  • The workers tapped the rubber trees.
  • I thought I'd remove it and, taking a hammer from the toolshed, lightly tapped the offending projection.
  • Last year, he was tapped by then President-elect Barack Obama to give a prayer at a preinauguration event. Top Stories
  • The untapped East Baghdad oil field, near the capital, has proven reserves of 8 billion barrels, while Kirkuk oil fiel d in the north has 8.9 billion barrels, the minister said. Iraq Proven Oil Reserves Rise Significantly
  • As the Arctic Ocean north becomes less and less icy, commercial fisherman have begun eyeing these vast, untapped waters as an adjunct to the famously rich fishing grounds of the subarctic Bering Sea, west of Alaska. Shifting spring: Arctic plankton blooming up to 50 days earlier now
  • Your thoughts go deep and you realise you have a lot of untapped potential - now you are determined to use it. The Sun
  • Gregory gathered the reins in his hands and tapped his horse's flanks with his heels.
  • And outside of music for clubs, the fusion possibilities of bhangra, dance-hall, drum'n'bass and African pop have barely been tapped by tune-loving songwriters.
  • the untapped stockrooms of our minds
  • Early models were not factory drilled and tapped, but it was a simple matter to do so.
  • At times he half-rose from his chair, and fell vacuously into it again; or he chuckled in the face of weighty, severely-worded instructions; tapped his chest, stretched his arms, yawned, and in short behaved so singularly that Richard observed it, and said: "On my soul, I don't think you know a word I'm saying. Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Volume 4
  • Lightly she tapped on the wooden door to hear the deep boom of her father's voice tell her to enter.
  • On a sunny morning earlier this week, he powwowed with other activists, tapped messages into his Apple iPhone on the status of protest marches, and read over remarks ahead of a news conference. Tibetan Youth Challenge Beijing -- and Dalai Lama
  • Mr. Liu promoted Ricardo Elias Morales , another deputy comptroller, to replace Mr. Eve, and he tapped Valerie Budzik to the title of deputy comptroller/general counsel to fill Mr. Morales's slot. Liu Aide Departs
  • Jen grinned and she tapped her sharp pencil on the piece of paper.
  • To illustrate the point, he tapped the left pectoral region of his chest with four fingers.
  • In addition, it's also drilled and tapped for universal scope mounting blocks.
  • The film also shows how Jessie tapped into the work of other Algonquian languages as well as the Wampanoag corpus in order to reconstruct the grammar and build a dictionary and pedagogical materials for the language. Nataly Kelly: A Language Comes Home for Thanksgiving
  • He was tapped this year as police chief in Miami, which city officials hope to make the headquarters for the FTAA.
  • She raised the baton ; she tapped the music stand twice.
  • The 27. 5-inch, 5. 25-pound CFP is drilled and tapped for optics. New Guns: Six Huntable Handguns for 2006
  • We we just about comin into Pearl Harbor, an after bringin up the lines from the stern holds for tiein up, i stepped into the gally an just tapped a mate on the shoulder, "we made it" i said. Together Through Life
  • A print offshoot is launching soon, and photographer Clayton James Cubitt was tapped to shoot a different kind of ink job for the magazine's premiere issue. Boing Boing: April 4, 2004 - April 10, 2004 Archives
  • The points of my heels tapped softly against the wood floorings, the boards rasping gently with age.
  • The profession is losing tremendous potential and an untapped market.
  • The underserved market of older music fans has been identified like an untapped oil well, but so far no one's tricked it to the surface.
  • Grabbing a robe and a towel, she was heading for the shower when some one tapped quietly at the cabin door.
  • Last week, Philbin was tapped to host ABC's new revival of ‘This is Your Life.’
  • Looking back now, I could have made bogey and still won, but fortunately I had a good tee shot and pitching wedge into the green, and kind of eked my putt up there and tapped it in. rss feed
  • Our trans-Tasman neighbour New Zealand would seem to be a logical and possibly almost untapped market.
  • When paintings are finished, porcelain slip is poured onto bat and tapped gently to remove any air bubbles.
  • If, therefore, the stream is of narrow width, this later boring is scarcely in the position to catch more than the side soakage of the current, and it would seem that the main stream can only be tapped either by another boring further north, or by a lateral shaft from the present bore running northward till it encounters the current. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • He was summoned back to full consciousness, tapped, auscultated and examined. The Indian Lily and Other Stories
  • Mongolia, although poor, has considerable untapped resources of oil and minerals.
  • Her hands slowed down and she tapped her long manicured fingers against the desk, making a click, click sound with every tap.
  • Absentmindedly I tapped my foot and drummed my fingers.

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