How To Use Tapioca In A Sentence

  • It is advisable to have carbohydrates such as maltodextrin or tapioca dextrin rather than refined sugars such as sucrose, corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup. Undefined
  • Tapioca: A superfine grind of the starch from cassava tubers, and is used to thicken puddings, soups and pie fillings as well as functioning as an egg replacer in certain vegan mixtures. Archive 2009-07-01
  • So he walked down the stairs and out onto the driveway and into a humid morning the color and consistency of simmering tapioca. VAPOR TRAIL
  • And here comes the dessert, the spotlight of the day - ice cream of your choice with tapioca in sweet coconut milk sauce.
  • You don't need to know what I think of tapioca, even with vanilla, coconut, and anise.
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  • On the specials menu, you'll encounter colonies of tapioca balls swimming in a milky, curiously refreshing cinnamon liquid, and a less refreshing pineapple granité mixed in a frosty glass with a helping of mung beans.
  • Cereplast Hybrid Resins, like Biopropylene 50, are bio-based, replacing 50% or more of the petroleum content in traditional plastic products with bio-based materials such as starches from corn, tapioca, wheat and potatoes. 22 posts from October 2007
  • Tapioca starch is prepared from fresh tapioca and its dried chips in South China.
  • This paper presents the preparation and properties of granular cold - water - soluble tapioca starch.
  • For the tempura batter, in a medium bowl, combine the flour, tapioca starch, salt, and sugar and stir well to combine.
  • The buffet each day is complete with desserts made of tapioca, pumpkin, coconut, and bananas.
  • Only 12 items, including tapioca starch, frozen shrimp, longan and pineapple, remain to be resolved, ministry officials said.
  • The two varieties of the Cassava afford a very superior fecula, which is imported under the name of Brazilian arrowroot. 8,354 bags of tapioca and farina were imported from Maranham in 1834. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Foods introduced since European contact include tapioca, groundnuts, and a wide array of vegetables and fruits, plus cattle for beef, and deer.
  • Some alternatives which produce results similar to gelatin are agar-agar, carrageenan, tapioca, sago, guar gum, pectin, and rennet.
  • Current crop dried tapioca material, double - skinned, and dried, without moldy, white nature color, without insects.
  • George is now on a special dried food made of oily fish and tapioca, with occasional chicken or turkey as a treat.
  • The wrapper in this case is made primarily from tapioca starch, which imparts a translucent sheen to the roll.
  • Coat the fish with tapioca starch, patting off any excess, place in the fryer, and cook until golden brown, about five minutes.
  • Rice was my favourite, but I didn't object to sago or tapioca, provided there was jam to go with it. MR STARLIGHT
  • The classical example of this is the treatment, before eating, of yams (Dioscorea spp.) and keladis, taros, cocoyams (aroid yams of the genera Colocasia, Xanthosoma, Amorphophallus), tapioca, cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz), and the so-called cabbages of palms. Chapter 19
  • She grates cassava herself to make tapioca, or "gari", that she sells at the markets of her town. Kiva Loans
  • (No defrosting - no tapioca, fruit is still nicely firm and hasn't boiled over.) Peaches!
  • For the tapioca blini: In a bowl, whisk together flour, melted butter, beer and egg whites; season with salt and pepper.
  • But I never had tapioca-coconut-and-winter-fruit parfait there.
  • Prospects for tapioca cultivation and pelletisation in Malaysia. Chapter 11
  • For dessert, buttermilk panna cotta sprinkled with citrus wedges and toasted pine nuts is a far cry from mom's tapioca.
  • To make Biopropylene, Cereplast compounds traditional oil-based polypropylene with bio-based materials such as starches from corn, tapioca, wheat and potatoes. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Niueans cultivate both root crops such as talo, yams, and tapioca, and tree crops such as coconut, breadfruit, papaya, and mango, as well as bananas.
  • The main agricultural products are rice, tapioca, sugar, corn, and fruits.
  • In a bowl, combine tapioca and milk; soak for one hour.
  • Another pantry staple is sabudana or pearl tapioca, used to make delicious khichdi and also to make a sweet kheer. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Other cold-swelling starches in the range are derived from maize and tapioca, which can be declared on labels as 'cornflour' and 'tapioca starch' respectively. FoodNavigator RSS
  • I feel like I am spinning my wheels in tapioca here. Relevant or orthoganal song lyric here
  • The entire concept was dated and had all the punch of a tapioca pudding. BETTER THAN THIS
  • Tapioca flour is used as a thickening agent in foods.
  • Some alternatives which produce results similar to gelatin are agar-agar, carrageenan, tapioca, sago, guar gum, pectin, and rennet.
  • He never told the commissary to make tapioca pudding no matter how often I asked.
  • Fresh cassava and cassava pasteDried casava and cassava flourCooked cassava floursStarch and tapiocaCassava leaves Chapter 4
  • Local people cultivate tapioca, rice and vegetables on the heavily silted riverbed.
  • So, I opted for inexpensive tapioca starch also known as tapioca flour, and agar powder, which is easier to work with than the flakes. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Starting at sunrise, we paddled and poled till noon, when we rested and ate" hardtack, "roast alligator (the remains of the white one), farinha (a kind of tapioca made from arrowroot, and one of the staple foods of Brazil), and molasses. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
  • Black tapioca pearls are made of a mixture of sweet potato flour, tapioca flour and brown sugar, which gives the pearls their distinctive color.
  • Once the tapioca balls are prepared, red tea is brewed.
  • It is also available online from Bob’s Red Mill, where it is called tapioca flour, at Daisy’s Holiday Cooking
  • “Oysters and pearls,” announced the waiter, setting down a tiny portion of Caraquet oysters and tapioca topped with a scoop of sevruga caviar, a Keller signature that elicited sighs of rapture. Two Months of Waiting Yields Five Hours in Foodie Heaven
  • The menu highlights for me were the Keller classic Oysters and Pearls, where the chef makes a impossibly subtle "sabayon" of pearl tapioca and pairs it with Island Creek Oysters from Duxbury, Mass., and caviar. -
  • At breakfast time manioc is eaten in two forms: in a dried powder or in tapioca pancakes.
  • Drain the grenadine chestnuts, reserving the marinade, and toss with half the tapioca flour.
  • Galangal, Thai basil, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, small pearl tapioca, and unsweetened coconut milk are available at Asian markets.
  • Refining alcohol would use tapioca as a raw material and the new industry is expected to lift the price of this agricultural product.
  • I experimented with other stabilizers, including tapioca starch (by itself), carageenan or Irish moss powder, cornstarch, agar (by itself), and low-methoxyl fruit pectin (the kind that uses calcium rather than sugar to jell, like Pomona's Universal Pectin). Archive 2007-02-01
  • Cereplast Cereplast 's compostable resins, made from plant starches derived from corn, tapioca, wheat and potatoes, are meant for single-use disposable food serviceware and packaging. Bioplastics Boom
  • Milk puddings were served most days in the week - rice, tapioca, sago and semolina puddings, junket made with Rennet, and yellow coloured custard made with Edmonds custard powder.
  • Soak a cupful of tapioca over night in a quart of cold water. Miss Parloa's New Cook Book
  • Interesting fact: Cassava roots ground into a flour - like substance which is then used to make tapioca.
  • The menu highlights for me were the Keller classic Oysters and Pearls, where the chef makes an impossibly subtle "sabayon" of pearl tapioca and pairs it with Island Creek Oysters from Duxbury, Massachusetts and caviar. Homepage
  • At the large Chinese village of Rassa, a clever little Sumatra pony met us; and after passing through some roughish clearings, on which tapioca is being planted, we arrived here at 4 P.M., having traveled sixty miles in thirty-three hours. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • And let's face it Michael Buble is unflavoured tapioca, not even a lonely raisin to spice up that mix. Just because ….
  • A basic meal comprises a starch food, preferably soft or hard taro, tapioca, or rice, and a protein food, normally fish.
  • Glenny experimented with substances as varied as tapioca and aluminum hydroxide to boost the effectiveness of diphtheria and tetanus vaccines given to animals.
  • My stand mixer makes a mean meringue, but that eggbeater is perfect for whipping a single egg white to fold into grandma’s favorite tapioca pudding. My first kitchen gadget | Baking Bites
  • Wet rice grows well in the swampy valleys which separate the minor ranges, and dry rice on the rises; while tapioca, tobacco, pepper and gambier thrive on the medium heights. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • In Thailand tapioca is known as sago, which can lead to confusion with true sago starch obtained from the sago palm, Metroxylon sagu. Chapter 11
  • Tapioca is a starch-like substance that is extracted from the root of the cassava plant.
  • I liked the less copious desserts best, like vanilla tapioca pudding, and a fromage blanc bombe served in a cooling consommé of fresh berries.
  • Certainly, fixing the price of a kilo of pineapple or tapioca is something farmers don't trifle with.
  • Then add 2 egg whites and tapioca/corn starch for viscidity within the mixture. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Some alternatives which produce results similar to gelatin are agar-agar, carrageenan, tapioca, sago, guar gum, pectin, and rennet.
  • In fact, tapioca, a substance made from the starch grains in cassava, came mainly from the Far East, and with supply lines disrupted, that presented problems for packaged food. Tastemaker With a Sweet Tooth
  • Sungei Ujong, like the other States of the Peninsula, is almost entirely covered with forests, now being cleared to some extent by tapioca, gambier, and coffee-planters. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • A first-class first-course from Daniel Humm (11 Madison Park) of "wheels" of perfectly poached and lightly pickled beets with chevre frais and caraway and John Besh's extraordinary Redfish Courtbouillon with Gulf Shrimp and Blue Crab Pearls, made from little tapioca orbs soaked in crab liquor (from restaurant August in Louisiana.) Rozanne Gold: Fast Track: Cars and Food
  • Although little used by the natives, tapioca is also abundant here. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • One example is the brand's Egg Replacement, which comes in a box and uses potato starch and tapioca flour as a base.
  • Japanese researchers are finding high concentrations of deadly chemicals clinging to floating, tapioca-size plastic pellets called ‘nurdles’.
  • A basic meal comprises a starch food, preferably soft or hard taro, tapioca, or rice, and a protein food, normally fish.
  • The bubbles in bubble tea are actually oversized tapioca pearls, made from cassava root starch and caramel.
  • I ate three containers of tapioca pudding when I got there just to make sure.
  • The classical example of this is the treatment, before eating, of yams (Dioscorea spp.) and keladis, taros, cocoyams (aroid yams of the genera Colocasia, Xanthosoma, Amorphophallus), tapioca, cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz), and the so-called cabbages of palms. Chapter 19
  • Desserts were generally varieties of pap made from oatmeal, semolina, tapioca, or pudding rice cooked in either milk or buttermilk.
  • Some alternatives which produce results similar to gelatin are agar-agar, carrageenan, tapioca, sago, guar gum, pectin, and rennet.
  • Among the new implements was a tapioca harvester that could be drawn by a tractor, a direct planter for paddy seeds, and a sprayer that could be easily carried and operated by one person.
  • And after the evening meetings delegates enjoyed the traditional tapioca pancakes available from stalls in the town square.
  • Milk puddings were served most days in the week - rice, tapioca, sago and semolina puddings, junket made with Rennet, and yellow coloured custard made with Edmonds custard powder.
  • It is principally from the starch of the bitter cassava that tapioca is prepared by elutriation and granulating on hot plates. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Other produce includes coal, coconuts, sugar cane, pineapples, tobacco, vegetables, sago, tapioca, coffee, tea, maize, and groundnuts.
  • Other produce includes coal, coconuts, sugar cane, pineapples, tobacco, vegetables, sago, tapioca, coffee, tea, maize, and groundnuts.
  • Let's see - from left to right there's passionfruit, black tea and kumquat teas with tapioca pearls.
  • For the tempura batter, in a medium bowl, combine the flour, tapioca starch, salt, and sugar and stir well to combine.
  • One of these methods is to blanket everyone in a paralyzing, gelid mass of sulfonated sugar polymers - like institutional tapioca pudding.
  • In a bowl, combine tapioca and milk; soak for one hour.
  • Another staple of Liberian cuisine is cassava, a tropical plant with starchy roots from which tapioca is obtained.
  • The owner is selling tea and coffee with tapioca balls placed in the bottom of the cup.
  • Tapioca is nutritious and wholesome, and in Kerala is known as the poor man's vegetable.
  • Spam fritters, tapioca and stewed prunes are also on the school's menu.
  • Sabudana" or "Sago", also known as tapioca, is produced from pith of Metroxylon and other palms, looks like semi-white unglazed pearls, and is a major ingredient for meals cooked during times of fasting. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Amber comes over as I'm mixing the filling, this time using tapioca and cider vinegar.
  • Does anyone know if the tapioca is the pudding or the root? Boeuf Bourguignon
  • He never told the commissary to make tapioca pudding no matter how often I asked.
  • Rice was my favourite, but I didn't object to sago or tapioca, provided there was jam to go with it. MR STARLIGHT
  • Soak a cupful of tapioca in a quart of cold water after washing it thoroughly two or three times; after soaking three or four hours, simmer it in a stewpan until it becomes quite clear, stirring often; add the juice of a lemon, and a little of the grated peel, also a pinch of salt. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Mega ass and southwest baptist university mature squelcher hydrolyzable roundheaded patrilineally stunning pics autoerotic modified tapioca big trumpet gay somnific man frontispiece gay astronomical men circadian pissed pinter dolmas the web for biomedical abdominous. Rational Review
  • Darlac Province, about a day's walk from Ban Me Thuot, and were held in cages where they had nothing to eat but boiled manioc (a large starchy root from which tapioca is made). Benge, Michael D.

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