- ribbonlike flatworms that are parasitic in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates
How To Use tapeworm In A Sentence
- Rectally administered tobacco infusions - whether employed against pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, or threadworms - proved an effective vermifuge in sixteenth-century Europe.
- A scolex, or a hold-fast organ, on the anterior end of the tapeworm fastens to the intestinal walls.
- Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms most commonly infect cats.
- The life cycle of the tapeworm can proceed no further.
- Effects of the rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta on the coprophagic activity of its intermediate host, Tribolium confusum. Parasite Rex
- UK - The health of Great Britain's livestock sector will receive a big boost thanks to a grant to fund research into potential new vaccines for parasitic diseases such as roundworm, tapeworm and fluke. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
- The most common helminths are tapeworms and roundworms.
- The gravid segment of the adult tapeworm breaks off and disintegrates in the large bowel, releasing hundreds of infective eggs, which then pass out with the feces.
- Owners need to have their pets microchipped, vaccinated against rabies, blood tested, treated against ticks and tapeworms and issued with a certificate.
- They range in size from single cells, like the malaria parasite, to tapeworms which may reach thirty feet in length and hence are not microscopic at all!