How To Use Tape record In A Sentence
In principle, file-sharing is hardly different from tape-to-tape recordings that we all made when we were kids.
Any rolling part can do it, but the major flutter-maker in your tape recorder is likely to be the capstan.
She waved at Stephen who came over at high speed once he spotted the tape recorder.
The step sought by Virginia, known as certiorari before judgment, is one the court has taken only a handful of times, including its 1974 decision ordering President Richard Nixon to turn over Oval Office tape recordings and its 1952 ruling blocking President Harry S Truman from seizing the nation's steel mills. Chronicle
The teacher donned his cap and sunglasses, turned off the tape recorder, and dropped the gun into the plastic shopping bag.

So he took a bible in one hand and his tape recorder in the other, stood at the little pulpit, a preached a short sermon in Mandarin Chinese.
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.
These particular punishments, the lectures that preceded them and the screams they provoked, were recorded on a giant reel-to-reel tape recorder that stood in the living-room.
He was carrying a tape recorder and what looked like a steno pad.
The Fountain
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
Wherever musical history is being made, there I am with my tape recorder.
He demands quiet in the house while he tapes all his LPs with his new tape recorder.
At the beginning of the show, the dancers approached the audience with tape recorders and brusquely asked us to give our names.
He fixes my ‘broken’ tape recorder and cues it faster than I can write this sentence.
He traded off his watch for a tape recorder.
Is there an FOIA for Nuse's emails and the minutes, because a tape recorder is the only thing that can cause that man to tell the truth.
Democratic Endorsement Causes Rift Over Campaign Rules « PubliCola
The only clues are in some of his writings and tape recordings.
Times, Sunday Times
But, contrary to popular belief, they are not at all analogous to tape recorders.
While Abas moved his fingers holding a palm leaf rib as a pointer to the verses of the Koran, the sound of the verses being recited was actually coming from a tape recorder.
There are no video or audio tape recordings of what either child said or says about these incidents.
The fourth shell impacted against a garden fence in the married quarters area... A tape recording?
Pettersen, 60, was about 15 and the eager new owner of a reel-to-reel tape recorder when a friend told him about a local singer.
He also sets up a tape recorder to record the meeting.
Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme.
You did have a tape recorder with you.
He refused to speak to inquiry agents sent by his solicitors to obtain a proof of evidence and she was reduced to tape recording in conference.
The noncreative people who work in the creative department are so used to lying to themselves that they can write – these guys were afraid of the tape recorder.
From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor
Hitting rewind on the tape recorder verifies that those were, in fact, his words.
So I meticulously took spare batteries, spare film for the camera and spare tapes for the mini tape recorder.
She was trapped by her sister, Carol, who tricked her into confessing her secret and used a hidden tape recorder to record her words.
The company had hired a standard Sony digital tape recorder which was hooked to Johnson's own analogue-to-digital conversion system.
The output was recorded on a stereo tape recorder, and they listened in with earphones.
If you set a tape recorder running at a noisy party you would most likely hear something resembling a confused babble.
The drum music was coming from a reel-to-reel tape recorder sitting on the floor in one corner of the living room.
The tracking system in video tape recorders ( VTR ) can only track accurately at normal speed.
She used a notebook rather than a tape recorder, Maggie was glad to see.
Boyle sits upright, looking askance at my brick-like tape recorder.
Don't let your life be a tape recorder of the misery of the past. You can do nothing about the past. RVM
At the heart of Iran's Islamic Revolution was a stencil duplicator and a tape recorder.
Melody Moezzi: Hey DJ Rafsanjani, Play Us Some Ayatollah Khomeini
Don't fool with the tape recorders.
The Special Effects Studio is optimized for creating chromakeys and other special effects, and is equipped with a dedicated lighting grid and live-on-tape recording equipment.
An old reel-to-reel tape recorder and dozens of tapes of classical music keep company with a modern stereo system and a collection of CDs.
I'd just switched off the tape recorder and switched on the mobile phone when a text popped up to say that the deal had finally been done.
This opening narration ends with a visual of a reel-to-reel tape recorder playing on a window sill to an empty room.
The boy produced a small tape recorder and began recording the speech.
She expunged the sound of his voice from the tape recording.
She used a notebook rather than a tape recorder, Maggie was glad to see.
She leans into the tape recorder, her trademark half-smile amped to full.
Even if you have a tape recorder, the tone and the lilt of the voice can change what a phrase means.
The Section somehow got hold of a city tram and off we were -- about thirty of us -- in the tram, riding around downtown Prague, in the heart of communist-controlled Central Europe, for some two hours, with jazz music blasting from a tape recorder, drinking Soviet (if I remember its provenance correctly) champagne.
John Brown: Sanity Rally and Cold-War Public Diplomacy
The recording was made in a Hamburg nightclub on a portable tape recorder by audience member Edward W Taylor.
Out on the patio table sat a tape recorder, a notebook, and the evaluation forms.
Since he was hired at the beginning of January, he claims to have gathered tape recordings and photographic evidence, which prove 15 illegal minicabs are operating in Swindon.
And this time we leave the tape recorder whirring in the ‘haunted Jacobean bedroom’ for a full half hour.
This opening narration ends with a visual of a reel-to-reel tape recorder playing on a window sill to an empty room.
Plug the radio into the tape recorder to tape the programme.
He let me run my tape recorder for four hours while he and the family talked in the living room.
To do this you will need a microphone, a tape recorder or CD recorder, and blank tapes or CD's.
We have our talk in his office at the Treasury opposite St James's Park; an extra Treasury tape recorder whirring throughout.
More comprehensive inventories of tape recorded vocalizations of nominate birds are needed for a proper vocal analysis.
"Rather bizarre, this room, " I dictated into my tape recorder.
A digital tuner is useful for teachers of certain instruments, and a tape recorder allows students to tape and listen to their own playing.
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.
I took out my tape recorder, played a call - to which a kokako responded with a beautiful little song.
The program was recorded on a tape recorder.
It still captivates me in the same way as the first time I ever recorded something into a tape recorder and played it back.
The court heard tape recordings of the meeting.
Another popular tool that remained in the schools I attended as late as 1984 was the reel-to-reel tape recorder.
The recording tape recorder was placed at 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 m along the transect line.
Tape recorder in hand, the reporter attempted to cross the field in ankle-deep mud.
This evidence, however, did not include the tape recordings and Baxley was not even aware of their existence.
Sometimes there are a couple of independent reasons to seize the recording device (eg, cell phone) or sometimes just one (tape recorder in a state where taping is permitted).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Ten Rules for Dealing with Police
On past occasions, I've repeated hours of word-for-word dialogue to him, and I'd match myself against a tape recorder.
By the time I got back to Palmer's suite, his press secretary Karren Beanland, with whom there had been many prior discussions about the Prime Minister's orations, was coming out holding my tape recorder.
He and Claudia kept in touch through letters and by sending audio tape recordings to each other.
A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
I've got the tape recorder in my right hand, and I goof up and push the wrong button sometimes.
Here was a tape recorder (vast bulky reel-to-reel, circa 1945) and an autocycle to carry it on -- a bicycle with an engine, uneasy in either role.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
A group of engineering students built an assembly of an audio amplifier, relays, a telephone connection - and a tape recording of a cuckoo clock.
*** Speaking of tough nuts, the Brooklyn Academy of Music's Next Wave Festival has imported Dublin's Gate Theatre revival of "Krapp's Last Tape," Samuel Beckett's hour-long 1958 "duologue" for an angry old writer John Hurt, made up to look like Beckett himself who listens to a tape recording of himself when young and can't stand what he hears.
The End Of the Line
In the early days they had a clockwork tape recorder, and sat under trees with storytellers and bottles of rum.
I brought along two tape recorders with two fresh tapes.
All interviews were tape recorded and the tapes were transcribed and translated into English as needed.
Tape recorders, braillewriters, talking calculator, and auxiliary hearing devices may be borrowed from the DRC.
I made audio tape recordings of the classroom while observing.
Headquarters had a tape recording of radio voice communications from the field.
Before my tape recorder can begin rolling, phrases like "outercourse" and "the abstinence jar" bounce off the walls, which are dotted with colorful posters and photos of Shalom's grown children.
Ms. Magazine Online
She expunged the sound of his voice from the tape recording.
During OPEVAL, Carlson had bought a microcassette tape recorder and surreptitiously taped meetings on maintenance data.
The Dream Machine
Interviews were tape recorded, and completed transcriptions were used as the basis for data analysis.
Fil is trying to listen to the tape recording he made of the dance recital, but he accidentally hits the erase button.
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him.
Belgian" is omitted in the tape recording of the lecture.
Georges Pire - Nobel Lecture
She expunged the sound of his voice from the tape recording.
Watching this solo on videotape, one sees Nagrin, dressed in white T-shirt, pants, shoes and socks, on a bare stage except for a table which holds his reel-to-reel tape recorder.
When we meet to run through the set questions, with the tape recorder on the table, he is more cautious, the blokeish candour has disappeared.
Even Robyn Williams' trusty reel-to-reel tape recorder is now collectable and he should consider including it in any eventual retirement package he may negotiate with the ABC.
A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
He and Claudia kept in touch through letters and by sending audio tape recordings to each other.
I think people look at the tape recorder and get kind of squirrelly, you know?
Somebody Told Me: The Newspaper Stories of Rick Bragg
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
Early tape recordings were not easily marketable because they were also very expensive.
Analysis was based primarily on audiotape recordings of the sessions.
All the instructions were audiotaped and presented from a tape recorder over a set of headphones.
This morning, the jury had requested tape recordings from a police interview made with him.
He found the tape recorder attached to a small alcove carved out from underneath the desk.
Will the institution be able to loan you hardware such as tape recorders and transcription machines if you need to record and transcribe your interviews?
In the days of reel-to-reel tape recorders, it was a technological feat in itself to be surreptitious.
The subpoena sought all notes and tape recordings related to his Panthers coverage.
I know they often stayed up all night, toe-to-toe with Doc, and were asked to find and deliver telephones, whiskey, typewriters, tape recorders, batteries, blow-up dolls, and other things.
It's just a case of getting him talking into the old tape recorder then knocking it into shape afterwards.
Some court records brought out the fact that Labash had tape recorded some interviewees without telling them, sometimes from his home in Maryland, where surreptitious taping is a felony.
Think Progress » Tucker Carlson’s new website kicks off with jokes about rape, being gay.
Thus, his memory of Lisa is mediated by this black-and-white videotape recording which includes significantly the off-screen presence of Christina.
Using resistance strain gage, dynamic pressure sensor, slip ring and tape recorder, the blade vibration strain and exit pressure signals of rotor blades are recorded and then processed.
The cables connect to dedicated analog video equipment, including multiplexers, videotape recorders and video monitors.
A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
After the police arrested a suspect, they would have him recite the same words into a tape recorder.
They had even brought a tape recorder to record the game, and wanted to use the recordings on their website.
If you took a tape recorder and paused it and re-recorded it five months later, it would be like BLA, BLA, BLA.
Ramaa Reddy Raghavan: Mindful Awareness Practices in Private Schools
I forbid you the use of my tape recorder.
Alas, a posse of reporters doorstepped St Blane's Hotel with an armoury of cameras, tape recorders and notepads.
Ironically, in the West, the sale of videotape recorders has often seemed to grow in step with industrial unemployment.
In late 2002 he took possession of tape recordings of a newspaper journalist interviewing Jack Roche.
I made recordings using a Sony TCD - 5 Pro tape recorder and an AKG ck9 directional microphone before and after the playback.
The music industry had exactly the same response to the advent of reel-to-reel home tape recorders, cassettes, DATs, minidiscs, VCRs, music videos, MTV and a host of other products and services.
But, contrary to popular belief, they are not at all analogous to tape recorders.
He sat opposite me, at a table on the riverside terrace of the ITV studios on London's South Bank, talking excitedly into my tape recorder, pausing only to draw on his cigarette.
Bob Woodward's affect is that of a human tape recorder.
Russ Baker: Woodward, the Post , and the Generals
Thus, his memory of Lisa is mediated by this black-and-white videotape recording which includes significantly the off-screen presence of Christina.
Such visits were not recorded by the logger, and these tape recordings were excluded from the analysis.
In our posh London hotel suite, she glides through, thanks the press girl, and is regally solicitous when a tape recorder coughs and dies.
During each presentation a running account of the male's response was dictated into a tape recorder.
Approaching the top of my walk I was waffling into my tape recorder about mushrooms.
Think of it as a video / audio tape recorder for your computer.
It was only with a man of such urbanity and diplomacy that Cukor could fully relax beside a tape recorder.
When I was a kid, I discovered, in a cupboard at home, a huge open-reel tape recorder, bought by my Dad in the 1950s.
The performance of servo control system determines the reliability and stability of VTR (Video Tape Recorder), and enables ultimately VTRs to record and replay video signal accurately.
A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
The single-seater car is also equipped with a tape recorder which keeps playing pre-recorded messages about cricket history.
She expunged the sound of his voice from the tape recording.
DeFede made a snap decision to switch on his tape recorder.
Don't fool with the tape recorders.
Upon receiving them from him, she would plug in her tape recorder, clip on her microphone and go to it.
Its mostly cameras, a tape recorder, cassettes, and notebooks.
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.
When they took the stage a few hours later, they were armed with a tape recorder and a stack of blank cassettes.
Each day at midnight I let a tape record for 6 hours, insert a new tape for recording, and repeat twice more.
That explains their similar crusades against reel-to-reel home tape recorders, cassettes, DATs, minidiscs, VHS and even MTV - which they eventually had to accept, just as file-swapping will surely defeat the legislators and lawyers.
When we got to the restaurant, there was an awkward silence as I took out my tape recorder.
For example, the only thing I remember my grandfather giving me as a child was a reel-to-reel Wollensak tape recorder for my Bar Mitzvah.
The ex-art school collective has fed fashion, feminism and photo-ops through the lowest of lo-fi fuzzboxes, kindergarten two-step beats, and tape recorder-quality disco - all in the guise of an arch riposte to modern pop culture.
Just imagine using a tape recorder and hanging the microphone on a light pole.
In private, tape recordings tell us, top-level discussions were something else.
We also loan equipment, like braillewriters and tape recorders, to help students learn alternate communication skills.
Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
Underneath, attached to his plaid belt, was a small tape recorder.
I brought a tape recorder to her house one day, and she read a lovely strophe on love and the stark beauty of winter.
All interactions with the pharmacists were audiotaped using a small tape recorder concealed by the pseudo-patient.
He was not satisfied with the tape recorder,so he took it back to the store.
There was one almighty stushie which has left her extremely guarded when faced with a tape recorder.
But I've also been involved since 1976 with microcomputers, the very small computers that are now everywhere; they're inside your cameras, and they're inside tape recorders.
A couple of tape recorders identified a small group of newshounds lounging near the entrance to the dining-room.
Should a tape recording be permitted it would not provide a guarantee that inaccuracy and disagreement will be removed.
Astor returned to his recording studio and switched on his tape recorder.
To do this you will need a microphone, a tape recorder or CD recorder, and blank tapes or CDs.
Any time they go out in public, there's a boom mike hanging over them, there's a camera on them, there's tape recorder all around them.
Finally, for Stones' fans there is a rare reel-to-reel tape recording of their performance at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmond during the summer of 1963.
He was'playing about with happenings and performances which involved music and tape recordings '.
Times, Sunday Times
PRINCE SIHANOUK in Cambodian from a tape recorder.
Anyone with a home cassette player can testify to the questionable long-term durability of tape recordings.
I remember getting a reel-to-reel tape recording that had the music to Ben Hur and How the West Was Won.
A wall-mounted video camera, desk microphone, video recorder, and audio-tape recorder were used.
The staff and I returned to an anteroom where the tape recorder was set up.
Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
We analyzed only what we perceived as higher quality songs from the tape recordings.
The program was recorded on a tape recorder.
In those cases, the reporters wrote down or dictated into a tape recorder everything they could remember from the interview.
The subcarrier, from the receiver audio output, was recorded on a DAT tape recorder and later converted to a computer sound file.
It kept being so completely awesome that I finally grumped, "Fine, whatever, I'll GO sing you into my TAPE RECORDER.
Making Light: Open thread 136
Boyle sits upright, looking askance at my brick-like tape recorder.
The man acquired my tape recorder.
Anyone with a home cassette player can testify to the questionable long-term durability of tape recordings.
If they invent little songs, we can give them blank cassettes and show them how to use the tape recorder.
For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him.
He traded off his watch for a tape recorder.
Indeed, as I interviewed him I would go out of my way to point out to him that the tape recorder was running, lest he forget and, being blind, be unable to see the red recording light.
It's stuck like a tape recording playing in your head.
The Sun
Can you show me where the microphone plugs into the tape recorder?
I've done very technically accomplished mixes on home hi-fi equipment - two hi-fi decks and a tape recorder.
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
And I've got a spare reel-to-reel tape recorder and LP record player on order.
The images were selected from continuous videotape recordings.
When Putin expressed support for Total's investments in Russia, De Margerie kowtowed before the tape recorders.
In Oil Quest, Total Makes High Friends In Low Places
Bob, with a portable tape recorder slung round his neck, was talking into it, describing the scene.
The recording was made in a Hamburg nightclub on a portable tape recorder by audience member Edward W Taylor.
The interviews lasted approximately 60-90 minutes, were tape recorded and fully transcribed and the transcriptions were content-analysed.
The tape recorder on the box against the wall made a whispering sound.
He was wired up to a police tape recorder.