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How To Use Tantra In A Sentence

  • Here in the West, we have the fortunate karma to be receiving the great teachings of the highest tantra, distilled from hundreds of years of experience.
  • She says the eastern world draws her because "it gives the body the importance that is its due through the practice of yoga, tantra, and classical dance."
  • The Sanskrit word tantra comes from the same root that gives us the words 'intend', 'attend' and 'stretch'. Claire Missingham: Meditations on Real Life
  • He believes that people's attitudes to tantra are similar to those held about yoga before its surge in popularity.
  • This girl went to a nightclub called Tantra in Miami and didn't think she might get savaged by a roaming pack of rabid guidettes? Gawker
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  • It was her conceit to infuse the Way of Ringess with the ancient secrets of the Tantra that she knew so well. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The bhagats, who live in stark seclusion from the rest of the village, are said to possess occult powers, which enable them to exercise metaphysical control acquired by years of yogic penance, tantra and tatrak vidya.
  • I think that book has very little to do with tantra (if it wasn't obvious).
  • In this way different levels of teachings were given, including the tantras, that may seem to contradict each other and may even seem to be in direct opposition to each other's propositions.
  • After participating in the Kumbha Mela, they went on a pilgrimage to various shrines, temples, and to yogis and sadhus, many of whom he had studied with while learning tantra, Ayurveda, occult teaching and yoga.
  • The fact is that a whole class of Sanskrit religious literature is described by the titles Tantra, Âgama and Saṃhitâ, [450] which taken in a wide sense are practically synonymous, though usage is inclined to apply the first specially to Śâktist works, the second to Śivaite and the third to Vishnuite. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • This was translated from the _Hebrew_, from the _Arabic_ of the eighth century, from the _Pehlevi_ of Persia of the sixth century, from the _Panchatantra_, from the _Sanskrit original_. A Study of Fairy Tales
  • A scholar of Vedic astrology, he had, from the very outset, a deep affinity with the Eastern world, which attaches a lot of importance to the human body, as is seen in the practice of yoga, tantra and classical dances.
  • Moreover, the word tantra has the connotation of something that goes on and on with continuity, something that continues over time with connection from prior to later moments. Buddha-Nature, Day One of a Discourse on Uttaratantra ��� Part Two: The First Three Verses of Chapter One
  • The monks also study various subjects of Buddhist sutra and tantra of both the Ancient and New traditions.
  • I was reading online the other week when I came across a new book out from a new indie press called Siglio in Los Angeles: an art book of religious paintings from Rajasthan, selected and compiled by the French poet Franck André Jamme, called "Tantra Song. Independent Bookstores: How To Compete With Amazon
  • The term tantra has taken on explicitly sexual meanings in popular American usage, and Gaskin's tantric approach to masculinity did involve prescriptions for men's sexual behavior. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Signature Poses: As Toolin explains, one of the definitions of the word Tantra is "to combine. Common Ground
  • James Simonds and his companion, White, organized a tremendous enterprise with the result that an aboideau was built, and other dykes were made, and the great marshes of Tantramar were redeemed from the water. Canadian Cities of Romance
  • Coupled with fowl and cattle sacrifices, the bhagat's ceremonies include repetitive incantation of tantras in a local Dangi dialect and numerous yagnas and religious rites.
  • Julia Roberts wil nog geen plastische chirurgie tantra29 Retailers find new Julia Roberts movie a perfect fit - Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In fact, the essential transformational practices of Tibetan tantra including those of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, were created to lead the individual practitioner towards these same ends.
  • Guru Rinpochey also gave widespread teachings from the highest classes of tantra and in particular to his twenty-five principal disciples.
  • In particular, the Kalachakra initiations empower the disciple to practise the yoga of the Kalachakra tantra, and, ultimately, to achieve the state of Shri Kalachakra.
  • The sudden flash is a key to all Buddhist meditation, from the level of basic mindfulness to the highest levels of tantra.
  • It is thought that the Atharva Veda that deals with the occult including tantras was a product of the pre-Aryan thought process.
  • A final wave of new literature known as tantras appeared around the 7th century promoting radical forms of practice, including rituals and meditation techniques for accelerating spiritual progress.
  • Pehlevi became the Jávidán Khirad (“Wisdom of Ages”) or the Testament of Hoshang, that ancient guebre King, and in Sanskrit the Panchatantra (“Five Chapters”), is a recueil of apologues and anecdotes related by the learned Brahman, Vishnu The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He is currently immersed in self-guided studies of the Hermetic sciences, Gnostic Christianity, and the Kabbalah, and he is a formal student of Hinduism, specifically its Shiva Tantra branch.
  • Right there the Kalki initiated the youth, and for four months he taught him all the highest tantras especially the three Bodhisattva Corpus commentaries.
  • Now, as knowledge, the Buddha taught many sutras and many tantras, and they are all words – words of advice given by the Buddha, the enlightened one who reached that level.
  • Shaktas use mantra, tantra, yantra, yoga and puja to invoke cosmic forces and awaken the Kundalini Power.
  • His first duty had been to converse with Mrs. Clantantram, and that lady had found it impossible to elicit the slightest sympathy from him on the subject of her roquelaure. Barchester Towers
  • In addition, the Gelug tradition regards sound scholarship as a prerequisite for constructive meditation, hence, the teachings of both sutra and tantra are subject to rigorous analysis through the medium of dialectical debate.
  • Thus, one of the things that I've been working on is a sort of metaphysical, mystical energy tantra, where the rush of energy is held inside you.
  • The three Tibetan Buddhist lineages of the New Translation Period - Sakya, Kagyu, and Gelug - divide tantra into four classes: kriya (ritual Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes external ritual practices such as ablution, diet, and fasting; charya (behavioral Buddha-figure practice), which equally emphasizes external behavior and internal methods; yoga (integrated Buddha-figure practice), which emphasizes internal methods of yoga; anuttarayoga (peerlessly integrated Buddha-figure practice), which teaches special, more advanced methods of internal practice. Basic Features of Tantra
  • Tantra set out ritual practices, religious proscriptions, yogic techniques, and philosophical doctrine.
  • I know as much about tantra as the next man other than the nuggets he's dropped in other talks, so it was great to hear a really knowledgeable, sensible, humble exposition of the subject.
  • In tantra, the breath is an expression of the intimate connection we all have with the vastness of sacred world.
  • Therefore, tantra practice in general includes, in its highest class, using a special level of mental activity for nonconceptually cognizing voidness – clear-light mind – although not all classes of tantra use this level. 6 Gelug Presentation of Tantra in General
  • Here, since the text indicates primarily the cleansing of the everlasting continuum of the mind when it is tarnished with fleeting stains, and thus since it concerns the everlasting mental continuum, it includes the term tantra, meaning everlasting continuum, in its title. Buddha-Nature, Day One of a Discourse on Uttaratantra ��� Part Two: The First Three Verses of Chapter One
  • Now, as knowledge, the Buddha taught many sutras and many tantras, and they are all words - words of advice given by the Buddha, the enlightened one who reached that level.
  • That said, there are many so called magical aspects to tantra practice, notably the mudras, mantras, yantras, etc.
  • The word Tantra originally meant a manual giving the essentials of Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • The root of the word tantra means to stretch or to continue without a break. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 1 The Meaning of Tantra
  • In a footnote to this discussion Semple notes that the Mahayana tantra belongs to the wider Sunyatavada Doctrine.
  • There are no references to divination in the collections of sutras, but many can be found in the tantras.
  • The practice of tranquillity meditation, or shamatha, is common to the teaching of both the sutras and the tantras, and it can also be performed within tantric practice.
  • Because Pala and Al's emphasis is on Tantra in relationships, both beginners and skilled Tantric practitioners will find value here.
  • It was her conceit to infuse the Way of Ringess with the ancient secrets of the Tantra that she knew so well. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Rather, they should perform the always healing vasana daha tantra [writing down and burning recollections of the past] and confine themselves to karma yoga, such as cleaning in and around the temple and picking flowers for the pujas.
  • I'd probably call chaos magic a western magic because it was developed by westerners, and tantra eastern because it was developed by easterners.
  • The latest tantra to appear was The Kalachakra Tantra (dPal Dus-kyi ‘khor-lo’i rgyud), in the mid-tenth century CE. A Brief History of Buddhism in India before the Thirteenth-Century Invasions
  • A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra – or, more literally, A Brief Indication of the Graded Pathway Minds (Lam-gyi rim-pa mdo-tsam-du bstan-pa) – is an overview of the most important points for sutra and tantra meditation. A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra
  • In tantra, as explained in the Mahanirvana Tantra, Shakti has nearly always been defined as kundalini, and Shiva, the male aspect, as chetana or consciousness. The Times of India
  • Because Pala and Al's emphasis is on Tantra in relationships, both beginners and skilled Tantric practitioners will find value here.
  • Therefore make every effort on the path, uniting absolute and relative bodhichitta, which distills the essence of all the sutras and the tantras.
  • Systems like yoga and various forms of tantra took this search for altered states of consciousness to heights no other culture ever attained.
  • The visionary forms in which the deities are perceived in meditation and portrayed in art are simply appearances – their compassionate play, as the tantras say.
  • The Gondwana Gantantra Party (GGP) and the Republican Party of India (RPI) have one each while three other 'crorepati' candidates are contesting as Independents. India eNews
  • Anyway, my question is basically this: what do you guys that are more heavily into tantra than the rest of us, recommend as a good place to start?
  • Tantra is a union of lovers, and union with the divine, with God. Shameless self-promotion
  • The main criterion for establishing a teaching as authentically Buddhist is its unbroken lineage tracing back to Buddha - whether one describes Buddha according to classic Buddhology, transpersonal psychology, or the Hinayana, general Mahayana, or highest Tantrayana views. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • She says that this view of women as marginal to tantra is based on western constructions of gender & power (and their assumed universality) and she re-presents women as active participants in the creation of traditions.
  • The way she writes you might think that tantra is a solid, inescapable fact of true polyamorous living, and that every polyamorist is a spiritual yogi seeking enlightenment through the energies released and shared during intercourse, provided of course that one has taken the time to properly align one’s chakras. Poly people « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • What you hear elsewhere regarding mantras, tantras, sadhana, spiritual advice and scriptures, report to him and accept only what is approved by your guru, and reject what is not.
  • Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being.
  • The Kalachakra tantra talks about a time when the three lalos, the barbarian kings, will rule the earth.
  • The monks also study various subjects of Buddhist sutra and tantra of both the Ancient and New traditions.
  • (“Friendship-boon”) of Prakrit, avowedly compiled from the “Panchatantra,” became the Hindu Panchopakhyan, the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So, although the study of logic and Buddhist philosophy was not yet prevalent, the practice of tantra in extreme secrecy was much favoured.
  • The term tantra refers to this intricately interwoven subject matter and the texts that discuss it. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 1 The Meaning of Tantra
  • For thirty-two years, the founder himself maintained the monastery as a great institution by giving extensive discourses on the Three Baskets (sDe-snod gsum, Skt. Tripitaka) with respect to sutra studies and on the four classes of tantra with respect to tantra studies. A Brief History of Drepung Monastery
  • Siva's devotees facing death perform vâsanâ daha tantra, reconcile with and seek forgiveness from anyone they have offended, lest they leave unresolved kukarmas to go to seed and bear bitter fruit in future births.
  • There is a difference between the instructions in the sutras and tantras concerning these positions.
  • Update: Chef Sanjay is no longer with Tantra, and the management seems to have changed too; the food is not as great as it used to be, but is still decent to label Tantra as a nice restaurant to try in the vicinity! Archive 2008-03-01
  • The word tantra (rgyud) means an everlasting continuum. Basic Features of Tantra
  • Further, everlasting continuums may also refer to meanings discussed by words or the words of texts discussing them, as is the case when the word tantra refers to the secret mantra teachings. Buddha-Nature, Day One of a Discourse on Uttaratantra ��� Part Two: The First Three Verses of Chapter One
  • Once we have rediscovered that self, we enter the path of the tantras, the path where body and mind arise as the spontaneous expression of the continuity of our own vajra heart.
  • Our notions of being tight, of holding tension, anger and frustration are the opposite of the notion of tantra where you find what you intend to find, give it attention and then (physically and spiritually) stretch. Claire Missingham: Meditations on Real Life
  • Below that: Varta ke liye loktantra ka dwar khula hai Life and style |
  • Here and elsewhere in the book, we shall use the term highest tantra to refer both to anuttarayoga in the Gelug, Kagyu, and Sakya systems and to the unit formed by mahayoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga (dzogchen, rdzogs-chen; the great completeness) in the Nyingma tradition. Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 2 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Teacher
  • Traditional Tantrayana scholars, on the other hand, assert that Buddha's supramundane powers enabled him to foresee cultural developments and that he personally taught tantra to suit people of the future. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • Tantric Buddhism is influenced by Brahamanism and is concerned with yogic paths to salvation stressed in rituals and in texts called tantras.
  • The chosen deity in the Tantras may be a form the Goddess Mother.
  • However, he taught superior disciples the tantras in the form of a king or in the aspect of various meditational deities.
  • Here in the West, we have the fortunate karma to be receiving the great teachings of the highest tantra, distilled from hundreds of years of experience.
  • This interp was profoundly influenced by the fear elicited by the Thugi ecstatics, who represented only a small and twisted offshooting of Tantra and the worship of Ma, but is now presented as the whole of it.
  • To complaints of this kind — which have been voiced with regard to the earlier books as well — defenders of Rushdie have responded by arguing that he works, and should therefore be read, within two narrative traditions: of the Western novel (with its subgenre, the anti-novel à la Tristram Shandy), and of Eastern story-cycles like the Panchatantra, with their chainlike linking of self-contained, shorter narratives. Palimpsest Regained
  • He's into yoga, Tantra and even takes a class of nubile ladies, all of whom are in love with him.
  • The Gondwana Gantantra Party (GGP) and the Republican Party of India (RPI) have one each while three other 'crorepati' candidates are contesting as Independents. and help us continue to improve SiliconIndia
  • In tantra guru-yoga, disciples need to see their mentors as Buddhas on all three levels - shravaka sutra, bodhisattva sutra, and highest tantra. Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 11 Seeing a Mentor as a Buddha

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