How To Use Tantamount In A Sentence
Joining a dating agency has no stigma, it is tantamount to joining a private members' club.
Watching Nixon's henchmen come out of the woodwork to declare their moral indignation at the ethical lapses of Mark Felt was tantamount to watching Liza Minelli criticize someone else for being an an unstable boozehound.
Where refugees are forced or coerced to return to their country of origin to fight, this is tantamount to refoulement, which is prohibited in all circumstances.
2. Protection
Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt.
Flot, derived from the French _flottant_, floating; and jet, from the verb _jeter_, to _throw up_; both used in seignoral rights, granted by kings to favourites, empowering them to take possession of the property of any man who might happen to be unfortunate, which was in those times tantamount to being guilty.
Newton Forster The Merchant Service

The report stated that much of what had been done to them was tantamount to genocide.
One of the McCain campaign's chief assaults on Barack Obama is that McCain is insisting that the troops return only after "victory" in Iraq, while Obama refuses to use that word -- a position the McCain forces describe as tantamount to wanting to lose.
Petraeus: I Don't Know That I Will Ever Use The Word "Victory" For Iraq
To cacoon and even entomb one's mind in tendentiously conceived definitions and platitudes, likewise imagining that doing so is tantamount to serious inquiry and thought, is the very hallmark of the ideological religionist, to indulge the term in a simple and purely pejorative sense.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
His absurd plan to deliver a surplus entirely through cuts to unprotected departments is tantamount to a proposal to abolish the police.
Times, Sunday Times
Your proposal is tantamount to calling off the general strike!
If victims of crime use the drug to reduce their stress, it could be tantamount to tampering with evidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
The moment I've previously called transfiguration is tantamount to the sexual release Hitchcock obtained by controlling and commanding the beautiful women he could never possess sexually in real life.
To do otherwise, they claim, would be tantamount to active euthanasia, and this they see as morally wrong.
So it went through the Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s and 1970s, when female film stars wrapped their chests in sackcloth lest they appear buxom, which was tantamount to being bourgeois.
Yet backwardness might not be tantamount to barbarism, or even ‘backward’ in any denigratory way.
And it was this move, Rob, that North Korea called tantamount to a declaration of war.
CNN Transcript May 28, 2009
Going on holiday without a school's permission is tantamount to truancy, said the junior education minister.
It is viewed as tantamount to a durable solution - settlement in the country of first asylum in practice without necessarily providing the protection of citizenship.
Refugees in the Age of Total War
For the seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher who had so impressed Einstein, God and nature were as one deus sive natura, and the practice of doing math was tantamount to a quest for the divine.
That might strike you as tantamount to financial and moral failure, but seen another way the late payers are taking advantage of the fact that mortgages are noncallable and also usually nonrecourse.
Learning to Love Your Home Loan
Underlying the disquiet was a strong current of belief that the act of going tieless was tantamount to social chaos!
He said this was tantamount to pleading guilty and he deserved a cut.
The Sun
Biocide, in other words, is tantamount to suicide.
Service in the armed forces can be risky, but it is not tantamount to a death sentence.
In many countries, the frank assessments of their weaknesses and foibles will be seen as tantamount to espionage.
Times, Sunday Times
Dare to criticize any of those folks from within the left and it's tantamount to McCarthyism.
Casting amateur actors in these shows is tantamount to using scabs in the midst of a strike, and acting in one of these shows is akin to crossing a picket line.
It would seem tantamount to saying they were stuck with what he had done, marooned like shipwrecked sailors.
Badiou insists that philosophy is the discipline concerned with truth, and that any effort to detract philosophy from this concern is tantamount to sophistry.
The composer has paid the physical costs of the production out of his own pocket, a contribution tantamount to self publishing.
At the time, associating oneself with these radical ways of thinking was tantamount to career suicide, and since I was committed to the ideas and their potential, I moved away from archaeology.
Griqualand East in the Eastern Cape will be tantamount to inviting anarchy.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Publishing or even sharing that information, then, is legally tantamount to abetting theft.
But, had never known that ‘couger’ is tantamount to catamount.
Is opposition to Howard government policies tantamount to ungodliness?
s epidermal neurilemma genetics dogs, bisection, banishment, theologiser, steinway and clientele tantamount mahlstick.
Rational Review
To rave about this performance is tantamount to wilful blindness.
Times, Sunday Times
His view is that conventional education means teaching children to accept social roles constructed by a white, Western, middle-class elite, and is tantamount to a form of marginalisation, resulting in acquiescent individuals.
The argument that giving the parliament limited tax powers would be tantamount to independence is nonsense.
In the narky world of poetry this is tantamount to a declaration of war.
The term hydrometeors is used primarily in this document, but the use of the term precipitation used here is tantamount to falling hydrometeors at any altitude.
The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, the 9% depreciation in the trade-weighted dollar since February is tantamount to an easing in monetary policy.
That would be tantamount to Darwin saying "If I can't explain in stepwise detail how a given organ came to be, my theory is sunk.
A New Book
Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
They also raise extraordinary philosophical issues; like whether extracting them from a test-tube embryo is tantamount to dismembering a baby.
To deny the legitimacy of the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee or of the Ninth Party Congress would be tantamount to saying that the Party ceased to exist for a period of time.
And house-training of pets is of course not ‘natural’, but surely nobody would argue that it was tantamount to animal cruelty and abuse?
The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
When we make things digital -- like books and music -- it is tantamount to making them free, via the magic of the interwebs. iTunes makes for lovely window dressing, but anyone who thinks recorded music hasn't been completely demonetized is severely out of touch with reality.
Special Guest Post: Publishing Industry Evisceration Edition!!!!
What do you say to those who equate modern art with nihilism and say its very existence is tantamount to the death of art?
Going on holiday without a school's permission is tantamount to truancy, said the junior education minister.
To tumble over the edge would have been tantamount to toppling into the jaws of an expectant shark, and getting "scrunched" between no less than six rows of sharp teeth.
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To rave about this performance is tantamount to wilful blindness.
Times, Sunday Times
The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
I consider the regime's retreat in the matter of women's political participation-which at one point it called tantamount to prostitution-an extremely positive point.
Voting against the directors, he was advised, would be tantamount to declaring war.
To do otherwise would have been tantamount to branding yourself an obscene, inhuman monster, an outcast from civilized society.
This method of discharging a contract involves a breach by one party of an obligation under the contract which is so fundamental that its breach is tantamount to his repudiating or rejecting the contract as a whole.
If victims of crime use the drug to reduce their stress, it could be tantamount to tampering with evidence.
Times, Sunday Times
Simply asking about it seemed tantamount to an accusation of fabrication.
And I couldn't wait to say that it could be misconstrued as a hatred for someone who they want to berate, which is tantamount to character assassination, because of race, culture and the color of their skin.
In Defense of Manny Pacquiao
To do nothing is tantamount to agreement! democrat in az
Racist e-mail aimed at Obama raises hackles in Tennessee
The King's request was tantamount to a command.
That, to me, would be tantamount to moral feebleness - and it would, in any case, fail in its aim.
Bukit Gelugor DAP MP Karpal Singh said what had transpired in the recording was tantamount to sedition as it had brought the country's judiciary into disrepute and Lingam, he suggested, could be charged under the Sedition Act. Even if the 'conman' as implied by Nazri, was just acting, it does bring a wrong impression on the judiciary as whole.
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A refusal to say that such behaviour is unacceptable is tantamount to saying it is acceptable.
Is originality tantamount to our work, in a way that supersedes effectiveness?
The wampum was her family record, badge of her office; speech made while holding it was tantamount to testimony made upon the Bible.
Drums of Autumn
It was a shock tantamount to running blindside into a wall, and it took my breath away.
It began when the band refused permission for their music to be covered by the Glee cast, which they described as tantamount to "selling out".
The Guardian World News
Forcing a publisher to publish something against their will is tantamount to censorship.
I remember them being everywhere when I was a nipper and a nettle sting was tantamount to being bitten by a dog.
A concealed pregnancy was considered tantamount to the crime of infanticide.
Remember, refusal to give a thumb print is tantamount to a confession.
An espionage conviction, no matter how footling the cited offense, was considered tantamount to proof of treason (except in the Fifth District of Wisconsin).
Putting prices on things would be tantamount to efficient behavior and thoughtful consideration of the client or customer, and that kind of forethought and pro-active behavior is simply not valued here, barely known or recognized.
Prices almost never listed
He said this was tantamount to pleading guilty and he deserved a cut.
The Sun
An industry source said the step would be tantamount to declaring war on the US airline industry.
`Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract.
The use of unmuzzled dogs during interrogations is, in my mind, tantamount to torture.
Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt.
A request that prosecution witnesses be tendered for examination was not tantamount to an objection under s 102.
Relegation is unthinkable and would be tantamount to financial melt-down.
Although the statutory wording seems wide enough to cover such a case, this would be tantamount to according the Act extraterritorial character.
Should a tragedy occur[sentence dictionary], it would be tantamount to murder.
If you are quick to feel controlled, the pressure to meet deadlines can be tantamount to losing your autonomy.
It was a shock tantamount to running blindside into a wall, and it took my breath away.
Accusing someone of "plagiarizing" off the Internet, at least under the circumstances herein described, is tantamount to accusing a writer of cheating by using reference books in a library.
Aztec symbolism: part two
On the reserve, trying to get a retailer's take on the switch to cheap contraband smokes was tantamount to being spotted as a narc.
This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
The power of a star on the set is tantamount to that of a potentate.
The volatility and febrility of the piece demands such flexibility from every section, not least the strings, and Bychkov miraculously had them achieving a lightness of touch and quickness of response that was tantamount to producing a sleek sports car from a juggernaut.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
The tactics were branded as tantamount to entrapment by a television presenter when they were discussed on her programme.
Check! became tantamount to exclaiming “Examine options!” or “Restrain from acting without due consideration!”
The English Is Coming!
his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
For some investors it is tantamount to admitting failure.
The appreciation for and tolerance of being called the N-word by anyone and for whatever reason, is tantamount to accepting the moniker of monkey, baboon or some other primate to which Blacks have offensively been compared.
After the wreck, the driver decides to try and make it home, dodging merging headlights like schools of blonde fractioning into failed deliveries and distances (D) tantamount with words like dog track or jalopy — all traveling at a pace of 35 miles per hour through rain.
In fact, charging people to use the road would be seen as tantamount to having an admission fee for entry to the town.
Although many articles, theoretical essays, and books have been written about metaphors, little effort has been made to investigate them systematically: as all of language is itself a metaphor (unless one believes in logomancy), one is continually confronted in the compilation of an ordinary dictionary with examples of semantic and linguistic changes (as well as amelioration, pejoration, etc.) that are tantamount to shifts of meaning that, loosely, could be said to be metaphoric.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
When he signed up for the army it was tantamount to an admission that reality had intruded on his dream.
If we do, that would be tantamount to lying, deceit or unprofessionalism.
After the wreck, the driver decides to try and make it home, dodging merging headlights like schools of blonde fractioning into failed deliveries and distances (D) tantamount with words likedog trackorjalopy — all traveling at a pace of 35 miles per hour through rain.
Originally, indeed, with all of us, to have a conception of any thing is tantamount to believing that it exists, or has existed: belief is no separate act of mind, but is itself included in the perception or the thought; it is experience and reflection which have to ingraft their
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
Would alcoholics seek help for their illness if doing so were tantamount to confessing to criminal activity?
That's tantamount to thieving from your employers, that is!
It is viewed as tantamount to a durable solution - settlement in the country of first asylum in practice without necessarily providing the protection of citizenship.
Refugees in the Age of Total War
To many, rejecting a tried-and-tested method of eliminating the possibility of salmonella and E coli is tantamount to playing Russian roulette with your health.
Milking the moment
`Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract.
The King's request was tantamount to a command.
To most purists, putting a new beat behind Grandmaster Flash's verbals is tantamount to redrawing Manet's Olympia on MS Paint.
For DAG to acknowledge any part of the HRW evidence is tantamount to self-incrimination.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Feed Them and Bleed Them
To Mr. Johnson, of course, a 237-word disquisition on a Grecian formula for solvency is tantamount to "War and Peace.
The Soul of Brevity
He faced a wave of criticism for saying Monday that Texas would treat Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke "ugly" if he pursues more stimulus -- an action he described as tantamount to treason.
For their part, the Confederates considered Lincoln's peace terms tantamount to unconditional surrender.
To suggest that a Writ of Delivery might issue before an action has been commenced and an order obtained is tantamount to suggesting that one may collect a debt owing simply by initiating a Notice of Motion and requesting a garnishee.
The innuendo was that female rule, if insufficiently ‘godly’, was not sacral monarchy, but was tantamount to minority or acephalous rule.
For Asia's hip and swanky people, carrying a mobile phone with a cracked screen and a tatty plastic cover is tantamount to a crime against fashion.
We find these vicious attacks on the LPM as a direct clampdown on the fundamental freedoms of poor people of South Africa to express themselves through public protest, and tantamount to the kind of brutalities inflicted on the dispossessed masses during the dark days of apartheid.
ANC Daily News Briefing
John Bunyan’s classic allegory, here in the old cradle of Puritanism, held semisacred status; to employ it ironically was tantamount to blasphemy.
Mark Twain
You'd be pretty angry if your salary didn't go up in line with inflation each year, because it would be tantamount to a pay cut.
He was received with flawless, cold courtesy—the “ceremonious civility” which Washington had once described as tantamount to incivility.
These orders are tantamount to house arrest for known but unconvicted terror suspects.
The Sun
The consequences could have been tantamount to a death sentence.
And house-training of pets is of course not ‘natural’, but surely nobody would argue that it was tantamount to animal cruelty and abuse?
The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
The assertion that tighter motoring law is tantamount to dictatorship is further confused by a paradox.
Times, Sunday Times
Moussa said the Arabs will not accept direct negotiations so long as Israel continues to build settlements, because that would be tantamount to unconditionally accepting Israeli terms.
Refusing a mortgage applicant can be tantamount to sentencing them to long-term poverty.
Stiglitz and Bilmes begin to demonstrate that the invasion of Iraq amounted to the complete collapse of fiscal sanity - tantamount to the collapse of moral sanity - the blame for which rests not simply with the Bush administration or Congress, reckless as they were in their duty to guard the national interest, but with the administration's base of the willingly deceived, which is a fearful percentage of the population.
Hole in the Future
The report stated that much of what had been done to them was tantamount to genocide.
Bolivian delegate Pablo Solon protested that the weak pledges of the Copenhagen Accord condemned the Earth to temperature increases of up to 4 degrees Celsius 7.2 F, saying that is tantamount to "ecocide" that could cost millions of lives.
UN Climate Deal Marks A Tiny Step Forward For Fighting Climate Change
In many countries, the frank assessments of their weaknesses and foibles will be seen as tantamount to espionage.
Times, Sunday Times
The court held that his action was tantamount to bidding on behalf of the vendor and he classified this as an unlawful act.
U.S. intelligence put out the word that America regards an attack on London as tantamount to an attack on the United States, which means that foreign intelligence services that cooperate will be rewarded just the way they were after 9/11: with large sums of cash and "intelligence sharing," i.e., access to spy-in-the-sky electronic intercepts.
Terror at Rush Hour
The critics, led by the church, argued that the new policy was tantamount to "condoning" pregnancy amongst schoolgirls which would encourage juvenile immorality.
ANC Daily News Briefing
`Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract.
To expose their wealth so that they can see the kind of life they want, but they are aware of the event soon, the dream of high position and great wealth for them would be tantamount to nonsense.
This, the music spokesmen argue, is tantamount to theft.
Underlying the disquiet was a strong current of belief that the act of going tieless was tantamount to social chaos!
I don't think that requiring a few blogs a week is tantamount to overexertion.
A security lockdown tantamount to a state of emergency prevailed in the German city of Mainz on Rhine on Wednesday, February 23.
In New York, this is tantamount to forking the maître d' in the eye, yet it is accepted with a strained smile as we are shown to our booth, the reservation intact.
To rave about this performance is tantamount to wilful blindness.
Times, Sunday Times
Interestingly Associated Press of Pakistan is the only organization which issues warning letters to its low paid and highly qualified correspondents in case of better performance on their behalf, the type of economic persecution and mental torcher in shape of warning letters which Associated Press of Pakistan management inflict on its correspondents is cognizable offence, and is tantamount to conspiracy against the educated few.
Roots of Taliban Movement
One would have to completely disregard such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide.
It was a shock tantamount to running blindside into a wall, and it took my breath away.
Palestine was a civilized country, and the Hebrews were a great people; and I consider the precedent set by our blessed Lord is a command to be followed in all time, and that his appearance in Judea is tantamount to his saying to his apostles, 'go and preach me and my gospel to all _civilized_ people.'
Accusing someone of "plagiarizing" off the Internet, at least under the circumstances herein described, is tantamount to accusing a writer of cheating by using reference books in a library.
Aztec symbolism: part two