How To Use Tantalize In A Sentence
A good open problem thus has some intrigue, has some surprise, and should tantalize the reader; the solution should appear to be just over the horizon, rather than indistinctly fading away.
But the reality is that IT shows tantalize us with oodles of mouth-watering products that never actually hit the shelves.
International festivals like New York City's Lincoln Center Festival tantalize dance lovers with promises of offerings that are extremely varied and unique.
What really tantalizes you is that which deviates from societal standards in every way, though you admit that this probably isn't the best and you're not sure what causes this desire.
Never mind fancy energy drinks or cool cola, an East Lancashire company is reviving some old favourites to tantalise our tastebuds.

Her love interests: Kiyo, a sexy shapeshifter and Dorian, a bondage-loving Fairy King, are well written with love scenes giving just enough detail to tantalise without being too explicit.
Book Chick City
She tantalized the kitten with fish.
The glistening juice on the surface of the fish with its intense creamy aroma tantalized my tastebuds.
You may follow the adventures of a letter through any passage that has particularly pleased you; find it, perhaps, denied a while, to tantalise the ear; find it fired again at you in a whole broadside; or find it pass into congenerous sounds, one liquid or labial melting away into another.
Essays in the Art of Writing
Those behind the service claim it will let mobile users ‘flirt, tantalise and tease other mobile users by anonymous text messages’.
Stalin's foreign admirers were wall-eyed intellectuals, tantalised by the violent engineering of Utopia as they stalked the corridors of the London School of Economics.
Rounded ripe gooseberries tease the nose and their flavours tantalise the taste buds.
The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.
Many words come from Greek roots, but the roots for "tantalize" run all the way to Greek myth about a misbehaving son of Zeus named Tantalus.
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European navigators and adventurers were tantalized for centuries by reports of a sea passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in icy wastes north of Canada.
That's why I was suckered into entering one of those Readers' Digest prize draws - you know, the ones that tantalise you for months, getting you to fill in this and that, tear off this bit, post this bit back.
She tantalizes him by apologizing, ‘I must beg your pardon; I'm in haste to unrig,’ that is ‘undress.’
I turned away tantalized, left the dancers, and wandered into the oak-panelled dining-room.
The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
And James Bond is a stretch, though Brown is younger than Sean Connery and those JB initials do tantalize.
William Bradley: Brown in Command, Boxer Holding on, A Big Green Victory in the Making
Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom?
Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him.
And then the prospectus for the US company AquaBounty offers this observation to tantalise prospective investors: "The traditional fishery harvest from the ocean has stagnated since 1990.
GM food battle moves to fish as super-salmon nears US approval
The primes have tantalized mathematicians since the Greeks, because they appear to be somewhat randomly distributed but not completely so.
The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.
They make use the opportunity and tantalize the appetite by pointing the difficulty of satisfaction.
ECLIPSE can pounce on you like a ravenous jaguar, cloud your judgment like a dense fog, or tantalize your senses with kaleidoscopic color-tones.
Twilight Lexicon » Soundtrack Examiner Interviews Howard Shore
Just to tantalise; I have a surfeit of pears to find a way of using other than by making pear tart which is my customary response to pears.
Archive 2008-04-01
It worked a treat on my skin, but the intermittent wafts of coconut that tantalised me throughout the day, evocative of a holiday in Thailand, did my concentration no good whatsoever.
While adults will be tantalised by the sweeping vistas and stunning landscapes of the 1,530-hectare tree-lined valley, children will probably pay more attention to the beasties roaming at ground level.
And here's a grating, through which the sun squints on you like a stepdame, and the breeze blows, as if it meant to tantalize you with a sigh from that sweet mouth, whose kiss you must never enjoy.
The Lock and Key Library Classic Mystery and Detective Stories: Old Time English
To tantalize readers, Popular Science raises difficult questions about the theory of evolution - the evolution of man, feathers on dinosaurs and the classification of animals.
Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom?
Lost is a show that plays a risky game; tantalise and satisfy but while tantalising more, on and on, with continuous invention and a continuing danger of viewer burnout.
Lost, in Transition
That is yet another question that tantalises historians, heritage buffs and citizens who are getting together to celebrate Madras Day on August 22.
Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom?
It is deep mahogany in colour and delivers chocolate and oatmeal notes that tantalise the tastebuds long after the swallow.
Let's thwart those blood-thirsty savages, who, in the name of Islam, target innocents and tantalize the taliban-bashers.
Jim Jones traveling to Afghanistan, Pakistan
How the coffee steamed, the hot bread and meats smoked, and the soup odors tantalized the olfactories of hundreds of "tenderfeet" with their lusty Alaska appetites, which were increased by an open air life such as all in those days were living.
A Woman who went to Alaska
The point is to tantalize the public and belittle the administration.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Dumping on The Obamas
Its business is the intensification of life, to bring home to us its myriad finenesses; it achieves this end by presenting persons passing through the intense experiences which we call passions; and these are conditions of the spirit in which an idealised object encourages, thwarts, or tantalises the seeker, and dejects him utterly if the reality turns out to be less than the ideal.
Personality in Literature
But the reality is that IT shows tantalize us with oodles of mouth-watering products that never actually hit the shelves.
Visually, the film also tantalizes the senses, with nearly every scene offering a riot of color.
Let me tantalise you with these details that have been approved for the 3D format, and please do stay with me for these are all relevant:
Filmstalker: Update: 3D Blu-ray approved, coming to PS3 and Bravia
To always say more than it intends, to conjure up possibilities that set us off on internal flights of fancy, to gesture beyond itself in myriad ways and to tantalize with the shadows of other stories, hiding in the corners of the most realistic of narratives.
Reading Workshop I « Tales from the Reading Room
It's obviously empty: how unlike the slim but ripely crammed Morris Louis case she carries in Hitchcock's Rear Window, from which she produces, to tantalise the stricken James Stewart, the flimsiest of nighties and a pair of slippers with peepholes for her curious big toes.
Grace Kelly: Style Icon
The mystery of why men fight has always tantalized students of warfare.
On and off through the afternoon light snow showers came along to tantalize us, dusting the ground white.
Men and women across the nation go the movies and are dazzled by million dollar productions that tantalize the senses and expand the imagination.
The popular way of extracting the crochets is to grasp the snake firmly behind the neck with one hand and with the other to tantalise it by offering and withdrawing a red rag.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
How proteins fold into their ideal conformation is a question that has tantalized scientists for decades.
All these years we've been celebrating the uniqueness of Pi, the way it tantalized us by going on, forever and ever.
The mystery of a shipwreck which has tantalised naval historians on both sides of the Atlantic for more than a quarter of a century is finally about to be solved.
We chose a fairly smart looking spot with a ten course degustation menu for €50 a head and had a very pleasant, leisurely meal which tantalised our palates.
When she moved, her hair swished with her movements in a way that tantalized any man in her radius, though she was oblivious to all of the attention she got.
Besides offering run-of-the mill pub grub such as fish and chips, the updated menus promised to tantalise taste buds with some more exotic-sounding fare such as black olive bruschetta and charred cod, burnt lemon and Chardonnay risotto.
He has been held back by injury and inconsistency this season but his talent has the capacity to tantalise.
Now is the time to kick on, says West Ham's Freddie Sears
Perhaps it's just something to tantalise the fans for the upcoming fourth Indiana Jones.
Filmstalker: Indiana Jones IV revealing spy shot
Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom?
Had he left it open in order to tantalize her with a glimpse of freedom?
Atlantic City's longest lasting attraction, the annual Miss America pageant, has answered America's longing for royalty since 1921, long before the casinos tantalized visitors with the prospect of becoming rich overnight.
Not that its mysteries will readily reveal themselves: one finds oneself rereading passages to crack its subtle enigmas, tantalised by the missing puzzle piece that lies just beyond all that is visible.
This produces layer upon layer of complexity, going from sweetness to tartness in a single sip that will tantalize the taste buds.
And Bonner, to whom speech and fellowship were as the breath of life, went about as a ghost might go, tantalized by the gregarious revelries of some former life.
The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.
He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth.
In other words, it's the sort of movie that's bound to frustrate some viewers and tantalize others.
Their truthful ideal would be a hung parliament, where they could extract from Labour the promise that has tantalised them for generations: electoral reform for the House of Commons.
The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.
Nothing beats a start to the evening like an amuse-bouche designed to tantalise his senses, leaving him wanting more.
But on this island, a small group of ambitious real estate agents can disrupt communities and tantalize foolish landlords into untenable positions with the snap of taloned fingers.
And now she sat on the floor in her sunny yellow room, where those agonizingly sweet childhood remembrances tickled and tantalized her senses and swept her away from reality.
That's why I was suckered into entering one of those Readers' Digest prize draws - you know, the ones that tantalise you for months, getting you to fill in this and that, tear off this bit, post this bit back.
Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him.
The tang of the luscious dishes, some of them on display and others being cooked, continue to tantalize your senses as you walk along the tables set in a row.
The word marriage had been thrown on impulse to tantalize, but it would be the ultimate victory.
A diverse range of benchmark wines were lined up to tantalise the group, while the wine specialist and I fielded questions from the savvy and vinously curious participants.
Scientists have long been tantalized by the question of whether life once existed on Mars.
But individual bar brands that stood out over the past year tantalized consumers with fresh or flowery new scents, looking to mimic at least part of the appeal of liquid soaps.
How proteins fold into their ideal conformation is a question that has tantalized scientists for decades.
Boing Boing: October 20, 2002 - October 26, 2002 Archives
A drop of oil on a pillowcase will tantalise the senses for a romantic interlude, or help to lull you off to sleep.
A drop of oil on a pillowcase will tantalise the senses for a romantic interlude, or help to lull you off to sleep.