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How To Use Tank In A Sentence

  • He did stand a long way off the odd ditch but once there was a little less gas in the tank he was really good. Times, Sunday Times
  • A couple of coats of new antifouling paint may cost the equivalent of a couple tanks of gas, but you will keep saving money on fuel all season long.
  • With its elongated snake-like body, the Leopard Moray eel moves very gently from one end to the other in the tank.
  • With a full tank of fuel, the weight bias shifts rearwards slightly, which helps traction, as does the standard limited slip differential.
  • A tanka is a 31 syllable poem that pre-dates the Haiku. BC Bloggers
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  • The fuel tanks are self-sealing, with a fuel crossfeed system that provides continuity of supply if one of the fuel circuits fails.
  • Hopefully when I get a new tank set up, I will have more success in numbers by going by the book.
  • The air bleed in the ballast tank facilitated maintenance of a constant pressure.
  • He had been standing in the turret of a tank with his friend when the tank was hit. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • Stand the fish tank on a firm base.
  • Tanks often attacked the outskirts of the city in skirmishes with resistance fighters, adding to the chaos and unrest.
  • In one hut he roomed with a resident tarantula and things that "sang, copulated, stank, ate each other, whirred, preened, and glowed. From Guyana to Guiana
  • Conventional boilers heat up a store of water using a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard and a header tank somewhere high - usually the loft.
  • Later it wants to follow up with the heavy stuff: tanks, helicopters, anti-tank weapons and armored personnel carriers.
  • a big fish was swimming in the tank
  • He drained the tank of all water.
  • A petrol tank containing high-octane fuel is beside your seat.
  • The lobbyists and the think tanks 'ghostwrite' our economic policies; the politicos just 'sign off' on them. Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?
  • The document was put together in September of 2000 by The Project for the New American Century, a conservative think-tank fathered by Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard.
  • All the fizz - such as it is - comes from the market-based think tanks.
  • I was about to dismiss this as a sort of think-tanky special interest political advocacy group, but then I remembered that mothers are good. The Volokh Conspiracy » Mothers Against Debt
  • The ‘not so bright’ builder was tanked up on booze and decided that it would be fun to fire a loaded 11 mm pistol in a public area.
  • He poured a tankard of beer, and placed it between the acrobat's feet, eliciting an oath as he deliberately spilt some over his crotch.
  • According to a report by Cambridge Econometrics, an independent think tank, house prices in some parts of the UK have reached levels which are unsustainable in the long term.
  • The countries, which the think tank says should be " censured " by the G-20, include China, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan. The Search for a New Currency System
  • These portable torches use pressurized tanks of propane and, if handled carelessly, can be hazardous.
  • The F-22's "supercruise," that is, its ability to cruise supersonically, is unusably short in duration due to inadequate onboard fuel capacity -- so short that current Air Force training missions to exercise supercruising combat actually schedule one tanker refueling just before going supersonic and one more refueling before going home subsonically. The Full Feed from
  • The only cure, however, is to remove lead from the water system altogether, by replacing old pipes and tanks.
  • The oil tanker ran / went aground off the Spanish coast.
  • The two agencies have been studying the feasibility of building sewage treatment plants around lakes and tanks for the restoration of the water bodies.
  • A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • Water from the aquarium tanks is pumped over the top of rafts of brown algae, which feed on the nutrients in the water and help clean it naturally, as they would out on the reef.
  • The Czechs had been Nazified, then communized, their Prague Spring crushed by Russian tanks. The Return
  • Don't forget to cap the tank after filling it up with petrol.
  • Frankly, she held her nose and said it stank like the henhouse when a mongoose has spoiled the eggs. HOMELAND AND OTHER STORIES
  • If you do use a portable humidifier (approximately 1 to 2 gallon tanks), be sure to empty its tank every day and refill with distilled or demineralized water, or even fresh tap water if the other types of water are unavailable.
  • Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around. Faster
  • One usually thinks of the paradigmatic soldier is the front line rifleman, or maybe a guy buttoned up in a tank.
  • Apache helicopters pounded them with missiles, while US tanks poured cannon fire on the defeated and unresisting column.
  • One hundred people were evacuated from a village near York today after a storage tank leaked, releasing an explosive cloud of propane gas.
  • The detector itself consisted of a 100,000-gallon tank filled with tetrachloroethylene, a solvent used in dry cleaning. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had to handle well and be comfortable, able to swallow the miles with a decent tank capacity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main fuel tanks, with a capacity of 2,539 litres, are installed under the floor of the cabin and in the lateral sponsons.
  • The Tokyo market was slightly lower, weighed by the Bank of Japan's tankan survey for December, which showed that sentiment among big manufact urers deteriorated for the first time in seven quarters, although the outcome was slightly better than economists' expectations. Asia Mostly Down; Tankan Hurts Japan
  • Tank battalions, which supported infantry divisions, were at times broken up and spread over a whole division.
  • Attrition rates, for tanks and aircraft increased greatly, sparking off a debate about the implication of the new technologies.
  • She was a character actress who specialized in either cantankerous or kindly older women for three decades, simply by knitting or unknitting her eyebrows.
  • She also managed to go for a spin in an Army armoured vehicle, having wandered over to a tank-washing installation to see if she could have her picture taken sitting on one of the machines.
  • The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level.
  • He was killed when his tank ran over a mine.
  • Amr Nabil/Associated Press An army tank guarded a fire-damaged shopping mall. Egypt Opposition Ramps Up Pressure
  • Mr Crawford has put a padlock on the fuel tank but suspects it won't be enough to stop determined thieves.
  • These are not part of our definition of platform which centers on the engine, transmission, suspension. floor and underbody, and fuel tank.
  • A television camera aboard Discovery's giant external fuel tank provided never-before-seen images of the shuttle jettisoning the tank and moving away.
  • Granados was eventually deported, and the paper's budding relationship with the Latino community tanked.
  • The first tanks appeared at the beginning of June. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wore a black low cut tank top black jeans under black chaps with fringe along the edges and black cowboy boots with silver stitching.
  • Run-off from barnyards, cropland, feedlots, septic tanks, and intensively managed turf areas such as golf courses can introduce large quantities of organic matter and nutrients into a pond.
  • Following its use as a storage site for tanks during the war, the road has been kept usable by constant patching up.
  • Fuel and tankers became so scarce in the spring of 1942 that oil was scavenged from the unsalvageable battleships still resting on the bottom of Battleship Row.
  • Tanks often spend time fighting each other, and their sights work much like the sights used to target and guide anti-tank missiles.
  • A situation might call for an Arclite barrage from a division of siege tanks or a deadly battleship salvo of a targeted area.
  • Leonardo's inventions - a parachute, hang-glider, tank, underwater diving suit and robot - are built and put to the test for the first time, 500 years after he designed them.
  • Protection measures such as installation of desulfurization unit to reduce H_2S, improvement of tank operating conditions and application of sprayed aluminum on welded area etc are presented.
  • Clouds gather, sometimes developing into a cyclone but will a water-starved Chennai see its tanks, lakes, wells and reservoirs full this year?
  • ‘There is a rule stipulating that water tanks should be cleaned twice a year, but some managers are failing to do this and others are only doing it in a slipshod way,’ Xu said.
  • Factors that may limit the usefulness of tanks in clearance operations include the following.
  • The manhole covers had gone, leaving the streets pockmarked with gaping mantraps, while one abandoned tank was vanishing day by day, melting away "as if its armour-plating had been made of ice". Rereading: Naples '44 by Norman Lewis
  • The incision was sutured and the animal was monitored during the recovery period before it was returned to its tank.
  • The new audience would be all of those who have ever figured they were getting screwed when they tried to argue for a raise, dicker with cantankerous suppliers, sell a used car, or buy a new house.
  • In their opening and closing games England's lumbering back four were hopelessly outmanoeuvred by bursts of fast, mobile, unpredictable attacks, like tankers anchored as speedboats darted around them.
  • Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
  • Great ships and tankers steam by. Times, Sunday Times
  • He notes a case where a user inhaled the gas from a mask directly attached to a medical gas tank, lost consciousness, and subsequently died from oxygen deprivation.
  • The sleeve maintains a consistently low temperature throughout the vertically disposed shelves of the cryobiological materials contained within the inner tank.
  • She awoke slowly, her head throbbing as it had the time she had taken a whole tankard of ale on a dare from the boys.
  • The city was also pounded by fire from helicopter gunships, jet fighters, tanks and machine guns.
  • NASA said the word "ullage" comes from the French term "ouillage," used in winemaking to describe the space between wine and the top of a storage container. In this case, it refers to the space at the top of the first stage fuel tank and the need to push the fuel to the bottom of the tank. Latest News -
  • The Lusitu community police post project, estimated to cost a total of US $110,000 will have an office block, two semi-detached houses, a communication must, a soakaway and a septic tank.
  • The tankard was a wedding gift from her husband, and a Dutch wedding scene is graven on the lid. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • His dad is the cantankerous black sheep of the mob.
  • Tankers have to use floating hoses to connect with a single buoy mooring, which channel oil through subsea hoses to the pipelines.
  • Prior to processing Luxus clean and granulate the tanks. Archive 2008-09-01
  • He currently lives in a private tank behind the "streamside" exhibit, though Mr. Groves, the curator, would like to put the snot otter on public view soon. Green Movement's New Mascot: the Slimy Snot Otter
  • They swam right up to the glass of the tank and flapped their little penguin wings.
  • The Abanaki Model 8 belt skimmer may be part of an emergency oil spill system, in which wastewater flows though a coalescer tank, is skimmed, and then passes though filters. Business Wire Travel News
  • As has been stated above one of the main fuel tanks was removed from the fuselage in order to adapt the aircraft from its original single-seater design.
  • Pictures of huge Angel statues and former industrial buildings turned into art galleries lend themselves to good imagery for fashion-conscious think tanks it seems.
  • The tanker Jessica - carrying some 7700 barrels of fuel - ran aground on Tuesday.
  • Shooters can fill the compressed air tank from either a standard scuba tank or from a high-pressure hand pump.
  • We drove there and back on one tank of petrol.
  • But it is believed the arms haul includes anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.
  • She looked like a tank in her bathing costume, Hoomey thought, squat and powerful and belligerent.
  • Crude clays are blunged, sieved and passed over rare earth magnets, then stored in constantly agitated farm tanks.
  • Polly led the way down the sidewalk, her tank top wet at the breastbone, her silky biceps made wooden by her cargo. SURE OF YOU
  • Nothing was too much trouble for her to do in the way of helping us, and oftentimes tears would bedim her eyes as she looked at me and baby, who always laughed at her; perhaps thinking of her loneliness after we were gone, perhaps of the possibility of our not returning to Tankar, and even of the uncertainty of life in the far interior. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Up to that point, traditional aquariums offered views of segregated species through small fish tank windows.
  • Wine makers now can siphon the wine from one barrel to the next in order to leave the solids, called pomace, in the bottom of the fermenting tank. Berks county news
  • The runoff hose was supplied by a tank reservoir that permitted measurement (i.e., volumetric metering) of the outflow.
  • Without her I wouldn't have the mental image of Dick Cheney decked out like Rambo with a belt fed machine gun in one hand, and bandoleers crossed over his ripped chest, standing in the city street in front of some WW2 tanks. Tired of pink men.
  • Twelve years ago: A US frigate fired warning shots across the bow of an Iraqi oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman -- apparently the first shots fired by the United States in the Persian Gulf crisis.
  • A well-fitted hot water tank jacket costs around 15 but can save you around 40 a year. The Sun
  • And a walk-in closet once filled with medical equipment including oxygen tanks is seen to be empty. The Sun
  • Clinicians should remember to ‘fill up the tank’ before attempting to constrict the vessel.
  • POGGIOLI: A recent report by the International Crisis group think tank says Kosovo appears to be run by what it calls a lawless political elite in control of every aspect of society. Corruption, Poverty Create Political Gloom In Kosovo
  • Looking out of the bus window, I saw tank traps, sandbagged trenches, tank emplacements, barbed wire, low flying copters.
  • When you refill your tank, make sure it's full to the brim. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am not an aquarist, but my wife has a 44-gallon freshwater tank that is always crystal-clear.
  • The oil tanker ran/went aground on a mud bank in thick fog.
  • If this technology was implemented in a fuel cell vehicle, it would cost about $200, as opposed to using carbon nanotube tanks (which cost about $5.5 million) or metal hydrides (which cost about $30,000). Chicken Feathers May Fuel Hydrogen Cars in the Future | Inhabitat
  • Mystified I adjusted my position so I could see, and dabbled an experimental finger or two in the tank.
  • The wine is cleared of sediment and bottled under pressure, directly from the tank.
  • When the Americans did not give up but rather kept building more planes and tanks, the Japanese responded with massive suicidal attacks, believing that Americans, selfish and mongrelized, could not stand up to such a show of national unity and self-sacrifice. Sea of Thunder
  • And you know also the contrapositive, that your being at place X entails that you are not then in a tank on Alpha Centauri.
  • This matter settled, I strolled back to the pipul tree beside the tank, thinking that it might be useful to pick up the remarks of the loiterers. Tales of Destiny
  • Open a nearby hot water faucet and the inlet water valve to refill the tank.
  • COSCO Group's tanker fleet development is also confronted with challenges from domestic same trade .
  • The morning after the party, the whole house stank of beer and cigarettes.
  • We're also seeing new shipping terminals being built to bring in liquefied natural gas by tanker. The Sun
  • Products on sale range from logistics software to tanks, rocket launchers and warships. Times, Sunday Times
  • As mentioned before, water can wind up in your gas or diesel fuel as a result of condensation in the tank.
  • Yesterday, as our correspondent's account made clear, an ad hoc motorised cavalry of scores of youth fighters on pick-up trucks charged at Ajdabiya, only to retreat in disarray when Gaddafi's tanks, which were dug in around the town, fired back. Libya: Moving targets | Editorial
  • One soldier in the file was hit by mortar fire a few yards from my tank.
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
  • The rooftop water tank is supported by a dense grid of 1m thick parallel brick walls penetrated by arches to create a series of 4m wide vaults.
  • Within a week, Hitler had occupied the Sudetenland, and six months later German tanks rolled into Prague.
  • I mean its almost as bad as when they asked the Iraqi Defense minister if there where marines in Bagdad and him saying "no, there are no Americans here" all the while in the back ground you can see an M1 Abrams tank. 'People have a right to be grouchy,' Axelrod says
  • The economic growth rate for next year has slipped further and further as the year goes on, with the latest prediction from the government's top think tank readjusting the figure to a paltry 2.6 percent.
  • The think tank's report comes after MPs blasted plans to pause the electrification of northern rail lines due to cost. The Sun
  • An oil truck with a long silver tank headed down the highway. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Normally less than 5% meat meal and tankage are used in growing and finishing diets for pigs and less than 10% in diets for brood sows and poultry.
  • Motoring organisations demanded an investigation into the construction of fuel tanks used by heavy goods vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stopped in the middle of the fast lane facing opposite traffic, and a tanker carrying diesel fuel smashed head-on into the front of her car.
  • Damascus and was performing his purificatory ablution on the edge of a tank when his feet slipped and he fell into the reservoir but saved himself with great trouble. The Gulistan of Sa'di
  • One of the tanks on the range fired a shell. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Currently AMCL manages a medium - sized tanker fleet composed of VLCC, SUEZMAX and AFRAMAX.
  • The galvanised tubular steel pallet provides the necessary space for ventilation between the tanks and the ground.
  • Rescue divers jumped into the 2,000-gallon saltwater tank on Monday night and hauled him up.
  • Tanka came in a variety of sizes and were often painted on cotton or silk.
  • Although I've only recently stuck my toe in the fast-moving blogstream, I've been a fan -- and an advocate -- ever since bloggers took the Trent Lott/Strom Thurmond story, ran with it, and helped turn the smug Senate majority leaderinto the penitent former Senate majority leader, a bit of bloody political chum floating in a tank of hungry sharks. April 2004
  • Cautiously he looked forth over flat landscape of building site, of brickfield, of the huge tanks and lush vegetation of sewage farms. A Sheaf of Corn
  • Most of the time, he wisely kept a light touch with turquoise beading, trimming fresh white tweed coats and dresses with the stuff - and even won with a swingy beaded skirt worn with a delicate cashmere tank.
  • For the first time since the U.S. deployment, the factions use their heavy weapons systems: howitzers, heavy machine guns, mortars, and even a few older-model tanks.
  • It includes an old gas holding tank that served as a space tunnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once sensors detect a target, preferably a tank or armored personnel cartier, the submunition fires an explosive projectile into the top of the target.
  • Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank.
  • It is like any quality car except it doesn't have a fuel tank. The Sun
  • The toilet stank of urine, and at one point a chef was seen picking his nose while preparing food.
  • The sense that a candidate is tanking - or on a roll - can make the difference between a potential donor making a contribution or keeping his checkbook in his pocket.
  • His manners, outlook and attitude stank. The Sun
  • They are squeezed and pasteurized and, if they are not bound for frozen concentrate, are kept in aseptic storage, which involves stripping the juice of oxygen in a process called "deaeration," and kept in million-gallon tanks for up to a year. ABC News: Top Stories
  • I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank.
  • In its fish tank it has sharks, dolphins and whales. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, if the outside air temperature is dramatically different to that of the water the tank is cooled on immersion and the air volume is reduced within it.
  • If you have an electric storage water heater in a tight space and want to convert it to gas, you can use an add-on burner for the electric tank.
  • In its fish tank it has sharks, dolphins and whales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowd drew back as the tank approached.
  • The paint thinner in the garage is a solvent and the barbecue grill tank contains volatile gases.
  • On Thursday, salvors started moving the marine gas oil into containers on the ship, then airlifting these by helicopter to shore, where it is decanted into a big roadside tanker.
  • It would barely run to the exhaust pipe on a tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nukeba tamachiru nagai no yaiba da nure kami de mo kayo ni kireru, tadaima yatsu ga wo kiri chi wo tomete goran ni ireru; to maru de kiru yo [u] desu ga ha (yaiba) no aru tokoro wa madzu no kata bakari de, moto no kata wa yaiba ga hiite aru yue, sono ha hiku no tokoro wo ude he ataru to suji ga tsuku bakari de kire washimasen ga, tanka ga kireru kara, chiwa taki-tsu se no gotoku nagareru. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Tanks rumble along the dusty road and helicopter gunships hover. Times, Sunday Times
  • It blends the milk, the cream, and the sweeteners into the batch tank through the pasteurization and homogenization processes, then sends the mix to the production floor to be flavored and packaged as ice cream.
  • I think modern parents will empathise with him, I really do, if people really listen to this play, but because of his attitude and his cantankerousness he may not get sympathy.
  • There is no doubt we have the finest tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the world.
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tank is filled with about 10 inches of a buoyant Epsom salts water solution heated to body temperature.
  • He checked the tank she had set out for him, tested the regulator, then tapped on the pressure gauge.
  • In command of the light tanks, Patton headed a school and trained his tankers for combat.
  • The system accurately meters low - to high-viscosity two-component materials such as epoxies, urethanes, silicones and acrylics supplied by pumps or pressure tanks. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • Watanabex says: boba fett blasted himself up outta that stanky ass FIRST 5 MINUTES OF VAGINA TEETH MOVIE
  • When Max came out, she wore a light pink tank top and pink track pants, supposedly her nightclothes.
  • As the fire swept over the car the fuel tank began to boil and a six metre jet of flames spurted out of the back of the car.
  • The aquarium has also done some research and development on pressurized tanks to display fish, but a window on such a system has to be so small that only one or two people can look into a tank at a time.
  • And, as if the moment couldn't turn any more unfortunate, one of these shadow spikes struck the car's fuel tank, rupturing it and causing the yellow cab to explode into shrapnel and into flames.
  • The tank has been equipped with torsion bar running gear and hydraulic dampers have been fitted to the first and last pair of wheels.
  • The circular, hypaethral shrine stands surrounded by paddy fields with a big tank for ritual bathing near it.
  • The oil tanker ran/went aground on a mud bank in thick fog.
  • Shell already has its own internal think tank - called the "game-changer team" - which gives seed money to innovative ideas from both inside and outside the company. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A fully electronic unit, it consists of a wide, flat strip that extends into the tank, topped by a cap housing the electronics.
  • As a young subaltern in the Royal Tank Regiment he was unafraid to put it to use.
  • Typically, he will cover a turntable in glitter or a loudspeaker in a tight-fitting sequined tank top, thus rendering each object quite unable to function.
  • I would imagine laptop sales will tank once the net-book fad is over. Is The Desktop PC Dead? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Just as they reached it a tank shell sailed into the first house and flattened it. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • She unzipped her bag and got what she needed: her light blue tankini with stripes of different shades of blue, her sunblock, her sunglasses and her towel.
  • The penniless stand at the sea wall, dangling hooks into the surf, and stare out at the oil tankers queuing up in the bay. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the taxi driver's voiture stank of cigarettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tanks spearheaded the offensive.
  • Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.
  • Standing near the transom opening, all six men donned their gear, including heavy weight belts and tanks, which caused the stern to submerge below the waterline.
  • Usually when you catch one and open it, you'll find the tank full of ugly chemicals like lithium pentafluorophenyl borate etherate, methoxyphenyl-boronic acid or naphthylboronic acid. Sun of Suns
  • Matthew had acquired a tank which trundled over the carpet emitting small but sharp percussive explosions accompanied by a shower of sparks.
  • A minute later, Sergeant Bean had the nozzle into one of the outrigger tanks. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Clive and Elsa are massively proud of the new male and female they have in their tank, whom they are now encouraging to perform a mating ritual-dance known as imprinting and whom they whimsically name Fred and Ginger. Splice
  • In lieu of a political party, the Tories have splintered into think tanks.
  • The top/narrow end of the cone is the inlet for any pump/device to ships/tanks etc. to capture oil until they fix the leak. Giant Underwater Dome Could Contain Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
  • Tankadhar's village falls under Lapanga gram panchayat which is surrounded by industrial units whose dependency on ground water has gone up in recent times. The Hindu - Front Page
  • 1 minnow alone could over winter in a 15 litre tank indoors yes… but it would be best to release the shubunkins into the larger built in pond for the winter:) how deep is the underground pond?
  • A close inspection reveals that in a past life they were oxygen tanks.
  • It means that filling up the petrol tank could become a rarity. Times, Sunday Times

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