- the Jewish scriptures which consist of three divisions--the Torah and the Prophets and the Writings
How To Use Tanach In A Sentence
- Stanach™s stomach turned over as he remembered Realgar™s slow reach for the Kingsword, saw again how he almost touched the sapphired hilt, then drew back. Stormblade
- It's a mental disease that infects people with the egocentric and ethnocentric delusion that they are superior, and they justify themselves by taking isolated words and phrases from thier relligious scriptures, whether they be in the Torah or Tanach or Bible or Qur'an. Religious Fundamentalism in Israel
- And being a Kabbalist means you study the Torah, (the "teachings" of God, in the Tanach and Rabbinic literature) and consider that study an inherent duty of observant Jews, correct? Kathleen Wells, J.D.: Roseanne Barr Says Israel Must End Their Blockade and Occupation of Gaza
- No Jew calls the Torah or Tanach the “Hebrew Scriptures.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Peretz on the Cairo Speech:
- Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
- The Torah refers to both the first five books of the Old Testament, and the whole Old Testament (Tanach) and all of Jewish instruction. Some Frequently Asked Questions addressed to Roman Mysteries author Caroline Lawrence
- I find the Tanach to be an inspiration, but I don't see God in it, rather stories about God," she says. Danna Harman: What I Learned At Limmud
- Chicago, Illinois - Davka Corporation and Redlex today are pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of Totally Tanach 1.0 for the iPad, featuring the complete text of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible - known in Hebrew as the "Tanach" - with English translation.
- He looked from Tyorl to Kelida, he homeless, she clanless, and Stanach shivered. Stormblade