How To Use Tampere In A Sentence
He tampered the document.
The basin pipes were tampered with and the vandals squirted cleaning fluid all over the brand new carpets.
The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
self-evident," since become awkward of acceptance, were ever thus pettifogged out of the path, and fundamental principles have in this way prescriptively been tampered with.
"Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers"
It's the confidential stenographer who has been tampered with — you remember that middle-aged, youngish-oldish woman, Tom?
Also, don’t forget you can still register for MindTrek, the Nordic conference on social media (Oct. 1st – 2nd) in Tampere, Finland.
The Web at a New Crossroads | FactoryCity
I say it and I say it emphatically, without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice, accused was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with.
Cash machine crime is increasing in Surrey and there have been incidents of cards being cloned after thieves tampered with machines.
One of their answers they did not give forth publicly, but only to us in private -- when they said that the writings of the New Testament had been tampered with by unknown persons who desired to ingraft the Jewish law into the
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
One resident, who wished to remain unnamed, said the lifts had been damaged, the careline tampered with, doorbells vandalised and windows broken.
Moreover, because all the system files stay on a read-only device, it is most unlikely that they are inadvertently tampered with by anybody.
Hole-in-the-wall users in the area should be wary after a town centre cash machine was tampered with.
The car looked immaculate and the interior was clean and unworn, which could mean the mileage was accurate, although the digits on the speedo didn't quite line up - a telltale sign that the mileometer might have been tampered with.
Milk bottles on doorsteps can be tampered with.
The Sun
After a night of guzzling beers in a field, the group awakens to find the fan belt in one of their pimped rides has been tampered with.
This German postcard arrived yesterday from the lovely Katja, a student of literature in Tampere, Finland; she found it in the university bookshop.
Girls Go Postal! | Krawattennymphe
The State, which is abundant in natural resources, is a gift of God which should not be tampered with.
The microswitches detect any tampering and, if tampered, the system erases the secret keys and data.
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.
The Sun
Nothing would have pleased the old man better than a rough-and-tumble campaign against the Satpuras, whom he, as an "unmixed" Bhil, despised; but he had a duty to all his nation as Jan Chinn's interpreter; and he devoutly believed that forty plagues would fall on his village if he tampered with that obligation.
The Day's Work - Volume 1
He said one of the pots tampered with contained 40 undersized crayfish.
(later tampered with to make it idealistically, which is something else), but he was a materialist and had translated
Topping Shakespeare? Aspects of the Nobel Prize for Literature
My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.
Re the applicator issue, see also the French 'tampion' - a stopper for the barrel of a gun or cannon; but probably not Tampere which is known as Finland's Manchester ... although now I come to think of it ...
Word Magazine - Comments
This voucher is not valid if deemed to have been tampered with, or defaced.
The Sun
Data in the system cannot be modified, and unaffiliated physicians cannot connect to Geisinger's production databases, where data could be tampered with or destroyed, Chanaga says.
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.
The Sun
However, Asmita has come in for criticism from purists who feel traditional art forms must not be tampered with.
Guicontrol,, from, ampere | | coulomb / s | statampere
AutoHotkey Community
If nothing else, the alarums over the meeting of justice ministers of EU member states in Tampere, Finland, over yesterday and today, provide an object lesson in the difficulties in campaigning against the steady march of European integration.
The sky is not falling in...
Sometimes reason has prevailed and the sacred envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
Living with Angina
He padlocked the box, sealed the lock and chained the box to ensure that it would not be tampered with.
For example, her car brakes were tampered with and she suspects him.
Charges that she tampered with saline solution were dropped.
The Sun
One resident, who wished to remain unnamed, said the lifts had been damaged, the careline tampered with, doorbells vandalised and windows broken.
Paint nail varnish over the joints which will crack if tampered with.
Corporate Cloak and Dagger
The metal boxes, which contained the ballots' counterfoils, and unused ballots also had no seal or had seals tampered with.
We have central tabulators for these machines running on Windows software, compiling results that can be demonstrably tampered with.
Juventus are likely to begin their Champions League adventure against Artmedia Petrzalka, who lead Finns Tampere United 3-1 from the first leg.
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.
The Sun
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.
The Sun
I could see at once that the lock had been tampered with.
Someone has tampered with the electrical circuits.
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.
The Sun
The opposition claims the Movement for Multiparty Democracy stuffed ballot boxes and tampered with the count.
Then there are those pesky agreements known as Tampere I and Tampere II, which enabled the Commission to dismiss Michael Howard's election promises that he would tighten up asylum laws and border control.
Archive 2007-07-01
Sometimes reason has prevailed and the sacred envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
Living with Angina
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.
The Sun
The BOBCATSSS 2009 symposium is organised by students from the University of Tampere, Finland and the University of Porto, Portugal - 28-30 January 2009 - Porto, Portugal
BOBCATSSS 2009 symposium
Sometimes reason has prevailed and the sacred envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
Living with Angina
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.
The Sun
Lars Sonck's cathedral in Tampere in Finland - just make you gasp with joy and sheer amazement at the idea that someone, another human being, thought of and caused to be made this extraordinary, beautiful, breathtaking space.
An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
The letter goes on to say that Chinese telecom-gear makers are potentially subject to "significant influence by the Chinese military which may create an opportunity for manipulation of switches, routers, or software embedded in American telecommunications network so that communications can be disrupted, intercepted, tampered with, or purposely misrouted.
Lawmakers Urge Scrutiny Of Chinese Gear Suppliers
Charges that she tampered with saline solution were dropped.
The Sun
I am not an expert on figuring out if the video has been tampered with or not, but my bet is that the YouTube video has been tampered.
FRANKFURT— MAN SE said Wednesday it has informed public prosecutors that it is investigating whether its four-stroke marine diesel engines may have been tampered with to make them appear more fuel-efficient.
MAN Probes Fuel-Efficiency Claims
These are hands-off, no-go, sacrosanct areas that the British prime minister cannot afford to have tampered with.
Apparently, however, the discovery of one detectaphone had been enough to disarm further suspicion, and the garage keeper had not thought it necessary to examine the telephone wires to see whether they had been tampered with in any way.
Guy Garrick
Someone had obviously tampered with the brakes of my car.
These are the slides from my talk at the Mindtrek conference in Tampere, Finland today.
Identity is the platform | FactoryCity
Someone tampered with the documents on my desk
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.
The Sun
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid.
The Sun
Lothian and Borders Police said the pair had also been charged with allegedly breaching badger protection laws after badger setts were found to have been tampered with.
The ballot boxes remained unstuffed and un-tampered-with.
We categorically deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our careers.
Satan, working through unconsecrated leaders of the church, tampered with the fourth commandment also, and essayed to set aside the ancient sabbath.
While the city continued furiously to rage, reports of fresh trouble flowed in from all sides: further terrible details from Amritsar; rumours that the Army and the police were being tampered with and expected to join the mob; serious trouble at Ahmedabad and Lyallpur, where seventy British women and children were herded, in one bungalow, till they could safely be removed.
Far to Seek A Romance of England and India
Police have called for residents to be extra vigilant after a cashpoint machine was tampered with in the town centre.
In some cases there have been reports of scaffolding poles being thrown through windscreens of fire engines, crews being attacked by concrete blocks, being shot at and equipment being tampered with.
No! and to every other commentator who has wantonly tampered with the text, or obscured it with his inky cloud of paraphrase, we feel inclined to apply the quadrisyllable name of the brother of Agis, king of Sparta.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
He also allegedly tampered with a domestic gas fitting.
The Sun
They could tolerate anything except someone who tampered with their usurious money-making.
The candidate tampered with voters.
She needed to establish a system that could not be tampered electronically without detection.
Paint nail varnish over the joints which will crack if tampered with.
Corporate Cloak and Dagger
Although Telemann tampered with even basic characteristics of Polish folk music (Chopin would have blanched at the idea of a polonaise in duple time!)
Last Wednesday, MAN said it told public prosecutors that it is investigating the possibility that its four-stroke marine-diesel engines had been tampered with to make them appear more fuel-efficient.
VW Gives Terms of Offer for MAN
Investigators say someone tampered with a locked switch on October 20th so that trains would go the wrong way.
Alcoa CSI, for example, launched a new 38-mm Seal MAX cap in late 2003, a hard-shell screw-on/screw-off cap with an interior liner and a specially designed tamperevident band.
Now, however slight might be the value of the work in question destroyed, it is surely of startling interest to know that _work may be destroyed_, or worse still, defaced and tampered with, at the present moment in full London, with the joyous approval of the major part of the popular press.
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
After a short conversation he left but the residents believe someone tampered with a back window while he was there.
Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use.
The Sun
This voucher is not valid if deemed to have been tampered with, or defaced.
The Sun
Milk bottles on doorsteps can be tampered with.
The Sun
Earlier I reported on Open Mind 2005, held in Tampere Finland on November 11.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Open Mind 2005
He thought the thieves had used a crowbar or chisel-type instrument to force a rear door at the school and possibly tampered with an outdoor security light.
According to anti-abortionists, pregnancy is sacred and mustn't be tampered with, but many of their opponents have overlooked the wedge that this drives between a mother and her fetus.
This voucher is not valid if deemed to have been tampered with, or defaced.
The Sun
He would do a challenge packing case and then have the same firm re-challenge him, claiming that they knew that he had somehow tampered with the box.
The Secret Life of Houdini
A Scottish parliament security inquiry was launched last week amid claims that his letter to her was leaked after her computer was tampered with.
There's still nothing to suggest my phaeton was tampered with, but, given these other two episodes, I'm inclined to think she may be right.
The club's lights had been tampered with by the assailants and many were crushed in the rush for the exits.
The train halted again (near Cabin A) after the brake vacuum pipe was tampered with.
Other items of property have been damaged or tampered with over the past number of months.
The car looked immaculate and the interior was clean and unworn, which could mean the mileage was accurate, although the digits on the speedo didn't quite line up - a telltale sign that the mileometer might have been tampered with.
According to anti-abortionists, pregnancy is sacred and mustn't be tampered with, but many of their opponents have overlooked the wedge that this drives between a mother and her fetus.
Lightweight Danny Garcia and light welterweight Willie Nelson won their weight classes at the Tammer Tournament in Tampere, Finland. - Athlete of the Week Holland beats traffic on snowboard
He was told that these were no longer the British Government’s to change and the word Tampere was mentioned.
Archive 2007-06-01
Milk bottles on doorsteps can be tampered with.
The Sun
The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
The loose dashboard trim also hinted that the mileometer might have been tampered with.