
How To Use Tamer In A Sentence

  • Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence invitro.
  • Initially known for drum'n'bass-driven club bangers, they have since headed into tamer territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Publisher: Information Gatekeepers, Inc. Archemix announces aptamer-based therapeutics agreement with Johnson TILMA Expands on NAFTA
  • An organism is considered metameric when its body is mostly formed of serially repeated anatomical units called metameres.
  • So, would the homeobox regulation of metamerism be considered as a "front-loaded" pre-adaptation? Ancient Predator Revealed!
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  • Tameratta hitomi ukabu namida demo ashita no chikara ni kaete Antenna
  • In the turn, Lion Tamer moved four wide to sail past rivals and seize the lead in early stretch.
  • These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
  • In contrast to flies, which have a clearly segmented ectoderm, the mesoderm is the primary vertebrate tissue that is organized in a metameric pattern. Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • From recent developments in molecular biology, it is becoming clear that cationic chemical species, such as histone octamer, protamine, spermidine, etc. play an essential role in the packing of long DNA chains into the nucleus.
  • The lion tamer was afraid the lions would turn on him.
  • If I were a FLID supporter, I would propose that the homeobox regulatory mechanism for body regions was a "front-loaded design element" that, once it was in place, could be modified extensively via standard evolutionary mechanisms to produce the various metameric metazoan bauplans. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • The tamer and subduer of monsters and tyrants, Hercules (vanquished by the snares of loue), did not he handle the distaffe in stead of his mightie mace? The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Like HSV-1, VZV DNA exists as an endless (either circular or concatameric) episome. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Pour emp阠her ce malheur on placera la plus grande quantit� de ribaudequins vers les angles du corps de bataille, et l’on t鈉hera de se tenir serr� de mani鑢e � ne point se laisser entamer. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Rather, the DNA in chromatin must be wrapped on the outside of the histone octamer. Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • Timur, or Tamerlane, modelled himself on Genghiz Khan, and miniatures on the wall depict his ferocious onslaught on Baghdad.
  • The Pentamerida were biconvex with incurved beaks and were characterized by an internal muscle platform, the spondylium.
  • So for a week he floated with the current of casual dissipation and then, caught for an hour by a refluent eddy of lonesomeness, ” four parts of the pentamerous clover-leaf were paired lovers, ” he penned a missive which might have changed much in his future career: He sent to Christian Schwan a formal proposal for the hand of Margarete. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • This and the stoichiometry of the tetramer implied a unit of structure in chromatin based on two each of the four histones, or an (H2A) 2 (H2B) 2 (H3) 2 (H4) 2 octamer. Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • Let the globe be covered with wholesome fruits; let the air on which we depend for life convey to us no diseases and premature death; let man require no other lodging than the deer or roebuck, in that case the Genghis Khans and Tamerlanes will have no other attendants than their own children, who will be very worthy persons, and assist them affectionately in their old age. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • The annelidan affinities of the Echiura are further strengthened by recent work demonstrating a metameric or segmented arrangement of their nervous system as is typical of the annelids.
  • This and the stoichiometry of the tetramer implied a unit of structure in chromatin based on two each of the four histones, or an (H2A) 2 (H2B) 2 (H3) 2 (H4) 2 octamer. Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • The tide turned when Tamerlane invaded their territory and in 1398 successfully raided Delhi, and sacked it without mercy.
  • In eukaryotic cells, the fundamental unit of chromatin is nucleosome, which is composed of a histone octamer with two copies of HA, HB, H and H and base pairs of DNA.
  • He and many others landed jobs on in-shore mackerel boats, fishing tamer waters around the Isle of Skye and Plymouth.
  • But, from contemporary evidence, it is clear that he had gained some experience in the provinces before he made his first appearance on the London boards, when his Tamerlane was a decided failure. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • One of the proposed methods for performing a protein bioassay is the use of fluorescence anisotropy of the fluorophore-labeled aptamer.
  • In a stylish routine fueled by Queen, the Supremes and Lady Gaga, the members of the DeRosa Lab at Carleton University shimmy and shake their way through the the scientific process of finding a DNA aptamer to attach to the molecule homocysteine. DNA dance: Amazing science lesson of the day
  • Notably, the oldest known Early Cambrian chordate Yunnanozoon had its metameric muscular units located dorsally of the notochord, although its body was laterally compressed.
  • The perianth of Calceolariaceae is shown to be derived from a tetramerous condition, not from pentamery as traditionally believed.
  • Archemix announces aptamer-based therapeutics agreement with Johnson Will NYTimes Science Stoop To Propaganda?
  • Right loath was the swart barbarian to let me have them, but hunger, hunger is a great tamer of your savage; and the steam of good Furbo’s cook-shop yonder was suggestive of savory chops and greasy sausages — and — and — in short, Aurelius, I got them at The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Today, we're going to learn about the "Selection of a DNA aptamer for homocysteine using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment. DNA dance: Amazing science lesson of the day
  • I may have provoked it by flirting with him at our first encounter and I made a futile attempt of redeeming myself by trying to steer away from the coquetry to something tamer.
  • You don't need to bring the bells and whistles everywhere you go: Some of the best experiences I've had have been in tiny, unexpected venues, or on tiny platforms in big, atmospheric spaces: Katya Kabanova on Inis Oirr; Tamerlano on a 2.5m by 3.5m platform in a cathedral; a staged Stabat Mater in a cave at a slate quarry. Best bits: on the road – exploring new models of touring
  • These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
  • In Gould's concept of the term, the original homeobox regulatory mechanism would have evolved first in non-metameric animals, and then become modified later in the dominant metameric forms (i.e. arthropods and vertebrates). Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • While critics and the tamer movie fans dismiss horror movies, I tend to give them a more serious-minded consideration. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Timur was called Timur the Lame -- Tamerlane -- from a wound which left him with a permanent limp.
  • A commenter by the name of Ettamere writes: The term 'gastropub' has always conjured up in me an image of a nasty intestinal complaint/procedure. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I drove towards Kings Tamerton and Victoria Road slip road when an idiot on a motorcycle undertook me between the nearside of my car and the grass verge.
  • Ay, him they call Tamerlane, because he is shorn of two toes. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • What remains to be determined is how the reaction mechanism for this enzyme might differ from those PBGS that show both an absolute requirement for metal ions and an octameric quaternary structure.
  • Only Enid could dare him at such a time, and even she felt occasionally that sinking of the heart which the bravest of tamers may experience as he unbars the gate of the cage. The Land of Mist
  • So for a week he floated with the current of casual dissipation and then, caught for an hour by a refluent eddy of lonesomeness, -- four parts of the pentamerous clover-leaf were paired lovers, -- he penned a missive which might have changed much in his future career: He sent to Christian Schwan a formal proposal for the hand of The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • I think of the painting of the lion and the tamer, with its own rhythm, where the colours keep on moving with a strange music of their own.
  • Midway through the second half, former Bantams skipper Lee Duxbury netted his first goal for the Throstle Nest outfit, again from a Stamer assist.
  • Tamer Abdalla 1 year ago wow man thats dope its one thing making a quality video but making one with friends is another level, respect matt dobbins 1 year ago Nyle "Let The Beat Build" on Vimeo
  • From previous anatomical data, we hypothesize that the level of such actions is suprametameric, with strong implication of the diencephalon and cerebral cortex.
  • All we know is that all of the known metameric animals use essentially the same mechanism to regulate the development of their multiple body segments. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • The zygomorphic, pentamerous and spurred flowers are approximately 15 x 12 mm in diameter.
  • Lame, whom we call Tamerlane, with sixty thousand men; after Tamerlane, The Companions of Jehu
  • As only library rotamers are used for heavy atom conformers, these are near torsion minima and their torsion energies are set to zero.
  • Aking kapatid na babae, Rachelle, na naka-disenyo ng website, na mukhang kapani-paniwala at ay pinananatili generously sa pamamagitan ng Tamera Phillips ng Blufish Design Studio. »2,007» Hunyo
  • I crossed the Straits in good order, but came to grief in Eastern Siberia -- all because of Tamerlane is the excuse I have grown accustomed to making. CHAPTER 12
  • Adam Jones sent me the following link to the Dugout, a site that does baseball parodies apparently, they used to be a bit randier, but now that they are owned by AOL, it's a bit tamer, but still funny. Morrison’s Influence Spreads Far and Wide! | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • This particular type of aptamer, which is synthetic, is usually floppy. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • Standing before the main battle tridee on the bridge of the damaged but still very battle-worthy Tamerlane, he watched in silent satisfaction as the surviving stingships returned to their mothercraft and the main body of the armada advanced to within orbital bombardment range of both worlds. Dirge
  • Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence invitro.
  • Become a lion tamer? Eventually become emperor?
  • Rudimentary tracheal metameres invaginate but lack primary branching and interconnections.
  • Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
  • SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) is a method to generate DNA … which are then eluted from the target molecule and amplified by PCR. … (both of which are used in Macugen, an FDA-approved aptamer), … The development of aptamer probes for molecular signatures on the cancer cell … "War of the Weasels" article in new Skeptical Inquirer - The Panda's Thumb
  • While most vegetative metamers have short internodes, metamers that form at the end of the vegetative phase have elongated ones.
  • In support of this, we have observed only dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric aggregates for the synthetic transmembrane domain of SARS protein E in SDS.
  • Having established this primary principle, Semper has little difficulty in showing that the main organs of the body lie to one another in the same relative positions in Annelida, Arthropoda, and Vertebrata; and this, together with the metameric segmentation common to them all, constitutes his first great argument in favour of their genetic relationship. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • pentamerous flowers
  • He was Tamerlane himself, prince of the Sidhe, and a more tender, more noble being she'd never known.
  • Loranthus quandang, Lindley manuscripts; incanus, foliis oppositis lineari-oblongis obsolete triplinerviis obtusis, pedunculis axillaribus folio multo bevioribus apice divaricato-bifidis 6-floris, floribus pentameris aequalibus, petalis linearibus, antheris linearibus basi insertis. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • It was completely devastated by Turkmen tribes, the hordes of Tamerlane, and the Persian Safavids.
  • An elongate, metameric body bears numerous pairs of lateral imbricating lobes, probably of natatorial function, sometimes accompanied by repeating sets of horizontal support rods.
  • The lion-tamer cracked his whip.
  • An organism is considered metameric when its body is mostly formed of serially repeated anatomical units called metameres.
  • It has all the wonderful magical qualities of the Emile Henry Burgundian clay, which means that it takes temperature extremes like a trooper, is easy to clean, and can even be used on a gas stovetop, with a flame tamer. Lavender Shortbreads
  • Any particular abdominal metamere usually consists of only two sclerites, the tergum and sternum.
  • It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • The days of lion tamers and dancing elephants seem to be well and truly gone, and the stars of the modern circus seem to be the weird and wonderful talents of gifted human beings.
  • -- Diagram showing the arrangement of parts in a complete, regular, pentamerous flower: _s_, sepals; _p_, petals; _st_, stamens; _o_, ovaries.] Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Instead, there is tamer nightlife and a variety of alternative activities, ranging from climbing and parapenting to ice diving. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the study, frozen brain sections from people who died with Alzheimer's were stained using two LCPs/LCOs: pentamer formyl thiophene acetic acid (pFTAA) and polythiophene acetic acid (PTAA). Newswise: Latest News
  • This analysis also explains why most repressers and activators bind as dimers and tetramers, not trimers or pentamers.
  • In the study, frozen brain sections from people who died with Alzheimer's were stained using two LCPs/LCOs: pentamer formyl thiophene acetic acid (pFTAA) and polythiophene acetic acid (PTAA). Newswise: Latest News
  • When Julie thinks of the way she is with Jean it's like an animal handler: a lion-tamer or someone who works with difficult horses. GOING OUT
  • Most living echinoderms, like this sand dollar from Baja California, are pentameral; that is, they have fivefold symmetry, with rays or arms in fives or multiples of five.
  • Both Tetramerista and Pentamerista have small sized pollen with a heterobrochate reticulate sculpturing, whereas pollen grains in Pelliciera show a characteristic perforate sexine with large verrucae.
  • The protective layer is located at a very particular place on the muscle cell membrane, where costameres, riblike structures, hold the bundled muscle cells together. Emaxhealth
  • Along with subsequent calcite deposition, the pentameres are obliterated, the outline becomes rounded, and nodose sides appear.
  • Furthermore, this regulatory mechanism almost certainly evolved among organisms that were not metameric, but then became modified later in those descendant lines that became metameric. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Oct-11 can bind to an octamer motif sequence specifically.
  • The ASA for every rotamer cluster of Trp 192 of TCS and the three tryptophans of colicin A are shown in Table 6.
  • Most provocative of all the Ediacaran forms are those exhibiting real or apparent metamerism.
  • Selection of a DNA aptamer for homocysteine using SELEX from Maureen McKeague on Vimeo. DNA dance: Amazing science lesson of the day
  • One bead, one carriage, one vertebra, would be a metamere. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • We conclude that VPU-TM tends to oligomerize as a pentamer under the present simulation conditions, which we postulate are representative of the accessible states of the protein.
  • The authors present a case of patient with a complex metameric vascular lesion of the thoracic spine and describe a management strategy for this entity.
  • In the vertebrates the metamere is evident in the embryonic stages and tends to disappear in the adults.
  • The absence of any European and North American genera of stricklandioids is a strong indication of pentameride provincialism in South China.
  • Sean Carroll's book, Endless Forms Most Beautiful has a good, relatively simple description of how the homeobox regulatory mechanism is tied to metamerism. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • So, is metamerism part of the "front-loading" hypothesis? Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • and maybe update the GB theme sond to some heavier updated rock/rap not limp biscuity or linkin parkish but maybe more N.E.R.D'ish or something a little tamer. 7 Minutes Of Harold Ramis Talking Ghostbusters 3 | /Film
  • Like all tension tamers, the coffee buddy has good timing. When office stress hits its peak, he knows the hothead to take out of the office.
  • Initially known for drum'n'bass-driven club bangers, they have since headed into tamer territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
  • A circus is an organized performance: there are the acrobats, the lion tamer, and the sword-swallower, all working together on the same team. Nathaniel Loewentheil: The Long Arc of the UN: Overlooked Beaches, International Conflict and a Dash of Hope at the Cancun Climate Talks
  • Numerous studies suggest that the smallest multimer with full catalytic activity is a tetramer or an octamer.
  • I've heard it said that at Forst Reach, 'plowman' and 'wild beast tamer' are considered to be one and the same thing. Oathblood
  • Whether this resemblance indicates a close relationship between monoplacophorans and phyla exhibiting true metamerism is an open question.
  • For instance, many arthropods have lost extensive metamerism but still have remnants in the form of repeated organs (such as the limbs in cladocerans and spiders, or the heart ostia in a spider opisthosoma).
  • SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) is a method to generate DNA … which are then eluted from the target molecule and amplified by PCR. … (both of which are used in Macugen, an FDA-approved aptamer), … The development of aptamer probes for molecular signatures on the cancer cell … "War of the Weasels" article in new Skeptical Inquirer - The Panda's Thumb
  • Shoots represent annual increments of extension growth, and their component parts, metamers, consist of a node, an internode, a leaf and an axillary bud.
  • The equatorial view is elliptic in Pentamerista grains and circular in Tetramerista pollen.
  • The term iteration is used to denote processes that result in both metameric segments and repeated ectodermal skeletal structures.
  • In the context of this thread, the homeobox regulatory mechanism of non-metameric ancestral metazoans (such as flatworms) would qualify as an exaptation for the homeobox regulatory mechanism of their metameric descendants. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Arthur Kirkland says: tamerlane: And as a side-effect the incredibly well-remunerated (by US middle class standards) judges of the 6th district impose additional tax burdens on the citizens they are supposed to serve. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • If I were a FLID supporter, I would propose that the homeobox regulatory mechanism for body regions was a "front-loaded design element" that, once it was in place, could be modified extensively via standard evolutionary mechanisms to produce the various metameric metazoan bauplans. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • I do not know how to make a "whatsit" unresponsive, so I cannot test Process Tamer's capability, Forum
  • The term aptamer means something like "fitting pieces" (from the Latin word aptus, meaning to fit, and the Greek word meros, meaning piece). Nano Tech Wire
  • Hydradephaga; - ous: applied to aquatic, predatory pentamerous beetles with filiform antennae: see adephagous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • In both cases, it is of course possible to speculate endlessly on how metamerism might be regulated. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Leopard Man" is a plotboiler: an old story written for a quick $25: the Leopard Man, a circus performer, tells a reporter of "King" Wallace, a lion-tamer who is hated by another man, a juggler and sword-swallower named De Ville, toward whose wife Wallace had the temerity to look upon, apparently lustfully. “I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
  • In its natural state, the aptamer binds with an enzyme called thrombin, which regulates blood clotting. University of Florida News
  • The method involved a stepwise linkage of doubly-restricted DNA fragments and re-digestion of the resultant concatamers.
  • On the other hand, we cannot rule out that full metamerism evolved as a progressively coordinated repetition of organs and intermediate situation can still exist in extant organisms.
  • Tamer by a tad was the $146,000 Audi R8 -- out of all the cars in the group, this is the one I'd actually buy, a still-super-cool-but-practical daily driver. Supercar Driving Tours
  • -- A subcaste of Barhai, Lohar, Kachera or Sisgar, Nai and Tamera. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)
  • Adephagous: belonging to the Adephaga: pentamerous, predatory, terrestrial beetles with filiform antennae and predatory habits: see hydradephagous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • He and many others landed jobs on in-shore mackerel boats, fishing tamer waters around the isle.
  • If one considers two body territories belonging to the same metamer, distal and proximal, the conduction velocities of the fibers that triggered the sensations can then be measured. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Really, if you think a joke in which "Their fall was broken by all the feces" is one of the tamer lines, this joke may be too much for you. Bob Saget, you are one filthy bastard
  • He had originally proposed an idea for a tamer programme, aimed at a young audience but with contestants sitting demurely on a sofa answering general knowledge questions.
  • Mean values for leaf volume, pith volume and the leaf volume: pith volume ratio for metamers located in different axis parts for individuals at different developmental stages
  • In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Tagmosis can ultimately lead to the outright fusion of neighbouring segments and the loss of apparent metamerism, as seen for the arthropod head.
  • A number of tubuli, at first metamerically arranged, now appear, each opening, on the one hand, into the coelom by a ciliated mouth, the nephrostome (n.s.), and on the other into the segmental duct. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • If it turns out that there are other possible mechanisms but that the homeobox regulatory mechanism was the least costly evolutionary speaking for primitive animals with out metamerism then MET gains additional plausibility Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Indeed, there is: somites in metameric animals usually form sequentially from a posterior growth zone, a process found again in all three branches of the bilaterians.
  • A hitman has been sent to to developing country of Turaqistan to kill an oil official and protect the interests of an American corporation called Tamerlane that have contracts to rebuild there. Dart Adams presents A Tale Of Ten Trailers 5 AKA The 4:20 Edition
  • Retailers of the legend seem stupefied by Tamerlane, never knowing whether to praise him for his military prowess or shudder at his ferocity.
  • Thus, in both _Lilium lancifolium_ and _L. auratum_ the writer has frequently met with pentamerous flowers. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence invitro.
  • They are Dave Hoover, a lion tamer.
  • Morgan Freeman's Petruchio is less a shrew tamer than a broncobuster, tossing a lasso over his headstrong, heel-kicking filly. Actor's Gotta Do What An Actor's Gotta Do
  • He expressed the possibility that the pentamerous condition of the water vascular system might be ‘rigidly programmed into the developmental process.’
  • The frayed leopard skin, that left one muscled shoulder bare, of the strong-man lion tamer.
  • The large number of strictly pentamerous families of starfish support the interpretation that there is ‘rigid control’ of pentamerism.
  • Tamerah Hunt, a senior at Oxon Hill High School, started last summer devising an experiment that would break new ground in the behavior of two types of vole, a shy, mouselike creature. National Zoo reopens, but it's far from business as usual
  • Loranthus quandang, Lindley manuscripts; incanus, foliis oppositis lineari-oblongis obsolete triplinerviis obtusis, pedunculis axillaribus folio multo bevioribus apice divaricato-bifidis 6-floris, floribus pentameris aequalibus, petalis linearibus, antheris linearibus basi insertis. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • We also see in various organs of the rabbit, and especially in the case of the limbs and vertebral column, what is called metameric segmentation, that is, a repetition of parts, one behind the other, along the axis of the body. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The particle, called a 'micelle' and made up of a cluster of molecules called aptamers, easily recognizes tumors and binds strongly to them. - latest science and technology news stories
  • For example, here's what Wikipedia has to say about bauplans and metamerism: Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • As an evolutionary biologist, I would assert that the modification of the ancestral homeobox function (i.e. longitudinal differentiation) into the regulation of longitudinal metameric development would qualify as an example of evolutionary exaptation, which Stephen Jay Gould emphasized as one of the principle mechanisms of macroevolution. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Geoffroy's principle of the unity of plan and composition to the three great metameric groups, the Annelida, Arthropoda, and Vertebrata. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The detector works by passing an electronic signal through a type of DNA molecule, called an aptamer, that binds with other specific molecules, in this case cocaine. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • Others opt for tamer pickings, such as lobster mushrooms and summer chanterelles on the fogbound coast of Oregon.
  • The well-known tamer survived with just a hairline fracture to her pelvis after colleagues restrained the animal. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were his most topical and politically/socially-oriented tunes, tamer but still relevant and amusing today, and covering everything from pornography in "Smut" Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately? Spencer Green: The Enduring Satiric Genius of Tom Lehrer
  • The setting is Turaqistan, a fictional stand-in for Iraq where the troops and military might of a vast corporation called Tamerlane -- read Halliburton -- are engaged, Hauser tells us, in "the first war ever to be 100-per-cent outsourced to private enterprise. Perfect Waves,
  • So 'tamasha' sometimes means trouble?" queried Skag, remembering the tamer definition he had learned. Son of Power
  • The body divided into a distinct cephalon and metameric trunk.
  • Lorenzo the Lion-Tamer was James Wilson's great-grandfather and one of the 19th century's great circus showmen - the equivalent of today's football star or pop-singer.
  • Although we did not monitor leaf loss, we did not find a differential influence of ozone on internode length and number of metamers, since both of these parameters changed in parallel to shoot length.
  • His target lives in a country occupied by the American business Tamerlane, which is owned by the former Vice President of the US (Dan Akroyd). Kevin's Review: War, Inc. - A Funny Shell Company «
  • I especially liked the coverage of metamerism as it explains to the user why the perception of similar colors varies under different lighting conditions.
  • In terms of evolutionary mechanisms (such as the origin and elaboration of metamerism), adaptations are the result of natural (or sexual) selection, and are what ID supporters point to as the things that an Intelligent Designer would design into an organism. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • B6 vitamers are first oxidized to pyridoxal, and rapidly phosphorylated to P5P in the liver.
  • World's tallest building, Burj Dubai Tower, opens as a golden era closes As Google apologizes, bizarre Michelle Obama pictures abound online For sale: Poe's "Tamerlane" - the rarest book in American literature Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • Finally, a linear relationship was established between the total number of extended metamers per branch in year 2 and the number of axillary annual shoots developed from these metamers in year 3.
  • First I think we would all agree that we should all give a shout out to our own personal God for metamerism. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • As Google apologizes, bizarre Michelle Obama pictures abound online North Korea admits drastic currency reform, is silent on protests For sale: Poe's "Tamerlane" - the rarest book in American literature Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • However, holothurians retain pentameral (five-rayed) symmetry, with five rows of tube feet running from the mouth along the body.
  • March 20th, 2009 at 9: 52 am an interesting discussion for this group might be the evolution of metamerism, which seems to have been the crucial evolutionary innovation in both arthropods and vertebrates (not to mention most plants). Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
  • For sale: Poe's "Tamerlane" - the rarest book in American literature Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • The earliest metameric pattern, that of the pair rule genes, has 7 stripes that are determined one by one by the action and interaction of a particular combination of gap gene products (32, 33). Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • As far as we know, all metameric organisms use the same underlying genetic regulatory mechanism to produce segmented (i.e. metameric) bodies. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Click to see a dance routine to “Selection of a DNA aptamer for homocysteine using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment.” Pie shakes, car-free days: D.C. area blogs
  • In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • The metameres are visible rings on the outside and are separated by partitions on the inside.
  • Trigamous insect has no wing and the differences between metameres are not obvious.
  • This species resembles P. Sabiniana in the length of its seed-wing and in the color of its cone, but is distinct in the short triangular umbo, in its pentamerous leaf-fascicles and in the mottled dorsal surface of its nut. The Genus Pinus
  • To take an example, the group Pseudostrobus, characterized by pentamerous leaf-fascicles, appears in many systems. The Genus Pinus
  • In the case of physical surfaces there are metamers, i.e objects with very different reflectance curves that have identical appearances of color.

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