How To Use Tamarisk In A Sentence

  • Holm oak and tamarisk withstand the wind and salt spray and give shelter to the birds.
  • Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled.
  • A few years ago, the USDA let loose thousands of leaf-eating Asian beetles in order to sic them on tamarisks, which die from the defoliation ... What's Your Favorite Invasive Species?
  • Many of the areas that once supported Fremont cottonwoods have been colonized by tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), an aggressive, water-sucking invader from Eurasia, also known as salt-cedar.
  • Its line, which reminded us of the Dámah, is well marked by unusually fine vegetation: and the basin bears large clumps of fan-palm, scattered Daum-trees, the giant asclepiad El-‘Ushr,222 thickets of tamarisk and scatters of the wild castor-plant, whose use is unknown to the Arabs. The Land of Midian
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  • Tamarisk, a Eurasian shrub, is your classic invasive species — designated one of America's "least wanted" plants by the National Parks Service. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • The banks were choked with willow and tamarisk, which I occasionally had to crawl under on my belly.
  • Its line, which reminded us of the Dámah, is well marked by unusually fine vegetation: and the basin bears large clumps of fan-palm, scattered Daum-trees, the giant asclepiad El-‘Ushr, [EN#64] thickets of tamarisk and scatters of the wild castor-plant, whose use is unknown to the Arabs. The Land of Midian — Volume 2
  • Dominant species include the cold-tolerant, xerophytic shrub, Haloxylon ammodendron (Goosefoot Family Chenopodiaceae), the tamarisk (Reaumuria spp.), and the gymnosperm Ephedra przewalski. Qaidam Basin semi-desert
  • Holm oak and tamarisk withstand the wind and salt spray and give shelter to the birds.
  • The tamarisk trees cast flimsy shadows on the lake's surface.
  • And then came the churning, rolling and rolling again in the river bottom, crashing against rocks and brushing by tamarisks bent by the flood.
  • Last March, the Center for Biological Diversity sued the government, charging that indiscriminately killing tamarisks jeopardizes the flycatcher Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • The subtle pinks and reds of tamarisk and acequia willows first appear along our water course, the green of young cottonwood leaves to follow soon.
  • Beneath fields of tamarisk and prickly pear, Indian ricegrass, snakeweed, and Russian thistle, a plume of contaminated water stretched for a subterranean mile.3 The stream, half again as wide as it was long, contained about 4.5 million polluted gallons from the ore itself and the various chemicals that VCA poured through it to draw the uranium out. Yellow Dirt
  • His sides bemock the bending charms of waving Tamarisk, [FN#438] * Arabian nights. English
  • I found an overgrown running track with interesting succulent plants and dwarf tamarisk bushes.
  • Here, in this soft and genial atmosphere, the hydrangea is a common flower-bed ornament, the fuchsia grows lofty and luxuriant in the poorest cottage garden, the myrtle flourishes close to the sea-shore, and the tender tamarisk is the wild plant of every farmer's hedge. Rambles Beyond Railways; or, Notes in Cornwall taken A-foot
  • The researchers also used the satellite to estimate "evapotranspiration" - the evaporation of water from soil and the transpiration or use of water by plants - to learn more about how defoliation of tamarisk affects water use. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Since its introduction in the 1800s as a soil stabilizer and ornamental, tamarisk has gone on to infest 1.6 million acres of the West's precious riparian areas.
  • Union campus literary societies of China tamarisk drunken hearts and dancing Yin.
  • Rumour has it that Boabdil's sultana kept assignations here with her lover Hamet, and screened by tamarisks, overpowered by the scent of orange blossom, who could possibly blame them?
  • There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
  • Holm oak and tamarisk withstand the wind and salt spray and give shelter to the birds.
  • In addition, the species is potentially vulnerable to competition by nonnative invasive vegetation such as tamarisk, habitat altering activities such as overgrazing or mowing, and the long-term drought in the Southwest.
  • Holm oak and tamarisk withstand the wind and salt spray and give shelter to the birds.
  • There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
  • A trail runs down to the tamarisk forest on the floodplain of the River Jordan, which forms the border between Jordan and Israel.
  • There were also some fine tamarisk trees growing near the pond.
  • Without vaulting or trusses, Yemeni traditional architecture had to rely on the usable length of palm, acacia or tamarisk trunks for spans.
  • There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
  • A couple days ago I saw a spotted flycatcher hawking for bugs in one of the tamarisk trees behind our building.
  • Cedar and white ash, rock-cedar and sand plants and tamarisk red cedar and white cedar and black cedar from the inmost forest, fragrance upon fragrance and all of my sea-magic is for nought. Hymen
  • Bermuda's windswept northern coastline is protected from spray by non-native tamarisk trees.
  • They sing, chase each other around and hop from branch to branch in the tamarisk trees.
  • The 9th of May, after another such an up-and-down course, ascending hills and descending into the twilight depths of deepening valleys, we came suddenly upon the Mukondokwa, and its narrow pent-up valley crowded with rank reedy grass, cane, and thorny bushes; and rugged tamarisk which grappled for existence with monster convolvuli, winding their coils around their trunks with such tenacity and strength that the tamarisk seemed grown but for their support. How I Found Livingstone
  • Besides the valonia oak, the elm, willow, cypress and tamarisk shrub abound.
  • There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
  • I found an overgrown running track with interesting succulent plants and dwarf tamarisk bushes.
  • The feathery tamarisk [*] and the nabk, the moringa, the carob, or locust tree several varieties of acacia and mimosa-the sont, the mimosa habbas, the white acacia, the Acacia Parnesxana -- and the pomegranate tree, increase in number with the distance from the History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • New flora grew on the shore: Desert scrub, creosote bush, saltbush, and tamarisk.
  • The banks were choked with willow and tamarisk, which I occasionally had to crawl under on my belly.
  • Once an arm of the lake, the delta here is today choked with thick stands of invasive tamarisk.
  • Chee parked as much of the car as he could in the scanty shade of a tamarisk and waited. SKINWALKERS
  • That neat row of tamarisk trees still lines the rush down the harbourside, and the racing cars still turn sharp right past the little church of Sainte-Dévote, the fourth-century martyr who is the principality's patron saint, before accelerating up the Avenue d'Ostende towards the Place du Casino, where a floral bed on the traffic island depicts hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
  • ALMATY (Reuters) - Hundreds of Uighurs rallied in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty on Thursday to mourn those who died in violent clashes in the neighbouring Xinjiang region of Agriculture, checks a container holding tamarisk plants and yellow-striped Diorhabdas in an - Articles related to Hartnett And Fellow Asian Heartthrobs Charm Pusan
  • A new bird I saw a couple of days ago was a male Redstart hopping around in the tamarisk trees near our building.
  • Nearly every patch of mesquite and tamarisk from San Diego east, at least every patch large enough to afford shade and cover, hides a green-striped vehicle, ‘limas verdes,’ or green limes in border slang.
  • One building was surrounded by tall tamarisk and Eucalyptus trees.
  • Having fomented with plenty of hot water, boil in the water certain of the fragrant medicines, add pounded tamarisk, roasted litharge and galls, and pour on them white wine, and oil, and the grease of a goose, pounding all together. On Hemorrhoids
  • We walk up the narrow path through a rockery; the plants are mostly succulents, partially shaded by pepper trees, tamarisks, ngaios.
  • He'd load up the plane with blocks of ice and cases of beer and then roar down the canyon at 150 miles an hour, buzzing the tops of the tamarisk trees and looking for his camps.
  • The additional trees and shrubs in flower are the tamarisk, altheas, Venetian sumach, pomegranates, the beautiful passion-flower, the trumpet flower, and the virgin's bower or clematis, which is such a quick and handsome climber. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 267, August 4, 1827

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