How To Use Tally In A Sentence
In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people.
CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
Silence is the rule for our heroes, and that means a bit of extra claustrophobia to scenes that would otherwise be totally generic.
The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
Trying to link things cross-departmentally is something that in my experience gets talked about a lot, but in reality rarely happens.
The Audacity of Growth at Helpful Technology

I was totally expecting you to say that you read a section looking for the miscut part and got yourself hideously freaked out for the bike ride home.
Cooperative Blog » Blog Archive » Stephen King
Evidentally, this is an effective way for her to keep herself calm because she is easily excitable.
Coco Stylewood baby lounger, which is quite fitting, because your pet is totally your baby as well. bostonkayla on 2008-09-24 15: 46: 19 view bostonkayla's
Apartment Therapy Main
In the closet scene, Hamlet mistook her father for the king, and he fatally stabbed him.
It was foreseen by us that the velodrome would be totally enclosed.
The sides would be totally white without the dye job.
Times, Sunday Times
The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
Then they recruited him (not their first choice, incidentally) to do the donkey work.
This applies both to the mentally alert and the mentally confused.
No major American artists in the twenties were making totally abstract, non-objective paintings.
Some openly jeered and shouted in disgust when the final vote tally was announced.
The goal was another peg, some 30 feet and almost horizontally leftwards across yet another blank wall.
I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.
Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
I was feeling really ill, mentally and otherwise.
These reforms are totally untested and will require a leap of faith on the part of teachers.
Among an ever-improving crop of pivotmen, Duncan is still the most dependable and fundamentally sound.
Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.
Being alone, working overtime everyday in Germany totally rocks!
I have also had dealings with totally incompetent muppets posing as health professionals.
He has totally screwed things up in West Yorks for his officers and police staff alike. on April 12, 2010 at 5: 59 pm jaegerdude
Crime And Immigration In Britain SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Black color is sentimentally bad but, every black board makes the students life bright. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh.
Not incidentally — one of the best 1930s fake-modern piano concerti ever tossed into a film.
Proof through the night
I am neither strong nor anal about the ‘group system’ which, incidentally, and frankly, I think is quite a mess.
Much later, Tomlinson realized that the hotel had already been hit and that all the journalists were either fleeing their rooms or helping evacuate the mortally wounded reporters.
One of the hospitals said that some of the people that had stuff either left or accidentally placed inside them became 'unwell' as a result, but it is not known to which objects, or patients, they were referring. : Spoof News : Front Page
In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded.
Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
Prayer, and receive the Sacrament every day; because they do not subject and submit themselves wholly and entirely to him that hath Light, nor deny and conquer themselves, nor give up themselves totally to God, with a perfect divesting and disinteresting of themselves: In a word, till the Soul be purified in the Fire of Inward Pain, it will never get to a State of
The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
The only time I have done them is for older teenagers with congenitally missing back teeth (with the baby tooth still there at that age) whose only cosmetic option is the porcelain fused to metal crown (those run around $800 or more each) and usually necessitates a pulpal treatment as well due to the small tooth size, and these crowns having a questionable prognosis in baby teeth.
White Crowns For Baby Teeth
Further subdivision of the second category is based on the width of the primary branches, which decreases distally only slightly in C. arboreus, but markedly in C. concentricus.
He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it ....
Two Years in the French West Indies
This is not just gossip, incidentally; he publishes this detail in the programme.
Times, Sunday Times
She finally knew what it was like to be totally and utterly in love with one person.
Acari in the eye have been incidentally alluded to under inflammation of the lids.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Male speaker It's an attack on them mentally.
The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) superfamily of growth and differentiation factors and is a primary regulator of muscle growth both pre - and postnatally, primarily via inhibition of myoblast proliferation and differentiation
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The Government said that it will legislate to keep the parties in the room, and then chuck another $1 million at the Department of Labour, and set up a semi-autonomous, not totally autonomous, unit.
The bite valve has no shut-off mechanism, so it's more apt to leak if accidentally squeezed.
Women's wrestling is a totally new discipline, while women's sabre is included in fencing.
(Coincidentally, it apparently freeze-dries into space ice cream very well.)
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Though it crush its victims to the earth; and tread them into the dust; and brutify them by every possible invention; it cannot totally extinguish the spirit of manhood within them.
The White Slave; or, Memoirs of a Fugitive
Thanks to a swift horse powered by a mysterious elixir, he intercepts Domenico, wounding him mortally.
But the designer decided to withdraw the shoes over fears they could become a lethal weapon if the wearer accidentally trod on someone else's foot, the Daily Telegraph reported.
I'd digitally greet him, applaud him, shake his hand, give him daps, but there's a flaw within the fine print, a question i got to ask—
A poetic response
The current mob are three away from equalling that tally with 33 games remaining.
Times, Sunday Times
To say how prisoners spend their time on leave is up to individuals is totally unacceptable.
The Sun
She claimed that nuclear power was the most environmentally safe form of energy.
He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.
In these environmentally conscious times, this is an uncomfortable growth industry.
We might speculate that those with dementia would be less willing to participate in a research project than the mentally fit.
People in downstate are totally disgusted withChicago politics.
Republican congressman announces bid for Obama's Senate seat
The idea of demons in New York was therefore fundamentally absurd.
She was totally unfazed by the news.
But despite these delays, the experienced tallymen will be watching the boxes and each party will allocate different people to count the votes being put into the relevant piles.
The building supports environmentally minded commuters by providing showers for bicyclers and accommodating employees who wish to take the bus.
We are totally reliant on voluntary donations.
The Sun
The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
Mentally recollecting myself, I took a deep breath and said coolly, ‘Andrew, please leave.’
Our legal system is fundamentally an adversary system - and this solution would betray its very nature.
Directing my own video-montage, I start mentally overdubbing the soundtrack.
I thought it would be a totally appropriate way of starting off the city's celebration, as a way of showing the 'rootedness' of churches within the history of Hattiesburg," she said. -
When Wanda's little brother accidentally shrinks Ms. Frizzle and the kids, they end up trapped in a bathroom with no way out!
We keep the steel framework but change it into something that is environmentally friendly.
Times, Sunday Times
He was brutally punished for his role in making an illicit radio receiver.
Times, Sunday Times
He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.
He added a goal and yet another assist to his tally.
The Sun
Data was collected prenatally and at the first four birthdays until the children were 6 and 7 years old, when they underwent a clinical evaluation by a board-certified allergist.
The school system itself is not totally desegregated.
We understand that this equipment should never be used by people without Medical training and was therefore dangerous and totally useless in punts and small boats.
At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction.
Let's Get Back to People
This whimsical but dangerous world was depicted in a monumentally epic 15,000 page, single-spaced typed novel, "In the Realms of the Unreal".
Horses trotted through the dirt streets, pulling buckboards and tally-hos past slower-moving electrified trolley cars.
Most teleost fishes possess a complex set of intrinsic caudal fin muscles that have only rarely been studied experimentally.
The way many estate plans are currently worded could cause them to backfire, either by triggering unnecessary state estate taxes or even accidentally disinheriting a surviving spouse.
Does Your Trust Need a Tune-Up?
Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology?
Cave Pharming
This was comfortably the highest tally in 22 years of assiduous recording.
Times, Sunday Times
A string of Labour figures of all ranks are calling for the Premier to quit to save the party from being fatally damaged.
The Sun
One of the reasons we made the film was to present a different picture of people who have been labelled as ‘mentally ill’ than normally appears in the media.
The third in the triplet took you in totally the opposite direction by looking at life as a transgender person who blurs the distinction between male and female identification.
Sun yesterday ice hockey team as a poor second option is totally wrong.
The Sun
In some cases of abduction, the abducting parent is mentally unstable and/or a drug abuser.
Because newborns have an immature immune system, 90 percent of infants infected perinatally progress to chronic infection.
These parks grew into public parks, municipal parks, state parks, and, most monumentally, into national parks.
The English Is Coming!
We are totally supportive of this idea.
I think that is a travesty of justice if that occurs and I'm against it totally.
Heaping blame on each other between the police and the Lusaka City Council over the issue of the Lusaka street vendors is uncalled for and totally unnecessary.
They managed to shift about half of the mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed patients to homes and less restrictive programs.
And despite herself, Matilda gives in to Ric's charm - she's totally melting for the guy!
Unwind by sitting quietly and mentally scanning your body from the crown of your head down.
So check for an authentic service history and that the chassis number and invoices tally with the car you're viewing.
Times, Sunday Times
They will always be fiercely competitive up front and totally committed in defence.
The Sun
Had Diego Milito's goal in the first leg been correctly ruled out for being sixty-miles offside, or had Barça's totally valid goal not been shambolically dismissed, then Barcelona would have contested the final in Madrid.
How do you like your sour grapes, Señor Xavi Hernández? | Richard Williams
They doubled their tally late in the game with goals by Hill and Ben Connolly.
The landscape is totally different from that of the area surrounding the resorts, with a wide variety of spectacular plant life, including the saguaro cacti and century plants.
Beverley were adjudged off-side and Hewitt added the three points to complete his side's tally.
There is little evidence to suggest that occupiers will pay more rent for environmentally friendly offices and factory buildings.
Times, Sunday Times
He was totally without ostentation or pretension and totally disinterested in wealth, honours or managerial power.
I gave a small laugh and gazed at the ceiling, feeling monumentally stupid and childish.
Totally nude, he sat down at the dressing table and began to look through his paperwork.
But I picked up the Geodesica omnibus from the SFBC and I am totally getting Saturn Returns when it's out.
Back on Cover Art
Feminist folkloristics, as developed in the United States and Canada, understands gender as a fundamentally sociocultural construct.
One of my friend told me that he fell down in swimming pool accidentally, and unable to swim.
Goodbye Old Friend. R.I.P. Rajeev Motwani
Building the proposed new road would be environmentally damaging.
Hundreds of angry Malawians hounded a senior political figure from his house and stoned him [though not fatally] late Wednesday, accusing him of harboring vampires.
Only one phaser is inoperative, which means, offensively, the ship is almost totally effective, but defensively its lack of forward shielding makes the vessel incredibly vulnerable.
The fairy tale romance has come to an abrupt and totally unexpected end.
All that is consistent with the government's commitment to environmentally-friendly farming.
Frank Rossitano (Judah Friedlander): Just before the show begins, neglects to put on one of his ridiculous trucker caps and accidentally slaps some deely boppers on his head instead.
'30 Rock' live: What could possibly go wrong?
The solar units are environmentally friendly and can now be installed on your roof to blend with the architecture of your house.
Many might mock the idea but sometimes combining two totally unconnected things can really work.
The Sun
Being the only two farangs there, we were totally conspicuous every time we fell asleep on our knees or did something yet again more unacceptable.
What are the environmentally stickiest and least ameliorable sectors?
Matthew Yglesias » The Limits to Growth
Now we live in a more crowded, environmentally aware age and trains are back in fashion.
It's a totally ridiculous, completely unsexy word.
Posting of slanderous, libelous, abusive or defamatory material is totally prohibited.
I repeat that this pageful of disasters is merely the record of an average day, when nothing much is happening: and incidentally it occurs in a newspaper which, rather than most, tries to put a good face on things.
As I Please
It may sound totally infeasible but something has to be done to help the lower League clubs to survive.
Blind, totally eyeless trilobites have given us another indication of the range of trilobite habits and habitats.
SSI is either totally sound or maybe 1% off depending on how economic growth goes over the next 40 years or so.
Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
Labour backbenchers are confident the last tally-ho will soon echo across Britain's countryside.
But the most important thing is that he totally blends in with the entire extended family.
Times, Sunday Times
It was light and breezy with jaunty incidental music and you could totally see what the producers had in mind.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, the response went on to totally digress from the topic and talked more about the airline’s new premium cabins, and not customer service.
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Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache.
The Younger Set
Another thread running through this series is the role of doctors in the treatment of the mentally ill.
We incidentally found that STAT1C overexpression cause aberrant STAT activation in LL2 cells. Further studies on the underlying mechanisms may explore a novel regulatory system of JAK/STAT pathway.
I think most of the bad part is being confined anyway, being incarcerated-under the label of being mentally ill.
She mentally reviewed his no longer youthful figure, his monastic face, black-haired and large-nosed, with eyes full of expression, his curly mouth, at once judgmatic and benevolent.
Flowering Wilderness
He, too, was totally aware of the emotional content of each song and cut his musical cloth accordingly while accompanying with true artistry.
Landscape, on the other hand, illustrated nothing, represented no important event deserving of record, and was thus totally without significance in a Grecian temple or pinacotheca.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
What if the whole entire school catches it and falls into horrible states mentally and physically?
The skyline is brutally impressive in the way cathedrals must once have been when nothing was taller.
October « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
Similarly, the facetting pattern masks inclusions sufficiently that, anecdotally, lay-persons are unable to see certain inclusions (even down to SI2 or EVEN P1) even with a 10x loupe.
We had lunch in BHS cafe - not somewhere I would usually go but totally deisgned with children and families in mind.
The One With A Photo And A Few Other Things
But here, the longsword is the one that totally decapitated the dummy.
TV for Gaming: Deadliest Warrior « Geek Related
That new white convertible is totally awesome.
There, the mason had to lie on his stomach in a narrow groove, working his tools horizontally, chips and limestone dust dropping in front of his face.
Here's where the fundies fundamentally disagree.
What was abnormal behaviour five years ago is now seen as totally normal.
The Sun
Fictional situations are related anecdotally to life experiences.
What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others.
Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
I find his racist views totally repugnant.
And incidentally, it's in India where the ancient symbol of the swastika originated.
All the other campers were gone to either river raft or kayak, and the campground was totally quiet, all you could hear were the crickets and an occasional moo from a cow.
Under the substitutional theory of artifact production, the forgeries of documents so common in the Middle Ages can be understood as the legitimate reproduction of accidentally misplaced facts.
Onions coincidentally contain a lot of potassium metaphosphate (KPO3), which, when combined with all the water soaked up from the Gatorade, is used to produce even more KH2PO4!
The second beneficiary, the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, relies totally on charitable donations for its desperately-needed equipment.
If Khouri is as mentally unstable as the article implies then that's a bit harsh, don't you reckon?
It was totally unacceptable behaviour towards people who had given you long and loyal service.
Adding to the mesmerizing murmur of the flowing water, the sounds of birds singing and cows mooing left one feeling totally at peace.
The floral meristems are formed acropetally and are initiated on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem, being protected by bracts.
Incidentally, the references to the Australian system are to the way its (state-run) railways ended up with three separate track gauges.
The Changling is coincidentally what I called my youngest son during potty training.
And “retard” is a pejorative term used to dehumanize the mentally retarded.
Matthew Yglesias » Does Anybody Know How to Do Development?
Eustache always retains a trace of dandyism, whereas Pialat is fundamentally a proletarian.
I spun to my left, sword gripped in my right hand horizontally, pointed to my right at neck level.
Hero for Hire « A Fly in Amber
I don't know why they ever got married. They're totally incompatible.
Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
When you are finished, your face is not totally clean because you are left with an oily film that should be removed.
Take Care of Your Skin
He is a simple, honest man, totally lacking in guile.
Authorities now believe that the perp is a mentally unbalanced male around 35, who was dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt at the time of the Piazzetta attack on Sunday.
Reading makes minds sharper and writing helps you stay mentally active, experts say.
The Sun
Criticizing them for being too reformist is just totally missing the point.
Matthew Yglesias » Sherri Berman: Progressives Must Believe in Change
A laptop with recording software and a USB interface can serve as a totally portable recording studio.
He once went further and declared that all judges were mentally unbalanced.
Times, Sunday Times
He was postcoitally benevolent, practically glowing—he would make an effort to really understand her.
Say When
The pictures are scanned, placed in computers, and digitally printed.
You could say the same about director Bille Woodruff's last movie, Honey, which against all the odds, I totally loved.
She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.
In doing so, he would inevitably have descended into the arena in a totally unacceptable way.
While most pollsters say they would contact clients whose analyses didn't tally with the numbers, few ever do.
They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.
But even if one allows for the gradual introduction of minimal, or totally unmetered phone charges, one has to question how many more eyeballs are there to be captured.
I felt extremely fit, both physically and mentally.
They are mentally prepared to raise their games to Super Bowl heights.
I went to see it the other day, incidentally, it's still there, still exactly as it was in 1935.
If I ever use these features at all, I want them optional, totally attachable/detachable .... extensions I mean.
Firefox 3.5 Gets Geolocation, Powered By Google | Lifehacker Australia
The imperialists are a bit mentally retarded but they will have to learn what the use has been of their 20 years of hostility and struggle against us.
I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.
Therefore, if a patient is anemic and the guaiac test result is negative, gastrointestinal hemorrhage still cannot be totally excluded, especially with bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract.
But it turned out worse than that: the 200 submissions were later judged to be totally at variance with the findings of the RAF's own Board of Inquiry into the accident.
But at the time, all thoughts of tempo totally vanished as the senses encountered a rare flux of movement.
Times, Sunday Times
You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.
You cannot be physically relaxed and mentally tense.
Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
We all get totally hammered on tiny amounts of the local rice wine, and stay up way past our bedtimes at the Hoài Café.
She took a deep breath and mentally berated herself for being so silly and childish.
We chatted noncommittally in the kitchen, neutral territory.
We think countenancing any other position would totally undermine our members going about their duty and put them at phenomenal risk.
Many might mock the idea but sometimes combining two totally unconnected things can really work.
The Sun
Farmers and crofters can apply for annual payments for up to ten years for adopting environmentally friendly farming practices.
She totally keeps amazing me with her intuition, her perception and her intellect.