How To Use Talky In A Sentence

  • A butterfly with wings spread dominates the foreground of Papilio oregonius, so that the swallow-tail's markings are clearly displayed, while stalky reeds part to frame the insect against distant sea and sky.
  • The modern sections with Streep are loose and talky and expository.
  • The stalky marshland plants huddle in dense bunches on uncultivated areas bordering South Florida's sugar farms.
  • You'd have to talk to my artists - I think they probably all would say I'm too talky and my books are too much people going back and forth.
  • Update, 11/15: "The twin specters of Ingmar Bergman and Woody Allen hover over this talky history of a relationship between two New Yorkers," writes Stephen Holden in the New York Times. GreenCine Daily: Flannel Pajamas.
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  • In the west white stalky birds coasted out to sea for their daily rounds. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • The dancing is ace, but if psychoanalysis isn't your bowl of chutney, bring along a brainy friend to guide you through those pesky talky bits.
  • The movie is not entirely successful - there are times when it is too talky and the "action" portion could have used some tightening.
  • The film is often talky, but rarely boring, thanks to the sharp dialogue.
  • In its wild form, asparagus was a thin, stalky weed, but over the centuries growers have thickened it up and developed a succulent flavour.
  • But it is very talky in its middle act, a lot of the more horrible elements of the story needing exposition to envision them, since the production couldn't afford to create the necessary visuals.
  • Gore was a talky candidate who believed in hashing things out, and he put his own family traumas on the record.
  • While overlong and talky, the film does explore an angle not usually covered in films of this ilk. Weekly Mishmash: March 15-21 :
  • The movie was an early talky that creaked across the screen in seventy-year-old black and white. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • There are many long talky scenes where a lot of history and philosophy is explained.
  • She's not my type, very talky.
  • Loire Cabernet Francs are at their best in hot vintages like 2003, when their potentially stalky flavours are transformed by sunshine.
  • That may sound like an unpromising topic for an opera, but Strauss knew what he was doing - the old composer was too much of a practical theater man to deal in abstractions or produce a talky treatise on aesthetics.
  • It's a fair assumption that he's aware of my existence simply because the community at my college is close-knit and talky.
  • Joan was talky and self-contradictory.
  • The industry already adjusts budgets to deal with films, like talky comedies, that aren't expected to play well overseas.
  • The graceful 1st action scene comes after a talky (but interesting) first 15 minutes.
  • Harris also makes Jenny rather talky, a second mouthpiece for his own opinions.
  • There were smart-alec animals, girls in their underwear, bloody fights, talky conspiracies, and always, too much time spent waiting for the viewer to load. What Is Zuda Looking For? » Comics Worth Reading
  • _Habet_!" murmured Stalky, as Rabbits-Eggs swore into the patient night, protesting that he saw the "dommed colleger" who was assaulting him. Stalky & Co.
  • That call stilled the tumult for a minute, and Stalky, leaping to a desk, shouted, "He went and sucked the diphtheria stuff out of Stettson major's throat when we thought he was in town. Stalky & Co.
  • She reminded him of a fawn, gangly and stalky, with wet brown eyes. The Electric Laundromat « A Fly in Amber
  • It chanced that there was but one of them on duty in the wood that morning -- a certain short, stalky little fellow whose name was Walter Skinner, and who was fond of speaking of himself as a king's man. A Boy's Ride
  • And we may get talky at times too, but it won't be for its own sake, or to pull the wool over people's eyes.
  • If some of this makes "Eclipse" sound talkier than it is (i.e. quite talky and sometimes pleasantly so), the production, under David Slade's workmanlike direction, takes several time-outs or time-ins, depending on your bloodlust level for bluntly efficient if familiar battles. 'Eclipse' Makes 'Twilight' a Bit Brighter
  • By the _Gazette_ report we conclude the Festival must have ended as many such meetings do; and never better expressed than by Lord Byron in his facete moments -- "then talky, then argumentative, then disputatious, then unintelligible, then altogethery, then inarticulate, and then" -- but we have done. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 532, February 4, 1832
  • We had an unusually talky audience with which to watch it: the old guy behind me kept thinking out loud, like, 'Oh, it's raining' and 'Where are they going?'
  • Some are tricky and talky bargainers.
  • The movie has a tendency to be talky, but that's because it's based on a play that Nelson wrote.
  • The toughest part was taking a very talky play and making it cinematic.
  • Never put anything on Facebook that you would not want your boss, your creepy stalky ex-lover, or your young students/clients to find out. Why I'm deleting my Facebook account
  • Sometimes you don't mind a talky cab driver, but I felt off-kilter and contemplative after my stroll so it was perfect.
  • This taste is often described as stalky, but if you ever, for whatever reason, happen to gnaw a mahogany sideboard you will recognise the taste.
  • True, the opera can seem talky despite Mussorgsky's eloquent song-speech techniques, but with the right singing actors, a gallery of fascinating characters comes vividly to life.
  • The film is also slightly different in its feel to previous editions, with one review warning that, "Those wanting noisy spectacle and endless action will be disappointed. This is a talky Potter.
  • By Hollywood standards, his films may seem slow, theatrical, or excessively talky.
  • Its provocative themes were smothered by a talky libretto that alternated between earnest exposition and sitcom jokes, set in smoothly tonal, insipid musical language.
  • In the west white stalky birds coasted out to sea for their daily rounds. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • Both tracks are talky and informative.
  • And, once winter arrives, the stalky seed heads peek through the drifts of snow.
  • At the second transplanting, Hiram snipped back the tops, and the roots as well, so that each plant would grow sturdily and not be too "stalky". Hiram the Young Farmer
  • I see him through the glass recline across the backseat, stalky in his blue underwear, wispy and pale as the sky. A Mountain of Crumbs
  • I grew up in an era when a lot of contemporary poetry was so slack and "talky" that it did not satisfy me.
  • If the editor took the time to scrawl"Nzce jb grape jelly assassin, send mor pls," it means they thought enough of your work to risk the potential hazardous attraction of the stalky, mad, one-percent club I'm just guessing that 1% of slush submitters do the really crazy stuff - it could be more. February 2010
  • Volume 2 is a talky affair.
  • Then Matt began to bleep Mike with the walky talky.
  • The talky screenplay and questionable acting take away from the power of the events being depicted.
  • He had made tea for us; it was what the monks called mountain tea, a delicious mixture of mint, floral herbs, and a stalky item reminiscent of chamomile. Scott Cairns: The Unceasing Prayer Of Mount Athos: A Short Trip To The Edge
  • Aggressive raspberry and black cherry nose is followed by a ripe fruit and sweet oak palate, and a finish which is slightly stalky and green.
  • Years ago I had been fond of her; she had been warmer than the other aunts, less talky and vicious, and during the first years when Donald was away in New York, she had visited my mother often.
  • And pulling up a handful of pansies by the roots, I find them "without stems," indeed, if a stem means a wooden thing; but I should say, for a low-growing flower, quiet lankily and disagreeably stalky! Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • The stalky marshland plants huddle in dense bunches on uncultivated areas bordering South Florida's sugar farms.
  • Prudie is printing your letter as representative of the tons of suggestions that came in about how to close down talky seatmates on planes.
  • She's attractive, smart, as talky as this guy, about the same age and she has a sense of humor about blind dates.

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