How To Use Talks In A Sentence

  • When the Mexican chair of the meeting declared the talks formally closed there were whoops of delight from the African delegates.
  • She talks to doctors and parents about the risks, finding that a number object to the jab and fear it will promote promiscuity. The Sun
  • Minister for Defence Robert Hill talks with an Australian Army captain and warrant officer at a Middle East base.
  • But I am uncomfortable with the way he talks me into buying and wearing the costumes. The Sun
  • He always talks about her to me, and I feel so uncomfortable and miserable.
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  • Japan had hoped that the resumption of talks in September would help the countries settle the issue and stave off mounting cries on both sides for further escalation.
  • It talks about the cost of carnivory and dietary groups based on the weight of the carnivore. The evolution of vampires
  • The committee is hoping to invite several people to give talks atthe launch and the usual story tellers will also be present.
  • He has also helped mediate peace talks in Burundi.
  • This recent wave of terrorism has ruled out any chance of peace talks.
  • The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two countries.
  • He's inclined to spit when he talks quickly.
  • He regularly talks of matters the front pages dare not touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's an amiable man in a striped shirt who talks with infectious vim about science. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parker also said that much of what Rhee achieved in contract talks already existed in D.C. law but was not used by her predecessors, including the power to weaken seniority protections for teachers who are "excessed," or let go from their jobs because of school closures. D.C. Teachers' Union election will affect survival of Rhee's initiatives
  • Note the language she uses - for example she talks about defeminising herself.
  • In this hour, a general talks strategy against a slippery enemy.
  • Talks between the neighbouring countries were called off following a border incident.
  • This was meant to pave the way for talks aimed at gaining the release of the hostages.
  • Talks are under way to let the Scottish Prison Service access and contribute information to a powerful intelligence database on the movements and activities of the country's criminals.
  • The stalks grow pale and wide, the flavour mellow yet powerful and tangy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower part of the stalks can be used in a soup, pasta or risotto, after peeling away remaining fibrous threads. Times, Sunday Times
  • You make progress in money talks by setting aside feelings and focusing strictly on the facts. The Sun
  • He talks about health and wellness. Christianity Today
  • In a series of calls, he made clear that Britain would retain the referendum option and that he did not want to prejudice next week's crisis talks at a Brussels summit.
  • A plant with an umbelliferous inflorescence is one whose flowers are borne on stalks or pedicels originating from a common node on the main stem.
  • He will attend the ongoing U . N . climate talks in Bali next week.
  • It said yesterday it continued to make good progress in its three-way talks with banks and bondholders.
  • Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.
  • And he flatters the mother and she kind of gets prissy and he talks her into going for a ride in the sports car.
  • Mr Buthelezi on Wednesday criticised the media in general for what he termed their blatant misrepresentation of the IFP position at multiparty talks. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Its flowers nod on frail stalks that spring straight from a rosette of heart-shaped leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their tough stance followed talks at Camp David in which Mr Bush agreed to delay action until the new year.
  • The current talks are aimed at extending the maturity of the loans beyond October 2013 but are likely to lead to higher interest payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • She does strange things, talks to herself and has become abusive to her husband. The Sun
  • The talks are expected to continue until tomorrow.
  • For some eerie reason I am reminded of a passage in the bible where it talks of the Anti-Christ being made into the likeness of man …. perhaps corporate personhood is what this passage really meant? Think Progress » Corporations Speak Out Against SCOTUS Ruling, Call On Congress To Approve Public Financing Of Campaigns
  • Somalia Jun 22 06 - Sudan hosts talks bet/Isl. Courts & TFG - Financial News
  • Everybody always talks about her amazing voice, but she's a great songwriter too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.
  • Peel and core the pears, taking care to leave the stalks in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he will again warn them about their conduct in talks today. The Sun
  • The same doctor has to be a combination of priest, demiurge, counsellor, pharmacologist, horologist, talkshow host and healer.
  • Iranian officials have suggested that the all-expenses-paid visit take place on January 15 and 16, ahead of Iran's talks on its nuclear program in Istanbul later this month with world powers. Iran Confirms Invitations to Tour Nuclear Sites
  • One of my favorite talks was the presentation on biomimicry, or innovation inspired by nature.
  • Last week's picket forced the council to concede hours of informal and ultimately fruitless talks.
  • It was forced to delay its full-year results pending rescue refinancing talks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initial talks were the base of the later.
  • Formal talks for normalizing diplomatic relations have been suspended since October 2002.
  • While gazing off-screen left, she talks to Sam behind her screen right.
  • He who talks much of his happiness summons grief. 
  • You might even downgrade it to bar fare, since the only stalks most guys eat are served alongside hot wings or immersed in a Bloody Mary.
  • The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
  • On the same day, Li also held talks with his Cypriote counterpart George Iacovou.
  • Many cliffs are now brightened by the pretty pink flowers of thrift on their trembling stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talks aimed at averting fresh postal strikes were adjourned last night and resume today. The Sun
  • Edwards reframes the question right away, goes on the offensive, and talks about people.
  • Reports by the chairman, secretary and treasurer included a review of the talks, events and outings over the last 12 months, and some suggestions for the future.
  • There are open-air cinema club nights in summer and year-round talks by artists and writers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The talks are aimed at finding a mutually agreeable solution.
  • There was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.
  • The stalks of wheat could be spun and braided into many useful things.
  • Miriam follows her even after she covers herself in gas and stalks away, and after that they are inseparable, Miriam having promised herself that she will never leave Eunice.
  • Crees have been negotiating for 26 years to get jurisdiction over the islands, but the talks have continuously broken down.
  • The offensive has provoked an al-Qaida-linked self-proclaimed commander of the Pakistani Taliban to suspend peace talks with the government.
  • That allows him to dodge questions about bid talks, although his opinion is clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Kalachakra tantra talks about a time when the three lalos, the barbarian kings, will rule the earth.
  • 'The Stand' in development CBS Films and Warner Bros. are co-producing Mr. King's 1978 postapocalyptic epic, and Ben Affleck is in talks to direct. Crossing Over: A Novelist at the Movies
  • When Dr Shaibani talks about ‘God’, and ‘design’, it's not some throwaway line covering a belief in evolution.
  • Instead, they hold talks on the sidelines of multilateral meetings.
  • The Prime Minister expressed her regret at the failure of the talks.
  • Much turns on the outcome of the current peace talks.
  • Much advance publicity was given to the talks.
  • How I hate the man who talks about the 'brute creation,' with an ugly emphasis on _brute_ .... This Simian World
  • Well I think he wants to go back and live in Melbourne, but I think obviously there's been some talks there, some heart-to-hearts going on.
  • Three such soldiers were there at this time, cleaving through waves of eye laden stalks as they rose from the dust.
  • I'm very excited about her full-day workshop, Advanced User Research: Dirty Little Secrets, where she'll reveal oodles of tricks and techniques that nobody ever talks about.
  • But the talks foundered and the two teams are now in a dogfight for tens of millions of pounds in prize money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ConnectU founders fought right to the end, settling the dispute in mediation, then contesting the settlement and battling with the lawyers who had represented them in the talks. Judge Ends Facebook’s Feud With ConnectU - Bits Blog -
  • They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period.
  • The flowers are borne at the height of 2ft. to 3ft., and are produced singly on very thick, rigid stalks, long, nearly nude, grooved, furnished with numerous short, bristle-like hairs, and gradually thickening up to the involucrum of the flower. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Anna Warner, a passalong from neighbors Mae and Mickey looks pleasing with the spent stalks of Astible arendsii ‘Fanal’. Some Daylilies And A Surprise « Fairegarden
  • Fromm talks about the fact that sometimes we see corruption at the highest level of our government and then people remain apathetic and don't even bother to vote. Riding the Winds of Change
  • Halve the lemon grass stalks and squash the bases with the flat side of a knife.
  • The ‘informal talks’ between our union and the employers have been about an offer and a counter-offer which are both unacceptable.
  • The little fry is king at GDC, and most of the panels, talks, and chatter are revolving around the worlds of iPhone, Xbox Live, and online-only games. The Game Developers Conference: Michael Jackson, Free Droids, and iPhones in Ghana « PubliCola
  • Leaves, each with one to three pairs of smooth, tiny leaflets, shed early, leaving leafstalks to provide lightly filtered shade.
  • A further characteristic to aid a correct diagnosis is a marked shortening of the bloom stalks.
  • But mostly he talks about getting older and wiser and putting the wild days and the bad days behind him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talks in that old familiar manner of his, all easy charm and trademark gap-toothed smile.
  • Ministers are also expected to reopen talks with ailing car makers this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meet the robot lobster and the android that not only smiles, frowns and blinks but also recognizes people and talks back.
  • We have industry talks where experts tell you how to make the most of your degree. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talks mostly about his role in transforming the screenplay from drama to farce.
  • She regularly flies to the USA to see clients and give talks on astrology, palmistry, tarot and how to develop clairvoyance.
  • The relationship between the two countries has eased since the beginning of the talks on the border conflicts.
  • He probably thinks it’s his latest woman, the one Irene calls mouthy—not because she talks too much, because of what she supposedly does for him in the backseat of his Camaro, during breaks, to relieve his tremendous artistic tension. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • The North's shrillness may also be an attempt to undermine the South as the North seeks a warming of relations with America as part of the talks over nuclear weapons.
  • She gives talks about being a black woman writer.
  • He talks uninterestingly in boring cliches.
  • The company said that the takeover talks were at a preliminary stage. Times, Sunday Times
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency last week six-way talks should resume without preconditions.
  • This helps prevent them from drooping or even completely bending over and breaking their stalks.
  • The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.
  • MGM's creditors are currently holding talks with Spyglass Entertainment and Summit Entertainment about running the studio, should they gain control under what is known as a prearranged bankruptcy, according to a person briefed on the matter. DealBook
  • The two countries have not held formal talks on normalizing ties since October 2000.
  • Talks between the two sides broke off in May.
  • When he talks, it is with quiet, carefully measured sentences.
  • In ‘The Kid,’ the poet unveils the hidden core beneath a comfortable mask, telling about how the subject talks candidly about his father ‘sometimes when we ain't talking about baseball.’
  • I have found that so many patients just sit there and nod their head as the Dr talks babbly bouk. Top headlines
  • It makes a superb cut flower - five stalks will perfume a room for a week.
  • As he talks, Sompong rolls bunches of flowers into old newspapers.
  • The planetarium staff also prepared talks for radio broadcast.
  • I don't think I'll be able to bear it if he talks to me.
  • A man of sense talks little and listens much. 
  • Remove the thyme stalks, scotch bonnet and spring onion before serving. Times, Sunday Times
  • The talks between the two leaders look likely to spill over into the weekend.
  • Cut the chillies into pieces and add them to the blender or processor with the onion, garlic, ginger and bottom halves of the lemongrass stalks. The Sun
  • She also talks to the school, but they don't sound very convincing.
  • But talks with the credit - card supplier have ended after the bank decided to shelve plans to open a large customer contact centre in Europe.
  • This is why we need talks which addresses the security issues, the social and economic issues and the core political issues at the same time.
  • Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New York branch.
  • The only annoyance is that the wiper and light control stalks remain on the Japanese sides of the steering wheel.
  • It has numerous bright blue or purple flowers in clusters at the top of stiff stalks and large leathery leaves at the bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be like and prove oneself talks not and falsely, as well lift T-shirt dime, from wore the outlook that her ash receives to once sweep several best locations of his bodies to grasp a scar.
  • The joint communique issued after the talks said that both countries honour the treaty.
  • Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.
  • She talks about her past with a certain amount of detachment, even objectivity.
  • The Sun Bombs, executions, poverty... welcome to Anzhi FC, Mr Eto'o - 2 hrs ago United gazump Chelsea's swap for 'outstanding' winger - reports - 16 hrs ago TalkSport Man United after Juventus ace - 17 hrs ago The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. BBC News - Home
  • Sarah Palin a person who talks about herself in the third person ... egad. Sarah Palin: Don’t Blame Me - Swampland -
  • Eyestalk length was divided into short to medium stalks or long stalks.
  • Actress Angelina Jolie R talks to actors during the filming of her yet untitled directorial debut in Budapest November 8, 2010. Top Stories
  • Rep. Mike Ross, who flip-flopped on the public option and has authored an amendment that seems like a copycat of Max Baucus's no-good, terribly bad bill, has been in secretive talks with a Republican, Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), for weeks. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Affected stalks often have pink to reddish discolored internal tissues.
  • Some of the time the crowd drown him out completely, and he stalks the stage revelling in the adulation.
  • But most tend to reconcile conflicts through heart-to-heart talks.
  • He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships.
  • Note that the indicator and wiper stalks have a new action that takes time to get used to.
  • There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down.
  • In today's review section Anthony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his glittering career.
  • Not that any sex talks are pending with a five-month-old baby; the issue came up for me when I realized that our bathtime body-part-naming song was, um, lacking in pedagogical rigor when it came to certain body parts. The Vagina Dialogues | Her Bad Mother
  • During ministerial-level talks the two sides agreed to establish a joint co-operation commission.
  • Mee talks about the alleged good work of members of the zoo-trade body, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquaria (Biaza).
  • he talks high-mindedly, but we don't know whether he acts according to his principles
  • In the afternoon the informal talks began. Times, Sunday Times
  • The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks.
  • They will evaluate the woman's need on the basis of their talks over the telephone and, if needed, put them across to legal experts.
  • Mr. Laurents has also been outspoken throughtout the festival as a supporter of liberal causes, usually finding a way during his talks to make pointed references to the "mendacities" of the current administration. April 2004
  • Remove the white bulbs from the green onion stalks. Musha Izakaya
  • Talks are free so don't miss what will certainly be an entertaining insight into our intriguing and unique landscape.
  • But councillors have warned the building would fall into a worse state of disrepair if talks with the current developer fell through.
  • Meanwhile, trim and finely chop the chard stalks, then slice the leaves into ribbons. The Sun
  • Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.
  • The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.
  • Over the weekend talks continued to allow a local ceasefire so that the damage can be repaired. Times, Sunday Times
  • The South African Nobel Peace Prize laureate expressed concern in a letter at what he called the deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet, and the apparent breakdown of talks between the Chinese government and emissaries of the Dalai Lama. The Herald | - Front
  • As far as Eliot's is concerned, his older sister Dawn talks in nonsensical sentences. [UPDATED] REVIEW: 2006 Nebula Award Short Fiction Nominees
  • Ice Age mammoths, life in Iron Age Britain and views of the Second World War are among the topics in a new series of talks at the museum.
  • During the talks, a news blackout eliminated contact with the press except for photo opportunities.
  • The two groups met for informal talks.
  • Those involved in the talks said that bringing in the temporary power generators was only one option. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Of course, if your diary is a Livejournal, it talks back to you in many voices ...) March Books 6) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling
  • Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and members of his new Cabinet will join those talks by videophone.
  • The talks broke down because the union wanted, among other things, a seat on Boeing's board and a promise that Boeing would build all future airplanes in Puget Sound. The Death of Right to Work
  • The free festival has nearly 100 stands, plus workshops and talks. The Sun
  • Megat Junid told The Standard that Usmea was founded after talks with Edwin Feulner three years ago.
  • Two or three cups of the stalks, with leaves put into a cup of wine, especially claret, are known to quicken the spirits, refresh and cheer the heart, and drive away melancholy.
  • He hopes to be able to announce a date for inter-party talks.
  • The bright canary yellow leafstalks are tied in two to four ‘hands’ for marketing.
  • Environmental issues figured prominently in the talks.
  • Stop harvesting when leafstalks begin to appear slender and remove any blossom stalks.
  • Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.
  • Talks to avert the strike collapsed at the weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a sale of the Asian business, while far from certain, would mean the company's focus will shift again to the Dubai-based shipyard, which is considered much more commercially viable and therefore could gain easier access to funding for now and once the debt restructuring talks are completed. Dubai May Sell Asia Shipping Arm
  • Fields of sugar-canes soon required the construction of a mill to crush the sacchariferous stalks destined to be used hereafter in the manufacture of molasses, tafia, and rum. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • trilateral talks
  • 's broodiest vampire has entered into early talks to trade in his would-be fangs in favor of the slightly more realistic-but just as potentially dreamy-drama E! Online (US) - Top Stories
  • The team talks are part of my role. Times, Sunday Times
  • A complete breakdown of budget talks could push rates back up, at least temporarily, analysts concede.
  • When fear stalks, riskier assets suffer the most. Times, Sunday Times
  • To cook asparagus, remove the woody ends first and peel part way up if the stalks are tough, then place in a skillet where the stalks can lie flat.
  • He talks about the need to bring indecency laws that now cover broadcast TV to make sure they cover cable TV as well.
  • Ebookers admitted in September that it had been holding takeover talks with a number of potential suitors.
  • Tom, my bespoke English tailor friend, talks about the history of his 100-year-old cutting shears.
  • In this verse, it talks about psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
  • Time Warner and Turner end talks on Turner buying back a 19. 4 % stake.
  • Place the ham hock in a saucepan with the onion, carrot, celery and parsley stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • He who talks much of his happiness summons grief. 
  • It was originally envisaged that the talks would take place in the spring.
  • Its curiously and irregularly pinnate fronds are borne on slender stalks, terete toward the base, and covered with reddish brown, downy scales, instead of being produced loosely, as in most other Nephrolepises; these are densily crowded, and the outcome of closely clustered crowns. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • Japan and North Korea are scheduled to hold the next round of talks on normalizing diplomatic relations later this month, possibly in Beijing.
  • She talks at a rate of knots, but is charm personified.
  • In addition to the postponement of the family reunions, North Korea also said it wants Mt. Kumgang to serve as the venue for a series of scheduled inter-Korean talks, including the ministerial parley.
  • He talks about la bonne vaux, the valley of abundance, the sacred combe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, Forward talks at great length about how boring life in Malmesbury is for teenagers with empty pockets.
  • Pa talks war morning, noon and night, and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States' Rights and Abe Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream!
  • At length these streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road, with many a summer house innocent of paint and built of old timber or some fragments of a boat, green as the tough cabbage – stalks that grew about it, and grottoed at the seams with toad – stools and tight – sticking snails. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • If your partner avoids having heart-to-heart talks with you in the relationship; you might find yourself feeling a lack of his/her presence during lovemaking.
  • This is disappointing and a sign of bad faith after the president agreed to bipartisan, bi-cameral talks. Democrats Call GOP's Bluff With Vote To Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts
  • Later as the evening mellows, she talks some more of her work and family.

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