How To Use Talk turkey In A Sentence
They said they would be willing to talk turkey at $125 per shipment.
This has always been the time when we talk turkey, or mammoth.
Times, Sunday Times
He'd be pleased to see Guthrie, he was even more pleased that the unknown genius sounded willing to talk turkey.
Ironically, even Talk Turkey was unimpressed by Obama's efforts to appease both Armenians and Turks, but mainly because it believes the president only succeeded in alienating everybody.
Global Voices in English » Armenia: Debate over campaign promise overshadows 94th anniversary of WWI killings
OK, enough joking around - let's talk turkey.
So we won't think it at all odd if you want to talk turkey -- or yam, or pecan pie, or figgy pudding -- during today's Free Range chat.
Chat Leftovers: Crystals in her cheddar
I don't know, but if he wants to talk turkey, the price is a shedful.
Some by Fire
OK, enough joking around - let's talk turkey.