How To Use Takings In A Sentence

  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • How could he equate the presence of the `Night Watch" to the door takings ? ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • It is debatable how far the certificate affected the film's box office takings.
  • All takings from the gate will go to Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin.
  • After many years in the doldrums, cinema groups are reporting a massive increase in takings, as crowds flock back to the big screen.
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  • With hardly a credible debate on the rationale and justification of rapid disinvestment, some of the most profitable or strategically important public sector undertakings are being privatised.
  • Last year, outgoings exceeded takings by £180,000.
  • I hope it does because next Sunday is the Whitsun collection for the Curate and I don't want to lose any of those precious takings. GOODBYE CURATE
  • By 10 am the main activity in the market is over and porters lean exhausted against their trolleys, counting their day's takings, and charging their energy for the following morning's business.
  • Once they find takings dwindling they will be off and away to pastures new and local traders will not be able to afford the high rents and rates, so lots of empty shops.
  • Viable industries and business undertakings were rendered unprofitable.
  • Meanwhile angry shopkeepers in Blackfen Road say takings are down by more than half.
  • One of the hallmarks of apraxia is the relative preservation of automatic or over learned speech sequences such as greetings, leave-takings and proverbs.
  • Landlord Oliver Cleary is expecting a dip in takings when 10 of his regulars jet off for their annual golf tour to Portugal next month.
  • Unless one has an unbreakable steel - like spirit, one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings.
  • Store managers are predicting record takings this Christmas.
  • In addition to inflicting grave injustices on property owners, takings that transfer property to powerful private interests are not needed to rescue distressed urban areas.
  • Lizzy had done a gig the night before and Philip was divvying up the takings.
  • heroic undertakings
  • Patrick Connor was sipping herbal tea and lotting up his night's takings when Wednesday, his young secretary, told him a woman was outside insisting she wanted to see him. Faceless
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • Following market consultation, the ACCC will decide whether to accept or reject the proposed undertakings, including IOOF as a proposed purchaser of the divestiture business," the ACCC said. Regulators To Decide On NAB-AXA Deal Next Month
  • These are the two obvious situations in which horizontal agreements - those between undertakings operating at the same level in the market - may be condemned.
  • Though there were more half-paisas than whole paisas, Bhikhu's daily takings were between five and six annas, and sometimes almost eight annas.
  • These include the devising of appropriate clauses to ensure that safari-hunting concessionaires were made to deliver on various undertakings made in concession agreements.
  • This policy contemplates the establishment of a new right for private local television stations to negotiate with cable and satellite broadcasting distribution undertakings ( "BDU" s) a value for carriage of their signal ( "VFS"). BroadCaster Magazine : Headline News
  • After we've closed , we count the day's takings.
  • Hotels and guesthouses simply can't cope with the fall in takings now facing them.
  • Mini-games such as Crush the Carrier are fresh, but prove nothing more than minor diversionary undertakings.
  • Store managers are predicting record takings this Christmas.
  • You have to be prepared to let them experience the consequences of their disorganization, if your family's truly going to get its act together where leave-takings are concerned.
  • The label functions as a network of various characters (designers, illustrators, musicians) promoting cooperation and co-creating undertakings across genre's boundaries. Designcollector - All you need are links
  • The venture has proved so popular that the business has doubled its takings every year.
  • Thousands flocked to the three resorts last weekend and business takings were well up.
  • In modern society, even amongst the so-called capitalistic countries, nationalisation of certain industries and commercial undertakings has become an accepted and established fact. A REPLY BY ALBERT LUTHULI TO MR. JORDAN K. NGUBANE�S ATTACKS ON THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS, JUNE 5, 1956
  • Some of these companies are now successful business undertakings, but others have only just managed to put systems in place.
  • The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.
  • Shopkeepers said the wardens were prowling up and down the street waiting to pounce on anyone outstaying their parking time - and their actions were driving away customers, with takings in some shops down by 25 per cent.
  • In the European Community, Article 81 of the Treaty prohibits agreements between undertakings which have an anticompetitive effect within the Community and which may affect trade between Member States.
  • So far as our claim for damages pursuant to those undertakings are concerned, the order I seek is for it to be remitted to a judge for determination.
  • I foresee that man will resign himself each day to more atrocious undertakings; soon there will be no one but soldiers and bandits.
  • Another suggestion is that it derives from the "bagmen", who carried the club's match day takings in big leather bags from the turnstiles to the cash office on the halfway line. Undefined
  • Those undertakings and others to follow present a fitting preparation for the bimillenary occurrence of an event which links heaven to earth and individuals and peoples with each other.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • There will be an order for severance of counts 8 and 11 from the indictment upon the undertakings of the accused as follows.
  • This is a peculiar anomaly in that the Transfer Regulations currently exclude undertakings in the nature of commercial ventures.
  • Work on the surface canal started at once under the supervision of James Brindley, while Gilbert paid more attention to the Duke's other undertakings and the development of the coal mines.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • She discloses that the outbreak has had a dire effect on the numbers visiting the parsonage, once the home of the famed Brönte sisters, resulting in admission takings being down almost £18,000 on last year's figure.
  • She can nod the deal through; she can agree to the deal but ask for certain undertakings; or she can refer the matter to the Competition Commission.
  • I see Dr Davies in the church to keep an eye on the takings. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Store managers are predicting record takings this Christmas.
  • His passion for the country that bore his name exceeded his interest in any of his other undertakings. An African Adventure
  • There is evidence that the three planned from the outset to dishonour the bail undertakings, which they made only after diplomatic pressure.
  • What happens after the festival awards are dished out, after the cinemas count their box office takings, after the international seminars and critical studies?
  • Measures to privatize publicly owned undertakings and weaken trade unions were also introduced.
  • The Select Committee that examined the Bill took a very close interest in and sought several undertakings about groundwater.
  • Those who have deceived the people or the representatives of the people, in order to lead them into undertakings contrary to the interests of liberty; Those who have sought to inspire discouragement, in order to favor the enterprises of the tyrants leagued against the Republic; those who have disseminated false news in order to divide or disturb the people; Annotations
  • The policy of freeing the country from the restrictive tariff will so variegate and multiply the undertakings in the country that there will be a wider market and a greater competition for labor; it will let the sun shine through the clouds again as once it shone on the free, independent, unpatronized intelligence and energy of a great people. The New Freedom A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
  • To provide guidance on the type of situation that could give rise to an undue preference in the new media environment, the Commission offers the example of a new media broadcasting undertaking engaged in programming distribution that acquires content from an affiliated programming undertaking either to the exclusion of non-affiliated programming undertakings or on more favourable terms or conditions than those applicable to non-affiliated programming undertakings. CRTC: hands off the Net
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • Among the eight Indian companies in the list, three companies are public sector undertakings while five are from the private sector.
  • He tells how the company's daily takings have reached a record £106,000 and we see him counting wads of cash.
  • And should drug dealers get tax deductions if their business takings are stolen by fellow crims?
  • The undertakings simply set the seal on cesser.
  • Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk - especially in new undertakings. Walt Disney 
  • Not only did the money go, the takings of our flag day, but he took the only set of weights we had for training.
  • Arrangements are defined to include transactions, agreements, understandings, promises or undertakings.
  • Box office takings are up by 40 % on last year.
  • The claimants issued their writ and effected service in accordance with their undertakings.
  • The profits grew and the bank manager began to smile at Carrie whenever she paid in the weekly takings.
  • I hope it does because next Sunday is the Whitsun collection for the Curate and I don't want to lose any of those precious takings. GOODBYE CURATE
  • On the day, everyone at the tea room will be wearing yellow T-shirts, serving yellow drinks and food and donating their tips and 20 per cent of the day's takings.
  • he prepared for great undertakings
  • These oath-takings are critical to Tolkien's mythologising of the past because they reproduce the feudal bonds that a vassal pays to his liege lord.
  • Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk - especially in new undertakings. Walt Disney 
  • To him, the little blue machine beside his till is a faithful partner that quietly boosts his takings, and he has no ethical concerns over his role in the development of mass-market gambling.
  • ‘the loss of a day or a tide,’ in each of these he saw and was revolted by the finger of the sloven; and to spirits intense as his, and immersed in vital undertakings, the slovenly is the dishonest, and wasted time is instantly translated into lives endangered. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • The labor intensiveness of these teams' undertakings virtually mandated collaboration, and often prompted recourse to numerous hands.
  • This was a nation-wide bandh called by the left-oriented trade unions to protest against the government's ongoing labour reforms process and privatisation of state-owned undertakings.
  • The fund is to be used as loans and grants to community-based organisations for reafforestation and other environmentally friendly undertakings.
  • In your new book, you focus on what you call ‘leave-takings ‘- moments that are among the most powerful in our lives - and about how meditation can help us prepare for these.’
  • Chicago has already won critical acclaim and attracted big box office takings in London and the United States.
  • In fact, Michigan started the downward trend in takings jurisprudence.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • A Braintree chef claimed he was robbed of £300 takings by three men to hide the fact that he had gambled the money away, a court heard.
  • I'd also like to see London theatres being upfront for once by publishing their weekly takings.
  • Nothing in the plain text of the public use portion of the 5th Amendment requires that all takings be for public use — it’s only a sort of preambulatory phrase that says takings for such use must be compensated. The Volokh Conspiracy » More from Richard Epstein on the Sotomayor Nomination,
  • Surveys of local businesses suggest takings have fallen slightly.
  • The club announced it was donating the entire evenings takings to the families of the missing firemen.
  • Companies may operate as shops-within-shops and pay rent as a percentage of takings to the host store.
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • It says that there is no principled way to decide that some limitations on land use are takings and others are not.
  • And all these efforts, valid as far as they go, leave us still groping for a basic conceptual approach that takes seriously the constitutional prohibition against uncompensated takings of private property.
  • The box office takings are up on last week.
  • These days we have heard of similar heroic undertakings by resolute wooers.
  • Open the tills, count the takings at the end of the night and don't count the cost!
  • There is no way in which staff of public transport undertakings should have to put up with this kind of mindless violence.
  • And if I thought you were — ahem — somewhat unfortunate in former undertakings, and enterprises, and connexions, which might cause you to live unsettledly and more private, I could have — eh — very little pleasure — to aggravate your case by interfering, or requiring explanations, which are often more easily asked than given. Redgauntlet
  • The racing crowds had been in earlier - good for takings but very trying on the patience, apparently - and he seemed glad for a bit of a lock in.
  • The shop's new look has boosted its takings considerably.
  • Together with gate receipts, bar takings and sponsorship. the books are just about balanced.
  • As a goodwill gesture Mr Smith said he would be contributing some of his days' takings to help pay back the stolen money.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • These were the formal front courts for greetings and leave-takings. My Darling Heriott: Henrietta Luxborough, Poetic Gardener and Irrepressible Exile
  • A man of deep faith, he helped out in many of the church undertakings and was always ready and willing to support such ventures.
  • Managers at Metrocentre have reported a lull in the recession, as takings continue to soar.
  • Industry takings rely on the sale of alcohol and the more they sell, the better their profits.
  • As audiences dwindled, Apollo's pledge to keep the cinema open until a buyer could be found died with the box office takings.
  • Some businesses said they had experienced a drop in takings when it came to the closure because many customers were not willing to take an indirect route.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • He also included money laundering operations, business scams and illegal undertakings involving foreign operated businesses that result in profits sent out of country.
  • The counterfeits were discovered when the shopkeepers tried paying their takings into the bank.
  • If the circumstances materially change, or if the undertakings have held back or misrepresented the truth, the decision may be revoked.
  • The right to property, although recognized in the Universal Declaration, was not included, primarily because of the inability of governments to agree on a formulation governing public takings and the compensation therefor.
  • The Committee concluded that, subject to some important amendments and undertakings relating to groundwater, the Bill should be allowed to proceed.
  • So - what is weather other than this incessant change of earthly conditions and all the human thoughts, feelings and undertakings influenced by it?
  • I can nowise explain what sort of whim, prank, or perversity it was, that, after all these leave-takings, induced me to go to the pig-stye and take leave of the swine!
  • By the time he wrote his preface, he had come to the conclusion that, ’… to enchain syllables, and to lash the wind, are equally the undertakings of pride.’
  • Not only were the most daring works of architecture entrusted to him, but all other important building operations, and, in general, all artistic undertakings depended on his initiative and approbation, as the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and of the loggie and the stanze, or halls, of the Vatican. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • A percentage of the takings is usually allocated to advertising: this is the advertising budget.
  • Without it, you have to do a multiple choice or short answer exam, hitting all the varied subjects and making the final somewhat about memorization, overweigh the takings question even more disproportionately than usual, do a difficult-to-fairly-grade, broad “policy” or “theme” question, or ask a few “applied law” questions from a couple of the subjects, making the exam seem a little unfair and random. The Volokh Conspiracy » Should We Teach the Rule Against Perpetuities? Part II — My Decision:
  • When you do this you will attempt nothing but what you know you can carry out, and success will crown your efforts; this is what businessmen call farsightedness; it is much the same as insight, and it is one of the great secrets of success in all important undertakings. The Master Key System
  • At the end of the day he compares the tally of customers with the takings to ensure his profit margin.
  • Prospective issuers include 17 public sector undertakings, 11 public sector banks, four private sector banks, and six media companies.
  • Many of these individual beaglers purchase walking boots and clothes specially for their sport and cumulatively generate a significant increase in takings when meets take place at village pubs.
  • The majority wrongly dismissed these as hypotheticals when in fact such takings are already occurring throughout the country.
  • Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk - especially in new undertakings. Walt Disney 
  • The undertakings as proposed place a heavy reliance upon IOOF having sufficient distribution capability to provide an effective competitive constraint upon existing key players in the foreseeable future," said Kell. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • At present, all government departments and undertakings and private companies have done away with the sports quota.
  • The two were jailed for refusing to give undertakings that they would not defy a court order, by taking part in blockades of refuse lorries.
  • In those days we were talking about the dangerously extended German lines of supply, and congratulating ourselves on the fact that, so long as Turkey's neutrality was preserved and her undertakings to Britain faithfully fulfilled, the Germans would need to gather up their strength again and embark on another campaign, perhaps through Spain, in order to attack our Mediterranean interests. The Russian Campaign in Review
  • They were as much, maybe more, involved in producing transport technology as the public undertakings and private enterprises were.
  • The pub said that their takings were fifteen to twenty thousand pounds a week.
  • How could he equate the presence of the `Night Watch" to the door takings? ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • The high grosser was Brokeback Mountain with $83 million domestic takings.
  • Naturally, once China showed a willingness to abandon its axenic attitude towards foreign devils and all things foreign-devilish, the European Powers turned their eyes and energies towards her, and a strenuous commercial and diplomatic race after prospective concessions for railways, mines, and undertakings of all kinds began. William of Germany
  • Chicago has already won critical acclaim and attracted big box office takings in London and the United States.
  • His wars and other undertakings exhausted the state's reserves and forced him to look for other sources of income.
  • First, there has to be an agreement between economically independent undertakings.
  • Even if we "municipalize" all sorts of undertakings we shall not alter the essential facts, we shall only substitute for the shareholder the corporation stockholder. Anticipations Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human life and Thought
  • He was a man who never learned to quit, a man who always sought success in his undertakings but never the trappings of success.
  • Retailers can examine the till takings in a branch across the city, without having to lay a cable out there.
  • A crack for a penknife, the waste of 'six-and-thirty shillings,' 'the loss of a day or a tide,' in each of these he saw and was revolted by the finger of the sloven; and to spirits intense as his, and immersed in vital undertakings, the slovenly is the dishonest, and wasted time is instantly translated into lives endangered. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • The massive subsidies presently sunk in state road transport undertakings should be released for improving the network of State highways and rural feeder roads.
  • I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • Many of the undertakings given on the Plaintiffs' examinations for discovery are still outstanding.
  • The month-long trial was scrapped after takings plunged by £26,000 in 13 days and students fired off almost 100 letters of complaint.
  • These and many others are conservation projects only indirectly, but they intimate a thought of the future as do the heavy appropriations for the reclamation of arid and subarid regions, the government having spent seventy million dollars [Footnote: To June 1, 1912.] in such undertakings, making "one hand wash the other," as our saying is; that is, making the well-watered regions meet the expense of watering the arid. The French in the Heart of America
  • On a bad-takings day, he'd show up with dark glasses and a white stick and blow his harmonica.
  • Oh, that by these and the like ways we might manifest our self-condemnation and abhorrency for all that distrust and staggering at the word of God, which arising from unbelief, hath had such deplorable issues upon all our counsels and undertakings! The Sermons of John Owen
  • Unlike census officials, newspaper proprietors have a keen interest in counting the newspapers and the takings.
  • How could he equate the presence of the `Night Watch" to the door takings? ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Lastly, there's space for listing any undertakings that require signature by your client.
  • Did she think that just because politicians gave undertakings in Stockholm or whereer, they would keep to these when national votes are at stake? Neelie is disappointed
  • There is evidence that the three planned from the outset to dishonour the bail undertakings, which they made only after diplomatic pressure.
  • Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk - especially in new undertakings. Walt Disney 
  • Now, would you just initial those undertakings and hand them back to the associate officer and would counsel just attend to these orders.
  • Jiangxi, known as the gathering place of talents, enjoyed high reputation in the construction of classical learning and its bibliotheca as one of "the three great undertakings"had a style of its own.
  • April 29th, 2010 2: 08 pm ET eason this is news is that the DEMOCRATS just love IMMORAL undertakings. Rielle Hunter reveals new details
  • But it is, in fact, a major reason why more than 80% of such undertakings are late, over budget, short of expectations or simply undelivered.
  • The takings were shared out among all those involved.
  • The administration ropes in all educational institutions, government offices, public sector undertakings and universities for the purpose of mobilising funds.
  • By what means God hath mightily and effectually wrought, -- by mixing folly with their counsels, putting fear, terror, and amazedness upon all their undertakings, -- into carry on his own purpose, I could easily give considerable instances. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The poets exalt you with their hymns - you whose undertakings are ever successful.
  • At present, the subsidy for these vehicles is available only for government organisations, NGOs, public sector undertakings and industries.

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