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How To Use Taking In A Sentence

  • I am thinking about taking one row of raspberries away, maybe exchange the other one as well for a newer kind with bigger berries in, so we can have a bit more room for flowers along the allotment border.
  • Thrice a day, the performers have been taking to the stage under the massive fireproof tents, which can accommodate up to 2,500 viewers.
  • Young barristers undertaking publicly funded work frequently earn very little in their first years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parts of all three vases were mingled together and the position of each piece had to be painstakingly documented to aid the reconstruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kids sneaking into and R-rated film and having to be kicked out after a few minutes by n usher is one thing, but when the parents are taking them is another. R-Rated Movies: How Young Is Too Young? «
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Master English with Ease
  • These pupils were mainly overseas students taking the exams in their second language.
  • Meanwhile, Mr. Christie is taking the same tact in what he described as a "passionate" relationship with Mr. Sweeney, who has the power to single-handedly block bills. Christie, Sweeney in Standoff Over Funds
  • Another group of supervisors from light manufacturing industry are undertaking a conversion course to catering supervisor.
  • It's worth taking chances when you're shooting at a chance of fame and wealth.
  • Taking up the whole stage included three guitarists, a bass player, one on drums, and a xylophonist, but this time no microphone in sight. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • What I really liked, from my white boy point-of-view, was Eddie taking a brief second to explain his continual usage of the N-word: because its power is lessened the more it's used.
  • One table had an older family, taking a break from cooking at home.
  • After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction.
  • Volumes of exchanges have been taking place over what some of these correspondents have called the militarisation of Haiti by international forces, many of the voices sounding off against it. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • Digital photography and fewer people taking holidays appear to be the main culprits there.
  • “No, there ain’t no Bowlong,” said the barmaid, taking up a glasscloth and a drying tumbler and beginning to polish the latter. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • Taking up so much of the roof area, it has to stay sealed with the glass permanently in place to maintain the car's body rigidity.
  • He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, "My mother said I could be no lad, till I was twentye, '* is a passage I notice in my Milton with a view to this; which see; and therein also of a shep - herdess" taking the tale. The Rolliad, in Two Parts: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Eclogues and ...
  • Without these sagacities, the brickwork of the tambour, in addition to taking a very long time so that the concrete could dry up and solidify, would surely have been too heavy to support the dome.
  • We salute the flag, honer our military and are for taking care of our elderly, military and avoiding socialism. Obama invites senators from both parties to discuss vacancy
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • I'm delighted that our local communities and voluntary groups are taking the lead on renewable energy for lighting and heating.
  • The film was a difficult undertaking, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • Phil is taking over from David on a pro tem basis.
  • As you can see from about two posts ago, my mind has been taking the occasional hike down memory lane lately.
  • So, while not disavowing the memo should your Democratic staff on the select committee be taking that as a straightforward admonition?
  • We had good straight-line speed, but overtaking is so difficult here.
  • *** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare. Business Watch
  • The period detail has been painstakingly recreated and it is shot in a sombre palette of olive greens and sepia tones.
  • “Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” — The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • But this volume considerably expands our understanding by widening the regional sphere of comparison and by taking on board issues of secrecy, cultural heritage and museology.
  • Thus, Nietzsche underlines our creative power in playing with masks, in taking up selves only to put them down again.
  • He is capable of taking over this game, and if he does, Illinois' primary weakness will be its undoing.
  • I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • White cap set her up long hair and half of his face is obscured, but felt she must be very beautiful, breathtaking beauty!
  • A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise.
  • In this passage, the word renew means “to exchange,” like taking off old clothes and putting on new. Do You Know Who I Am?
  • If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
  • Solicitors taking a confrontational approach can often inflame the situation rather than calm it. Why Am I Afraid to Divorce?
  • Some may balk at the frivolous approach to taking drugs, but few series are as vocal in their celebration of youthful individuality. Times, Sunday Times
  • A British company with a history of taking on larger rivals says it owns six patents affecting software downloads.
  • Meanwhile taking strong note of the police behaviour towards peaceful students demonstration leaders of the central university andolan samiti have threatened to intensify their agitation in support of their demands. NC-Congress coalition government responsible for the agitation on Central University issue
  • She was also snapped exposing her toned midriff while taking a telephone call. The Sun
  • Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
  • So before they ship out, the Marines are undertaking what amounts to a massive deprogramming campaign for their own troops.
  • ‘Oh, I think the music's great,’ responded our darling son in a replay, no doubt, of father-son conversations taking place all over the world.
  • If theyre taking money from ACORN, then why is Blackwater, and other thieving, lying companies funded by my tax dollars still receiving monies from the government. ACORN files lawsuit over loss of federal funding
  • Elroy is surprised to learn that the gardens are not fables but space stations that orbit the Earth and are run by a much-feared Lord, who seeks out Wiggles for taking the forbidden fruit - an apple, natch. 4/06 UPDATE: My New Year's Resolution
  • He reeled off six consecutive pars before taking bogey from a greenside bunker at No. 8. - Goosen ganders second U.S. Open victory
  • Royale, with a bayonet at his loins, and only escaped by taking refuge under the porte-cochere of No. 6. Les Miserables
  • Of course, getting all this infrastructure right is a mammoth undertaking in debt-ridden times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doctors "incubated" the girl and planned on taking her to the Staten Island University Hospital's burn unit, sources said. - Articles related to Boston weighs smoke-free public housing
  • At the time of decompensation, 23 patients were taking antipsychotics while 16 were drug free.
  • We should take a look at what is happening in our own backyard before criticizing what is taking place in other countries.
  • I sat there in the infirmary watching the nurses run about, taking blood and putting in tube after tube trying to save him.
  • Can you increase usable space by taking out a wall? Christianity Today
  • After all, claim of right developed in relation to the law of larceny and where one was taking something physically that you believed belonged to you.
  • Within a 17th-century half-timbered house, at Le Bistro de Claude, some of the most powerful people in the cognac business are partaking of seriously good cuisine. A Slow Path to Perfection
  • White cap set her up long hair and half of his face is obscured, but felt she must be very beautiful, breathtaking beauty!
  • Few lenders now insist on taking a formal charge over a life assurance policy.
  • To kill animals for meat represents such an unnecessary taking of life. Phoenix From the Flame
  • At the end, I swoop up again and bank left, taking the aircraft in a steep climb over the surrounding hills.
  • And now he called Ahithophel, and consulted with him what he ought to do: he persuaded him to go in unto his father's concubines; for he said that "by this action the people would believe that thy difference with thy father is irreconcilable, and will thence fight with great alacrity against thy father, for hitherto they are afraid of taking up open enmity against him, out of an expectation that you will be reconciled again. Antiquities of the Jews
  • A reviewer butchers an original text, taking that which seems necessary to get the text to say what must be said, and excising the rest.
  • A group of other boys were taking the mickey out of him.
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • He rebuilds a lab, on the sly, that is humongous, an undertaking requiring great wealth and a greater amount of equipment and manpower. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The supply line is the top line of the triangle and represents the overbought side of the market, when investors are going out taking profits with them.
  • The obvious antidote is not taking on such punishing workloads.
  • Please also rate the article as it will help us decide Hmm, I'd like to agree with Andy and say a minimum requirement would be straight up visual design but the term web designer seems to be taking on a broader meaning every … Smashing Magazine Feed
  • Kitesurfing evolved in the mid-1990s out of other extreme water sports, combining the most exciting elements of windsurfing and wakeboarding and taking them to vastly greater heights.
  • It's all crap, and the Democractic Party will once again goof up by taking the nomination away from Hillary Clinton. Poll: Obama gaining support with key Clinton demographics
  • And someone of considerable power and prestige like himtaking a career-ruiningride on the "anti-lobby" haywagon is the FIRST STEP in getting our government back .... Obama's First Big Mistake on the Job: Rescuing Sen. Joe Lieberman
  • Mike smirked, taking a seat in the recliner and immediately putting his feet up.
  • I WOULD like to see a new government stop businesses from being swayed by class when taking on new staff. The Sun
  • When Sampras was taking his first steps to greatness, he had a small gang of hopefuls dogging his footsteps.
  • With that retort, Will shoved Mark into a table, but Mark countered, ducking from a roundhouse swing and taking Will's legs out from underneath him.
  • Pickles has earned widespread plaudits since taking office for his energetic and radical approach to reforming local government. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have known a male mierkat so assiduous in feeding young that were quite unrelated to himself, taking to them every morsel of food given him, that we have been compelled to shut him up in a room alone when feeding him, to prevent his starving himself to death: the male mierkat thus exhibiting exactly those psychic qualities which are generally regarded as peculiarly feminine; the females, on the other hand, being far more pugnacious towards each other than are the males. Woman and Labour
  • Discussions are still taking place as to whether the new meeting room will be a bookable room or a lounge exclusively for campus clubs.
  • Demonstrations of guided missiles, of a patient taking what looks like a Barium swallow in front of a fluoroscope, and the father taking home movies of his child with a video camera and playing them back on his TV all give us pause to remember that whatever good or not-so-good aspects of our present-day lives, we stand on the shoulders of people who were true visionaries more than 50 years ago. Archive 2009-06-01
  • We, being my partner Brett and I, set forth to the agreed hotspot, taking a 25 minute journey along a bumpy and seldom travelled track known only to a select few.
  • They're yachts, mainly, and very beautiful, and it wasn't long before my wife was coaxed into taking lessons.
  • My father swore by Kodachrome, taking off his thick-rimmed Philip Larkin spectacles to peer myopically through viewfinders. Brownie Points
  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • In his time with the Army, he was also a sportsman, taking part in hurdling, football, running and boxing.
  • A private company has been handed the task of taking Scotland's most disruptive and disturbed state school pupils and educating them away from home.
  • He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.
  • Gladiator breathed deeply, taking off his red vest briefly and fanning himself with it.
  • Taking the penalty was a bad choice, but I also don't know if Big Easy was ever going to unscramble it, Keoghan says. Amazing Race: Phil Keoghan Explains Why These 11 Teams Have Unfinished Business
  • Let's take their breathtaking hypocrisy. The Sun
  • More kids climb on a riverside playground, and in the water beyond is a handful of cormorants, including one taking off low to the water like a seaplane.
  • These two lads started on these trees, and had them falling like ninepins, it was taking the rest of us all our time to keep pace stripping them. Work Camp 934 L
  • The kaiser, he said, had no intention of taking permanent possession of Venezuelan territory.
  • This is the second time within a year that UW admin has been responsible for taking my home away from me.
  • With so few transactions taking place, it's hard to get a clear idea of the value of comparable properties in the local area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taking that idea a step further, we envisioned a ticker tape effect repeating a message spelled out in pixelated type. Mosaic Tiles : A Fresh Bathroom Look
  • Her coloratura singing was often breathtaking!
  • Would there be any virtue in taking an earlier train?
  • In its original form, this involved saints like Columba taking to his coracle (that bobbing teacup of a leather boat, without rudder or oars), trusting the waves to carry him wherever they might.
  • I looked him up and down, taking in the unshaven cheeks, the missing button on his shirt, the ratty cuffs on his jeans. NO BODY
  • Taking her cue from some of MADONNA's more risque antics, it was pure raunch from the outset, which saw the star sporting a sexy circus mistress's uniform.
  • After taking lead out of the gasoline the compression ratios had to be dropped to 8 and 9 to 1 in order to avoid preignition igniting of the fuel which the lead was in there to prevent. The Volokh Conspiracy » More Good Summer TV:
  • Taking small sections of hair at a time, pull your hair over the Flexi Comb and tuck under the edge.
  • He would certainly be made use of by the officers for the purpose of identifying the companions whom he had betrayed; and I had the best reasons in the world to believe that he would rather assist in the taking of me than in the capture of all the rest of the coining gang put together -- the doctor himself not excepted. A Rogue's Life
  • In the modern world, we are used to the washed-out whitness of the underlying marble or stone used to create the work of art, and so seeing replicas of the originals in full color is breathtaking. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Perhaps he wanted a serious chat to find out why her eighth album is taking so long to hit stores. The Sun
  • Probably the most painstaking part of the job is the scrupulous documentation process.
  • Entomology was also taking on an economic role as its application to pest control became evident.
  • As Britain's largest country sports organisation, BASC is committed to providing training in the safe use of guns to young people interested in taking up the sport of shooting.
  • For several weeks the back of my brain was busy contemplating this daft question, after disassembling the word painstaking in my head. Archive 2006-01-01
  • For what is a very common operation, it's taking me an uncommon amount of time to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two lines run through the composition, sometimes parallel, sometimes intertwining, with the second one eventually taking over and ultimately finding its closure in a lush, animalic, fantastically sexy, nocturnal base of amber, musk, civet, patchouli and castoreum. Forgotten Chypres: 7e Sense by Sonya Rykiel and Gianni Versace
  • To finish off the breathtaking site, a fountain of stone stood in the center, water gently cascading down the rock in the center.
  • He danced and glided, connecting with 100 punches and taking just three. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your poverty of ambition is breathtaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • They dare not do a disco because they fear an outbreak of drug-taking and break-dancing or both!
  • Those who admitted taking coke said they might take some at a dinner party - shared with other guests - and also at house parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • I should think," meditated Page, taking the matter into serious consideration, "that the vitalness of even that experience would depend somewhat on the character undergoing it. The Bent Twig
  • The only sad thing is that the process is taking longer than their debut album suggested.
  • Well, she's the version of Samantha's sister (can't for the life of me remember the name, and I can't be bothered getting up to walk to my room and taking a squiz at the book).
  • This was estimated by taking the tangent of each point of the curve.
  • I carefully unfolded it and placed it over my notebook, so it looked like I was taking notes on the lecture.
  • He visited many speakeasies, “from mere drinking dens to palatially appointed private houses where you find whole families, including children, dining together with the utmost decorum, the elders taking wine.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Three studies found no difference between those taking beta carotene supplements and those on a placebo pill.
  • Nobody fancied taking the stuff the next week. Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
  • Perhaps most of China's enterprises companies are at the state of arterialize sociality, which means taking time to learn, organize, restructure.
  • More men are taking on a caring role.
  • Although AT&T is touting its lead in postpaid smartphone subscribers, the carrier is just now taking steps to gain a better foothold in the prepaid market, an area where rivals have a head start. AT&T Reshapes Itself As a Smartphone Carrier
  • A man dressed as an angel jumps through a hole in the ice, into a frozen lake, while taking part in the Polar Plunge at the "Frozen Dead Guy Days" festival in Nederland, Colorado March 10, 2007.
  • I'm thinking my next project will be a hat, although I need to learn more before I try it, because my other attempts have mostly ended in failure, with me taking out all the stiches. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Remember to use all necessary safety precautions - and common sense - when working on a roof, and call on a professional roofer for any repairs you're not fully comfortable undertaking on your own.
  • There were two summits taking place in Europe at the end of last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Artists and fashion designers are taking over somewhat from the literary types, however.
  • Along with taking herbs, inhale the relaxing scents of lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, bergamot, orange blossom or rose.
  • He kept on taking too many tricks as I seemed to be able to undertrump him the entire game. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Coronet Foods has been aggressively investigating and taking corrective action.
  • She couldn't help but snuggle against the warm comforter, taking in its scent and texture.
  • On the page and on the screen, "Kick-Ass" riffs on the wish-fulfillment afforded by tales of derring-do and the ill-advisedness of taking on the task in real life.
  • Taking his saddle and pad from one horse, Ty threw it onto a buckskin and pulled the surcingle through the cinch ring. Calder Born, Calder Bred
  • But people are taking steps beyond moving cows or horses out of harms way.
  • Until testers learnt about the new designer steroid THG, athletes were taking it and still returning negative dope tests.
  • But taking the long view, there is cause for considerable optimism about the future of relations.
  • Whatever the circumstances, reporting means learning new skills, taking new directions, having more room to grow.
  • I promise to refrain from taking part in feuds and quarrels and from creating enmity.
  • There are huge tracts of development land within the town and it was zoned for development and that was where development should be taking place.
  • But wilfully taking the life of two innocents who trusted him isn't a courageous act. The Sun
  • And all around her the idiots, the fools, taking her picture, practically bowing before her, treating her like goldarn royalty. Not the End of the World
  • The competitive infatuation with ‘signature’ skyscrapers may continue to get the publicity, but some of the best young talents are staking their claims and reputations on the ground.
  • His capacity for taking the mickey out of defences was also legendary even though he could be diffident in front of goal in a way that Finney would have found unnatural.
  • The straining bearers like a string quartet, taking the burden up in unison, at a nod from their leader?
  • Instead of taking joy in the profusion of spring blooms, Jane struggles to take a breath.
  • The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.
  • But she had, like some robotic amanuensis, taking down dictation. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
  • Taking local document data source as an example, a kind of simple and effective method for creating catalog database in ILAS (Integrated Library Automation System) is introduced in this paper.
  • Responses to these items indicate a strong enabling attitude in which the parent was taking a direct action.
  • It also raises the spectre of the American taxman taking retrospective action against scores of US companies that have moved offshore in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 1986, I was taking in 5,000 calories per day in the offseason.
  • We will be taking feedback from members to identify exactly where the shoe is pinching hardest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Charles Waterfield taking a shot on the croquet lawn.
  • And I believe that when corrosive sublimate is slow in taking hold, alternate dressings of peroxide of hydrogen are just the thing. Chapter 15
  • Help replace the energy boost you got from cigarettes by taking 2 to 3 g of chlorella, a nutrient-rich algae, daily.
  • This summer, I realized I was the servant and it the master and resolved this inversion of the natural order in Kirkian fashion, by taking a sledgehammer to it.
  • McCain makes the Bush daughters look demure, which is a shame: we had so much hope for them taking over their father's mantle, but McCain looks like she will be fun too. Paul Jenkins: Republican Circus: Extended Engagement
  • Tourists taking selfies and groups of laughing visitors have caused concern in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dede, if I tell you, flat and straight, that I'm going up to live on that ranch at Glen Ellen, that I ain't taking a cent with me, that I'm going to scratch for every bite I eat, and that I ain't going to play ary a card at the business game again, will you come along with me? Chapter XXII
  • But certainly the area south of the city today, we're told, taking a very heavy pounding indeed.
  • We had a splendid turnout and it was lovely to see so many people taking part in all the activities and enjoying themselves.
  • The term implies sacrifice or taking less than what could be earned in the private sector or in an entrepreneurial position. - Top Stories
  • The night I visited, a barback deftly chipped away at an angular, Braque-style ice block with a large spoon, taking about 90 seconds to shape something roughly the size of a baseball. Cold Fusion
  • Video footage emerged yesterday of a British student introducing himself at a Colombian tribal ceremony just before taking a fatal dose of a hallucinogenic drug. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we enter the house with the mezuzah on one side and the Chanukah menorah on the other, there is no mistaking the Jewish focus of the home.
  • There is strong demand from international buyers taking advantage of the weak pound. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Lakota were always a warrior people, and taking up arms to defend the nation is the traditional way.
  • I did better at making these when I was taking the borosilicate class in February. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Glass Bottles
  • While taking drugs he was, in effect, harming no one but himself whereas with the alcohol he was a danger to others.
  • So we will be taking some time to consider our objectives before we trigger that formal process of negotiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since choreographing Underland in Sydney, Stephen has been undertaking commissions in Sweden, Denmark, France and England through to 2005.
  • Later in that same decade, he began developing the concept of sound on sound recording, first painstakingly overdubbing part after part on a 78 rpm record cutting machine, and then later on magnetic tape.
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • ‘It is a question of taking a tragedy and making a political issue out of it, attempting to wrong-foot the government on this issue,’ he said.
  • Or taking home some cash when you shell out on a new pair of shoes? The Sun
  • But oath-taking, though important, was expressly presented in the body of the work as adding nothing to the force of contracts, so this argument must be treated with some reserve.
  • How could he equate the presence of the `Night Watch" to the door takings ? ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • The worst possible explanation is that some new, previously unknown viral disease has found its way into the burrows and is now taking a grip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joseph had come to accept his own medical masquerade so thoroughly that he felt no compunction about taking this project on. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • To reach his aim he didn't hesitate in taking possession of more ancient monuments.
  • Voting at the group stage has concluded, and is now taking place to decide the four quarter-final winners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another veteran of the 1960 Rome Olympics taking part is the Rev Basil Pratt, who was an Army padre in the Falklands and the first Gulf War.
  • For a player regularly accused of taking the circuitous route rather too often on the pitch, he is compulsively candid off it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The timing was perfect: The suburban lifestyle was taking hold, the cocktail party was replacing the urban barroom, making passable, munchable food as essential as ice cubes. One Big Table
  • He barnstormed for a time, then entered the Army Air Corps as a pilot trainee, graduating at the head of his class in 1925 and taking a commission in the Army Air Service Reserve.
  • Third is taking the imagination as the knot, and the huge artistic senility.
  • In truth, taking on Sandamhor as a family enterprise would be an impossibility without my mother's salary as a headteacher on a neighbouring island. Back to the land: from London to sheep farming on Eigg
  • All women can benefit from early advice on good nutrition, as well as about the importance of stopping risky behaviors, especially smoking, drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs.
  • Taking my son Peter to a restaurant was a nightmare.
  • But it is these days difficult to avoid the tangled mess of geopolitical analysis, so please excuse my taking liberties this week.
  • Not only will this serve to disenchant the employee, it may also result in him or her taking the time off anyway and phoning in sick or being on unauthorised absence.

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