How To Use Takeaway In A Sentence

  • His entry into the takeaway arena was somewhat fortuitous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of Britain's biggest coffee shop chains have signed up to a scheme to boost recycling of takeaway cups. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evening meals are often takeaways: neither he nor his wife are keen cooks.
  • We should blitz the streets, targeting the problem areas when discos and takeaways close and schools.
  • The key takeaway from the book is that it is unquestionably worth your time and effort to learn the ins-and-outs of frequently overlooked subjects, such as HTTP, compression, redirects, and DNS.
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  • The trouble then spreads to town centre takeaways with incidents of criminal damage and violence.
  • At one, there was a load of polystyrene boxes outside with the remains of takeaway meals, dumped by people who couldn't be bothered to finish their food.
  • Villagers have poured in on either side of the debate over whether to allow the new eatery to open next to the existing Evergreen takeaway in Fawley.
  • Recently, we've smoothed out some minor kinks she had in her takeaway and the top of the backswing.
  • The takeaway here: If you set your decoys right and hide well, water­fowling is a close-range sport. Why You Miss Ducks (And Other Insights From Our Waterfowl Guide Survey)
  • As the night draws to a close and the remaining few are left in the town's pubs, landlords and landladies call time at 11 before you stagger into the Indian-Chinese-Italian-Mexican-or Kebab shop takeaway and you're in the midnight hour.
  • A Yorkshire takeaway owner who helped obtain false passports for failed Turkish asylum-seekers so they could stay longer in Britain has been jailed for 18 months.
  • For those who enjoy eating out (or eating in with a takeaway) and thought that by avoiding junk food they could do so healthily, this will have come as a nasty shock.
  • There are supermarkets to buy food, takeaways, cafes and licensed restaurants.
  • She lay on her mother's sofa, watching television and eating chocolates, then had a Chinese takeaway in the evening.
  • On the camp site is a well stocked shop and a restaurant, that also serves takeaway dishes.
  • Under Harmon, Pavin has worked to lose his distinctive habit of lifting and fanning the club open on the takeaway, producing a backswing that was too narrow and too long.
  • The third takeaway is really just a confirmation of something that has longed bothered me, which is that every time a large company passes a new cost on to a customer, I wonder what internal inefficiencies they're letting slide at the same time. AT&T Sells You A Service They Don't Offer, Denies It, Bills You Anyway - The Consumerist
  • Having rushed around all day, we nipped out for a takeaway, mixed kebab meat, sausage and chips with garlic mayo and it was delicious.
  • VAT will be added to all hot takeaway food, closing a loophole that exempted certain products. Times, Sunday Times
  • THAT people have enough spare cash to buy a takeaway is a good sign. The Sun
  • Leave the takeaway menus at home. The Sun
  • Emmanuel would do the same and look out for takeaway cafés with pies and boerewors rolls on the menu. Let The Dead Lie
  • We'd either eat out or get takeaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • That book has 10 excellent takeaways for time management that can help anyone.
  • There's a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town.
  • I think the takeaway is their greed for more no-bid freebees is more powerful than their desire to keep this lawsuit out of the courts. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 23, 2010
  • When some very grand people came to visit his art collection they were given takeaway pizza. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • But other than our love of adventure, the survey's main takeaway is that while Americans are getting smarter about safe sex they are still not thinking about protection as much as we should. For Americans, variety, safety and perception are key when it comes to sex
  • He works seven nights a week delivering food for a Chinese restaurant and a pizza takeaway.
  • They found people post more about junk food and less about healthy grub if they live by lots of takeaway places. The Sun
  • Even the normally unflappable Health Squad team were almost speechless when they discovered that Una's diet consists of coffee and a fag for breakfast and a takeaway for dinner!
  • After a hard day's work, with little energy and less enthusiasm, it may seem easier to give in, ring the local pizzeria or Chinese takeaway and heat everything up in the microwave.
  • We get a lot of Japanese takeaways, but I really love a traditional roast with Yorkshire pudding and gravy.
  • We were turned away from 3 restaurants who refused to do a takeaway as they were too busy.
  • Takeaway patrols to crack down on violence outside night-time eateries have been welcomed by councillors.
  • Surely with the lack of housing it would be good policy not to allow any more houses to be changed into food takeaways.
  • Add to that the fact that he never washed up and left bits of old takeaways lying around and you can get a good idea of how grimy this place was!
  • The data offer three key takeaways for policymakers.
  • Pubs, takeaways and restaurants will face closure if they are found employing illegal immigrants under plans announced by the government yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why do I run around pretending to be the hostess with the mostest when all I really want to do is give my guests a big glass of something alcoholic and the phone number of the nearest takeaway?
  • So the first takeaway is that the US government might think the legal situation sufficiently plain that it needs no adumbration. The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare and the Harvard National Security Conference
  • VAT will be added to all hot takeaway food, closing a loophole that exempted certain products. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said, ‘Tell that no-good swine that I'm going out with the girls tonight and he'd better get a takeaway as there's no way I'm letting him turn my kitchen into a bomb site.’
  • They were walking home with a pizza from a nearby takeaway.
  • I don't want you to get the idea that I exist on takeaways and ready meals, because I don't.
  • Within weeks, residents complained of increased litter in the area and dog waste bins crammed with takeaway food packaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out went takeaways and big lunches and in came healthy alternatives like tuna without mayo and cottage cheese instead of Cheddar.
  • Luck smiles in a pizza restaurant or takeaway. The Sun
  • A takeaway meal for two can easily cost £20 or more so indulging in one of those every week can soon mount up.
  • Many of today's young people, existing on takeaways or meals taken out of the freezer and bunged in the microwave, complain about the cost of things.
  • She lay on her mother's sofa, watching television and eating chocolates, then had a Chinese takeaway in the evening.
  • The important takeaway point is that SEO isn't something that can just be tweaked under the hood.
  • Takeaways take aim for the stars CHINESE takeaway restaurants will soon be given a star rating to encourage higher standards.
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • I got takeaways from the fish and chip shop and ate them in the park with a fellow blogger, and it was lovely, except for the mosquitoes, but I ate way too much.
  • The Vikings, takeaway-happy ballhawks a year ago, still don't have an interception and have to get after QB David Carr in order to win.
  • It offers a takeaway menu, for instance, but does anyone really want takeaway andouillette? Times, Sunday Times
  • Pubs, takeaways and restaurants will face closure if they are found employing illegal immigrants under plans announced by the government yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • At last - takeaway sandwiches with flavour that packs a punch!
  • The Parkgate takeaway was declared the region's top chip shop in a competition we ran in 1990.
  • How Green Is Your Takeaway Container?
  • There are Chinatowns and takeaways all over the world, but in Britain the culinary impact of China is dwarfed by the subcontinent.
  • Try to eat proper meals instead of fast-food takeaways.
  • I can vouch for the takeaway as the meals we have had from there have been excellent, so we decided it was time to try out the restaurant.
  • But, after a huge amount of delish Indian takeaway food last night, I had to have a sausage barm and two rounds of toast this morning.
  • But the takeaway addict could not stop himself begging for food. The Sun
  • They go out, drink several pints of beer in the pub and dive into the late night takeaway for a kebab on the way home.
  • The brazen birds are becoming bolder by the year, encouraged by litter from takeaway meals and thoughtless people who throw them food.
  • The big takeaway: most young adults say they worry about privacy and security, yet many persist in behaviors that make them easy marks for cybercriminals. Poll shows most young adults engage in risky online behaviors
  • It's for local workers to buy takeaway food or eat at bar seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • A night out can also mean a trip home via a takeaway. The Sun
  • Keep Britain Tidy predicted problems would be caused by litter and discarded food from takeaways and overflowing household rubbish bags.
  • Most people dine in; we do offer takeaway if that is required.
  • There are already two hot food takeaways on Moredon Road and one being built.
  • Jane used to eat takeaways, crisps and snacks, but has now traded fatty food for a Weight Watcher's diet - low fat sandwiches and healthy but tasty dishes.
  • Luck smiles in a pizza restaurant or takeaway. The Sun
  • We watch TV shows about molecular gastronomy while munching takeaway fried chicken. The Sun
  • He said that the research also revealed that people were becoming increasingly concerned about hygiene practices in takeaways, restaurants and cafes.
  • They were promised takeaway a meal if they completed the task. The Sun
  • A night out can also mean a trip home via a takeaway. The Sun
  • Bruce pulled over outside a Kennebunk clam restaurant and sent me in to get a takeaway.
  • After finding the body at 8pm they continued to take photographs around the building and then moved to another location before getting food at a takeaway chain. Times, Sunday Times
  • In medieval times, shellfish and other seafood became popular as a takeaway in seaside towns and London. The Sun
  • Traders in Gorse Hill fear customers are shopping elsewhere because of a deluge of fast food outlets and takeaways.
  • But such is his infectious brand of humour, it is likely that he will have requests for some of his funniest and most enduring routines such as the flatulent father of the bride, the drunk in the Chinese takeaway and, of course, Bottler.
  • There is a bar on site with takeaway food and some cheap and cheerful restaurants nearby. The Sun
  • The restaurant is already neighboured by two hot food takeaways, one on either side.
  • He and his friend then went to a takeaway that sold kebabs.
  • Blood, Sweat & Teeshirt/Takeaways, or documentaries showing what single parenthood is about, are both admired and lampooned. Will Danny Cohen have youth on his side at BBC1?
  • ‘It isn't as if I am suddenly opening the floodgates and letting the country be saturated in café bars,’ he said, adding that the new licences would not be given to takeaway restaurants and chippers.
  • In much the same way as chicken tikka masala suddenly appeared on every Indian takeaway menu, so it was with certain items in fish and chip shops.
  • Sales staff sit around eating from takeaway boxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • And you could drive one off the forecourt for less than the price of a month of takeaways. The Sun
  • Business is back to normal in East Tamaki after Christmas close-downs and, thankfully, popular eatery Meet in The Sandwich has also re-opened its doors for breakfast, lunch and takeaways.
  • About once a fortnight, I eat a fatty takeaway for dinner: fish and chips, Chinese, kebabs.
  • There was a disconnect between consumer takeaway and supply chain reorders.
  • And remains of roast dinners and Chinese takeaways are most commonly chucked out. The Sun
  • This chicken tikka masala tastes as good as one from a takeaway and it costs 80p. Times, Sunday Times
  • They found people post more about junk food and less about healthy grub if they live by lots of takeaway places. The Sun
  • You can also limit takeaway dinners. The Sun
  • Coffee is also their speciality and meals available include breakfasts, lunches and afternoon sweets, which are available to eat in or takeaway.
  • My one takeaway from all of this is that we are on our own when it comes to making sound investing decisions.
  • The black truffle tarama and the jambon pata negra are also well worth putting in the takeaway bag. 10 of the best shops in Paris
  • The takeaway lesson for me, which I had already learned much earlier in life, is the importance of admitting mistakes.
  • Within weeks, residents complained of increased litter in the area and dog waste bins crammed with takeaway food packaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the mistranslation department: Culinaria one day featured baked "nightshade" as part of its takeaway menu. The Prague Post
  • According to the research eating out and getting takeaways is becoming routine and, whereas before it was usually considered a treat, now it is thought of as part and parcel of a hard-working lifestyle.
  • Out went takeaways and big lunches and in came healthy alternatives like tuna without mayo and cottage cheese instead of Cheddar.
  • He continued with hot takeaway food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of Britain's biggest coffee shop chains have signed up to a scheme to boost recycling of takeaway cups. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were scores of them yesterday, hanging around on the steps beside the takeaway, skulking outside Bow Church gates and lurking on the traffic island by the disused public conveniences.
  • Try to eat proper meals instead of fast-food takeaways.
  • One of our takeaways from the global financial crisis is that it is very important for rating agencies to be transparent about the assumptions that go into the analysis.
  • We picked up our Chinese takeaways and raced home in time for the arrival of the baby - who was overdue in the end anyway.
  • We believe, we really do, that Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings will see us puffing dutifully around the rain-sodden streets or enthusiastically grabbing cozzie and towel and setting off for the local baths instead of curling up with a takeaway and a DVD. Home | Mail Online
  • I was tempted to buy a takeaway and bring it to the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chicken fillets involved in last year's investigation and the current study were destined mainly for the takeaway and restaurant sector of the Irish market.
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • Red chilli found in the takeaway favourite sparks a release of feel-good hormones called endorphins. The Sun
  • It has been replaced by snacks on the go, such as takeaway bars from cafés and coffee shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was easier to get a takeaway on the way back from the hospital. The Sun
  • And remains of roast dinners and Chinese takeaways are most commonly chucked out. The Sun
  • The most important takeaway is this: they repeatedly did things that felt like huge risks, that challenged the status quo and that seemed, on their face, to give too much power to their audience.
  • It gets to half past ten and we want to go to bed so we have takeaways - often Chinese crispy duck pancakes.
  • I'll grab a blanket and a pizza takeaway menu and settle in for a week of hermitism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The major takeaways are extending your knowledge of AIDE, more background on modeling management data, and the ability to tie external Java code into a touchpoint code base.
  • A time bomb containing a small but by no means negligible amount of cold takeaway coffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also want to emphasize the three key takeaways from today's call.
  • The key takeaways from this seem to be that 'learning how to hire' comes with experience, a little theory from books and blogs, surrounding yourself with mentors you can learn from and making a few mistakes along the way.
  • Some of Britain's biggest coffee shop chains have signed up to a scheme to boost recycling of takeaway cups. Times, Sunday Times
  • Empty takeaway boxes littered the floor alongside discarded empties and the occasional glossy.
  • They were promised takeaway a meal if they completed the task. The Sun
  • We can get something to eat from the Chinese takeaway.
  • The applicant wants to change the ground floor into a pizza and pasta takeaway.
  • Computer software to do everything from running a pizza takeaway to organising a huge computer gaming tournament was also on display.
  • Just to increase the novelty, every dish on the bistro menu can be adapted and served in the adjacent takeaway - steak, scampi, lobster and so on.
  • The simple takeaway is that, for all of the drama of Loscocco-gate, President Obama's visit, and the rest of it, we see a remarkably unchanged race. Rasmussen: Patrick retains his lead
  • He continued with hot takeaway food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reducing tinned tomatoes and enriching them with cream means the sauce has that local takeaway authenticity that a ready meal just can't provide. The Sun
  • People were sitting there eating takeaways and watching TV.
  • There is also a restaurant where you can have breakfast and buy takeaways and there is a licensed bar too.
  • While we eat, locals pop in for takeaway chips, milkshakes and ice cream.
  • I'll write more detailed notes later, but here are some quick takeaways.
  • The main takeaway is damn, dude, you really should wear those things when the media is allowed inside. John Beck has WWE belts in his locker
  • But despite feeding ready meals and takeaways to their children parents are eating far less of them - on average just 64 ready meals each a year.
  • One of the takeaways is there is no crisis in health care in the United States.
  • He'd worked in his dad's takeaway since he was 5, thus really understands the food and deftly demystified it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: ‘I do a lot of walking and the amount of rubbish that is left in Westhoughton comes from fast food outlets and takeaways.’
  • To create a consistent tempo, it helps to have a little movement before the takeaway, such as a waggle of the clubhead back and forth above the ball.
  • Whether it was going for lunch near the hospital or getting a takeaway on the way home, our usual home-cooked meals went out of the window. The Sun
  • One of the many readjustments you have to make when you move to a new area is that you have to experiment to find the better takeaways all over again!
  • And for the first time ever, late-night hot food takeaways operating after 11 pm will also come under the umbrella of the new act.
  • Why, when she is gorging on fast food and takeaways to the tune of 120 per week? The Sun
  • She began by making samosas, chapattis and other finger foods for a takeaway and soon she had to take on others to help her.
  • Almost 90% of Britons said they were partial to a plate of chips, with more than 300 million takeaways being sold each year.
  • Jane used to eat takeaways, crisps and snacks, but has now traded fatty food for a Weight Watcher's diet - low fat sandwiches and healthy but tasty dishes.
  • People cook rather than get takeaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • The takeaways came in bunches - five Democratic-held seats each in Pennsylvania and Ohio and three in Florida and Virginia. Republicans Win Control Of The House
  • She began by making samosas, chapatis and other finger foods for a takeaway and soon she had to take on others to help her.
  • He has swapped pints for white wine spritzers and given up takeaway food.
  • His entry into the takeaway arena was somewhat fortuitous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The baristas would give my son a babycino in a takeaway cup with a straw, even though we were dining in.
  • For me the big takeaway is a reminder that the old ways of doing business are being challenged.
  • After finding the body at 8pm they continued to take photographs around the building and then moved to another location before getting food at a takeaway chain. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want you to get the idea that I exist on takeaways and ready meals, because I don't.
  • People cook rather than get takeaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of Britain's biggest coffee shop chains have signed up to a scheme to boost recycling of takeaway cups. Times, Sunday Times
  • There aren't a lot of actionable business takeaways I can provide from her presentation.
  • The rest of the banner shows a takeaway container filled with what appears to be tempura and veggies AKA an “un-ignorable and unforgettable restaurant quality to-go lunch with restaurant price!” East Japanese’s Un-ignorable Restaurant Quality Lunch | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Harry paid for a double espresso and a cortado, both in takeaway paper cups, and sat on one of the chairs on the pavement.
  • Within weeks, residents complained of increased litter in the area and dog waste bins crammed with takeaway food packaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • On our last night we have takeaway curry Keralan style: pots of beetroot thoran, fish curry, white chapati rice and dhal cooked by next-door neighbour Minni and eaten at a long, candlelit table in the garden. Surfing: a lucky break in Kerala
  • The brazen birds are becoming bolder by the year, encouraged by litter from takeaway meals and thoughtless people who throw them food.
  • Takeaway patrols to crack down on violence outside night-time eateries have been welcomed by councillors.
  • There is a bar on site with takeaway food and some cheap and cheerful restaurants nearby. The Sun
  • It is a modest space with basic facilities, set against a backdrop of terraced housing and takeaways, the streets a universal shade of grey. The Sun
  • Make sure you take regular breaks and treat yourself to a delicious takeaway or meal out in the evening.
  • Bradford has in recent times lost a lot of its manufacturing jobs and these have been replaced by cheap service jobs like takeaways, hotels and cleaners.
  • The massive bag of takeaway he was carrying before this pic was taken didn't help. The Sun
  • The effect is completed by a leopardskin rug and a takeaway from McDonald's. Jimmy Choo shoe queen Tamara Mellon keeps fans guessing over her next steps
  • Ask the concierge for the top takeaway options, then call and get something sent over. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we wrote at the time: The takeaway from the ad is unmistakable: Ron Johnson is different. Russ Feingold puts up his own whiteboard ad
  • The oil in which takeaway and restaurant food is fried is another likely source. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retailers and manufacturers have introduced more testing on products and checks on the supply chain, but there is still widespread contamination of processed foods and takeaway meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the takeaway addict could not stop himself begging for food. The Sun
  • A series of jobs followed, until, inexorably, he found himself back where he started, behind the counter at a Chinese takeaway.
  • Takeaway is what they call takeout here in England, and this has become our regular Friday night treat, the way pizza was back in Concord. Pies & Prejudice
  • The other dark-humor takeaway is that texting provides a means to preserve your final words. Video: Hard to stop texting b-cuz those msgs are so important!
  • A bevy of white-shirted staff hovered around us, thrusting into our hands rather scruffy menus, more suited to the takeaway side of the business than the restaurant.
  • After I popped in to order a takeaway, the waiter asks if I would like to sit in the restaurant, rather than the hot, stuffy suntrap waiting area, before, unprompted, bringing over a glass of water and bowl of prawn crackers. South London's top 10 budget eats
  • Currently in the High Street there are two Indian takeaways, two fish and chip shops, a Chinese takeaway and a pizza takeaway.
  • The teas at home declined a bit; there were more takeaways and cheap ready meals.
  • You know you're in a bad food place when takeaways are the boring dreary option.
  • Almost half the weight of some chicken sold through restaurants and takeaways is made up of water and food additives, according to an investigation.
  • I was tempted to buy a takeaway and bring it to the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The primary turnover measurement is the differential between takeaways and giveaways.
  • You can also limit takeaway dinners. The Sun
  • Find fish and chip history, gluten-free batter recipes and a local takeaway at timesonline. Times, Sunday Times

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