take into account

  1. allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something
    I allow for this possibility
    The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash
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How To Use take into account In A Sentence

  • I think you have to take into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us.
  • [12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena. LaRouche's Latest
  • However, this does not take into account the optics of the system which degrade image quality somewhat giving a commonly accepted resolution of 1 arcminute/cycle. The Register
  • Everything is in the gray area now; every decision must take into account an infinite amount of variables.
  • * I wonder how much of this has to do with their positions (obviously Edwards had a mind like few others, but one has to take into account also that he husbanded and cultivated that gift responsibly): Edwards was a public man in his capacity as a pastor; can it be said that Whitefield was only a pastor in his capacity as a public man? from → Observations The Sage of Northampton « Unknowing
  • This made for an expensive month when you take into account that the average European household's budget over the same period was just €725.
  • I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.
  • There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given. CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
  • New guidelines to independent appeals panels call for them to take into account the impact on the whole school of bringing back excluded pupils, and not to reinstate pupils on a technicality.
  • The phrenological examiner also had to take into account the development of the ‘intellectual’ faculties relative to those that governed the ‘animal’ functions.
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