How To Use Take care In A Sentence

  • No matter that there were no green beans or zucchinies or that bok choy is Asian not Mediterranean, minestrone is primarily a vegetable soup and so long as you have a couple of primary flavours right, the rest will take care of itself. At My Table
  • Hand, Schryhart, Arneel, and Merrill, weighted with this inpouring flood of stock, which they had to take at two-twenty, hurried to their favorite banks, hypothecating vast quantities at one-fifty and over, and using the money so obtained to take care of the additional shares which they were compelled to buy. The Titan
  • Then the court will decide who must take care of minor children unless the parents have appointed a guardian.
  • So take care of them while they are there and avoid the sorrow and regret you will have when they are gone. The Sun
  • Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships. Ansel Adams 
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  • Salute the bedmaker in my name — give my service to the cook, and pray take care of poor Ponto, for the sake of his old master, who is, and ever will be, The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The trick now is to remove the human element altogether and let artificial intelligence take care of the rest.
  • I've been careful to take care of my body with massages and chiropractic sessions and treatment and all types of things.
  • The actress has a new movie coming out called Gloria, in which she is a leggy gangster's moll who suddenly has to take care of a sassy, streetwise kid.
  • Before you overcommit to others, take care of yourself.
  • You have to learn to take care of your possessions.
  • For fountain pen ink, take care not to spread the stain. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • We must take care to preserve our national heritage.
  • Typically they take care of car accidents and what we call blunt trauma. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2007
  • Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children.
  • He had other people to take care of besides me.
  • A wide aperture will take care of the background but I don't want any blurring of grass waving in the foreground.
  • Whilst encouraging an early love of activity and sports, do take care that your little one plays and exercises safely - that Arian tendency to act first and think about it later can have dangerous consequences.
  • the days without you,I will be more to cherish; no money of the day,you have to take care of yourself; no love life,you and I together!
  • For the rest I will take care that due warning is given, and a notice put up in all places, to prevent you being entered on the census as absent; and to get put on the census just before the lustration is the mark of your true man of business. [ The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order
  • The best way to carry out this enormous project is to focus on personal, family and neighborhood levels; several GOLA units may assign to themselves the task of examining whether remote villages and hamlets have been taken in charge by locally established GOLA units; if not, GOLA units established by Oromos in big cities must take care of the remote villages´ populations and of their experience of the Abyssinian tyranny. American Chronicle
  • Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
  • Most of your wedding plans will focus on the practical details, but take care not to neglect yourself in the process.
  • Sometimes fun activities just happen spontaneously; at other times they take careful planning.
  •  She is all he needs to take care of for a while, and as he tucks her in and makes her take her vitamins and listens to the self-help tapes with her, he wonders why he has never realized how satisfying home can be, but she does get better and puts on pretty dresses and has the long blonde hair cut into a belling pageboy bob. Addicts
  • Hakim Amir said ... assalamualaikum, lama tak borak .. jersey france ni kira antara yang paling klasik ... take care mie! cheers France 1998 World Cup team Adidas team kits
  • Taking the lead are small landowners or Western farmers who make appealing pleas to be left alone to enjoy their property and take care of it conscientiously.
  • Please take care of her for my sake.
  • That's a sign to see the doctor for a prescription for antibiotic ear drops that will take care of most cases.
  • I do not trust people to make sound judgments, to take care of the information of others or to be beyond blackmail, corruption or plain greed.
  • The HMOs offer a physician group an exclusive contract to take care of a large volume of patients.
  • If you knew how to take care of people, you could transform 10,000 lazy, shiftless souls into 10,000 eager-to-work-for-you people.
  • Take care not to make any mistakes.
  • Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
  • Take care of your diet and don't overexercise. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can borrow my camera if you promise to take care of/look after it.
  • Annie has been asked to take care of her grand-niece and grand-nephew for the summer because their parents are moving to London and need time to get themselves settled.
  • Lula was ginger-haired with brown eyes and a relentless practicality, which always made me feel I could relax and let her take care of everything.
  • Until now, the police had to take careless drivers to court. Times, Sunday Times
  • The businessman should be better able to take care of himself in the transaction, and therefore should require little protection.
  • Please take care of it for me.
  • Take care when you cross the street!
  • Call the cleaners and they will take care of the carpets, curtains, drapes, furniture, upholstery and put a beautiful Spring gloss to your home.
  • In that case Tichatschek would be required for the principal part, and your most devoted capellmeister would, if you should think it necessary, take care of the rest on certain conditions. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • The old man was too poor to take care of his son, and had to let him take his chance in society.
  • Take care also to have all of the legal formalities correct and in order - sun sign Arians are renowned for a distaste for ‘petty’ legalities!
  • Priory, to take care of all the old trumpery, and show the place -- you know it's a _show place_. Tales and Novels — Volume 09
  • Who would take care of that crazy old fossil then?
  • When potting African violets, take care to set the plant so that the crown is just above the surface and the soil is firmly pressed around it.
  • They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.
  • And when you have a blockage, the alarm goes off and it sends the alarm and the electrogram to an external device, which gets your baseline electrogram from 24 hours ago and the one that caused the alarm, so you can take it to the emergency room and show them, and say, take care of me right away. Robert Fischell on medical inventing
  • I was too softhearted to ... well ... misborn usually die young anyway, and I assumed that her nature would take care of the problems she represented for me. The Black Gryphon
  • Women engage in food preparation, child rearing, carpet weaving, and other tasks within the compound, while men take care of the animals and do the physically demanding tasks.
  • Like an actors mask, the simple lullaby hides the true identity of 'Take Care' that, once revealed, shows an untouched depth to the human condition: "I'll take care of you, it's true" is drummed sweetly into you like honeying drones floating you into your dreams. The Line Of Best Fit
  • Take care where you place your camera: if you are taking pictures early in the morning try placing it at oblique angles to the sun - this will give your images strong shadows.
  • He must not only distinguish behaviour from ideology, he must also take careful note of just how they are interrelated.
  • The trick now is to remove the human element altogether and let artificial intelligence take care of the rest.
  • A male with young in the nest will avidly take care of a stalk of celery or a head of lettuce daily.
  • ‘I can take care of myself,’ said Melena in a snippy voice.
  • Regardless, your church should take care not to minimize the importance of these responsibilities. Christianity Today
  • Their advice on how to take care of the bruise is constructive and shows that they care, I liked that. Different answers
  • teacher, if you are a beautiful sky of the sun, we are underground lovely grass, is that you give us new life. Your day and night to help us take care of us, your hard work!
  • We're only here for a small amount of time and we want to see how much good we can do while we're here and I always say that there'll be... in the future, there would be many millionaires and they can take care of those problems but I'm here now and I'm trying to do what I can. Warren Buffett 
  • One of Bucket's favorite Taglian lieutenants, stuck with the name Lhopal Pete to distinguish him from a sergeant everybody called Khusavir Pete (both "Petes" deriving from the center syllable of an eleventeen-syllable Gunni godname), came to tell his leader he would need to bring up a lot more water if the men were going to take care of all the cleanup I wanted them to do while I explored beyond the Shadowgate. She Is The Darkness
  • Warm wishes on your birthday.I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift.Take care!
  • She was all that was holding them together; she neglected herself to take care of her family.
  • Hire an arborist, which is someone that can come and take care of the tree. CNN Transcript Aug 1, 2008
  • ‘Please take care not to step on the shadows,’ it asks, as if you were about to enter a fairyland, and, in a way, you are.
  • By not caretaking her emotions, you are giving her the space she needs to learn how to take care of herself.
  • Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
  • Roger, of course, would rather take care of her and keep the shop, but puts on a cheerful face.
  • Teach them how to live in the world outside the institution and take care of themselves or live in an environment with supervision.
  • Mom, stop preaching - I'm old enough to take care of myself.
  • You must find something that can take care of both. Times, Sunday Times
  • Annie has been asked to take care of her grand-niece and grand-nephew for the summer because their parents are moving to London and need time to get themselves settled.
  • You should take careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well.
  • It is obvious that NoB, the low birth rate, if it were not augmented with massive inmigration from all over the world, would have already resulted in a work force too small to take care of the economic needs of the US. Changing Mexico
  • How are we going to take care of them, preserve their dignity?
  • the days without you,I will be more to cherish; no money of the day,you have to take care of yourself; no love life,you and I together!
  • I had to take care of ten little ragamuffins all by my lonesome.
  • teacher, if you are a beautiful sky of the sun, we are underground lovely grass, is that you give us new life. Your day and night to help us take care of us, your hard work!
  • And take care with sparklers, fireworks, bangers and bonfires and try not to frighten the vulnerable.
  • In doubt, I think the best thing to do for someone who is grieving is to take care of daily life stuff: cook a lasagna for them to reheat for a meal.
  • They appointed her to take care of that old man.
  • Henceforth, my friend," said he, "moderate your zeal in hurrying others to the gallows; be not too certain of your own safety, even though you should have the law on your side; and, above all, take care how you play off your schoolcraft another time upon an old soldier. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7
  • Anita had a reciprocal arrangement with her brother-each would take care of the other's children if the need arose.
  • Hikers in the desert must take care to drink enough water.
  • A further capitulary of 789 urged the directors of these schools to “take care to make no difference between the sons of serfs and of freemen, so that they might come and sit on the same benches to study grammar, music, and arithmetic.” Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • We need a factotum to take care of the workshop.
  • Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves. 
  • Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.
  • Older people find it harder to take care of themselves or find others to take care of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone who won one delegate is a loser.period. take care tony and lido Think Progress » Giuliani: My ‘Warped View’ Is That Huge Wall Street Bonuses Are ‘Wonderful’
  • Apparently, one would only have to call the optometrist and s/he will come to you to take care of all of your optometric needs. Wired Campus
  • We must, as I said, take care not to rule in or rule out any one solution.
  • The implementor must take care to provide both forward and backward compatibility to avoid problems with the courses that will be used in the LMS, but the most complicated part of the implementation is the task of interpreting the specification itself. Reflective Surface - Implementing SCORM: Building the API
  • An optometrist, ophthalmologist or oculist can make sure contact wearers have the right lenses and take care of them properly.
  • Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.
  • Take care to avoid contact with the feces of family pets - especially reptiles.
  • What the nurse does is nurse a bodily injury or take care of the consequences of bodily injury.
  • With the main business completed, he asked me if I wanted him to take care of the short hairs, and assuming he was referring to the wispy ones on the back of the neck, said yes. The Guardian World News
  • It's not normal for someone my age to be surrounded by her parents, but it's nice to have them take care of me at the end of the day.
  • She agreed that the couple were equal partners and that she could take care of herself.
  • These data underscore the need for clinicians to search for problems with other depressant drugs and to take care before prescribing benzodiazepines in alcohol-dependent individuals.
  • The drafter should also take care to use defined words and phrases consistently.
  • A thoroughgoing libertarian might say that the problem is society's willingness to forcibly extract tax money in order to take care of emergency medical costs.
  • Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
  • What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself. 
  • I know Dean's lurked here at least a little, so on the off chance he's reading this, take care matey.
  • There's a second problem though, and that stems from the lack of resources in the entire VA system to take care of America's vets.
  • For fountain pen ink, take care not to spread the stain. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • To help you get comfortable with your ability to take care of business, follow these steps to financial empowerment.
  • So take care of them while they are there and avoid the sorrow and regret you will have when they are gone. The Sun
  • I did get a few misfires, so I believe a stronger mainspring or perhaps a longer firing pin or both would take care of this.
  • It also boasts the most cabin and boot space - of special interest to the privileged few with a chauffeur to take care of the driving. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should also take care of maintaining vacant lots.
  • I'll take care of it.
  • Above him the magpie carolled a musical warning, but he knew how to take care of himself. MURDER SONG
  • Take care over importing some prescription and over-the-counter drugs too. The Sun
  • What follows in this affecting if pretty bleak drama is one man's struggle with his conscience about how best to take care of his ailing mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • While you are at school, your boyfriend could maybe take care of your Pekingese.
  • Don't trouble yourself with that, Riley dear, I'll take care of our attire.
  • the days without you,I will be more to cherish; no money of the day,you have to take care of yourself; no love life,you and I together!
  • When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me.
  • Take care, and don't forget to write.
  • I still didn't understand why Toni could be so unthankful that his dad stayed to take care of him.
  • the days without you,I will be more to cherish; no money of the day,you have to take care of yourself; no love life,you and I together!
  • That means his mission commander can ask him to clean the air filters, unload some equipment, or take care of other menial tasks.
  • An 'take care of yourself you -- you big scallawag, you! Flash For Freedom
  • One boat owner who did not take care of a fuel tank leak and was spewing fuel out with his bilge water was turned in by passing boaters who saw a long oil slick coming from his boat.
  • I'll take care of the rest of it.
  • Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.
  • Just a couple of us could take care of a Saturday-night punch-up in the local on our own. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • He cites the example of an assistant manager who decided to take care of his boss's exotic fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • With three young children to take care of, Helen is kept on the run every minute of the day.
  • Their duties were primarily to take care of the church property, assess the rates, and call the vestry-meetings. Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins
  • Fishermen no longer have to wait till the fish is sold to collect their money, he adds, and taxes have been reduced from 64 to 23 piastres per kilogramme: ‘The funds allocated to take care of the fishermen have also increased.’
  • No one could be unwilling to take care of one so unexacting. Girls and Women
  • Take care to avoid contact with the feces of family pets - especially reptiles.
  • Further, far from finding myself compelled "to disregard or dismiss evidence of connivance by some British agencies or individuals in Cetnik collaboration with the Axis," I take care to note that the Cetniks as well as the Titoists ” with whom we also "connived" ” made tactical deals with the Axis. Yugoslavia & the British
  • After I get writing gigs, I try to take care of them as soon as I can.
  • Scottish Water is also to launch a campaign next month urging people to take care of the plumbing in their homes amid fears a freeze will result in widespread leaks from burst pipes.
  • At the waterfall, take care: slippery rocks, unfenced 200ft drop. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is important to remember that every Defense dollar spent to overinsure against a remote or diminishing risk or, in effect, to run up the score in capability where the United States is already dominant is a dollar not available to take care of our people, reset the force, win the wars we are in, and improve capabilities in areas where we are underinvested and potentially vulnerable. Paranoid | ATTACKERMAN
  • It would have been relatively easy and cheap to take care of these two side effects. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Citing a pattern of negligence and drug abuse that has left a couple unable to care for their children, a judge in upstate New York last week barred the couple from procreating until they prove they can take care of their offspring.
  • I couldn't keep my room clean and barely knew how to take care of two house cats.
  • Seriously speaking, the same authorities who imposed one-way rules and re-routed the city buses should also take care of the needs of bus passengers.
  • What follows is one man's struggle with his conscience about how best to take care of his ailing mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take care! Fish is able to throw the hook.
  • Warm wishes on your birthday.I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift.Take care!
  • There are more than 200 ski instructors in Borovets who take care of skiing classes separated in five difficulty levels.
  • When people are hungry and afraid and desperate, that doesn't happen, and they put despots in to take care of everything.
  • He has his money to take care of; a pleasant occupation, you may think; but, after all, an _occupation_, with all the strain and anxiety of labor, making more hard work for him, day and night, perhaps, than his neighbor has who digs ditches or thumps a lapstone. Humanity in the City
  • Generally, I think that a key to success/happiness/contentment is to take care of yourself. Warm Fuzzy Wednesday « Looking for Roots
  • The bilge pump would take care of the disposal problems provided the Greenpeace types weren't looking. CORMORANT
  • Take care of small sums and the large will take care of themselves. 
  • Sir Roger told me further, that he looked upon it to be very good for a man whilst he stayed in town, to keep off infection, and that he got together a quantity of it upon the first news of the sickness being at Dantzick: when of a sudden, turning short to one of his servants who stood behind him, he bid him call a hackney-coach, and take care it was an elderly man that drove it. The De Coverley Papers From 'The Spectator'
  • Take care when you walk on that path - the paving stones are rather uneven.
  • Then, take care that the photography does not invade the privacy of the neighbourhood.
  • Barlaston and Rough Close Common Local Nature Reserve is to get back its small herd of Red Poll cattle to help take care of the land. Express & Star
  • I will allow that ilk parochine, on an average, employs fifty pleughs, whilk is a great proportion in sic miserable soil as thae creatures hae to labour, and that there may be pasture enough for pleugh-horses, and owsen, and forty or fifty cows; now, to take care Rob Roy
  • The youth swore he would take care of his friend, but the Tall Soldier continued to plead with him unhearing.
  • My son needs a sharp-tongued aunt to show him how to take care of the bullies.
  • Luckily, I won't have to do dishes or faire la plonge to pay for my meal ... a little translation work will take care of the tab. Le french flair - French Word-A-Day
  • You take care, mademoiselle, it's not safe to go out after dark. SNOWLINE
  • Mark, you've got a good wife. You ought to take care of her.
  • If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 
  • He found “a substantial ground of truth in the indictment” of working-class Americans as “improvident and apparently incompetent to take care of the pecuniary details of their own life.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Take care not to lock out your hips, elbows or shoulder joints on this one.
  • England would be advised to have a long warm-up and to take care early in the match to secure their footing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The undergrowth will take care of itself, and there’ll still be some thirty sazheens of fire-wood left on each desyatin,’ said he to himself. Master and Man
  • I'd have you to take care," says the Pope, "how you take sich small liberties again, or maybe you'll provoke me to commit a brache ov the pace. Stories of Comedy
  • Our advice to the public is to close all doors and unplug unnecessary electrical items at night, take care with fireguards and smoking materials, check fire alarms and be extra careful on the roads.
  • She's always threatened that when I became finally flat broke she'd set up dressmaking and take care of both of us," Tom contributed. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • If you can sort out the drink for the party, I'll take care of the food.
  • At Shendy, on the contrary, they are greatly dreaded; the Arabs and the slaves and females, who repair to the shore of the river near the town every morning and evening to wash their linen, and fill their water-skins for the supply of the town, are obliged to be continually on the alert, and such as bathe take care not to proceed to any great distance into the river. Travels in Nubia
  • They will take care of politics itself, governing with honor and generosity rather than ideology and fear, understanding that a nation decays when its people lose confidence in their own leaders. The Good Fight
  • There is no single procedure, no computer program that will allow this work to take care of itself; there is no set of techniques that is orderly, efficient, and pretested that can provide complete distance from a phenomenon under study or from the process of inquiry itself. Research and Teaching
  • Regardless, your church should take care not to minimize the importance of these responsibilities. Christianity Today
  • To avoid a weave that looks like a wig, take care not to add too much hair.
  • Dunbar was to run the art gallery attached to the shop, Miles would take care of the books.
  • It was ordered that "no tenant-in-chief of the king, no officer of his household, or of his demesne, should be excommunicated, or his lands put under an interdict, until application had been made to the king, or in his absence to the grand justiciary, who ought to take care that what belongs to the king's courts shall be there determined, and what belongs to the ecclesiastical courts shall be determined in them. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 06 (From Barbarossa to Dante)
  • When potting African violets, take care to set the plant so that the crown is just above the surface and the soil is firmly pressed around it.
  • Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 
  • Do you think she felt like a failure when she was in chemo and possibly less able to take care of her daughter and day to-day activities? Women Grow Business » Business Owner, Business Professor, and Chief Hot Momma: Kathy Korman Frey on Today’s Entrepreneur
  • But take care - sensitive skin may burn after only a few minutes.
  • The chief chef asked his assistant to take care of the roasting.
  • Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins 
  • Here being a success means you can hunt, you can fish, you can take care of yourself.
  • Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. Dale Carnegie 
  • If we take care to see this, if we are canny enough to attend to it and faithful enough to lean into it, then the particular ache of that waking can initiate a response that the Greeks were wont to call kenosis -- an emptying. Scott Cairns: Moments That Wake Us Up
  • If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 
  • We need to take care of our own, instead of running around the globe giving aid to non-Americans. paco james Says: Matthew Yglesias » Context in Haiti
  • The geographical position of Mexico, the arid and desolate, herbless and waterless wastes intervening, would prohibit her sending any considerable assistance overland; and, all powerful at court by that time, he would take care that the Russian navy inspired Spain with a distaste for remote Pacific waters. Rezánov
  • If you get a good tent, it's 60 gauges, about 130 pounds, it can take care of a family of five to seven throughout the winter, and you can have some items inside the tent that will keep the family warm.
  • You'll have to take care, for the fever is smittal.
  • When the fox preaches, take care of your geese. 
  • And many people are so anxious to pre-empt this accusation that they ventriloquize the reactions of Sunni mobs as if they were the vox populi, all the while muttering that we must take care not to offend such supersensitive people. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The youthful enthusiasm of putting up a web site and thinking that everything else will take care of itself has given way to the realization that e-business is about transacting business.

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