How To Use Taenia In A Sentence

  • Cattle and pigs are intermediate hosts of taenia The transmission cycle involves the contamination of soil and forage by human excrete, then the ingestion of undercooked meat by humans. Chapter 3
  • The taenia tecti medialis, a bar of cartilage on the dorsomedial surface of the chondrocranium that bisects the parietal portion of the frontoparietal fontanelle, evolved in the common ancestor to neobatrachians.
  • Total RNA was extracted from Taenia solium oncospheres hatched and activated in vitro and vaccine candidate TSOL18 gene was amplified by RT-PCR.
  • The risk factors of infected taeniasis was relation to eat raw pork and liver.
  • The three taeniae coli converge at the base of the vermiform appendix on the cecum.
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  • C, ex albido cacrulefcens, maculis utrinque magnis obloletis nebulatus, taenia utrin - que pone oculos alba, nuchae fcrruginea. Caroli a Linné. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis
  • The height of the architrave, including taenia and guttae, is one module, and of the taenia, one seventh of a module. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Abe of the Potentilla cryptottaeniae the secondary roles also similarly have the component.
  • The classic intestinal infection with Taenia solium results when humans ingest pork with viable cysticerci that exocyst in the small intestine.
  • The ingestion of undercooked pork infected with cysticerci is the exclusive path to the development of intestinal taenia, which closes the life cycle of the parasite.
  • Objective To observe the effect and mechanism of Chinese herbs in the treatment of taeniasis.
  • The height of the architrave, including taenia and guttae, is one module, and of the taenia, one seventh of a module. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Here, we have shown the pilae ossifying dorsally, as an irregular sheet of bone running roughly between the pila antotica and a similar band of cartilage which comes off the top of the otic capsule, the taenia marginalis.
  • Baculiphyca taeniata was considered to differ from D. longiconoidalis on the basis of its rhizoidal rather than globose holdfast; however, the difference in holdfasts is probably preservational.
  • Hanging off the taeniae coli are pouches called epiploic appendages.
  • These include clavate ribbons with a rounded upper end and a somewhat pointed lower end, but devoid of any rhizoidal holdfast structures; such ribbons may be poorly preserved Baculiphyca taeniata.
  • The majority of pathogens exhibit survival periods which are normally shorter than the growth periods of most vegetables exceptions being the eggs of ascaris or taenia saginata, and the salmonella on root and low growing crops. Chapter 6
  • Male fern (Aspidium filix-mas) is the primary herb of choice for the treatment of tapeworms (taenia). THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • When contacted, Prof Atul Agarwal of CSMMU's neurology department said, NCC is caused by a tape worm called taenia solium. The Times of India
  • The species mentioned specifically are lumbrici and ascarides or cucubitini, though the terms long, round, short and broad are also employed, and probably include the tape worm or taenia lata. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Apres tu t'changes en taenia géant et tu dois te faire tuer par des survivants d'un naufrage!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The guttae, extending as wide as the triglyphs and beneath the taenia, should hang down for one sixth of a module, including their regula. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Taenia solium 45WB2 protein is a membrane combined protein of oncosphere and plays an essential role in penetrating and forming cyst in pig tissues.
  • These small tapeworm cysts (taenia saginata) are about the size of a pea and found in the flesh of cattle, which become infected by eating food or drinking water which has been contaminated by the feces of persons harboring adult tapeworms. The Veterinarian
  • The taeniae coli are three longitudinal, or axial, strips of muscles distributed around the circumference of the colon.
  • The dog is the host for _Taeniae marginala_, _coenurus_ and _echinococcus_. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The face of this member is plain, except that along the upper edge there runs a slightly projecting flat band called a TAENIA, with regulae and guttae at equal intervals; these last are best considered in connection with the frieze. A History of Greek Art
  • The guttae, extending as wide as the triglyphs and beneath the taenia, should hang down for one sixth of a module, including their regula. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Windward coast, who as strict Moslem will not drink fermented liquors, hold a cup of rum to be the sovereignest thing in the world for taenia. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo

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