How To Use Tael In A Sentence

  • The hat and robe will cost four thousand taels, and the crosier, which is of the rarest materials and manufacture, will be sold for the same amount. Chinese Folk-Lore Tales
  • The garden's building project lasted 10 years and cost Gu more than 10,000 taels of silver.
  • Chinese sources indicate that, during a severe drought in Fujian Province, he had a conversation with officials in Fujian and suggested moving drought victims to Taiwan, providing "for each person three taels of silver and for each three people one ox. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • [deleted] it still survived to the delight of her friends and surprise of all, with her status unimpaired, her missionaries all well; her native church though small, yet vigorous; her operations enlarged, her property intact and her treasury though unreplenished for more than four years, liable for less than a thousand taels. Letter from Young John Allen to Dr. McFerrinJuly 19 1866
  • Money: 1 tael or liang = 10 tsien (mace); 1 mace = 10 fen (candareen); 1 candareen = 10 li or cash (in French sapèque). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
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  • The one-and-a-half-million tael facility was donated anonymously to the municipality by a British businessman, believed to be a leading philanthropist of the time.
  • But the price had skyrocketed so much that her entire savings converted into just a few measly taels.
  • Its total capital expenditure reached 2 million taels in 1882 and 2.3 million taels in 1891.
  • The two businessmen proposed that they lease the market from the Municipal Council of the French Concession for 500 taels in tax a year for 10 years.
  • There was a tiresome string of cash with a rattan twisted through their square holes; silver customs taels, and mace and candareen; Chinese gold leaf and Fukien dollars; coins from Cochin China in the shape of India ink, with raised edges and characters; old Carolus hooked dollars; Sycee silver ingots, smooth and flat above, but roughly oval on the lower surface, not unlike shoes; Japanese obangs, their gold stamped and beaten out almost as broad as a hand's palm; mohurs and pieces from Singapore; Java Head
  • All these works radiate from one center, Coppet, Madame de Staël's château near Geneva, and Sismondi, Bouterwek, and Madame de Staël are, as far as the concept of “romantic” is concerned, definitely dependent on Schlegel. ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • Due to the intercession of Russia, Germany and France, the Manchurian government paid Japan 300 million taels of silver to ‘reclaim’ Liaotung.
  • Cousin Huan will marry in the near future; and if an outlay of three thousand taels prove insufficient, we will be able, by curtailing the bandoline, used in those rooms for smoothing the hair with, make both ends meet. Hung Lou Meng
  • In the figure of the beautiful, flamboyant poet and improvisatore Corinne, de Staël created a fictional character who became an international symbol of Romanticism, quite as much as Goethe's Werther or Byron's Corsair. The Great de Staël
  • frozen music," a term ridiculed by Madame de Staël. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • Madame de Stael wrote prodigiously throughout the years of political turmoil, and none of her works, even those she tried to rid of overt political content, endeared her to the authorities of the moment.
  • The construction fee plus the cost of equipment reached over 50,000 tael.
  • Madame de Stael a French writer of the Napoleonic period , was renowned for her cutting tongue.
  • I considered Madame de Stael over Talleyrand, but then I've got this fascination with Talleyrand, which is probably a sign of my own degenerate nature. The Dinner Party
  • Made. de Staël Holstein has lost one of her young barons, who has been carbonadoed by a vile Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 2 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • All our premises are in the French Concession, which amount in the aggregate is about 15 thousand taels or 20 thousand Mexican dollars more or less. Letter from Young John Allen to Dr Lehon,1868?
  • What distortions one finds in these fictionalized self-portraits and in Madame de Stael's memoirs arise most often from her inveterate idealism and enthusiasm rather than calculation.
  • Madame de Staël, daughter of M. Necker, is now at the head of the colony of French noblesse established near Mickleham. Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • You keurig k cups to go at him with a few skilfully dispossession, devotedly passim distressfully and tael a afternoon or else your atherosclerosis disturbance be impertinently masked and undramatically orad as each as reciprocally to ashamedly. Rational Review
  • The term means "thousandth-part money," that is, the thousandth part of a _tael_ or Chinese ounce of silver, say one _cash_; and it was originally applied to a tax of one _cash_ per tael on all sales, said to have been voluntarily imposed on themselves by the people, as a temporary measure, with a view to make up the deficiency in the land-tax caused by the rebellion. China and the Manchus
  • 'Were I even to be dying from hunger,' he said, 'or perishing from frostbites, and so much as a thousand taels were offered me for each single fan, I wouldn't part with them.' Hung Lou Meng, Book II Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • The savvy businessman demanded a high annual rent of 50,000 taels of silver, and after 30 years, he wanted the Kwok family to return both the land and the store to his interests.
  • The historian Sismondi declared, "You have not known Madame de Staël at all if you have not seen her with Benjamin Constant. The Great de Staël
  • Though the victim of this armed aggression, China was forced to pay the aggressor 21 million taels of silver in ‘war reparation’ and opened five trading ports.
  • Literary romanticism, of which Chateaubriand and Madame de Stael were the harbingers, owed its existence to a longing for a greater fulness of thought, a greater intenseness of feeling, a greater appropriateness and adequateness of expression, and, above all, a greater truth to life and nature. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • Mad'e. de Stael Holstein has lost one of her young barons [2], who has been carbonadoed by a vile Teutonic adjutant, -- kilt and killed in a coffee-house at Scrawsenhawsen. The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • The reac - tion to the scholarly Sismondi was fairly mild, to the foreign Schlegel violent, and to Madame de Staël it was mixed and frequently baffled. ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • It invested over 773,000 taels to reconstruct the shipbuilding factory.
  • Madame de Stael: "To understand everything means to forgive everything," has never particularly appealed to me; it has the odor of the confessional; to forgive one's fellow-being conveys the idea of pharisaical superiority. Anarchism and Other Essays
  • He believes that even craftsmen and laborers above the lowest level, who generally made 1.5 tael or so a month plus payments in kind, could afford books, but this assumes that they could save a tael a month.
  • In 1910, 16 other Britons accumulated 16,000 taels and bought the Dalla Horse Repository, located at the present crossroad of Hongqiao Lu and Hami Lu, to change it into a club.
  • Once each year, I would travel to Ping's father and pay him an annual remuneration of twenty taels of silver, which amounted to less than thirteen American dollars.
  • Therefore to convert Lanchow cash into Tientsin cash you must divide the Lanchow cash by 3, count 975 as 1000, and consider this equal to a certain percentage of a theoretical amount of silver known as a tael, which is always varying of itself as well as by the fluctuations in the market value of silver, and which is not alike in any two places, and may widely vary in different portions of the same place. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • In 1877, it was bought by the Chinese Merchant Steam Navigation Co for 220 million tael.
  • Stael: "To understand everything means to forgive everything," has never particularly appealed to me; it has the odor of the confessional; to forgive one's fellow being conveys the idea of pharisaical superiority. Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 1906
  • For a little reputation at a dinner table, for a coaxing nobe from some titled demirep affecting the De Stael, they forget not only to be glorious but even to be respectable. Godolphin, Volume 2.
  • Madame de Staël -- which can even "seem to be" those of "pillars"; and it may appear fantastic and almost insulting to mention one, who in long stretches of his work might almost be called a mere muckheap-raker, in company with them. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • For example, following the offer of its shares to the public, the capital increased from 476,000 taels in 1874 to two million taels in 1884.
  • [deleted] friends and foes, with her status still unimpaired, her missionaries all well, her native church though small yet vigorous, her operations enlarged, her property intact, and her treasury though unreplenished for more than four years, liable for less than a thousand taels. Letter from Young John Allen to Dr. McFerrin [Revision]July 19, 1866
  • Page 192, Volume 4 tion was popularized in England only through Madame de Staël, who made Schlegel and Sismondi known in ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • The next day they all came, just as we had dined, for a morning visit, -- M.dame de Stael, M. Talleyrand, M. Sicard, and M. d'Arblay; the latter then made "insistance" upon commencing my The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • Nevertheless her indebtedness should not be exaggerated; the ill consequences were more the result of China's inelastic revenue system than of the real burden of foreign debt, which amounted only to one tael per capita.
  • Madame de Stael says that only the people who can play with children are able to educate them.
  • Because of their ability to provide arbitrage among the complex monies of China, they coexisted with modern banks until the reorganization of the currency in 1933 to a silver dollar rather than the Chinese tael.

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