How To Use Tactics In A Sentence
The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle.
A client who uses aggressive tactics against you to get their way is a real liability, and you should extricate yourself from the situation as quickly as possible.
Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
It's science fiction but it gives a good inside on war strategies and tactics.
These tenacious guerrillas come from Chechnya, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan, and they use classical guerrilla hit-and-run tactics.

What the UN and the West are doing is the colonial thing of merely resorting to bully-boy tactics, Neither would attempt to pass judgement let alone threaten to intervene using military force, in any election held in the Russian Federation or attempt to invade China because it does not have democractic government.
Ivory Coast's descent into madness
Women manifestly have the ability to detect rivals and to employ a variety of tactics to place themselves at an advantage over them.
I had no idea my flirting tactics identified me as part of a social group.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, warring factions often induce drought and famine through the use of scorched-earth tactics.
The days when you could just hoof the ball up to a striker have long since gone; even Wimbledon don't play by these tactics any more.
If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
Orders for games included 48 chessboards and chessmen, 12 sets of fox and geese, 6 sets of jackstraws, 9 boxes of ninepins, and 3 sets of German tactics.
It looks more like reluctant tactics than true repentance.
Times, Sunday Times
A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages.
Sneak Attack
Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end, we had a big shoot-out over the stalling tactics.
The Good Fight
Most SMEs planned to take a mixed approach combining productivity and cost-saving measures (such as adoption of Software-as-a-Service and increased outsourcing – see my posts here and here) alongside promotional and revenue-generating tactics (such as e-marketing and search engine optimisation).
The internet as a lifeline for SMEs « pwcom 2.0
The foursome will also attend a four day training camp at Coffs Harbour to fine tune team tactics prior to the championships.
If the President signes on to any plan that in any cuts into social security or medicare, including fuding the cpi number, and especially under such undiplomatic circumstances of the terrorist tactics of the Republicans to simply do what governments always do, raise the debt limit.
News -
The enthusiasts' tactics include presenting science as theatre, magic tricks and fantasy.
Experts from both sides of the Atlantic will discuss battlefield tactics, the contribution of Loyalists and Native Americans, the role of officers, and the real reasons why the British forces failed to achieve victory.
Could it be because they use exactly the same underhand tactics?
The Sun
Snore… these are not "old classic liberal fear and shmear" tactics… they are old classic "political fear and shmear tactics" that all parties stoop to.
Heckling, H1N1, sexism, politics, poor taste and an apology - Beyond The Commons -
For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
Then there's another police chief, suspicious of the veteran cop's dubious tactics on the job.
Later, coordinated tactics between gunships and other helicopters led to the use of color-coded teams.
If one country gives in to these scare tactics, others will fall like dominos.
These high-handed tactics were obviously risky, but they were a calculated risk.
Hannah McGill called the movie a ‘challenge to apathetic, vapidly amoral cinematic shock tactics’.
His tactics turned out to be sterile, dull and most importantly ineffective.
Yet conventional wisdom suggests that such tactics do not work for luxury goods.
Times, Sunday Times
Pronunciations that violate English phonotactics come off as even more pretentious.
Olivia O’Leary | Linguism | Language Blog
These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers.
They were desperate enough to try shock tactics.
The following are some of the tactics researchers have observed in effective managers: Persuasion Use of logical arguments to persuade others.
He knows about devious tactics.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to the skills necessary to fly their missions, Commando Helicopter Force members are trained in small-arms weapons as well as tactics and survival fieldcraft.
The tone and tactics of globalisation critics may need some adaptation, but debating on who makes and manages global policies remains vital.
Furthermore given all appearances, Linear A was most likely made for Minoan and the rules of the script would simply be too unnatural if Minoan did not have highly restricted phonotactics to begin with.
Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
And, contentiously, isn't this not that dissimilar to the intellectual tactics of Anti-Semites?
Such tactics are for a different table - the poker table.
Times, Sunday Times
England's tactics were dismal and negative, letting the game drift in an almost fatalistic manner.
Times, Sunday Times
More specifically, there are signs that the photographer put an idiosyncratic and skeptical spin on his appropriation of various graphic tactics and values.
West Indies won the inaugural Test 13 years ago, but had to rely on some unsportsmanlike tactics to avoid defeat five years ago.
The head of Nato in Libya, Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, said Col Gaddafi's forces had employed what he called underhand and immoral tactics in their seven-week drive to dislodge the rebels from the city.
BBC News - Home
The strategy will apply different messaging and tactics that are meaningful to consumers as they enter different life stages.
If the conservatory legally stands and you continue to feel that moving house isn't a viable option, alternative tactics could be adopted.
Wormholes, the first of my uxorial collaborations, is a game of starship tactics.
These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
State authorities are no longer naive to the possibilities enabled by mobile communication media, and the power-counterpower conflict in urban areas will involve a complex mix of political tactics, technology regulation, social practices that [...]
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Cyber-Urban Activism in Indonesia
A combination of superior tactics, better use of material, and fierce military and partisan fighting led to Soviet victory.
Blank followed to talk tactics.
Times, Sunday Times
And as a crash course in Roman siege tactics and military engineering, it could hardly be bettered.
Times, Sunday Times
The usual evolutionist hand-waving and bait-and-switch tactics were employed in a grand piece of propaganda.
If you want to beat your enemy, you must know your enemy and study the tactics of your enemy.
The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.
Issues were not speedily defined as envisaged in the plea procedure; delaying tactics, such as firing legal representatives, were still used.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The tactics for silencing online journalists differ by country, said Robert Faris, the research director for the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Storm Walker was basically too good-tempered a horse to resort to those tactics.
Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
The report suggested that there were severe shortcomings in police tactics.
It is a long paper genre painting created with highly realistic tactics .
Senator Obama has been saying that it's his opponent who is guilty of what he calls slash and burn tactics and both of the candidates are unveiling negative ads in these final days before Tuesday's primary.
CNN Transcript Apr 20, 2008
The group had the feel of a paramilitary unit when it used aggressive tactics to deal with the industrial disputes of the 1970s.
Times, Sunday Times
Paleoglot: Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
Aegean phonotactics against word-initial /j/
All we see are delaying tactics.
Times, Sunday Times
The evidence is so muddled and conflicted when it comes to the efficacy of coercive interrogation that I find it hard to justify these tactics at all, especially given the blowback from their use.
The plans and tactics are expressed, inter alia, in labour legislation, corporate policy, organised labour stratagems and day-to-day executive decisions.
Exposure during his or her career to innovative ideas and / or tactics.
At last, we propose the guarantee tactics abut JL Corporation's strategy implement.
Not only could we do advanced work on the training ground in terms of tactics and positional play.
The Sun
And its death was not due to the great tactics or machinations of the Bush administration, but due to its own crimes and callous repugnancy.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
He said the decision was made in view of what they called dilatory tactics being employed by the lawyers.
Shock tactics often fall wide of their mark.
Similarly, providers expressing concerns indicative of a maximalist logic of action also appeared to eschew strong boundary management tactics.
Most drivers maximize speed through track tactics, memorizing apexes, shifts and brake points.
MEDICARE SCARE TACTICS: Republican candidates routinely and cynically charge that the reform law will "cut" $500 billion from Medicare - leaving the clear implication that benefits will be reduced.
NYT > Home Page
These two quite different spiritualities may share a common ground in a practical consumer tactics.
All your wait-and-see tactics will be replaced by action as you understand people and situations on a deeper level.
The Sun
These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers.
The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics.
The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
Remember that this is a carrier, not a fleet; so don't expect old tactics of overrunning the enemy position with superior numbers to work.
The course provides instruction in long-range patrolling, amphibious operations, hydrographic surveys, and specialized ground combat tactics.
He says the grocery group has no need to resort to the aggressive selling tactics that have plagued the telecoms industry as competition intensified.
Times, Sunday Times
The same tactics were employed against striking engineers at Heathrow.
In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies.
Mike Malloy: Poison
Abbot, also taken by surprise at Thorne's sudden change of tactics, hurried to open the door for them.
Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management.
Jan Harp Domene, national president of the Parent Teacher Association, decries what she calls publishers '"shock tactics" to reach young males.
Problem: Boys Don't Like to Read.
The manager, whose prospects will be enhanced if Ronald De Boer can recover from a calf injury, cautions against adopting tactics designed only to avoid defeat.
The gusty wind prevented the air tanker drops of retardant, and use of backfires that are key tactics of fire containment.
Brewer fumes at the oil-services giant's tactics, which he calls hypocritical and reminiscent of the rhetorical handsprings of the News
E-mail trends and tactics change all the time, while issues unheard of just a few years ago, such as deliverability, are posing new challenges.
ClickZ News Blog
Modem military thinkers may make a tripartite classification of topics of military thought into strategy, military operations, and tactics, but such categories were alien to the Byzantines, who knew of such ones as strategy, tactics, stratagems, poliorcetics or the art of besieging a city, and naval warfare.
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
His vigorous defense in fielding the attacks made by regime politicians has shown he does not cower from strong-arm tactics.
Each of those battles offers a contrasting type of military tactics, terrain and drama.
The lessons he provides in military tactics are nothing compared to the lessons he provides about what happens when megalomania is harnessed to determination.
Megalomania and war, from Cannae to Iraq
During the war, he learned the guerrilla tactics of the bushwhackers, jayhawkers and other insurgency groups who tried, by any means, to halt the progress of Union forces.
There was neither time nor resources to drill such soldiers in elaborate tactics and discipline, and for the most part their function made this unnecessary.
Others may use deceptive sales tactics and false positives to scare up sales from confused users.
But this was probably sound tactics as well as a necessary conservation of energy.
He rails against the ‘totally stupid’ tactics of the big airlines, whose response to the current crisis has been to cut staff and ground planes and to increase fares to cover higher costs, such as extra security.
It is all too easy to focus in the minute details of operational tactics and to miss the broad sweep of strategy.
This is a fun book that will help many players, either as a basic starting point in the study of checkmate tactics or as a refresher.
If Ontarians ever made the same gesture, it would prompt the Feds to finally realize that killing the goose that lays the golden egg for the whole country is the outcome of their disregardful tactics and myopic vision.
Constructivism offers fundamental theory and reference tactics to computer teaching.
I love shallow, weedy, silted up estate lakes to pursue crucian carp, tench, bream and carp and I love the sort of creeping and crawling tactics needed to get within inches of the fish.
Shock and awe tactics don't work twice.
Times, Sunday Times
A similar adjusted and rationalized morality has allowed bribery, drugs, gambling, strong-arm tactics, cheating, stealing, and lies to become a large part of the world of sports.
Tom Gerdy: The Death of the Student Athlete
Sir Alex Ferguson's match tactics and team talk were then taped by the mole tuning in to the bug's frequency and listening in on United's secrets.
Klein will be in Brazil this week to join a debate on future tactics that is gradually reviving in websites across the world.
Despite the prime minister's words, there are no signs that the British government plans to change its aggressive antiterror tactics.
Such drastic tactics may be warranted, according to Horne, because the current situation is putting drug agencies in a quandary.
Similar tactics are often employed against political defendants during pretrial proceedings.
It's pretty funny how Maureen "sludgenurse" Reilly just constantly uses the term sludge over and over, along with all sorts of standard alarmist tactics in "arguing" her point.
Scientific Literacy and Sensationalist Journalism
Already deeply suspicious of just about everything, China is no stranger to using such strong-arm tactics to regulate the Internet.
The Indian army used classic counterinsurgency tactics, taught to them by the British.
The group used shock tactics to get publicity: one of them took his clothes off on TV.
TACTICS: Comb these spots with a Carolina-rigged lizard in pumpkinseed or watermelon, concentrating on any cover or structure you can find.
Seven Places to Catch Pre-Spawn Bass on the Flats
In many cases consent was obtained by Government officials through fraud, coercion or misrepresentation, tactics which annulled the validity of such consent.
Sieuraj knocked Government's push for the passage of the police reform bills which he described as public relations tactics and a smokescreen.
Driven by a death wish and using the most revolting tactics, these heartless nihilists demand martyrdom.
George "Your use of the word blitzkrieg shows either a total ignorance of military tactics or a total ignorance of exactly what the IDF did in Gaza and and what speed.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Among the chief tactics of the fallen principalities and powers is the incitement of fear.
The tactics and playing of the game are not unlike basketball or water polo.
Atwater was more colorful and more publicly vicious than most, but his tactics were fairly typical.
Consider the tactics of advanced placement, the ungraded high school as newly proposed, and the lengthening school year.
Its heavy-handed sales tactics prompted the pharmaceutical industry's regulatory watchdog to make a ruling of unethical behaviour against it.
Times, Sunday Times
The security forces are notorious for using heavy-handed tactics to keep the peace.
Times, Sunday Times
She's been watching things from there, querying military leaders there about how this fits into the overall tactics and strategies for the U.S.
A couple of the more radical organisations have said they respect a diversity of tactics ranging from popular education to direct action.
Our military commanders go to great lengths to ensure that the weapons they deploy and the tactics they use minimize civilian casualties.
Yet conventional wisdom suggests that such tactics do not work for luxury goods.
Times, Sunday Times
The big push I’ve seen in the last few years in terms of the way many of us are dealing online is a certain set of tactics for disengaging from the crazy.
Posting, Life, Free Book
Such tactics were even praised by the Daily Telegraph recently as offering ‘an honest subversiveness which a conservative newspaper can admire’.
Other tactics involve deep leveraging, programme trading, swaps, arbitrage and derivatives that retail investors find difficult to master.
To protect its profits, the industry uses similar tactics to the old tobacco firms.
Times, Sunday Times
His tactics to crush inconvenient questions, though, displayed the thug in him.
Cutting price or couponing have been useful tactics, but we really felt that it didn't do anything to build equity and may even erode it.
What had seemed to be isolated incidents of brigandage began to look like more than that Lone wagons, no matter the number of Knights, were raided with increasing frequence and efficiency, and survivors reported that they were struck by growing bands of elves who fought by no rules any Knight or soldier knew, who seemed to reinvent their tactics daily.
The Lioness
Just another attempt by the republication to use scare tactics to win. annie s
DNC calls GOP fundraising letter 'shameful'
Racing school" is for more advanced sailors who are looking to become proficient at race strategy, tactics and maneuvers "spinnaker" gives individuals or teams instruction and practice with this element of sailing.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
strong-arm tactics
The council Wednesday said they were disappointed by some of the "questionable" tactics the union used to further its cause, and Mayor Paul Miller went as far as to call the POA's strategies "low-class.
Simi Valley Acorn
State authorities are no longer naive to the possibilities enabled by mobile communication media, and the power-counterpower conflict in urban areas will involve a complex mix of political tactics, technology regulation, social practices that is likely to differ in significant ways from culture to culture:
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Cyber-Urban Activism in Indonesia
The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics .
Williams was forced to use high-risk all-or-nothing tactics which backfired as Seles squared the match then secured victory.
The government's strong-arm tactics may squelch protests, but they don't extinguish yearnings for freedom.
When it comes to brutish tactics and mercilessness, Stefan knows no limits.
She had been drilling her on military tactics and shipboard systems for the past few days, trying to give her a good grounding in both.
These patterns demonstrate that the Republicans' strong-arm tactics in Florida made sense.
The ‘Surge’ was a short-term rudimentary change in tactics and nothing more.
There Is No Winning in Iraq
Action replaces the wait-and-see tactics and you are ready to get your life moving again.
The Sun
Competitors allege that he used strong-arm tactics to build his empire.
In a period when the ANC was about to change its tactics, Lutuli stood explicitly for non-violence.
The Nobel Peace Prize 1901-2000
'hecatomb' (more dethronement rhetoric), the factor of laws and regulation is built into the evolution of complex economies, which only arise in their modern form under very special conditions, and which are set up by the deliberate tactics of 'free market' policy makers.
The greater likelihood is that in a war the Islamists would fight asymmetrically, with guerrilla tactics.
Phil Spector, signaling a possible shift in tactics by the defense, which had promised not to "besmirch" slain actress Lana Clarkson.
Instead of targeting young voters en masse, as a presidential campaign might, Punkvoter employs hard-edged, partisan tactics to mobilize its core audience.
These "darkside" tactics led to the Rovian Republican dream of a permanent Right Wing Majority ruling America for the next generation.
Karl Rove: Democratic Secret Weapon
One of the tactics that has been used by some elements of the official structures of American Jewish organizations has been to attempt to "excommunicate" some critics of Israel by calling them "self-hating Jews" or "enablers of anti-Semitism.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Renewing Jewish Culture or Excommunicating Jewish Thinkers?
These tactics were often not much more than pinpricks; more serious troubles could be brought on by traceable sabotage.
There were a lot of questionable tactics to say the least.
The Sun
It does not prohibit the use of surprise, ruses, or stealthy tactics to kill enemy personnel.
Pilgrims are not unaware of such tactics, however, and some remarked upon his craftiness.
The individual needs a set of tactics and ideas and skills to accomplish the project.
The way we adapted our tactics and coped with the problems was tremendous.
Times, Sunday Times
However, it will now only focus on the alleged intimidatory tactics used by unions.
Times, Sunday Times
Facing their reprisals, Bouebdelli publicly criticized the regime's strong-arm tactics -- only to have a court seize, on spurious grounds, a private university he had built and operated.
Members of DOVE stand accused of being vindicative, scaremongering and using intimidatory tactics to name but a few.
We must employ a moderate form of tactics, but in order to, we must focus our attention in Afghanistan and fight a full-scale conflict, not only maintaining a small-scale conflict.
Evening Buzz: Battle for Afghanistan – What’s Next?
Innocents were being harassed through police at some places by framing them in false cases, PSA was invoked indiscriminately and NC workers were resorting to their old goonda tactics.
'Taliban presence - fear-psychosis for political purposes��� :Mehbooba
And so, as it appeared, Mr. Dallas was of that opinion, for the very next day he applied to Chancery for a brieve to get Charles Napier served nearest and lawful heir to his uncle; and as in legal warfare, where the judges are cognisant only of patent claims, there is small room for retiring tactics, Mr. White felt himself obliged, however anxious he was to gain time, to follow his opponent's example by taking out a competing brieve in favour of Henrietta.
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
There is one man who bears overwhelming responsibility for this disaster ; a man whose barbaric military tactics have caused the vast majority of those 400,000 deaths.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus, predatory tactics are employed more frequently and across the board by large and small firms alike.
I had no idea my flirting tactics identified me as part of a social group.
Times, Sunday Times
The problem of rising absenteeism is well documented, but tough tactics being used to tackle the issue are leading to presenteeism.
Particularly where the movements are fast and fluid, a coach observing proceedings from the sidelines is in a better position than the captain to analyse the immediate match position and to decide on the tactics to be employed.
The protesters wanted reassurances that they would not be met with aggressive police tactics.
Times, Sunday Times
The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
Clint and his team were most tactful in giving advice on tactics and fish handling.
On top of that, of course, are tactics and gamesmanship.
Times, Sunday Times
Each side fielded armies that were very similar in tactics, organization, and equipment, and both used African and Gallic auxiliary troops.
Wheel and deal for new players and finesse tactics until the trophy cabinet groans.
Times, Sunday Times
He was no more able to discuss tactics than he was able to contemplate murder.
A brief rush of new stories last fall detailed the delaying and thuggish tactics used by the governor's contract consigliere.
The group used shock tactics to get publicity: one of them took his clothes off on TV.
The shaven-headed, doe-eyed beauty was never short on shock tactics and as a result was often the target of condemnation and negative press.
In addition, the government resorted to questionable campaign tactics designed to discourage demerger.
The battle was won by classic military tactics and superior firepower.
An enemy who employs 4GW tactics views whatever action he takes as one prong of a sustained campaign in the ser-vice of a political objective (and a political objective, despite all the focus on the bin Laden organization's religious zeal, is something bin Laden has).
Fourth-generation Warfare
Moreover, the imposition of new tactics to forget-such as the creation of a new language-is followed by exclusionist strategies of displacement for those who refuse to accept these changes.
He was referring to McCain loosing his bearings on his morals and integrity by participating in smear tactics.
Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
He was more interested in telling me about the tactics of the attorney general.
The author makes up the shortcoming of the relator's absence with ingenious narrative tactics. And she uses Scout as narrative subject to strengthen the work's authenticity and distinctness.
Off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers could be targeted as tough tactics are adopted to stop teenage hoodlums terrorising a town.
Although the EFF has condemned the attacks on both sides, the 1000s that have resorted to such tactics reveal it as an effective, if legally dubious, outlet for protest.
The allegations reflect the latest wrinkle in a practice known as swatting, in which miscreants use caller ID spoofing to falsely report emergencies to authorities with the goal of eliciting a response from law enforcement officials, who sometimes are deployed from SWAT, or special weapons and tactics units.
The Register
The heavy-handed tactics came after they had already wrestled the man to the ground.
The Sun