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How To Use Tackle In A Sentence

  • Defensive tackle is a bit more of a crapshoot, but the one thing they must make sure of is that whomever they take has a brilliant mind.
  • Three teams of firefighters tackled the blaze for more than an hour. The Sun
  • He is a sure tackler with great quickness.
  • Walls are generally the greatest source of heat loss and correspondingly expensive to tackle.
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
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  • Batting and, to a lesser degree, bowling are tackled together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scores of jurors were quickly dismissed yesterday as the judge tackled the daunting task of finding an unbiased jury. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suffered face, hand and ankle burns trying to tackle the blaze with a garden hose. The Sun
  • Only a legitimate government can tackle the festering grievances in the north.
  • Attack after attack was repelled, tackle after tackle was made. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a flicker of interest in Latham in the opening moments of the not-very-great debate - when he tackled the other unmentionable issues, Iran and the war against terror.
  • You are chomping at the bit to tackle new opportunities as you know you've got what it takes to tackle all obstacles and crush your opposition. The Sun
  • Nobody can take part in the traditional European contest for possession after the tackle if his nose is more than 6in off the ground.
  • Despite suffering with emetophobia for nearly 75 years, last year she finally tackled her fear with the support of a therapist.
  • Without the rise, the government will not tackle child poverty, it says.
  • He has been booked just twice in the past two seasons and does not appear ruffled by heavy tackles. Times, Sunday Times
  • He claims this has prevented vital resources being allocated to tackle the problem.
  • By the time the sloop's deck was perpendicular, we had unbent the boom-lift from below, made it fast to the wharf, and, with the other end fast nearly to the mast-head, heaved it taut with block and tackle. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • The report also outlined plans to tackle online music and film piracy with a new agency. The Sun
  • How he tackled this brain teaser is an interesting insight into the man at the helm of Microsoft. Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
  • The match really was played in the best possible way: mistimed tackles were acknowledged and apologised for, yet no one held back a thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many protesters will be ‘disguising’ themselves as innocent hillwalkers wanting to tackle the Ochils this weekend.
  • They did have the horrible, driving wind and rain in their faces but that couldn't account for all the missed tackles and gaps aplenty.
  • All the time our idiot in his costly clothing with expensive tackle failed to catch a single fish.
  • Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
  • Labour came to power, he now thinks that far-reaching reform is needed to tackle the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials in the government's new ‘respect unit’ are drawing up the package of measures to tackle young tearaways and ‘neighbours from hell’.
  • You can also trim the strips to fit; I tackle my husband's unibrow with them.
  • But, although the striker was in a perfect position to score, a brilliant tackle by Deloumeaux steered the ball off his toe.
  • Brasyl isn't just a parallel dimensions story, it tackles big issues like free will and the heat death of the universe and places them in intensely personal stories, which serves to humanize these ideas and make them easier to understand. REVIEW: Brasyl by Ian McDonald
  • Their captain was sent off for a high tackle on Cooper.
  • But fishing tackle! hell no! nothin else is as heavy as lead! we would have to carry huge steel weights in out bags! Park Service Clarifies Lead-Ban Announcement
  • Everybody is athletic enough to make that last-ditch tackle or cover that gap when someone is a bit tired.
  • There are bass, halibut, white seabass, shortfin corvina, bonito, barracuda and many other species that will test any angler's skill and fly tackle.
  • It was hard to recover my form, but I'm not afraid to go into tackles any more and I feel great and impatient for the games to come.
  • Debut novelists will make up nearly half of the Orange prize for fiction longlist, which this year tackles strikingly difficult subjects: incest, sadistic cruelty, polygamy, child bereavement, hermaphroditism and mental illness. Orange prize longlist tackles difficult subjects – and alligators
  • The country must also do more to tackle binge drinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • All I can say is that I'll certainly be expecting my men to get stuck in and it's up to the referee after that to decide what s a fair tackle and what s a foul tackle.
  • FLYFISHING King salmon (chinooks) require stout fly tackle — 9 - to 10-weight rods with sinking-tip lines, heavy leaders, and large, gaudy flies. How to Plan A Fishing Trip to Alaska
  • It's time to tackle my homework.
  • The back portion of the hardware store was devoted to guns and fishing tackle.
  • He skipped past two tackles to race into the area, but was foiled crucially at the last moment by Paddy Martin, the big Kilglass No.4.
  • There is an urgent need for someone to tackle this problem.
  • Also carried were a small life raft and small tent plus some fishing tackle, and a bottle of chemicals to ward off mosquitoes.
  • High tackle count equals sore body. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prizes include rods and reels, fishing tackles kits, fishing tackle packs, picnic baskets, a marine radio and aerial, plus a lot more.
  • At his suggestion I tackled the Judeo-German Weiber literature.
  • Neither is Mr Kim yet ready to tackle corruption in business.
  • In this regard, the political camps ought to tackle the issue of changing the presidential election system only after they help state affairs run smoothly and efficiently.
  • They tackle ferociously, hit the rucks hard and pass beautifully. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gannon hurt his shoulder when Ravens defensive tackle Tony Siragusa drove him into the ground.
  • We never intended to tackle this problem, but it sure did get us some mileage in the presidential and congressional elections during the Clinton years.
  • Operation Trident, which tackles black-on-black crime in London, is investigating both the incidents.
  • The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.
  • Now, if only he would tackle our grandmother's kreplach.
  • It's just going to get worse unless we tackle poverty. The Sun
  • You must wash all tackle in hot soapy water, making sure to scrub the reel foot, winch fittings and rod guides.
  • Analysts cautioned that all the companies involved should remain sober-minded and try to tackle the serious problem of how to maintain market development on a healthy and profitable track.
  • He overcame these and tackled his job with enthusiasm and flair that got results against all the odds.
  • The Home Office admitted that the agency had a poor record of delivery and made little attempt to defend the way the backlog had been tackled. Times, Sunday Times
  • My tackle seemed entirely appropriate in the garage but proved cumbersome on the rocks.
  • Was it true that there were fishing tackle not used?
  • Here we tackle important issues that are relevant to women of all ages, things like endometriosis, osteoporosis, fertility and perimenopause.
  • After Stamp took an earbashing from the Rugby Park fans and a yellow card from Hugh Dallas for a crunching tackle on Peter Canero, Hearts made their second goal of the day.
  • To tackle that, clear weight restriction signs could be put in place before vehicles reach West Chevin Road, as well as hazard markings and warning signs.
  • I loaded up my rusting fishing tackle in the back of his wife's Lexus SUV (his BMW was in the shop for a $1,000 oil change), and off we went to his boathouse, from where we set off in his 40-foot twin-screw cruiser.
  • The Zero was just too maneuverable to tackle in a dogfight.
  • Injections are also being developed to help tackle other serious addictions, including drugs dependence.
  • However rugby league and rugby union are the only two sports referred to as \ "rugby\" today. tackle scrum Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This situation needs to be tackled without delay.
  • Her songs tackle grown-up subjects.
  • He has been booked just twice in the past two seasons and does not appear ruffled by heavy tackles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not for him the eye-catching drama of a dreadful miss and mistimed tackle to be redeemed by brilliance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some biological theories are sufficiently affected by increasing demands for social relevance to tackle social differences.
  • Acknowledging the necessity to work with others; getting the guts to ask for help in order to preclude slamming one's head against the wall for extended amounts of time; finding two, three or even more ways to tackle a problem, whether it be literally in homework or otherwise in managing life and time; learning many, _many_ subtle things that you certainly won't regret learning as you tackle challenges in the future. Failing Students
  • Harris Barton, the 49ers' offensive right tackle, missed his second straight game because of a groin injury.
  • Other substitutions included “embrace” for “tackle,” “blucher” for “slush buster,”* “muggings” for “hog wash,” “fearful” for “rough,” “wickedest” for “vilest,” “leer” for “slobber,” “jolly” for “bully,” and “swindle” for “humbug.” Mark Twain
  • I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty.
  • If I'm not mistaken Hougaard never played for the Boks again after that tackle, broken collar bone or something, eish
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • Sea fishing is a particular passion of Raymond's and he will loan tackle and arrange boat trips.
  • Amazingly, although set up to tackle the roughest rally terrain in the world, the Group B cars could race on a track as well.
  • This must change if we are to tackle this scourge on our streets. The Sun
  • In addition, putting Kirk Scrafford in as a starter at tackle will solidify the line.
  • The early signs were not encouraging, especially when he missed a tackle on De Wet Barry.
  • These failures will continue to happen unless the government tackles the heart of the problem - the chronic underfunding of social care. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wants to tackle sky-high cover that prices young people off the road. The Sun
  • The bill's promoter stated specifically that he has no intention of going on to tackle shooting or angling.
  • Strategic Studies said the 2005 meeting may help formulate ways to tackle issues such as HIV/AIDS but the long-term eradication of poverty would be beyond their grasp. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The argument for lowering the legal height of the tackle has not been addressed in these new regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He runs the fastest 40-yard dash of any defensive tackle, 4.85 seconds.
  • To help tackle the problem, the park authority is carrying out a research study.
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
  • Flames shot 30ft in the air as 100 firefighters tackled the inferno near where many film companies are based. The Sun
  • Any Government who are seriously concerned about dealing with the escalating crime rate must begin to tackle crime at its roots.
  • He had tackled the twin problems of the Ecclestone fib and the petrol crisis head on-by ignoring them.
  • Logically enough, the movie tackles the Powerpuff origins, the nitty details of how they came to be and how their superhero-ness was forged.
  • The pestering problem of ‘protected teachers’ can be tackled only if the unaided sector is put on a leash.
  • Shakespeare market a very good one through tackle dealers at a price that will not break the bank.
  • I am also going to look in detail at the approach I take to my pike fishing and the tackle and rigs that I use.
  • One of them was tackled and, once on the ground, cuffed by an officer who bestrode him.
  • The shrouds and back-stays are first cast off, and the mast-head got as far forward as nearly to touch the fore-part of the partners, by the runners and tackles or burtons of the mizenmast.
  • Walls are generally the greatest source of heat loss and correspondingly expensive to tackle.
  • That gave him the opportunity to tackle Anthony down again, knocking him out cold.
  • It requires great effort to bring such criminals to trial successfully in a country with the jurisdiction and power to tackle the problem. The Global Marketplace
  • He said timetabling extra services could help tackle uncomfortable overcrowding, especially during rush hours.
  • Garry Rusteberg with a prize 12,95 kg copper steenbras he caught using a mullet hook and line (light tackle) while fishing for live bait off Gonubie Point.
  • You're bound to mistime a tackle every so often.
  • Firefighters tackled a blaze in a garage last night.
  • The film, thankfully, avoids the simplistic lectures that pervade many stories about social media, but it also fails to tackle how Zuckerberg's values, which are largely Facebook's values, impact the lives of its huge user base. Ari Melber: The Social Network: Because People Like Being Alone Together
  • United's midfielder threatened to shoot with his left, but then turned inside Ben Watson's tackle and rifled the ball into the roof of the net with his right.
  • Over 45 sites were tackled this year including road verges and loch sides.
  • If you are planning - or forced - to ride out a storm at anchor, you must deploy your tackle so you are riding on at least two huge or three really big anchors at all times.
  • Yet we have a variety of Krishna scenes—here he tackles a demon serpent, there he fights a demon crane, and in a grouping demarcated by darker walls he romances milkmaids, multiplying himself to dance with each individually. From Stillness, Cosmic Action
  • They were trained by handspikes with the aid of side-tackle and their recoil was limited by a stout rope, called the breeching, the ends of which were secured to the sides of the ship. Marvels of Modern Science
  • It tackled steep inclines, rocky surfaces, muddy tracks and sand dunes with aplomb and at no time did I feel it would bog down or fail to scale rocky obstacles.
  • Back come the home side and win a corner when Ronaldo diligently tracks back and gets his tackle in.35 min: What a pass from Xavi, going 20 yards, arrowing down the inside-right channel to meet Alexis's run. Barcelona v Real Madrid – as it happened | Rob Bagchi
  • Innovation nevertheless is welcome as is reform to utilise the assets and capabilities of communities, improve society and tackle inequality. Please explain your true values, Mr Cameron | Editorial
  • So, in April 1884, they opened the first of a series of funicular railways, or elevadores, to tackle the gradients.
  • Plastic surgeons currently use facelifts or liposuction to try to tackle these signs of aging.
  • Everyone has his problem to tackle.
  • He is one half of the team's imposing defensive tackle tandem.
  • It was likely that the initial injury was the blunt trauma to the side of the neck after the rugby tackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the blaze raged on fire chiefs decided it was too dangerous to tackle directly.
  • They can put in a tackle and look after themselves but also have the creative spark. Times, Sunday Times
  • MPs call for a phonic system to tackle school illiteracy.
  • The plan, currently under development, tackles the double burden of undernutrition and overweight and focuses on the window of opportunity between conception and the second year of life.
  • This is a great month to enjoy light-tackle action, while wet wading along the open beachfront.
  • OIL prices rallied yesterday ahead of a meeting of top producers to tackle a two-year supply glut. The Sun
  • A dozen cities face the prospect of having to impose charges on owners of diesel vehicles under government plans to tackle air pollution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The climb tackles the east face of the cliff's most imposing feature, the Monkey Face.
  • She will pledge to tackle the irresponsible behaviour of big business. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.
  • School leaders also have a responsibility to tackle unconscious bias where it creeps in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Riddoch has spent the past five years on Radio Scotland, presenting a daily show that tackles issues high on the national news agenda.
  • His departure from the political scene would ease the president's efforts to tackle the ailing economy, prompting him to say the charges against him were political. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of my lack of brevity was tackled next. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to tackle it.
  • If you go there and shy away from tackles they get on top of you. The Sun
  • They are a beautifully marked silver and gold and make for great sport on light fly tackle.
  • Tomorrow she will outline plans, including increased staffing, to tackle prison safety and reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the morning, with a clear head , she'd tackle the problem.
  • The government is determined to tackle inflation.
  • Scores of jurors were quickly dismissed yesterday as the judge tackled the daunting task of finding an unbiased jury. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beauty of this book is that Allen pulls no punches as he tackles the difficult topics, and that Schumacher's response is to give as good as he gets.
  • Sissoko stayed on until the end despite the bad Bonera tackle to his right ankle (Bonera was sent off for it) in the second half.
  • Paul twisted, swivelled, danced and turned his way through some desperate tackles before pirouetting over the line in a mesmerising display of balance and control.
  • The pressure continued and Beverley were very lucky not to see a player carded for a dangerous spear tackle.
  • The NY Times' Haggler column tackled the confounding process of buying mattresses recently, with the help of Consumer Reports, which stated plainly: "Shopping for a mattress can be a nightmare.
  • It requires great effort to bring such criminals to trial successfully in a country with the jurisdiction and power to tackle the problem. The Global Marketplace
  • The finest tackle in the world won't catch you fish if you are so cold and miserable that concentration has dropped as low as the temperature.
  • The fire brigade was called and tackled the blaze using water from street hydrants.
  • Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together.
  • Of course it is for everyone in the community to tackle racism and to ensure everyone is treated equally.
  • Bait and fishing tackle can be hired.
  • He produced yet another quite captivating display of loquacious circumlocution as he tackled questions from the press about the way he has run the team recently.
  • A reasonable head of smaller fish, including Roach and Rudd offers the chance of good sport on light tackle.
  • Although we have the scientific ability to tackle global problems, it's the lack of political will to do anything before the planet turns into a dust bowl that's the problem.
  • They have also closed all offices dealing with asylum applications as they tackle a backlog expected to take more than a year to clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • If someone tackles you from behind or the side, you have to go down.
  • It was courageous to run the last tackle on the short side but, boy, did it pay off.
  • That tackle sparked a mass melee between players and officials. The Sun
  • Don't forget to bring your sports tackle with you tomorrow.
  • it's my job to meddle," is more than equipped to tackle. A Day Late and A Dollar Short by Terry McMillan: Questions
  • The warning came as MPs published a report highlighting serious failings in the way schools tackle bullying. The Sun
  • He ghosted past two tackles and slipped the ball to his forward to sweep the ball into the empty net.
  • Complete with a suction-cup transducer, gel-cell battery, charger and soft-sided case with tackle storage. Tilt-and-swivel quick-disconnect bracket.
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
  • Fishing tackle and rifle scopes are expensive.
  • It pollutes and debases the debate in this country, making it harder for us to tackle our problems intelligently or to maintain a sense of commonality as a society. Evening Buzz: Racism Fueling the Anger at Pres. Obama?
  • A man opened fire on a Las Vegas casino early this morning, wounding four people before being tackled by off-duty military reservists.
  • S'pose we tackle that old dead - limb tree on the hill t'other side of Still - House branch?
  • Crouch zipped a pass to Wistrom, who caught it, turned upfield and was tackled at the 15.
  • They want more detail about plans to tackle a record peacetime deficit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spent his first two seasons at left tackle.
  • Time and time again, Kennedy, McNamara Varga, Agathe and Thompson flung themselves into last ditch tackles and won.
  • Studies show that a little shut-eye can help you tackle problems and make tough decisions.
  • She said the workshop would also tackle business management projects, marketing, processing and export, internet, networking and public relations technics.
  • He shook off a couple would-be tacklers and bulldogged it for a couple yards more till our own Michael Jameson came flying in like a Mack Truck and blindsided him at the thirteen yard line. An Open Letter to Fans of South Plains Football
  • But an MBA is about enabling people to tackle tasks this complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week he tackled the thorny issue of pensions in front of a group of retired folk with the use of cardboard slides to illustrate his points, looking and sounding more like a plodding professor than the next president.
  • The Cabinet last week said it was a priority to tackle the issue, but the new laws have not even been drafted yet and in reality haven't a ghost of a notion of affecting anything for at least another year.
  • They want a 'year zero' for crime statistics and for the police to ignore much of the anti-social behaviour which people want to see tackled. Crime statistics masked by 'year zero' reset, claims Labour
  • He can pass, he can tackle, he is quick and he possesses an aerial threat that makes him a danger in both penalty areas. The Sun
  • In the afternoon, temple members cooked Vietnamese food and brought it to a cookout at a community center for about 300 people who had tackled other jobs that day.
  • The Reasoned Amendment claims the Bill fails to tackle the ‘inadequacies’ of animal welfare legislation, but would criminalise the activities of tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens.
  • Earlier this year Aberconwy Community Health Council called for urgent action to tackle the situation.
  • Evans and his crew returned victorious from the 1928-29 Surfboat Championships and set off to tackle the Bombora now breaking massively out to sea off the surf club.
  • Is there a polymath out there who might tackle a comparative study of all three? Christianity Today
  • It was he whom Matthew had brought down in a flying tackle.
  • How are you going to do that if you are chasing all over the place making tackles? Times, Sunday Times
  • The first hard tackle, bang! Times, Sunday Times
  • She tackled the Himalayas at eighty-eight, occasionally allowing porters to carry her pick-a-back across impossible terrain.
  • The good time manager reduces the number of routine tasks he attends to and raises the number of tough jobs he tackles.
  • He will tackle and hit rucks all day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also I'd like to know what everyone here thinks of Andrey Atuchin and Stephen O'Connor, I haven't seen anyone else tackle as many titanosaur paintings as these two, and they both have a lot of talent for creative color schemes and anatomical accuracy. Life's Time Capsule: MORE Sauropods in Art!
  • Broncos MLB Al, the team's leading tackler and lone veteran linebacker healthy, was having an Pro Bowl-caliber season before suffering a neck stinger on Sunday.
  • Their research suggested the best way to tackle it was to rebut the claims directly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may sound old-fashioned but the best way to tackle communalism is surely bringing people together to stand up for their common interests.
  • But with niggles aplenty and late tackles proliferating, it was little surprise that Rutherford and Ruthven were to exchange penalties for dubious tackles throughout the game.

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