How To Use Tacitus In A Sentence
- M. 1845.] 37 Feralis umbra, is the expression of Tacitus: it is surely a very bold one.] 38 Tacit. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Porta del Popolo; and the Bustum, where the bodies of the emperor and his family were burnt, is supposed to have stood on the site of the church of the Madonna of that name.] [Footnote 263: The distinction between the Roman people and the tribes, is also observed by Tacitus, who substitutes the word plebs, meaning, the lowest class of the populace.] [Footnote 264: Those of his father Octavius, and his father by adoption, De vita Caesarum
- In the days of his kittenhood I christened him "Tassie" after his mother; but as time sped on, and the name hardly comported with masculine dignity, this was changed to Tacitus, as more befitting his sex. Concerning Cats My Own and Some Others
- They shared, according to Tacitus, a war orientated Teutonic lifestyle with a veneration for the portentous powers of sage women and a predilection for feasting and drinking to excess.
- Agricola, stated Tacitus, invaded Caledonia because the northern tribes were acting in a threatening manner.
- Tacitus, contrived to make the dispeace permanent. Prolegomena
- Mutants have stolen the Tacitus from me, I require it's return!
- In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.
- Cornelius Tacitus, best known for his grimly disillusioned history of Rome's wicked emperors, was also the author of a short ethnographic treatise on the German tribes, known as the Germania. Slate Magazine
- That author speaks of "the austere and masculine virtues of Latin, the sincerity and brevity of Roman speech;" and Tacitus is, beyond any doubt, the strongest, the austerest, the most pregnant of all the Romans. The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola