How To Use Tacca In A Sentence

  • The last few words are delivered in a comic staccato.
  • Information is included on staccato touches and the two-note slur touch.
  • His speech is staggered and halting, hers an energetic staccato.
  • The art of banter, which is both a workplace and television writer's art, the true insider's patois (there's a special rhythm to the banter in the show, a staccato syllabification), may be at the heart of The West Wing's success.
  • Faily looked around at his gang, and his voice changed from the flat monotone of his recitation of imprinted details to the sharp staccato of his orders.
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  • Busted heralded a sea change over the past two years by bringing the staccato guitars and bratty vim of American punk-pop groups into the stale world of boy bands.
  • Strident, assertive saddlebacks begin argumentative vocal duels, their staccato ‘Yak-yak - yak-yak’ in ever longer and louder volleys.
  • Hornby was aghast but answered her questions in increasingly staccato and downbeat tones.
  • This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
  • His words sharply punctuated, delivered in coarse staccato. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • (Tevorang is probably present-day Yujing 玉井; Taccariang was in the eastern part of Gaoxiong 高雄, about 30 kilometers southeast from Tainan; Dolatok is probably present-day Donggang 東港, in Pingdong County; Pangsoya is present-day Linbian 林邊, in Pingdong County; and Longkiau is present-day Hengchun 恆春.) back How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Their sneakers pounded out a staccato rhythm at a pace so fast that ‘Lord of the Dance’'s Michael Flatley would be envious.
  • froglike," mandeikagati [Footnote: Like the frog: staccato.] (I do everything to be "difficultly understood" myself!) -- and one should be heartily grateful for the good will to some refinement of interpretation. Beyond Good and Evil
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians – staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. The N.Y. Philharmonic in Pyongyang
  • I sigh, crack one eye, and regard the interplay of shadows on the wall, listening to the incessant staccato of the downpour.
  • From the far edge of her weighted drowse a voice filtered through in blurred staccato bursts. The Temperature of Porridge
  • Fleming managed a convincing attacca downshift from the "éternellement lumineux" young bodies of "La maison" to an intoxicated, drill-sergeant bark for "Les deux guerriers. Archive 2009-04-01
  • She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.
  • A variety of articulations are found in these pieces, including legato, staccato, two-note slurs, tenuti, portatos and accents.
  • The three friezes with their ugly horizontal divisions, are also devoid of the supple rhythm whereby San artists achieved formal harmony, and this absence of flow creates a jarring staccato effect.
  • Mieville gropes for a prose style in the opening hundred pages or so, meaning that the opening part of the book is delivered in short, staccato bursts, one moment enjoyable, the next annoyingly obtuse to the point of turgidness. Kraken by China Mieville
  • a staccato command
  • With an elocutionary erudition surpassing that of his friendly rival, conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr., Moynihan held forth with a staccato bravado -- that sometimes bordered on the comical -- punctuated by pregnant pauses, the result of a speech impediment and not, as Moynihan's political opponents sometimes suggested, a drinking problem. Michael Sigman: Pat Moynihan's Letters Illuminate an Extraordinary Life
  • Xavier said gripping his cane as the pair's shoes beat a rhythmic staccato on the linoleum.
  • His lips peel back to make way for a giggle, a ratty staccato, something up from a drain.
  • Author C. Palmer examined three aspects of timing in piano performance that are not explicitly notated in the score: chord asynchronies, rubato patterns and legato/staccato patterns.
  • Circa non sta dicendo alla gente a che cosa latta e non possono fare nella segretezza delle loro proprie sedi o nei loro propri gruppi sociali, ma piuttosto nello staccamento del flusso dal gambo delle richieste che ogni documento di governo è tradotto a spesa pubblica in lingue dozzina o più differenti. anonymous consigue el punto. Nur Englisch
  • A hedgehog scuttles out of the shrubs, it clicks across the road and I staccato-step behind it.
  • Speaking in staccato tones and gesticulating sharply, he calls for support of jihad to liberate the children of Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Radical Islam finds unlikely haven in liberal Britain
  • In the absence of vibratory media the noises of the reef are isolated. furtive, echoless — staccato accidentals and dull dissonances out of tune with the soothing theme of the sea. My Tropic Isle
  • The late, lamented Uptown 1 was silent - then a single staccato bark echoed throughout the cinema.
  • I hear staccato tapping at the window
  • Krupa (a distant cousin of Gene Krupa), is a tiny woman, wiry and wired, who gets a big sound from her piano; her bright blue eyes dominate her face, and her words -- frequently self-deprecating -- tumble out allegro staccatissimo in a Chicago accent you could cut with a knife. Chicago Reader
  • The bolts of lightning threw lurid blue patterns across the walls and the rain beat a driving staccato on the roof.
  • The staccato fuzztone guitar, the heartfelt-yet-cryptic lyrics, the weird triumphant feeling in the chorus ... Listen, Ana, Hear My Words
  • If you closed your eyes it was easy enough to mistake that sound, that staccato of rifle and gunfire, for rain pattering onto the surface of a raincoat.
  • I had only just turned my back when she tapped her pen intolerantly on the counter in a sharp, staccato rhythm.
  • It also showcases the skills of the individual musicians, whose temporal coordination, especially with the staccatos and arpeggios inserted into the composition, is commendable.
  • In the broad and piebald field of eliptonic bibliophany, I will admit to being a sucker for Beauty, either as a physical artifact -- Manly Palmer Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages being the epitome here -- or in prose style, which is far less common, though Charles Fort's rhetorical swoop and staccato larrup is a Mauve Decade ironist's delight. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • It wasn't a slaughter by any means, just that Dublin were hitting all the right notes now whereas Kerry were staccato-like in all their efforts.
  • This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
  • As usual, I heard Gustave's staccato yap, and Gwen Nielson calming him down: `There's a marvellous watch-dog! THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • Staccato stabs of dry-brushed whites over pale, scumbled colors show the distinctive locale, the early light and the pale, prickly thickets of desert thornbush.
  • The staccato beat of booted feet and armour jingling sounded almost musical.
  • Ms. Gilberto also was joined by her friend and fellow carioca a Rio resident, the rapper Marcelo D2, who matched her smooth, romantic lyrics with his rapid-fire staccato in a combustible finale. Gilberto Updates the Family Recipe
  • Her eyes went round, and she spoke in a rapid, short-winded, staccato voice. Best Kept Secrets
  • We play opposite articulations: legato in staccato passages, staccato in legato sections.
  • The first track opens abruptly with high volume screechy staccato guitars and some guy screaming his guts out.
  • Raucous blats of noise erupted from the loudspeakers in staccato bursts as they tuned up. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 6.1 of 31.1
  • The facts came into his mind in short staccato statements. The Murder Room
  • It was particularly refreshing when compared with the slightly grating staccato voice he used to read his poetry.
  • The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.
  • Strings add color, providing the staccato rhythms of the bridge.
  • He spoke in a low voice in short staccato phrases. Three Soldiers
  • Rapid bowing, slow bows and staccato to bowing are reviewed, and exercises for each are prescribed.
  • Nymphs, friends, fairies and heroine all dance with the same buttery softness, whether the music is staccato, marcato, legato, forte or piano. Ballet in London: ‘Sleeping Beauty’ at Covent Garden - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Staccato, legato and two-note slurs appear, with hands together throughout, and songs are in the keys of C and G, with few black keys.
  • The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.
  • Play the last four notes of each measure staccato, or make a crescendo into the next measure.
  • Soon, the faint pitter-patter crescendoed into the staccato of heavy drops falling on Heinrich's poncho.
  • He came up with a very beautiful, odd, staccato kind of arpeggio thing, melting into a wistful resolve. Rebecca Pidgeon: Huff Post Exclusive Music Download
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians -- staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. Orchestra Exits for Seoul
  • She was sitting there, her hair in perfect bouffant fashion, manicured fingers tapping a staccato beat.
  • The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.
  • Then the sound of motorbikes being wheeled out, the irregular repeated staccato of kicks, then the reluctant engines being revved to keep them firing in the cold cold air.
  • From adagio to agitato, from legato to staccato, the music guides us through the story with ease and agility.
  • It's a staccato language of enigmatic hand gestures, flailing arms, touching oneself, herky-jerky starts and stops, plunging into space, crashing, spinning, jumping back up.
  • What he describes in this tight, staccato prose is a story which bears more than a passing resemblance to The Dirty Dozen.
  • This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
  • Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.
  • She tells her story via a translator, pausing to choose her words carefully, then pouring them out with a staccato of fist punches to make her point.
  • Also impressive are the portraits of well-fed burghers, such as the 1643 half-length figure of Paulus Verschuur, confident in his stylish hat, crisp collar and voluminous suit; a bare hand, gloves, sheer cuffs, a silken sash, curling hair and alert features are teased into existence with assured, staccato brushstrokes. Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
  • The last bar of the orchestral ritornel must be played a good deal ritardando, so as to make the tempo of this postlude even more majestic where the trumpets enter, by which means also the violins will be enabled to bring out the lively staccato figures strongly and clearly. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • Portato is indicated by a short line over or under a note, or the combination of a slur and staccato dot.
  • Lumped together with unalike new acts as part of the Brit - rock renaissance, they welcome the attention, even if they question some of the company they are made to keep - those making what Betts describes as ‘anxious, staccato music’.
  • Rackingly above the crash and lilt of music, the quick, wild thud of dancing feet, the sharp, staccato notes of laughter -- she heard the dull, heavy, unrhythmical tread of the oncoming years -- gray years, limping eternally from to-morrow on, through unloved lands, on unloved errands. Little Eve Edgarton
  • The only sounds were the staccato bursts of exploding fireworks and the multitracked oohs of appreciation echoing from every rooftop, from everywhere. Miss Misery
  • The staccato of gunfire had died and silence filled the hallway.
  • For much of the first half of the film Moon blurts out her lines in staccato style, which had me concentrating more on her acting than the movie. Filmstalker Review: The Devil's Rejects
  • They use small ‘bows’ made from Popsicle sticks and rosined horsehair and draw them back and forth across the piano's strings to produce melodies, drones, and staccato rhythmic figures.
  • She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.
  • The mechanical sound of the ship’s AI buzzed from the walls in response, mechanical and staccato in a vaguely feminine way, Welcome back Chief. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The grotesque flesh-marionettes of the studio audience erupted with a shrill and uneven staccato of laughter.
  • Many times before had I stepped off a solo-cachuca to the staccato pleasing of a fragment of slate frame, upon which my tutor was a gifted performer, but never until that day did I accompany myself with words. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume II. (of X.)
  • Una cosa non hanno avuto il coraggio di dire, e la dico io: sentire la tecnologia e usarla, vedere in avanti, usare l'istinto, i prezzi staccati dal contesto domanda-offerta. Darwin
  • _The wedge-shaped dash over the note_ (staccatissimo) was formerly employed to indicate a tone still more detached than that indicated by the dot, but this sign is really superfluous, and is seldom used at present. Music Notation and Terminology
  • It is not the same thing to write [Music: three staccatissimo quarter notes] and [Music: three staccato quarter notes]. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826
  • They were given with absolute certitude, a staccato recitation of poll numbers, grand strategy, and historical analogies.
  • By means of these assured yet quivering lines, she transposes the painterly flourishes of the original paintings into crisp, staccato markings.
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians -- staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. Orchestra Exits for Seoul
  • That's not to mention the staccato style used to convey the edgy nature of the lead character. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five preludes for solo cello imaginatively explore a restricted sonorous range of bowing, staccato and spiccato.
  • Instead, I find myself thinking in staccato bursts. Archive 2003-05-01
  • A trombone blatted -- there was the staccato tuck of a snare drum, and the boom of a bass drum came in with isochronal beats. When Egypt Went Broke
  • he talks in rapid-fire, staccato sentences
  • Touches are varied, legato, staccato - at times both used together in separate hands, and forms include simple sonata form, minuet, rondo, and theme and variations.
  • His feet were still pounding a maniacal staccato beat.
  • Soon, the faint pitter-patter crescendoed into the staccato of heavy drops falling on Heinrich's poncho.
  • With a catchy chorus, jangly guitar and staccato drumbeats, this track sounds both ultramodern and nostalgic all at once.
  • A contrasting trio section in staccato thirds perhaps implies a child's tip-toe dance.
  • The heavy staccato of footfalls behind her sounded a bit odd.
  • ‘Distant Drums’ is marked by a staccato, open-fifth ostinato pattern in the left hand, over which the chromatic-based melody reigns in the right hand.
  • He plunges into each situation without preamble, then utilizes sinewy, staccato prose to snare our attention.
  • During the encounter the complete life sequence of the characters she sees on the road is shown in a staccato of fast-paced edited shots and then the film resumes to Lola's run.
  • Mnml" (where did the vowel-less spelling originate, anyway?) may have initially been intended to indicate a certain strain of techno that favored staccato, whittled-down sounds and a general refusal of melody or songform, but as a variety of approaches inspired by minimalism coalesced into a series of tropes, and those tropes themselves came to signify "mnml," the term largely became severed from its original, literal meaning, as though through a process of substition. Philip sherburne
  • No. 9 in F Major / Allegro - A chordal study with the primary melody first presented in legato form and then altered to staccato.
  • The instrument will behave completely different when played'staccato'than when played'legato '.
  • You may occasionally be accosted in a public place by an attaccabottoni, a doleful bore who buttonholes people and tells sad, pointless tales.
  • [Music: staccato mark] is put over a note, [Music: staccatissimo mark] is not to take its place, and vice versa. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826
  • Indian / South Sea / Polynesian / Tahiti / Hawaii arrowroots are from Tacca leontopetaloides (or, possibly, close relations) One Hawaiian name is pi (not the same as the better-known poi, which is a starch made from taro).
  • ‘Well, he likes to talk a good game,’ he replied, his rolling voice picked by staccato clearings of his throat; it was like an unstopped faucet and had to be cleared frequently.
  • He marched stiffly to show me how to make each finger dance up and down, staccato like an obedient little soldier. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • POTUS was "projecting a lot of strength," say the KNP team, using a staccato rhythm and an emphatic finger point to underscore lines like his warning to al-Qaeda that "we will not relent, we will not waver, and we will defeat you. State of the political body language: Did Obama, Ryan, Bachmann have the moves to impress at SOTU?
  • The reader can learn a lot from discussion about phrase marks and rests as they were used around 1800, as well as about legato versus staccato.
  • Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.
  • Play it forte and legato while playing the rest of the chord piano and staccato.
  • Despite that staccato speech delivery, full of furious, angry pecks at soundbites, party delegates rose at the March conference to an unprecedented show of support and genuine affection.
  • Mr. Maazel spoke only a few words here and there, often using the Italian lingua franca of classical musicians – staccatissimo, piu allegro, marcato. The N.Y. Philharmonic in Pyongyang
  • Very different from all the preceding is the mode of production usually designated by musicians _staccato_, _marcato_, etc. The tone is attacked suddenly, and as suddenly dropped, which, expressed physiologically, means that the entire vocal mechanism is rapidly adjusted, one part to another, and as suddenly relaxed; and the one seems to be about as difficult as the other. Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • Years later when Beth played Mozart Sonatas and Chopin Nocturnes, we experimented with putting down the keys in various ways to get the velvety legatos or sparkling staccatos called for in the music.
  • In the second section the flute ignites sparks of tone through rapid tonguing, tremolos, staccatos and trills as the tape sounds ebb and flow, gradually evolving from one harmony to the next.
  • Though I suspect Vaananen's instrument has more prosaic origins, he extracts a magical sound from it, from staccato guitar like chording to bell-like swirls.
  • But, while Elkins writes good staccato dialogue, he abstracts his characters from society.
  • Certainly there is little coherence in her timetabled day: indeed perversely its very staccato pattern is a feature Susie quite enjoys.
  • A variety of articulations are found in these pieces, including legato, staccato, two-note slurs, tenuti, portatos and accents.
  • She thinks that the brothers' staccato speech stems from emotional defensiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be evident to them that the actor made love luringly and died effectively, that he was capable of lyric reading and staccato gasconade, that he had a burly humor and that touch of sentiment that trembles into tears. The Theory of the Theatre
  • My feet thudded to the ground in a fast staccato, beating only a little faster than my racing heart.
  • Something nicked me, like a mosquito bite, and I heard a staccato sound, like hail on a cymbal. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Syncopated staccato accents gradually drop into place on top of an extended droning chord.
  • Articulation is critical the pianist must observe and execute staccato notes and slurs with real style, or the piece will fall flat.
  • the staccato bark of the machine guns
  • Museums like the Louvre and the Getty collect Tacca's sculptures of mythological gods and cherubs, but his work still generally sells for around half the price of a comparable Giambologna, Mr. Hill noted. Following the Smart Art Money
  • Retention of a naturally compact hand through early release of selected notes and judicious use of staccato touch is a potent technique.
  • Much laughter has been heard, with the staccato of chopping and the thud of pestles meeting mortars.
  • I affected a combination of the styles of Macaulay and Gibbon, the staccato antitheses of the former and the rolling sentences and genitival endings of the latter; and I stuck in a bit of my own from time to time. MY EARLY LIFE
  • staccato notes
  • But she spoke in a fast staccato, so she didn’t come across as babelike. As Husbands Go
  • Mieville gropes for a prose style in the opening hundred pages or so, meaning that the opening part of the book is delivered in short, staccato bursts, one moment enjoyable, the next annoyingly obtuse to the point of turgidness. Kraken by China Mieville
  • The driest and lowest islands have an extremely simple flora, usually dominated by grass (Lepturus repens) and Tribulus cistoides or Portulaca lutea, sometimes with areas of T. argentea, P. acidula, and S. taccada scrub. Central Polynesian tropical moist forests
  • But we're equally engaged by the audacious, staccato brushwork with which the artist, Giovanni Battista Moroni, conjured up those emblems of wealth, contrasting the stabbing marks of costume and gems with the smooth rendering of face and hair. See Their Worlds in Their Faces
  • , replete with Cuban jazz samples, meringue feel and staccato rhymes.
  • In the second section the flute ignites sparks of tone through rapid tonguing, tremolos, staccatos and trills as the tape sounds ebb and flow, gradually evolving from one harmony to the next.
  • Playful articulation with staccato, legato, slurs and the shape of the rising first-theme melody in C major create a bright and fresh mood.
  • Moments of repose are few and far between, and the staccato rhythms and lack of melodic variation grow oppressive in the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staccato beats, tinny keys and metrosexual anxiety permeate Last Exit, the debut full-length by Hamilton, Ontario electro-pop trio Junior Boys.
  • One minute I can hear the birds outside, the staccato of the fan, the light flapping of my bed sheet in the fan draft.
  • As usual, I heard Gustave's staccato yap, and Gwen Nielson calming him down: `There's a marvellous watch-dog! THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • Before the mid-1700s, the terms spiccato and staccato where used interchangably to mean notes that where separated. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Moist forest is dominated by single or mixed species stands of Pisonia grandis up to 25 meters (m) high, Cordia subcordata, or Heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea) with areas of Scaevola taccada and Morinda citrifolia scrub, usually near forest edges. Western Polynesian tropical moist forests
  • We spent the evening there, in her small attic room with rain drumming a staccato tattoo on the roof above and a small fire flickering in the grate.
  • ‡ The term staccato has been applied generally to things that occur in rapid bursts, such as gunfire. Staccato
  • And what makes this utter lack of substance far worse is that she can't even articulate her very simplistic thoughts without using staccato sentence fragments strung together as if she's reciting abbreviated notes illegibly scrawled on the backs of barroom napkins, and selected on-the-fly using a dart board. Bob Cesca: Famous for Being Famous: The Sarah Palin Show Is On the Air
  • Note 43: Taccariang was in the eastern part of Gaoxiong, about 30 kilometers southeast from Tainan (see Zeelandia Dagregisters, vol. 1, p. 195, note 120). back How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Multiple dynamics were evident: marcato (indicating attack), staccato (a cut-off ending) and legato (tying successive moves), in many different combinations. NYT > Home Page
  • The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.
  • Its brilliantly evoked opening describes a shabby rooming house in which "spacious rooms had been sliced to cubicles where the staccato chatter of the inmates, relayed like tom-tom messages, mingled with the crash of irreconcilable radios. The First Lady Of Futurism
  • His fingers tapped at the keys in a rapid staccato.
  • While interesting as a piece of journalism, some comments were vague; for example, we are told that Sargood ‘speaks softly, in a lovely staccato, a spark in her eyes.’
  • What Is This Thing Called Love? unfolds in raw exclamations over cymbal splashes, quickly racing uptempo; Nancy With the Laughing Face is a showcase for the more sensuous slow playing of both Hayes and the elegant Pine; and the classic Mexican Green shows the free-sermonising impact of John Coltrane before it turns into a staccato and gospelly groove. Tubby Hayes: Lament – review
  • She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.
  • Steep Steps, for bass clarinet, plays the timbral angle for humor, staccato Raymond-Scott machinery in the bass against the unlikely espressivo of the instrument's treble, ending with a big-band saxophone-like wail of clarino; Brent Besner hit it all with character and flair. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Cellist Darry Dolezal added, ‘You might consider changing your articulations then from tenutos to staccatos to get the effect you are after.’
  • The often fussy Mr Riley raised a yellow card at Tugay and then McMahon in a staccato start to proceedings.
  • When [Music: staccato mark] is put over a note, [Music: staccatissimo mark] is not to take its place, and Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 2
  • Years later when Beth played Mozart Sonatas and Chopin Nocturnes, we experimented with putting down the keys in various ways to get the velvety legatos or sparkling staccatos called for in the music.
  • Vladimir could hear scattered gunfire on the right flank now, a staccato of pops amid the deeper roar of the artillery shells exploding to their rear.
  • The word made Dave remember how his own thoughts came in staccato bursts, like fireworks that rose and flared, abruptly lighting his consciousness before just as quickly fading into the night sky. Vignette: empty
  • This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
  • She'd sit at the terminal, frowning, cigarette burning in the tray, tapping a rapid staccato.
  • With a catchy chorus, jangly guitar and staccato drumbeats, this track sounds both ultramodern and nostalgic all at once, and is a dead cert to be the next single.
  • The more complete sourdine, which muted all the strings by contact of a long strip of leather, acted as the staccato, pizzicato, or pianissimo. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • The bullets found easy victims and a constellation of flashing lights lit up the smoke-filled cabin, accompanied by a staccato roar.
  • staccato applause
  • Alas, they have more sax than sex appeal and typify the surprising lack of fizz in their staccato union of song, dance and clipped dialogue.
  • I brettinoresi determinarono di alzare in piazza una colonna con intorno tanti anelli di ferro, quanto le nobili famiglie di quel castello, e chi fosse arrivato ed avesse legato il cavallo ad uno de 'predetti anelli, doveva esser ospite della famiglia, che indicava l' anello cui il cavallo era attaccato. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • In 20th-century notation the staccato is generally prescribed by means of a dot over or under the note and is distinguished from the more emphatic staccatissimo, indicated by a wedge.
  • Play this phrase staccato.
  • Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.
  • play this staccato, please
  • Filename (2009) music of ostrava days live (disc 2) \01 - ligeti, györgy - concerto for violin and orchestra - i.praeludium. vivacissimo luminoso (attacca). wav AvaxHome RSS:
  • Or compare the light legato movement of "Bird of the wilderness, blithesome and cumberless," with the heavy staccato movement of "Waste endless and boundless and flowerless. The Principles of Aesthetics
  • The singing is a kind of declamation, with long slurs, frequent staccatos, and abrupt endings. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • An inability to perform even the simplest of DIY exercises without the verbose delivery of staccato sentences, gratuitously peppered with offensive curses.
  • Filename (2009) music of ostrava days live (disc 2) \01 - ligeti, györgy - concerto for violin and orchestra - i.praeludium. vivacissimo luminoso (attacca). wav AvaxHome RSS:
  • Or they could take their chances in the street with the taxis, zooming madly, beeping their horns in staccato blips as warnings.

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