- the first known nerve agent, synthesized by German chemists in 1936; a highly toxic combustible liquid that is soluble in organic solvents and is used as a nerve gas in chemical warfare
How To Use tabun In A Sentence
- Just a few droplets of chemical nerve agents such as tabun, sarin and VX will kill within minutes if inhaled or within hours if absorbed through the skin. Iraq: Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Our choice is to emend the texts so that we can sing them wholeheartedly, and Richard Tarrant and Larry Rosenwald devised good solutions for Nova vobis gaudia and Letabundus. Archive 2009-02-01
- Other agents include soman and tabun. Times, Sunday Times
- However, it is sensitive to things like mustard gas, tabun and sarin.
- Initial tests on the liquid chemicals found in 14 barrels at an agricultural site near Hindiyah, central Iraq, indicated the possible presence of nerve agents sarin and tabun and the blister agent lewisite.
- The explosions, which unleashed "a deadly cocktail of mustard gas and the nerve agents tabun, sarin, and VX," were part of Hussein's larger "scorched earth offensive" against Iraqi Kurds during the Iran-Iraq War. Dan Reimold: A New Voice for Iraq, Thanks to Student Journalism
- Filii servorum tuorum habitabunt; et semen eorum in seculum dirigetur. The Life of the Spirit and the Life of To-day
- : "Si autem velut a lumine lumina accensa sunt ... velut verbi gratia a facula faculæ, generatione quidem et magnitudine fortasse distabunt ab invicem; eiusdem autem substantive cum sint cum principe emissionis ipsorum, aut omnes impassibiles perseverant aut et pater ipsorum participabit passiones. History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
- He named the chemical "tabun" and communicated his findings to Army Weapons Office in Berlin. OUPblog
- When Saddam bombed Kurdish rebels and civilians with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and VX in 1988, the Reagan administration first blamed Iran, before acknowledging that the culprits were Saddam's own forces," explained reporters Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas. America's March Madness