How To Use Tabulation In A Sentence

  • ALLEN: And as you could see from the screen there, Bush had picked up some 45 votes so far in the absentee-ballots tabulation, which is ongoing -- that according to Associated Press. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Florida Supreme Court Stays Certification of Florida Presidential Ballots; Counties Counting Overseas Absentee Ballots - November 17, 2000
  • Where the real work of making a car company successful suddenly turns complex, and where the winners are separated from the losers, is in the long-cycle product development process, where short-term day-to-day metrics and the tabulation of results are meaningless. Life Lessons From the Car Guy
  • No indications of tabulation; a short split in the wall either represents damage or is an incipient opening.
  • Upon discovery of errata in original tabulation, a few bandleaders who were-just ten days earlier-told they had won top honours, suddenly found themselves relegated.
  • Another tabulation is here, and it has different numbers and shows Edwards in fifth. Archive 2007-08-01
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  • This is the tabulation I built for my kids' Lego amassment.
  • Guam Democratic Party officials told CNN Saturday morning that the vote tabulation is ongoing but will take several more hours to complete. Early Guam returns show slight Obama lead
  • Nevertheless, the most amazing feature in connection with this is the hopeless purblindness of the freedmen, for neither the tabulations of the census bureau nor the reports of municipal boards of health exert the slightest influence on racial habits of living. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • A song's words, music tabulation and guitar chords are all as well-protected by copyright law as the sound recording they're heard in.
  • The increased "load" on the Inspector/workers led to errors in tabulation & proper procedures. Sound Politics: Signs of meltdown, spin control at King County Elections
  • Along with computerization, the commission will be buying fleets of motorcycles and batteries of cellphones, to speed the relay of precinct tallies to regional and national tabulation centers.
  • These results do not reflect the official tabulation, which is expected to begin on Friday. Undefined
  • November 25, 2008 at 12: 04 PM there is no "recount" just a retabulation of the tallys. the creigh deeds retabulation moved the numbers very little. but goode has the right to ask for one. but there is no "recount" of all the ballots. Virgil Asks For Recount
  • The site offers voter registration, listings, and even vote tabulation for its customers.
  • Our votes will be canvassed Monday and Tuesday of next week and the tabulations will be made at that time and our vote will be completed.
  • The claim that IRV is better than plurality is questionable, since it increases the rate of spoiled ballots by a factor of 7, and incentivizes the implementation of fraud-prone (electronic) voting machines, and cannot be counted in precincts (and therefore requires central tabulation that makes counting less transparent and more prone to a central fraud conspiracy). Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • This is unusual since there is often useful information to be gleaned from doing what is called a cross-tabulation, that is of comparing vote preference by certain fixed characteristics like age and sex. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Final data were abstracted directly from the publications or estimated from data tabulations in the articles.
  • The file will provide a wealth of tabulations from the census long form, including income, home value, education, occupation, language, commuting, disability, and many others.
  • Faint and fine suturai lineations, incompletely reflecting tabulation, variably developed over surface.
  • Moreover, that knowledge must reflect careful observation, recording and tabulation.
  • We used cross-tabulations and rank correlation coefficients to investigate bivariate association.
  • For this is the form that every tabulation of family pedigree must assume; and therefore the mere fact that a scientific tabulation of natural affinities was eventually found to take the form of a tree, is in itself highly suggestive of the inference that such a tabulation represents a _family_ tree. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • The ballots were fed into another machine for tabulation.
  • The genus is emended to account for the nature of the central body wall, as well as new evidence of tabulation including details of the archeopyle.
  • Of course, if the audit system doesn't match the vote tabulation there's no way to know that the vote tabulation actually works properly.
  • One crucial tabulation involves determining the number of subsets of the 12 possible Bingos of a particular size that cover a particular number of squares.
  • the tabulation of the results
  • Validation studies verified our ability to repeat tabulations between tabulators and laboratories within acceptable limits.
  • Gingrich's group had heard from sources that the result of the tabulation was a YID With LID
  • The two essential methods of prairie dog tabulation are aerial surveys and old-fashioned head counts.
  • Thomas Edison's first invention was a tabulation device that showed visitors to a state legislature exactly how lawmakers were voting on every bill.
  • Said NY doesn't know what they want to do yet on "tabulation". First-hand account of Rockland, NY voting machine demo
  • As someone who was involved in lobbying for greater protection for mahoganies, from way back in the 1980s, one of the first things I looked at was the status of mahoganies in the various tabulations.
  • Most tables will include tabulations by some demographic characteristics or by labor force status.
  • If an electronic tabulation which is erroneous is replicated, repeating the error does not correct that error. BLUEPRINT FOR A NON-VIOLENT REVOLUTION

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