How To Use Tabulate In A Sentence
I should have realized when I tabulated the survey results for a community event where peope received free books and paraphernalia from the organization, yet still had no idea who they were and what they did.
When passion flames out. «
The last whorl is acutely angulate posteriorly, and the spire is tabulated, giving to the shell a peculiar truncate appearance.
The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
These data are tabulated by species with locations referenced to zoogeographical subregions, political units of provinces, states, or countries, and source citations.
In order to construct a line graph, at least two sets of tabulated data are required.
He said observers and journalists could watch the first stage of the count at the polling stations, but not at provincial election commission centers where the results are tabulated.
Indeed, the researchers usually could tell from the strength of brain activity alone which songs would later sell at least 20,000 copies, as tabulated by the Nielsen Company.
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He followed Jason and pretty soon he was looking at the tabulated results from their experiment the day before.
The survey results are tabulated in section 9 of Appendix 1.
Tabulated views of all the objects and datatypes in the memory dump with filters and sorted columns.
The questionnaire and tabulated results are available here.
To set up mazes, find rats to run them, measure the results and to tabulate everything is hard.
It has raw log, tabulated data, and graph views, and can save data to jpeg or .csv files (for export to spreadsheets).
But when the results were tabulated after five years, clofibrate showed no beneficial effect.
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The survey results are tabulated in section 9 of Appendix 1.
The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.
Results were tabulated and presented at multiple multidisciplinary conferences and clinical meetings.
As in past years, NCPP also tabulated accuracy scores for a smaller number of polls 202 conducted by each organization within the final week of the campaign.
Poll Accuracy Held Steady In 2010
The measuring of CO2 levels throughout history and the effect on climate is tabulated.
Circular reasoning
The U.S. Census Bureau did not tabulate separate statistics for Panama, Central and South American nations until 1960.
Diffusion coefficients of non-labelled water in helium and in CO 2 measured by gravimetry were close to those tabulated by Cussler (9.08x10-5 and 2.02x10-5 m s - 1, for D w H at 25°C and D w C at 34°C, respectively).
The percent of respondents classifying a task in each educational category was tabulated.
So by using the tabulated data, we can really determined heats of formation for most reactions that you might contemplate, OK?
To set up mazes, find rats to run them, measure the results and to tabulate everything is hard.
Between that which Balzac tabulated as the "abstractive" type of human evolvement and that which is fully cosmic in consciousness, there are many and diverse degrees of the higher faculties; but the poet always expresses some one of these degrees of the higher consciousness; indeed some poets are of that versatile nature that they run the entire gamut of the emotional nature, now descending to the ordinary normal consciousness which takes account only of the personal self; again ascending to the heights of the impersonal fearlessness and unassailable confidence that is the heritage of those who have reached the full stature of the "man-god whom we await" -- the cosmic conscious race that is to be.
Cosmic Consciousness
The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.
The results from the minute papers are tabulated and presented to the students each day and then selected topics are covered.
Where possible we tabulated results in terms of means and standard deviations for consultations and proportions for prescribing and referrals.
We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.
The exact death count is impossible to determine, but some historians have placed the minimum death toll between six and eleven thousand men; other postwar Allied reports have tabulated that only 54,000 of the 75,000 prisoners reached their destination — taken together, the figures document a rate of death from one in four up to two in seven of those on the death march.
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Experts from the research department completed and tabulated the results at the end of last month.
A meteorological screen or box was erected on a platform over the stern, right away from the living quarters, and in it were placed the maximum and minimum thermometers, the recording barograph, and thermograph — an instrument which writes every variation of the temperature and pressure on a sheet of paper on a revolving drum — and the standard thermometer, a very carefully manufactured thermometer, with all its errors determined and tabulated.
South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
Acquisition results were tabulated for high to medium-low signal conditions.
Its dense rows of tabulated figures are littered with footnotes as the compilers struggle to incorporate new food knowledge into old.
The results are then tabulated in a series of checklists or grids to indicate possible or probable health effects.
The results are then tabulated in a series of checklists or grids to indicate possible or probable health effects.
The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.
To set up mazes, find rats to run them, measure the results and to tabulate everything is hard.
The same information can be tabulated by the whole class, for a composite picture of a trade.
The calcareous algae, stromatoporoids, tabulate corals, and rugose corals became conspicuous reef-builders throughout the tropical seas.
The meteograph, with the anemograph, cost £600, but the great advantage is that no assistant is required to sit up at night, and that all the figures wanted for climatic constants are ready tabulated without any further labor.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.
According to Schopenhauer Eristic Dialectic is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyse dishonest stratagems, in order that in a real debate they may be at once recognised and defeated.
Survey results were tabulated for the entire sample and for girls and boys separately.
This control is also useful for any kind of cross-tabulated or grid-based data entry, especially when you need to use formulas with automatic recalculation.
The results of these two analyses are tabulated in the online supplement.
A tabulate onwards Boundary Firefox has announc edlthat an federal Mozilla Workroom weblog desideration one day prevail lau sales string, the present-day weblog secondr rave announce the insurance Star †"â€" †"Dark star crashes, pouring its lightdinto ashes.
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Further, they were told that the instructor would not review or tabulate the responses until after final grades for the course were determined.
The openers also inspect the ballots and cull any that look like they can't be tabulated by machine and need to be "duplicated".
Sound Politics: Mail Ballot Lifecycle
The awards are given out at Canventionin Mayso voting will be some time before then once the works have been tabulated.
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I see the weekly box office numbers, the way they're tabulated and drooled over… the way a movie is judged a success or a failure on its opening weekend.
The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites.
Later Paleozoic seas were dominated by crinoid and blastoid echinoderms, articulate brachiopods, graptolites, and tabulate and rugose corals.
The number of remaining lists, occurrences, or occurrences squared was also tabulated.
Alamirifica corona differs considerably from Echinobathra by not having protruding, very thick varices nor tabulate whorls.
Results are tabulated immediately and visitors have the option of viewing past surveys and their results.
The results are then tabulated in a series of checklists or grids to indicate possible or probable health effects.
data tabulated overleaf
Other fossil groups include diverse rugose corals, some tabulate corals, nautiloids, gastropods, and trilobites.
The results are then tabulated in a series of checklists or grids to indicate possible or probable health effects.
We tabulate their performance below in no special order.
I believe that both college admissions officers and the government care about tracking race on a more detailed level; however, they are unsure of a method that can be tabulated and analyzed as efficiently as the "tick box" system.
Daniel Koh: The Race Classification Gap
Escott tabulated all of the ex-slave interviews and found that 9.6 percent stayed with their master after freedom but were uncertain as to how long, 18.8 percent stayed for one to twelve months, 14.9 percent stayed for one to five years, and 22.1 percent stayed for more than five years.
A Renegade History of the United States
The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible - compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14.
It is unlikely that hand-written entries can be tabulated with the same efficiency as the typical "tick boxes.
Daniel Koh: The Race Classification Gap
But the real results are the ones that can't be tabulated by the Department of Education.
Published results from other genotoxicity tests and cancer studies have been tabulated.
All surveys were electronically tabulated and the results were ranked in declining order.
Even more hysterically funny and revolting, he says that the dictionary's editors tabulate "citational evidence" about anti-Semitism published in "carefully written prose-like books and magazines".
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Whenever differences are observed, values are tabulated separately for contact lipids.
Results for the test program haven't been tabulated.
In many states, there is a criminal code which tabulates criminal offences.
A tabulate onwards Boundary Firefox yhas announced that an federal Mozilla Workroom weblog desideration one dayx prevail launched.
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