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How To Use Table mat In A Sentence

  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • It however set one of table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • It however set one of my table mates to engage in the unusual act of thinking.
  • If you have an uncomfortable mattress make changing it a priority. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added that he was personally more interested in seeing close, unpredictable matches. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Its powerful bill enabled it to break, and its capacious, stone-supplied gizzard to digest, the hardest shells and kernels; and thus a kind of frugivorous vulture, it cleared away the decaying vegetable matter. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 440 Volume 17, New Series, June 5, 1852
  • Tropic growths, which I will venture to call myrtle, oleander, laurel, and eucalyptus, environed the hotel, not too closely nor densely, and our increasing party was presently discovered from the head of its steps by a hospitable matron, who with a cry of comprehensive welcome ran within and was replaced by a head-waiter of as friendly aspect and much more English. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • She has formed a fantasy that he will be what no one she now knows approaches-a suitable match for herself.
  • Its diet consists chiefly of vegetable matter, but it also eats small animals.
  • Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
  • Suitable materials for composting include annual weeds that haven't formed seed, leafy softwood prunings, old bedding plants, autumn leaves and grass clippings.
  • We're told the governor had his table mates in stitches doing an impression.
  • His table mate is also in full phone mode, swapping derogatory stories about Client X with a colleague at the other end of the call.
  • Never mind that these texts have been translated thousands of times in the course of 500 years and there isn't really any newly copyrightable material here. What To Do About Tethered Texts
  • The implantable materials are biocompatible, non-biodegradable implants which are designed for stabilization in soft tissue through the ingrowth of fibrous tissue after implantation.
  • This ingenious product has been analysed by officials and it contains such substances as beef tallow, vegetable materials and synthetic laboratory-sourced ingredients, but no trace of a cow in the chain.
  • They typically eat insects and floating vegetable matter but their diet also includes zooplankton, aquatic insect larvae, and worms.
  • However, the question of the validity of soft dollars was not a debatable matter until recently.
  • Any suitable material may be used, including quill, parchment, wood, ivory, bone, horn, tortoiseshell, and plastic.
  • There are much better things to do with compostable material.
  • Our table mates were world travelers, having taken trains in Europe but this was their first ride on Amtrak.
  • The showrooms experience a general demand for table mats and coasters and various hand crafted items, specially for exports.
  • Warning stickers were placed on the bins that had incorrect or unsuitable material in them.
  • The result of this process is that all the vegetable matter contained in the wool is "carbonized" or burned to a crisp, and on being slightly beaten or shaken readily turns to dust. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Clearly not intimidated by a design challenge, British table mathematician, designer and artist Anthony Leyland has developed these creative tables sliced, bent, shaped and reworked from a single 1-square meter sheet of steel. Too Peace Table
  • Now we feel a little more tolerant of our table mate than we did when we first heard him. "
  • In this paper, 29 pesticides in 17 sorts of vegetable matrices were collected for the study of matrix effects by GC-MS.
  • An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark , used in tanning.
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages in environments where suitable mating partners are scarce.
  • I lifted mine to read which state's flower I'd been given, urging my table mates to do the same.
  • Large amounts of nitrogen are gathered by leguminous crops; cowpeas, vetch, beggarweed, velvet beans, alfalfa and others may be planted to advantage, resulting in a great saving in fertilizer bills, and besides, adding the necessary vegetable matter and humus. The Pecan and its Culture
  • Terrestrial orchids grow in the humus - the rich, loose top layer of soil that is made up of decaying leaves and vegetable matter.
  • She died in America in 1773, a respectable matron aged thirty-eight.
  • If dealt with in the magistrates court, minor indictable matters are prosecuted by the police.
  • To this end the city directed its scavengers to deliver ‘clean’ garbage free of rotting vegetable matter to the site.
  • In France, for example, winemakers for centuries have used a process known as chaptalization, which is the addition of fermentable materials - including cane sugar!
  • He was practically yelling his opinions to his table mates and shattering the air with his laughter.
  • Brooms, brushes, mops and feather dusters, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, of other animal or vegetable materials.
  • But for stable mature companies, they should be expensed, or other methods of compensation should be used.
  • Naturally, this provoked a flood of filth and crude innuendo, which is hardly suitable material for a family site.
  • These explanations were, despite my best and more detailed efforts, met by indifference, glazed eyes and near hostility by my table mates.
  • The structure is conveniently configured as a vascular stent with a base material of stainless steel, nitinol or another suitable material.
  • The finding raises hopes that the new cells can be fashioned into transplantable material for patients whose own cells and tissues have become faulty.
  • The BlocMatic was designed to manufacture blocks, bricks, pipes, etc, from concrete or other compactable materials. Chapter 13
  • Once inside the shelter Snicht hurried around making space for them and inflating three portable mattresses he had.
  • This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.
  • The vast majority of the House Finch's diet is vegetable matter - seeds, buds, berries, and nectar.
  • First of all, the discovery that germs cause infection was an outgrowth of Pasteur's studies demonstrating that germs cause putrefaction of animal and vegetable material outside the body.
  • Please give the table mats a quick wipe.
  • Guys, visit my "bring Comic-con to Montevideo" page, I have a couple of inflatable matress and the rest can bunk with my brother. williebillie12 LA Opens Facebook Fan Page to Rally Support for Comic Con in Los Angeles | /Film
  • The implantable materials are biocompatible, non-biodegradable implants which are designed for stabilization in soft tissue through the ingrowth of fibrous tissue after implantation.
  • The president, and other club volunteers performed a ‘mini waste audit’ in the Great Hall, re-sorting garbage bin contents into trash, recyclables and compostable material piles.
  • She nursed the mentally unstable mathematician through half a lifetime of delusional daymares.
  • As well, the greater efficiency of the spinning wheel probably led to lower piecework rates for all spinning, whether with distaff or wheel, despite the fact that wheel-spun yarn was not always the suitable material.
  • Silk, too, is manufactured from vegetable matter, independent of the silkworm, which is now seen only in museums. Archive 2010-04-01
  • This is not an issue, as we can take the inflatable mattress.
  • Thus in the generation of the buds of trees, it is probable that two kinds of vegetable matter, as they are separated from the solid system, and float in the circulation, become arrested by two kinds of vegetable glands, and are then deposed beneath the cuticle of the tree, and there join together forming a new vegetable, the caudex of which extends from the plumula at the summit to the radicles beneath the soil, and constitutes a single fibre of the bark. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Antimatter and matter annihilate each other on contact, so keeping antimatter around requires portable matterless containers, such as magnetic fields shaped into magnetic bottles.
  • It was called the bezoar stone, and was a concretion chiefly of resinous bile and magnesia, and the rest inert vegetable matter. Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals
  • Any suitable material may be used, including quill, parchment, wood, ivory, bone, horn, tortoiseshell, and plastic.
  • PP Gift bagDongguan Toyo Printing Products Ltd is a pioneer manufacturer of all kinds table mat and plastic printing products .
  • This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.
  • Its diet consists chiefly of vegetable matter, but it also eats small animals.
  • However, the commercial fish food is designed to offer a nutrient-rich and balanced diet, and it contains both animal and vegetable matter.
  • Hence spontaneous fermentation, vinous, acetous, and putrefactive, is the natural decomposition of animal and vegetable matters, to which a certain degree of fluidity is necessary; for where vegetable and animal substances are dry, as sugar and glue for instance, and are kept so, no fermentation of any kind succeeds. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • Then a new forest would spring up, the ferns, Calamites, Lepidodendrons, and Sigillarias would gradually form another jungle, and many hundred of feet above the buried coal-bed b, a second bed of peat and vegetable matter would begin to accumulate to form the coal-bed a. Such is the history of how the coal which we now dig out of the depths of the earth once grew as beautiful plants on the surface. The Fairy-Land of Science
  • And are we not omnivores, with teeth for rending and tearing, teeth for subduing vegetable matter, for cracking the carapaces of crawfish and beetle, for masticating the toughest of hides?
  • One of the woman's table mates had returned from a trip to the front of the restaurant bearing a big colorful carving of a parrot on a perch.
  • Presence of cellulose definitively identifies vegetable matter and excludes helminths.
  • Kuhn's sixth report on conjugated double bonds already contains structure determinations of polyene dyes from vegetable materials. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • PP Gift bagDongguan Toyo Printing Products Ltd is a pioneer manufacturer of all kinds table mat and plastic printing products .
  • determiner" in the germ-plasm; that by suitable matings a breeder could rid a stream of germ-plasm of almost any determiner he wished; and that the corresponding unit character would thereupon disappear from the visible make-up of the individual. Applied Eugenics
  • Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
  • Seeds and insects are part of their diet year round, but the ratio of animal and vegetable matter fluctuates throughout the year.
  • The great quantity of oxygen, or vital air, both in the water of dilution, and in the fermentable matter, with which the fluid is more or less saturated, should be also recollected, which is about eighty-five parts in the former, and sixty-four parts of one hundred in the latter. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • The origins of the sordid controversy go back to the founding of the ethanol industry in Australia in the early 1990s. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is a petrol additive derived from wheat, sugar and other vegetable matter.
  • Over an exclusive telephone conversation, the ever excitable Matt Alden confided in my shell-like ears that he's incredibly excited about the new venture.
  • They typically eat insects and floating vegetable matter but their diet also includes zooplankton, aquatic insect larvae, and worms.
  • Any suitable material may be used, including quill, parchment, wood, ivory, bone, horn, tortoiseshell, and plastic.
  • Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
  • Table mats will protect the surface but also allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of the wood grain.
  • Interior cladding on the upper floor is of strawboard, an inexpensive, durable, and compostable material comparable to medium density fiberboard but composed entirely of straw.
  • Also, there is nothing wrong with the creator of copyrightable material protecting his or her copyright. 'Hogwarts High': Harry Potter meets 'Back to the Future' |
  • Three minutes later, our second table mate left, giving up on his dessert.
  • This involved separating their waste into bins for glass, tins and paper, then composting suitable material.
  • They feed on large tough fruits and other vegetable matter, including bark which they can tear apart with their strong hands.
  • Mashing is completed by running the wort off the solid remains of the malt, which are then rinsed with hot water—“sparged”—to remove some remaining extractable materials before being discarded. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • In no time flat we had selected a card, and some face cloths, and some table mats and coasters - when do you ever go into a department store for one small item and come out with nothing else?
  • So, I put it together in much the same way that I do table mats, bibs & scarves – right sides together, stitch around the outsides, turn rightside out, topstitch. Polka Dot Cottage » My first quilt! » Print
  • Through it all, waking or sleeping, ran a thread of wearisome pain -- limbs so stiff and flesh so bruised that it seemed to Ann as though the wontedly comfortable mattress on which she lay had been stuffed with lumps of coal. The Vision of Desire
  • It was an unbelievable end to an otherwise forgettable match. The Sun
  • Rock Sandpipers are unusual among shorebirds in that they commonly eat vegetable matter, including seeds, berries, moss, and algae.
  • But, apart from decomposition, there may be, and very usually is, a generation of gas within the stomach, from the acetous fermentation of vegetable matter (or within other cavities from other causes), sufficient to induce a distension which will bring the body to the surface. The Mystery of Marie Roget
  • When we turn the page of a book, we're aware of a new yet essentially stable material physical space.
  • The wool is much deteriorated in value from having burrs, moits, and other vegetable matters entangled amongst it.
  • Despite the low rate of success at the market, parents cling to the hope that they will find a suitable match for their offspring.
  • The idea worked with vegetable matter but slugs, being slimier, tended to clog an essential filter.
  • His experiments covered all sorts Of pigments, such as lamp-blacks, tars, carbonized vegetable matters, soots of oils and fats, and the various carbonized animal substances. Moon Face:The Shadow and the Flash
  • The cheapness and ubiquity of plastics, and the problems caused when they're carelessly thrown away, blind us to the utility and versatility of these marvellously mutable materials.
  • As soon as she was recognized the respectable matrons of the party began to whisper among themselves, and the words "hussy" and "public scandal" were uttered so loudly that Boule de Suif raised her head. Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant
  • Most fungi of the Phylum Chytridiomycota break down vegetable matter in aquatic systems, but some are parasitic on diatoms or insects.
  • The soil which is known as the gallberry soil is not of a uniform composition or appearance; one of the most common kinds is formed of sand, intermixed with black vegetable matter. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable match.
  • In the precipitancy of feeling, you say, the lover fastens upon an unsuitable mate, and, with possession, love dies. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Bourdieu suggest that the culture arises out of dissenting claims to universality, which might be characterized alternately as "absolute judgement" — Bourdieu's phrase for the promise of having the final say in contestable matters of cultural relevance — or, as Kant puts it in the Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgment ( '56), "a hope of coming to terms. Article Abstracts
  • Weaving is used for house walls, fences, roofs, baskets, mats, traps, table mats, cushions, and receptacles for drink and food.
  • Special synthetic fabrics were used to recreated snow and competitors landed on inflatable mattresses.
  • Once in the patient's cornea, the hairs caused an inflammatory reaction called ophthalmia nodosa - a broad diagnosis covering the response of the eye to insect or vegetable material.
  • Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.
  • We went for our continental breakfast around this time, and had no conversation (mercifully) with our table mates.
  • The most convenient or tractable mathematical solutions were used for anatomies or different classes of structures.
  • Certainly; it is the basis, you have seen, of all vegetable matter; and you will find that it is very essential to the process of animalization. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Well there had to be something memorable in an otherwise forgettable match. The Sun
  • They feed on large tough fruits and other vegetable matter, including bark which they can tear apart with their strong hands.
  • Suitable material was used as required for building highway fill.
  • They feed insects and spiders to their young, but adults eat more than 90% vegetable matter throughout the year.
  • While the slimy snail, finding its proper nutriment in the decomposing vegetable matter and minute confervoid growth, prevents their accumulation by removing them; and by its vital powers converts what would otherwise act as a poison into Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 445 Volume 18, New Series, July 10, 1852
  • They typically eat insects and floating vegetable matter but their diet also includes zooplankton, aquatic insect larvae, and worms.
  • Being able to translate those ideas into marketable material is another.
  • Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.
  • Physicians attributed the primary cause of disease to miasmas emanating from sewage, cesspools, or rotting vegetable matter.
  • Fruits and vegetables were available at the time according to the discovery on the same site of fruit stones, nutshells and more stools containing leeks and other vegetable matter.
  • Black bears are omnivorous; their diet consists of about 75 percent vegetable matter, 15 percent carrion, and 10 percent insects and small mammals.
  • As well, the greater efficiency of the spinning wheel probably led to lower piecework rates for all spinning, whether with distaff or wheel, despite the fact that wheel-spun yarn was not always the suitable material.
  • No suitable material came to hand for the box hedges.
  • Unwinding of jumbo roll is pushed by step - less speed - regulator to stable material tension during unwinding.
  • Their table mates belong to Slow Food Pittsburgh, which is dedicated to good eating.
  • So will having a comfortable mattress and pillow - and you don't have to waste money buying one that contains copper. The Sun
  • Human hair keratins provide a structural diversity ideal for biomaterials and are highly tolerated as implantable materials.
  • The cheapness and ubiquity of plastics, and the problems caused when they're carelessly thrown away, blind us to the utility and versatility of these marvellously mutable materials.
  • Fruits and vegetables were available at the time according to the discovery on the same site of fruit stones, nutshells and more stools containing leeks and other vegetable matter.
  • This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.
  • Dennis White scored the only goal in an otherwise forgettable match.
  • It is a very stable material, which is unlikely to warp or crack even if excessive heat is applied.
  • The gelding I had never saw his sire, grew up entirely different from his sire and still would occasionally exhibit his stable vice for several minutes if a stable mate was taken out and he wasn't.
  • We quickly found common ground with our table mates and shared a wonderful Voignier made by John Schafer, one of our tablemates.
  • Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.
  • The interlining is formed of a number of thicknesses of suitable material.
  • an inflatable mattress
  • All soil which has become foul by the soakage of decaying or vegetable matter should be similarly treated. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • As one of the most lasting sales products in Ligne Roset, TOGO continues to offer you with the most comfortable material and most casual way of life.
  • If an animal consumes both meat and vegetable matter, what is the scientific term by which it is called?
  • The infractions mentioned were not that bad: mutilating a curtain; possessing “pruno” an alcoholic beverage that cons distill from yeast and any fruit or vegetable matter they can get their hands on: potatoes, apples, oranges; and refusing to allow a guard to search him for a club he had hidden under his jacket. Without Pity
  • Rock Sandpipers are unusual among shorebirds in that they commonly eat vegetable matter, including seeds, berries, moss, and algae.
  • In order to decompose, all vegetable matter needs supplies of nitrogen.
  • They eat vegetable matter, dead insects and reportedly even enjoy dining on the odd bird dropping.
  • Compostable materials include fruit and vegetable peelings, tea bags and coffee grounds, bread, egg shells, paper towels, wood chippings, straw and hay.

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