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How To Use Tabi In A Sentence

  • By 1100 the civilization of Europe was somewhat stabilized.
  • Do you think the Academy is really hip to how great Gosford Park is, or do they just like it's patina of British upper-crust respectability?
  • But the family have pulled together and, in spite of fits of irritability, are happy.
  • The establishment of administrative accountability system in our country soon, And accountability is still in the consubstantial Accountability stage.
  • The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
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  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • I was too much at risk from the smoulder of his irritability, sudden blazes of rage, to see his deep disappointment with life.
  • The wide planing hull lends stability for easy shots down tough rapids, and the boat's upturned bow makes punching through big holes a cinch.
  • When prices fall, commodity producers can maintain profitability by cutting costs or increasing output.
  • Well, I suppose one of us had to maintain a veneer of respectability.
  • This does not bode well for global stability. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not just about productivity, but predictability, speeding things up, making things flow smoothly.
  • During the hustle of everyone getting underway someone tripped the anchor that we used to stabilize our dinghy.
  • Pondus limi, inde aworden is flæsc pund fyres of thon read is blod and hat factus est caro; pondus ignis, inde rubeus est sanguis et calidus; pund saltes of thon sindon salto tehero pund deawes of thon pondus salis, inde sunt salsae lacrimae; pondus roris, unde aworden is swat pund blostmes of thon is fagung egena factus est sudor; pondus floris, inde est uarietas oculorum; pund wolcnes of thon is unstydfullnisse _vel_ unstatholfæstnisse pondus nubis, inde est instabilitas thohta mentium; pund windes of thon is oroth cald pund gefe of thon is pondus uenti, inde est anhela frigida: pondus gratiae, id est thoht monnes sensus hominis. English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
  • Often called gyroscopic stabilization, inertial stabilization enables the telescope to continually point at a celestial object while the aircraft maneuvers in flight. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Since the ban on the trade in ivory in 1989, elephant populations in Africa have generally stabilised and in some areas are increasing.
  • The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
  • Mr. Lennon said appraisers can sit down and come up with an inherent commercial value for a patent "based on how much in damages a person could collect, analyzing profitability in the market of a product and how much is sold. Contenders to Line Up for Nortel Patents
  • The cost of our imports also seems to have stabilised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ruling dynasties and aristocracies required an essential stability in international as well as domestic affairs.
  • Practicing fourths and consecutive sevenths challenges the ear in ways that sixths and thirds don't, in addition to enhancing hand stability.
  • The product is sweetened with organic crystallized cane sugar and contains no unnatural stabilizers or preservatives.
  • There are many alternatives to equities that can prove to be equally dubious while being wrapped in a cloak of respectability. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stabilized for a time, but in the evening began hemorrhaging again.
  • In his provocative work, Clichés To Live By And The Death Of The Sixties, Anaxamander O'Flaherty, a necro-ethnolinguist at the University of Altamont, suggests that the expression, "Everything is everything," succumbed to a natural death brought on by such factors as over-utilization, deterioration of relevance, and lack of adaptability to altered states of reality vis-à-vis the American experience. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • This has provoked anger among some Labour veterans who spent the Eighties in vicious battles with the impossibilist left to return the party to electability. Despite their hopes of a great revival, the left got left behind
  • These two also work to stabilize the legs and help maintain correct knee tracking in exercises like the seesaw lunge so you can maximize the work of the other muscles involved.
  • They've got that credibility and that respectability back.
  • In foreign policy, he has Obama's specific mandate to monitor the wind-down of the American troop involvement in Iraq and to baby-sit its tortuous journey to political stability. Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
  • Its main characters are played by a dream team of heavyweight Hollywood dames (Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore) whose involvement screams ‘respectability’.
  • Now, they hold him responsible for planning to destabilise the country.
  • Despite increased understanding of the nature of the disease in general, the factors that contribute to symptomatic destabilization are little studied and much remains conjectural.
  • It would be a fully - fledged financial stability agency as well as a monetary policy agency.
  • The Government must provide stability and certainty on motoring taxes. The Sun
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • There is a need to reconsider use of aid for short-term stabilization objectives. US Lawmakers Examine Pakistan Ties Post-Bin Laden
  • A misfield by Arnold at extra cover gifted Mongia two more as events took on a certain air of inevitability.
  • The physician should stabilize the cervix with a tenaculum.
  • * The Minister of Agriculture to review the use of surplus funds carried from levies on the 1994 crop, and to make levies available to stabilize the price of maize for human consumption in the coming season, rather than paying levies to commercial farmers as an "agterskot" as has been suggested in a press statement by ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The nature of men is described as often having a natural depravity that is hidden inside respectability.
  • Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Soybean protein fiber is of many excellent properties, but poor crinkle - proof and dimension stability.
  • A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
  • Order maintenance is clearly a political enterprise, raising questions of definition, equity and accountability.
  • If marriage confers social status and respectability, adultery confers a stigma.
  • Which had followed with depressing inevitability, as he'd gathered from her Christmas cards and occasional e-mails. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Compact and light-weight waterproof hand-held turbidimeters are designed for portability and durability
  • ‘They would have needed social stability’, he says, suggesting brochs were not watch towers or forts, but ‘ostentatious signs of status and wealth’.
  • He needs you so much to provide security and loving stability. The Sun
  • He contemptuously dismissed any suggestion to the effect that the dollar was overvalued, or that its climb to record highs on a trade-weighted basis was becoming a source of economic instability.
  • The female strategy has a strong influence on the stability of the male behavior.
  • The increased inflation will inject a degree of instability into the economy.
  • Inspection and the autonomy oversee appropriate union only when with the government, ability ensures that foreign currency caution money trading market health, stability develop.
  • He oversaw the work and left to return north on Friday satisfied that the situation had been stabilised.
  • Regularization is an effective way to eliminate such an instability.
  • Because most self-adhesive stabilizers are tear-away, they'll give good results on designs with light stitch counts, but often don't hold up on denser or longer running designs.
  • In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • The stability of the political system affects the attractiveness of a particular national market.
  • The armoured turret has both laying and stabilisation drives and power supply.
  • What people want in a period of financial instability is certainty, not fiddling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The complementary substances or substituent groups with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological potency. The Vitamine Manual
  • Some of the children became prone to violent outbursts, irritability, nightmares, and insomnia.
  • Is it the intractability of teachers who teach the one year they know every year? Innovation
  • Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
  • That he has regained sufficient emotional stability, after many years of considerable distress, to perform before live audiences is welcome.
  • Worcester had begun well and headed in to a 4-lead before two goals in the final seconds gave the scoreline some respectability from the point of view of the runners-up.
  • The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity.
  • Veteran goalie Mike Vernon, the offseason acquisition made to return stability to the San Jose goal, was off his game.
  • The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change.
  • I'd bought a cheap cardboardy case in Perth, plus a skimp of clean clothes, so I could portray respectability. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Against this background, stability is key. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with most aircraft stabilizer trim arrangements, the primary system consists of two switches on the yoke.
  • As well as his new-found sobriety, this may be in part a reflection of a stability in his personal life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The forint will strengthen or at least stabilise, the markets will calm and the economy slowly recover, he added. Times, Sunday Times
  • It applies S-curve and adaptive control method in order to improve system performance and strengthen adaptability in kinds of complex circumstance.
  • Out of this fraught legal and financial tangle the bureau worker must work with the client to create order and stability.
  • Policy discontinuity frustrated industrialists and investors who wished to engage in forward planning: they could not anticipate stability in government programs.
  • Medeva does however have a development laboratory capable of formulation, stability and analytical work, which is being expanded.
  • I take advantage of the free time and attempt one of my less conspicuous sacroiliac-joint stabilization exercises. Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
  • The presence of American warships in the area provided a needed measure of political stability. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • He must send an unequivocal message about the behaviour he expects of bankers, the accountability of the boss and the values of the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's just another challenge on top of all the demands for accountability and raising test scores.
  • Doctors are selling because complying with the ever-growing list of mandates has become more cumbersome; and while staff physicians on salary do gain predictability, they also lose the autonomy of independent practice. Big Insurance, Big Medicine
  • I have to say, the one year I was on a high detectability plan _ I had to cover the first $6000 of family medical expenses before the insurance would pick up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Why Obamacare 2.0 is Like Cap-and-Trade
  • The President noted that the FYROM is a model of stability in a very turbulent region of the world -- the FYROM being the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • This is partly true-which explains the relative stability the Czech Republic enjoyed in the first half of the 1990s.
  • IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products Ltd in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors.
  • But that's Betsy's first bulletpoint : Demographics are key for the acceptability here. Ad Deals are Big Deals in Virtual Worlds
  • All the stabilities of the human mind and human achievement were crumbling. Goliah
  • Proponents say exam scofflaws are part of the price of annual testing, which shows parents how well a school is really doing, and dismiss the notion that accountability itself is the problem.
  • They are subject to periodic earthquakes and volcanic activity that can destabilize them.
  • The recommendations include creation of an independent advisory board composed of international anticorruption experts to protect the independence and strengthen the accountability of INT.
  • The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them. 
  • We're revisiting the venue to qualm any fears about its suitability.
  • The ingredients - water, milk protein, fat, sugar, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavours and a lot of air - are mixed together before being pasteurized and homogenized.
  • We will ensure that farmers have a strong safety net and can achieve profitability in the marketplace.
  • Foxconn's work ethics: assimilation, accountability and progressiveness.
  • Some courts treat incontestability as creating a rebuttable presumption of strength, but the analysis should be separate: "there is no apparent reason that the incontestable status of a mark should automatically translate into a well-known mark. Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log
  • Neither side has an interest in a proxy war or instability in their northern neighbour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in his stable at Ascot the son of Sleeping Dove, from home for the first time, pondered on the mutability of equine affairs, closing and opening his eyes, and breathing without sound in the strawy dark, above the black cat he had brought to bear him company. Swan Song
  • Their results will be published in the belief, apparently, that this kind of accountability will help to raise standards.
  • The Bush administration claimed that Ethiopia was the linch-pin of its regional counterterrorism strategy and a vital beacon of stability. With a Friend Like This
  • In the end, accountability groups provide for many of the men a sense of equality with their fellows even as they serve to reify particular types of social hierarchies.
  • Stripped naked of additives and processes, save a pinch of stabilising sulphur dioxide for all but the purists, the finished product is surprising and fractious. Times, Sunday Times
  • the pursuit of electoral palatability
  • If more information about an incident is available, it provides stronger accountability. The Sun
  • To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
  • Production of the weak acid nitrite and excretion of undissociated nitric acid may help to stabilize cytosolic pH.
  • Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) reinforced hydroxyapatite (HA) bio-composite coatings on polyimide (PI) substrate had been developed by R.
  • It lets you run Windows applications through a compatability layer, no windows and it doesn't slow the computer or use as much resources are a VM. How To Run That One Windows App You Need On A Mac | Lifehacker Australia
  • John Cuming of Delta said there were positive indications as reflected in the short term inflow of foreign capital and the stability of the rand. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And a study in the journal Radiation Research concluded that THz radiation causes DNA instability. Anne Dunev: How Iodine May Help Protect You From Radiation Damage
  • Deep down, he divined, were the integrities and the stabilities. Chapter I
  • To effectively implement the financial control, every accountability unit should clearly know its responsibility bound, also known as the "responsibility center".
  • In the early 20th century, it was realized that the stability of atomic matter could not be explained using the Maxwell equations of classical electrodynamics.
  • The oligonucleotide is chemically modified for in vivo stability and specific placental uptake. The Scientist
  • Fundamental in the personality of the hysterics is this instability, this emotionality, which is however secondary to an egotistic, easily wounded nature, craving sympathy and respect and often unable legitimately to earn them. The Nervous Housewife
  • The alarming increase in media oligopolies has led to a subsequent decline in any need for public accountability on the part of media corporations.
  • It can also dip into some government pension funds and theUS$50-billion Exchange Stabilization Fund.
  • It is precisely the bland, easy acceptability of the phrase that worries me. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Virtual tests manifested that running stability of the special tractor - semitrailer satisfy the design requirement.
  • Should we simply accept that the messiness and contestability of contemporary politics leave little room for Principled Pollyannas who refuse to engage in any kind of feigning, fibbing, and fakery? John Seery: Bush the Bluffer
  • High stability against outside influences thanks to Auto - profiling ( On - Peak - measurement ).
  • I wanted nothing more than the stability and aesthetic comfort I associated with the lives of my friends.
  • When the battlefront stabilised, the four found they were trapped on the wrong side of the trenches. Times, Sunday Times
  • He criticizes the author for underestimating the mutability and interpenetration of cultures.
  • This introductory course in hydrostatics of ships covers buoyancy, weights, metacenters and stability at small and large angles of heel and trim.
  • We saw earlier in this chapter that the enthalpy change of formation was a measure of the stability of a compound.
  • The social democrats gambled on bourgeois democracy and the stability of capitalism.
  • Mr Treuting will have overall responsibility for the growth and profitability of Verio's operations in the Southeast business market.
  • The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change.
  • A quick check of sour creams at the local supermarket shows that some brands contain the additive carob bean gum, a gum used as a stabilizer made from tannin - rich carob beans.
  • He also speaks of the sensitiveness of "plasm," or the substance of "living bodies," as being "only a superior degree of the general irritability of substance. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
  • Yet, at the same time, threats will be multiplying from a youthful population in the crescent of instability running from Africa through the Middle East and into the former Soviet bloc. Too old to fight?
  • The comparison to being Black is based only on immutability, not inherence nor being inheritable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Federal challenge to Prop 8:
  • Bitumen emulsions are a dispersion of bitumen in an aqueous continuous phase, stabilised by the addition of an emulsifier.
  • Daniel said that the centre had given him support and stability through hard times.
  • stabilization means that the product can be handled under atmospheric conditions
  • With voluntaryism and self-improvement went self-respect, a code of honesty and a sense of respectability.
  • Guvernul imprimă bani, prevede sistemul sociale stabile, sistemul de piaţă stabilă, impune reguli de joc echitabile, asigură bănci, şi aşa mai departe. venituri din muncă datorează guvernamentale pentru asigurarea unui sistem stabil şi furnizarea de servicii sociale Capitalismul este incapabil de a furniza, cum ar fi poliţia, drumuri, pompieri, şi aşa mai departe. »2004» August
  • Clearly, contemporary views of heritability are populist market eugenics in a new form.
  • He had for some time past suffered from excessive cerebro-spinal irritability, for the relief of which cantharidal collodion had been employed in the cervico-spinal region (the same had also been used in the hepatic region, to meet the diagnostic views of some one of his medical attendants). The Electric Bath
  • Economic stability has been restored, setting the foundation for sustainable growth. 2.
  • Another senior Dashnak lawmaker Vahan Hovhannisyan spoke about the current situation in neighboring Georgia and, in particular, called for it to become a confederative state and for Javakhk, a mostly Armenian-populated province in Georgia, to become an autonomy within that state. “Georgian leaders should have understood that the guarantee of Georgia†™ s development and stability is a confederative state and in that case the rights of Javakhk would be protected, †he said. Armenianow
  • So if the UK reacts differently to changes in the world economy from the rest of the eurozone, the only lever left to stabilise the economy is fiscal policy.
  • The Reserve Bank is relaxed about that fiscal stimulus and believes that it will act as a stabiliser, given that economic growth is forecast to decline during the 2004-06 period.
  • Croci Regis Vegetabilium enucleatio continens Illius etymologiam, differencias, tempus quo viret et floret, culturam, collectionem, usum mechanicum, Pharmaceuticum, Chemico medicum, omnibus pene humani corporis partibus destinatum additis diversis observationibus et questionibus Crocum concernentibus ad normam et formam S. R. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • The 44 eminences charge that Britain's apparent lack of transparency and accountability threatens to undermine whatever moral high ground there is left.
  • Accountability is, therefore, of considerable importance.
  • Guidance for local councils refers to democratic accountability, social and economic equity.
  • Yet he recaptured the Challenge Cup he won two years ago in such comfort the whole match had a certain air of inevitability. The Sun
  • In the food industry, fatty acids are used as emulsifiers, stabilizers, lubricants, and defoamers.
  • The trust was also taken into supervision by the umbrella Bradford Community Housing Trust Group, to ‘maintain the stability’ of the board.
  • Never for a moment did I doubt the acceptability to an investment banker of a professed love of money.
  • But non-intervention does not mean stability, let alone peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the action really worth watching will unfurl where delegates and lobbyists come face to face with actual unmasked New Yorkers, who will demand accountability.
  • Pundits say that the timing of the National Stabilization Fund share disposal is the key to halting further losses.
  • Tutoree — much more euphonic, with a faint scent of French which gives it an air of respectability. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Is Not a Word”:
  • They show signs of hyperarousal, such as irritability, insomnia, and an inability to concentrate. The Scientist
  • In the case of my employer, this intractability led directly poorer versions of products for our customers (where in some cases they actually preferred the older generation to the new one). Strategic Entrenchment
  • Other doctors refused to put a timeframe on his survival because of the unpredictability of the cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The future exchange exists as a central place for folks that have real goods to exchange -- the cash market -- to obtain predictability and certainty about the gains or losses from making a cash trade today that has a future delivery date. Here's a tax target for ya (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The vibey twin-cylinder engine disguised its true potential with a linear predictability. The Sun
  • Along with good jobs and an extensive system of social services, loving wives and mothers facilitated the process of rehabilitating bitter and "maladjusted" veterans who might otherwise destabilize American society and politics. 51 Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • Alfred persevered, first inventing the blasting cap and then discovering that a silicaceous earth, kieselguhr, would stabilize nitroglycerin, thus making dynamite. Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
  • This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy , in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China.
  • Unpredictability and inconstancy in parenting is one very important factor affecting a child negatively.
  • The cultural patterns themselves are influenced by the structural instability and the cultural stalemate.
  • Zachriel: Rapid climate change will result in agricultural failure, flooding of highly populated coastal areas, dislocation, disease, migration, mass extinctions, political instability and human suffering. About: Blinded by Science
  • You can also use xenocode. com google it, i use it a lot, although there are some bugs using ie6 backwards compatability, ie entering text in the url bar Windows 7 RC Includes “Windows XP Mode” | Lifehacker Australia
  • Whatever the identity of the plotter, and whomever they were batting for, the aim was simple and consistent: discredit the leadership, destabilise the leader, and stay out of the open.
  • Some of these arias were written in a virtuoso style, with rich vocal lines and complex instrumental accompaniment; others were cantabile, meaning simpler in style and intended mainly to highlight the feelings or thoughts of a character, with little ornamentation and the instrumentation kept in the background. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • For example, the paragraph covering exclusions from patentability has not been changed.
  • The letter-writing campaigns of Amnesty International and the assessments of UN human rights rapporteurs depend on this accountability.
  • This hyper-rationality applies not just to the business itself but also to the people in the business, where youll hear terms like abilities, skill sets, experience levels, leadership style, selling style, promotability, and high potential. Go Put Your Strengths to Work
  • Ghana was much fancied, thanks to its resources and its political and economic stability. Times, Sunday Times
  • And maybe, just maybe, that awareness could coalesce into a market force that rewards openness and accountability, and punishes arbitrary, high-handed behaviour.
  • A novel under-voltage lockout circuit is proposed which could generate reference voltage and bias current itself, and could stabilize lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality.
  • The appropriate ethics committee will need to consider the usual ethical issues with respect to purposes, reputability of researchers and other matters outlined in this document.
  • Large organisations are constructed to fracture and dilute accountability.
  • Specifically, fiscal policy worked to moderate economic cycles through automatic stabilizers.
  • Friends of the Earth is calling for a global convention on corporate accountability.
  • We can begin to restore the public purpose of corporations by asserting their responsibility and accountability to all stakeholders.
  • I am also fascinated with the transmutability of digital information; the way that visuals can become sonic material and vice versa.
  • Phase 1 selects students for further training, based on their suitability and trainability.
  • In the case of high-level waste, the nuclear industry has pioneered the stabilization of the liquid streams through vitrification into borosilicate glass blocks.
  • Further supporting this sense of group accountability and relationships is a reward system oriented more to teamwork than to individual work.
  • Fatigue was shown in their irritability, and they were jagging badly on too much coffee . . . Daring Young Men
  • The kit comprises the following main components: buffer solution, reduced coenzyme, pyruvic acid, adenosine triphosphate, pyruvate oxidase, pyruvate carboxylase, malic dehydrogenase and a stabilizer.
  • Ceramic stick: Production Process for dry - pressed alumina high - performance stability, good densification.
  • If you are on a tight budget, consider installing a hydrofoil stabilizer on the lower unit of your outdrive or outboard.
  • He expressed anxiety about the public accountability of the funding council, and in particular who was to look after the strategic planning.
  • I'm the one who can provide you with a denial of ac - countability. Second Skin
  • He is unbalanced, and that mental instability makes him a danger to himself and to others.
  • Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
  • Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris. Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
  • A vehicle stability control is also part of the overall driveline system.
  • The refrigeration was helpful in the stability of acid value.
  • Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ann Coulter, Christian Chauvinist:

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