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How To Use Synthesize In A Sentence

  • This gas absorbs visible light so well that plants could not photosynthesize even if they somehow retained their leaves.
  • Sebacic acid can be synthesized from phenols and cresols, but castor oil oxidation is considered a ‘greener’ process.
  • There are synthesizers that use frequency modulation and other algorithms to generate extraordinarily rich and complex sounds.
  • These calories are used to: replenish your glycogen (the way you store fuel in your muscles and liver) and oxygen stores. resynthesize phosphagen (ATP-PC). remove lactate. repair the wear and tear on your muscles caused by exercise (and these patch kits are made up of protein, which is costly in terms of calories). return your increased ventilation, blood circulation and body temperature to pre-exercise levels. hormones exercise induces (which also require protein). -
  • The only element of the production that fails to satisfy is the heavily miked, synthesizer-dominated orchestra, which sounds artificial and dead. A 'King' That Is Full of Aces
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  • In deeper waters, not enough light penetrates the depths, which means the reef's main food producers, algae and plankton, cannot photosynthesize.
  • In this paper, several curing agent of polyurethane were synthesized. Influences of solid content and dosage of TDI tripolymer on different PU adhesion high initial bonding strength were discussed.
  • In this paper, the researchers describe a technique in which nanowires of potassium niobate were synthesized in a special hot water solution and separated using ultrasound. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • With other breakthroughs in chemistry, it is now possible to synthesize some natural products, like rubber, from non-natural sources.
  • Then came the keyboards player, adding a shimmering chord from the synthesizer. DEAD BEAT
  • Recently, it has been shown that young Citrus fruitlets are able to synthesize ethylene in a manner that resembles the system II pathway of the climacteric fruits.
  • We described in the paper a new type of polishing pill manufactured by using a rensentlysynthesized superhard ceramic powders of wurtzite-type boron nitride (WBN).
  • Several species of fungi that colonize corn produce mycotoxins, however not all isolates of a toxigenic species produce mycotoxins and isolates capable of producing a mycotoxin do not always synthesize the toxin.
  • Replication of the mitochondrial genome is required to synthesize new protein to support biogenesis.
  • A was first synthesized in 1891, the first evidence of its estrogenicity came from experiments in the 1930's feeding BPA to ovariectomised rats (Dodds and Lawson 1936, 1938). Consumer Reports Concerned about The Chemical Bisphenol A
  • Martha somehow rounded up a moog synthesizer and two guitar.
  • Water at the roots will keep plant stems and leaves turgid and able to photosynthesize.
  • Atomic number 101 is a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles.
  • Orchestral synthesizers have acquired a bad rap because of their historically dubious use as substitutes for ‘real’ instruments.
  • A mass spectrometric analysis method of the synthesized plant growth regulator 6 - benzyladenine was discussed.
  • At this point, it becomes difficult for the body to maintain nutritional homeostasis, utilize nutrients appropriately, synthesize plasma proteins, and detoxify noxious substances.
  • McCrone discovered that the Vinland Map, purporting to show that Leif Ericson had visited America some five centuries before Columbus, had traces of anatase, a pigment not synthesized until about 1920.
  • A harmlessly fun prom band, the frisky sextet slickly employ synthesizers, moogs and a farfisa to frame their punk-lite delivery.
  • This newly synthesized molecule is the smallest member of the family of closed-cage carbon molecules known as fullerenes.
  • Particularly clever is the use of the extracted reverberation from the harp, used as an eerie synthesizer patch in its own right.
  • History of Science Department Chair Anne Harrington, a member of the social sciences working group, said yesterday that she expects Smith will "report a kind of synthesized procedure that has come out of the various working groups. The Harvard Crimson | All Articles
  • The first plastic, celluloid, was synthesized from nitrated cotton fiber and camphor in 1869, to make a cheaper substitute for ivory billiard balls.
  • Always wanted to learn to play the piano, maybe get a synthesizer, program in the chords, do it one-handed. CORMORANT
  • The mammalian chorioallantoic placenta synthesizes, transports, and metabolizes a suite of steroid and peptide hormones PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These experiments provided the first example of genetically engineered plants with the ability to synthesize betaine at appreciable levels.
  • The other benefit comes when the decision maker synthesizes conflicting opinions or merely listens while experts argue among themselves.
  • Ruzicka synthesized androsterone and also testosterone. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • His music is a haunting mix of guitar, synthesizer, oriental gongs and bells.
  • It was in these genre figures that he synthesized the classical and the contemporary in a way that now looks original.
  • It reminded us that, for all the California-Wired-Hollywood bluster, cyberpunk was essentially a British invention, synthesized first through fictions and sonics then theory.
  • Ignore the kind of self-helpy title: this is a fabulous and rather dense tome that manages to synthesize the state of the art in neuropsychology (Schwartz is one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy for the successful treatment of patients with OCD), neurobiology, quantum physics, Buddhist philosophy, and the question of free will into a sensible whole. Ashes to ashes baby, dirt to dirt
  • It provides a complete line of peptide synthesizers and solid- and solution-phase organic synthesizers ideal for combinatorial library generation. The Scientist
  • Another strength of the book is its attempt to synthesize homiletics, theology, and biblical hermeneutics.
  • It was found that the synthesized polymer of BDME can dissolve the low boiling point impregnant system which could settle the problem both the diffluence of BMI and the consistence of BMI and EP.
  • To date, they remain irreproducible even with state-of-the-art synthesizers, let alone with cassette machines outdoors.
  • Reduction reactions are also used by chemists to synthesize pharmaceuticals, textiles, dyes, paints, and a multitude of other important products.
  • The majority of photosensitizers are derivatives of hematoporphyrin, a synthetic porphyrin synthesized from heme.
  • Devotees of popular history will have met some of these stories in the work of Liza Picard, Witold Rybczynski, Daniel Boorstin and others, but it's hard to imagine a better synthesizer than Bryson, or a pithier aphorist. Book review: 'At Home' by Bill Bryson
  • One way to help add real analog punch to your software electric piano, organ or even synthesizer is with an instrument preamp.
  • A parallel node structure was proposed to organize virtual-hand model and three-dimension space transformation was applied to synthesize gesture of the hand.
  • In 1907, he synthesized a pair of geometric isomers that confirmed his predictions.
  • [2], [15] Therefore, if the CAM has similar steroidogenic properties as the chorioallantoic placenta, then it should synthesize key placental hormones, such as P4. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The rhythmic imprecision of the triplet in the melody of the synthesizer only adds an extra element of uncertainty to the passage.
  • The liver exclusively synthesizes bile acids from cholesterol via two biosynthetic pathways.
  • Instead of pressing foot pedals, guitarists only need to open wide to synthesize their strumming into what's known as a "wah wah" reverberation.
  • Heroin is synthesized from opium, which is made by treating morphine with acetic acid. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • Because methylation is secondary to replication, newly synthesized DNA transiently exists as hemimethylated molecule.
  • They separately synthesized rod-shaped nanometre scale crystal of two semi-conductors: cadmium selenide and cadmium telluride.
  • Lately, he has been dabbling in pop music of the Andrea ­Bocelli variety, which is to say amplified, synthesizer-backed sentimental ballads. 'I Have to Fly in Order to Sing'
  • Methods: Terazosin hydrochloride was synthesized from anhydro - piperazine via acylation, reduction, amination, salification etc.
  • These abominations should never have been born -- born, synthesized, stitched together, alchemically confected, necromantically conjured, however they'd come into the world. Interview: James Morrow on 'Shambling Towards Hiroshima'
  • Pentoses and tetroses are synthesized from 5-and 4-carbon backbone moieties formed by removing carbon from the 6-carbon arene moiety.
  • China is among the top investors in this technology, not just because these plants are much cleaner, but also because they could be keystones in a program to synthesize clean liquid fuels for transportation needs.
  • He stood up and went to make himself some tea at the kitchen's rattletrap synthesizer. METAPLANETARY
  • The color yellow in the animal world comes from pigments called carotenoids, which vertebrates cannot synthesize and must therefore obtain directly from their diets.
  • The vesicles within the presynaptic axonal varicosities store the neurotransmitters that are synthesized there by special biochemical systems.
  • Since they cannot photosynthesize sufficiently to maintain themselves under such conditions, seed reserves are expected to act as an important source of carbohydrates in the roots of established seedlings in shaded conditions.
  • Then came the keyboards player, adding a shimmering chord from the synthesizer. DEAD BEAT
  • These they combined with home-made synthesizers and early sampling devices to create a sound that could be described, in all fairness, as challenging.
  • Some literalist is probably at this moment self-inflicting a herniated disc with head-shaking and complaining that anabolic steroids weren't synthesized until around the 1930s. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Many derivatives of ellipticine have been synthesized in an attempt to improve the antitumour properties of this plant alkaloid.
  • The bryophytes that, prima facie, might be expected to be best adapted to photosynthesize under high light conditions are the species of mires, springs and other wet habitats, which remain constantly moist in full sun.
  • In 1907, he synthesized a pair of geometric isomers that confirmed his predictions.
  • The biodegradible mixed base oil, with appropriate proportion, could keep the high property of the synthesized base oil, compatibility and sensitivity to additives.
  • Chemical analysis of cosmetics samples found in Egyptians tombs and the reconstitution of ancient recipes as reported by Greco-Roman authors have shown that two non-natural lead chlorides (laurionite Pb (OH) Cl and phosgenite Pb2Cl2CO3) were purposely synthesized and were used as fine powders in makeup and eye lotions. Egyptology News
  • RESULTS By the ultraviolet spectrum and infrared spectrum, the artificial antigen was successfully synthesized and identified.
  • Kraftwerk used and combined synthesizers, vocoders, custom-built sequencers, rudimentary rhythm boxes, and home made drum pads in a fashion unlike anything previously heard.
  • Candida albicans cell wall proteins were selected by algorithm peptide epitope searches; each was synthesized and conjugated to the fungal cell wall β-mannan trisaccharide Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • Clozapine was first synthesized in 1958 as one of over 1900 tricyclic compounds with a structural similarity to imipramine.
  • He picks up the more significant themes as he goes from crisis to crisis, synthesizes the already existing theories, and offers insights based on his own deep study of the country and its people.
  • Analyzed the foreign polymer and synthesized the plastics additives in the Chemistry Department of Lanzhou University .
  • In a recent review, we identified a mechanistic approach to studying coloniality which synthesizes two new hypotheses.
  • In this paper, several curing agent of polyurethane were synthesized. Influences of solid content and dosage of TDI tripolymer on different PU adhesion high initial bonding strength were discussed.
  • The products sold for this purpose typically contain ephedrine that is chemically synthesized.
  • DNA chips are highly miniaturized devices containing an orderly, matrix-like arrangement of synthesized oligonucleotides or pure DNA fragments.
  • The reality is that it's much easier to put everybody under this label whereas you could say people use their methodology or synthesize this. Onnesha Roychoudhuri: Gitmo From the Inside
  • The alkaloid was first synthesized by Pictet and Gams in 1909, and as the amount of papaverine obtained from opium is small, the synthetic route remains the source of this compound up to the present day.
  • Why can the same not be true of the synthesizer and the reuse of the same sounds over and over in different contexts?
  • In 1868 the German chemists Carl Graebe and Carl Liebermann synthesized the alizarin molecule, which is responsible for the red colour of the dye extracted from the root of the madder plant.
  • Rather than trying to synthesize chart factors into a general character profile from which all life issues can be explored, the traditional astrologer asks blunt, direct questions of the horoscope: How long will this person live?
  • PLL frequency synthesizer with DDS reference will adapt to local oscillator of modern radio.
  • Once the phonemes have been assembled and synthesized, they can be used to produce speech output.
  • There's an argument to be made that the real descendant of the piano is the keyboard synthesizer, with its limitless timbral possibilities, and that the mechanical piano is just an atavism anyways. Key indicators
  • Methods: acid react with methyl alcohol and alcohol to synthesize methyl ester and ethyl ester compounds.
  • They were like boys with little electronic toys - playing with synthesized sounds, samples and distorted pedals.
  • Next I heard some music, but distorted in some way, maybe through the synthesizers.
  • This paper is researching the synthesize way of methyl salicylate, IR Spectrum and formative process of fragment peaks on MS.
  • A stable vac - veova copolymer emulsion for preparation of re - dispersible polymer powder was synthesized.
  • All their core sounds are here - wispy synthesizer melodies and bleeps and blips.
  • Natural gas is used to synthesize the basic ammonia building block in nitrogen fertilizers. The Oil Intensity of Food
  • The Vocoder was a kind of synthesized voice processor through which he sang -- on Sunlight Black Entertainment : Black News : Urban News : Hip Hop News -
  • E. Fischer and L. Ach (_Berichte_, 1895, 28, p. 3135) have synthesized it from dimethyl alloxan, whilst W. Traube (_Berichte_, 1900, 33, p. 3435) has obtained it from 1.3 diamethyl 4.5 diamino 2.6 dioxypyrimidine. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • First-strand cDNA was synthesized with an oligo primer from total RNA extracted from scutella of germinating seeds.
  • Conclusion ASMCs can synthesize elastin and produce elastic fiber in three - dimentional culture imitating the dermis substitute.
  • There's still no sign of synthesizers, but there are lots of tom-toms.
  • In the synthetic direction, the amount of synthesized sucrose was determined by a resorcinol reaction.
  • Metallocene catalyst is a new kind of catalyst having homogeneous-site, molecule tailing capability and controlled structure. It can be used to synthesize special function polyolefine.
  • I argue that this period of tension will end as the Roman one did - with the advent of a new religion that will synthesize the best features of our current religions into a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
  • The cell synthesized by somatic cell nuclear transfer, no less than the fertilized egg, is a human organism in its germinal stage.
  • He stood up and went to make himself some tea at the kitchen's rattletrap synthesizer. METAPLANETARY
  • The light energy is used to split apart carbon dioxide and synthesize the carbon-based molecules of life.
  • One of the earliest examples of a synthesized and enhanced steroid was the androgenic steroids called androgenic anabolic steroids, which are more potent than testosterone.
  • Highly branched stilbene dendrimers were synthesized and their photochemical behavior was studied.
  • The problem in the United States is that law enforcement tends to monitor the purchase of the precursor chemicals required to synthesize ecstasy.
  • The phyllode has the ability to photosynthesize and for all practical purposes, it is the equivalent of a leaf. Chapter 2
  • Root nodules are able to take nitrogen from the air to form ammonia, which is used by plants to synthesize amino acids, nucleotides and other cellular components. Sharon R. Long: Science under the Obama Administration
  • Some synthesize deadly toxins that can cause cancer and other diseases for example, species of Aspergillus produce a carcinogen called aflatoxin, and Fusarium moniliforme produces another called fumonisin. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • CO2 gets photosynthesized by phytoplankton some of which are capable of depositing it into their own structure as CaCO3. WSJ: House Energy report on the "mutual admiration society" « Climate Audit
  • The two elements are synthesized by a chemical process.
  • In the Kearneysville orchards last summer, kaolin-coated trees photosynthesized up to 30 percent faster than uncoated trees, says Glenn.
  • Computers are much better at talking than listening; synthesized or prerecorded speech is quite understandable, even in cars.
  • The main consideration when choosing a digital device is if the device loops a recorded clip of sound or synthesizes its own sound.
  • It was first synthesized in 1776 by Joseph Priestley and was named ‘diminished nitrous air.’
  • Most animals can synthesize this vitamin in the liver, where glucose is converted to ascorbic acid.
  • The GnT-4a enzyme is required to synthesize a glycan structure that holds the glucose transporter in place at the beta cell surface. “I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”* | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It quickly drops away to just Annie Hardy's innocent voice over a simple drumbeat and sunny synthesizer bass.
  • This shows that the carbon in the polyps was recently photosynthesized in the surface prior to being “eaten” by the polyps. Deep-sea Corals May Be Oldest Living Marine Organism | Impact Lab
  • By one-step epoxidation of double bond in the side chain of cardanol, epoxy-cardanol has been synthesized, which may interact with diethylene triamine to form amino-cardanol.
  • In the intact plant, inositol is synthesized in the leaf in response to salinization, and transported to the root in phloem.
  • As far back as 1828, Friedrich Wöhler proved the point when he synthesized urea during his attempts to make ammonium cyanate, demonstrating that compounds once considered the provenance of life (like urea) could be made from ordinary inorganic materials, all derived from the detritus of spent stars. Jeff Schweitzer: Redefining Life: God Need Not Apply
  • Filling in their sound with a bevy of horns, keyboards and synthesizers, the explosive troupe leaves a larger than life impression on their audiences.
  • Pitch variations, or the absence of them, can also make synthesized speech seem unnatural and hard to decipher.
  • The filament of castor oil plant synthesizes many bundles repeatedly, call much style stamen.
  • By contrast to leaves, potato tubers represent a non-photosynthetic plant tissue that uses a large amount of imported sucrose to synthesize starch as the major carbon store.
  • Breezy guitars drift over synthesized, sugar-coated melodies - the sound of summer afternoons circa 1986.
  • Marker had published various studies on diosgenin, a saponin isolated from a Mexican yam species of the genus Dioscorea, and had discovered how to synthesize the human hormone testosterone and progesterone from diosgenin. Did You Know? Birth control pills come from Mexican yams
  • Mushrooms do not have chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize in the way that green plants do, to produce food.
  • Laws now regarded as distinct and unrelated would be synthesized within a single unique description.
  • Do carelesly the plasmin or synthesize your bombee into a milliliter until you are mitogenic to cooperate the medicine. Wii-volution
  • ApoB - 48 is synthesized in the intestine and is essential for the formation and secretion of chylomicrons.
  • Two BODIPY dyes were synthesized from a conformationally unconstrained indacene using simple palladium catalysis. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Objective : To synthesize plant growth regulator - the ethyl p - chlorophenoxyacetate.
  • Postirony seeks not to demystify but to befuddle, not to synthesize opposites but to suspend them, keeping open all possibilities at once. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Adele hummed along to the mindless pop song playing along on the radio as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel in time to the synthesized drum beats, waiting patiently at a stop light.
  • Postirony seeks not to demystify but to befuddle, not to synthesize opposites but to suspend them, keeping open all possibilities at once. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • You can even instruct the program to say the current time via speech synthesizer.
  • Meng et al. have investigated meso-substituted porphyrins, synthesized by sulfonation or methylation of the phenyl or pyridyl groups, respectively.
  • Synthesize ability of environmental science is essential accomplishment for undergraduate today.
  • One way to help add real analog punch to your software electric piano, organ or even synthesizer is with an instrument preamp.
  • From there I will add both real instruments that I can play pretty well like mandolin, lap steel, Irish bouzouki, various electric guitars, harmonica, and glockenspiel as well as virtual instruments in Logic like organ, piano, strings, and synthesizers that are played via a MIDI keyboard. 20 Questions with SciFi Songster John Anealio
  • Two independent synthesizers are provided which are phase locked when programmed for submultiple rates.
  • Graetzel got the idea for dye-sensitized cells from green leaves - nature's mini solar panels - that absorb light which is quickly photosynthesized into energy. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Tinkling piano and strings are overlaid with vernacular vocals, drums and flutes with synthesizers.
  • The ancien regime and its destruction by the French Revolution had to be synthesized and made meaningful by a new clergy of elites: the technocrats.
  • In humans, histamine is synthesized from histidine, a conditionally-essential amino acid.
  • From the 100 or so chemical elements it is possible to synthesize the millions of compounds that are studied by chemists.
  • And the implementation file "mainView. m", which is the implementation: page. h "@implementation mainView @synthesize arrayPages; - (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame {if (self = [super initWithFrame: frame]) {UIImageView The Code Project Latest Articles
  • Depending upon the site of transcription, the calcitonin gene yields an RNA that synthesizes calcitonin or calcitonin-gene related peptide.
  • Loteprednol etabonate was synthesized through oxidation, acylation, hydrolysis and chloromethylation from the starting material prednisolone.
  • Bacteria, fungi and plants synthesize pantothenate, but animals obtain it from their diet.
  • A number of such DNA-binding peptides conjugated to intercalating dyes have been synthesized and characterized in the authors' laboratory.
  • The bile acids are synthesized as excretory products of cholesterol catabolism and are composed of a carbon-24 steroid nucleus.
  • Zhong and colleagues synthesized DNA in the lab and exposed it to ultraviolet light, producing damage similar to that of sunburn, then added photolyase enzymes. Medindia Health News
  • But years of careful effort to find an enzyme-free polynucleotide system able to undergo replication cycles by sequentially and correctly adding the proper nucleotide to the newly synthesized strand have not yet succeeded 5,6. Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
  • Because humans cannot synthesize this compound, it is a dietary requirement.
  • A gas hydrate sample synthesized in a Georgia Tech research lab from tetrahydrofuran can sustain a flame as gas is released from the structure during heating.
  • Collagen hydrolysate is a protein that helps regenerate and synthesize the cartilage in humans and animals, and supplements come from pigs, cows, oxen, chickens or sheep.
  • Purines and pyrimidines are considered as complex molecules themselves because they are never synthesized as such in vivo.
  • The liver synthesizes vitamins
  • Developing Heilongjiang provincial tourism, we should synthesize leisured tourism and ecological tourism and make the forest tourism the supporting industry of Heilongjiang province in the end.
  • Many derivatives of ellipticine have been synthesized in an attempt to improve the antitumour properties of this plant alkaloid.
  • Contemporary society, like contemporary dictators, can no longer be undermined by ridicule, Zizekexplains that "GrouchoMarx authoritarianism" is imminent, writers understand that the function of Dada and all intervention/provication movements is exhausted in an age where a self-satisfied social norm has dialectically synthesized with surrealism and the rest ... Mr.Dostoevsky
  • A series of azo hydroxyporphyrin - oxadiazole compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1 HNMR, FAB - MS, IR and UV - Vis spectra.
  • Carotenoid pigments are synthesized by all higher plants, algae, and some bacteria and fungi.
  • Researchers have been looking for ways to use the soccer-ball-shaped molecules of pure carbon known as fullerenes, or buckyballs, since they were first synthesized, about a decade ago.
  • In graduate school I made a transition into time-based media: film, video, audio synthesizers and multi-track recording.
  • My essay last week in the Huffington Post Tis a Pity She's No Longer a Whore -- Broadway Armageddon -- I should have received a lot more hits with such a brilliant title decried the ever encroaching use of synthesizers and the like replacing live musicians. Melody Breyer-Grell: Broadway Miracle Sighted on PBS -- South Pacific Permitted Full Use of Real Instruments
  • The work moves between quiet repetitive phrases for prepared piano and percussion to busy, Gamelan-like motifs for piano and digital synthesizer.
  • Stimulate synthesize, enhancing of the skin's collagen the construction of the flexibility fiber, and reply the burliness of the youth breast is with the flexibility.
  • In summary, we have synthesized and characterized a rare example of an open-framework tellurite material that is related to the mineral zemannite.
  • The final mechanical design of this project fulfills the synthesized requirement for anorectal surgery.
  • This one framework provides all the voice features that ship on the device, namely synthesized speech and the voice recognition ability described above that is used by VoiceControl. Ars Technica
  • Because blue light penetrates water to a greater depth than light of longer wavelengths, these pigments allow red algae to photosynthesize and live at somewhat greater depths than most other ‘algae’.
  • Metallocene catalysts allow for control of tacticity in polyolefins, making it possible to synthesize materials with a wide range of properties from a single monomer.
  • The harvested cell pellet was red, which suggested that the prosthetic group heme was synthesized by the bacterium.
  • Chain perdeuterated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine was synthesized from perdeuterated myristic acid by acylation of glycerophosphocholine, as described previously.
  • In 2002, Emmy was used to create “The World Anthem,” an inspiring ballad synthesized from the similarities the program found in the national anthems of the world. Archive 2006-09-03
  • Genetic algorithm is applied to synthesize low sidelobe antenna array.
  • Bubbling synthesizer, jerky, soulfully 'sincere' vocal, tappity-tappity hi-hat rhythm — quietly tasteful, it ends up numbingly soporific. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cobaltic complex has also been synthesized by metal exchange from previously obtained sodium ascorbate and cobaltic dichloride hexahydrate in aqueous medium.
  • Aluminum - iron - starch compound flocculants was synthesized from kaolin and starch.
  • 'But why can't you synthesize the kalla, here, in the City? THE BROKEN GOD
  • The track features a gently pulsating synthesizer under a spare, reverberating guitar melody, and is punctuated by the sporadic ebb and flow of a stuttering drum beat.
  • Overview Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose from non carbohydrate precursors and is important for the maintenance of blood glucose levels during starvation or during vigorous exercise.
  • The traditional tuba and charchetas are replaced by electric bass and synthesizer.
  • Since then, more than 2,500 barbiturates have been synthesized, of which more than 50 have been marketed.
  • Phenylephrine tannate was synthesized by the water route as follows.
  • The slightly stilted animation and cheesy synthesized pop music are here in all their glory.
  • The growing ability of researchers to synthesize nanomaterials opens up the possibility of using synthetic molecules such as biosensors to probe cellular function.
  • So the parasite itself has some vestigial machinery inside of it that suggests that it once photosynthesized. Malaria: The 500,000-Year-Old 'Fever' That Won't Die
  • Banjo and vibes fill in the corners of the song, leaving room for some sort of oscillating synthesizer and closely harmonized vocals.
  • The first plastic, celluloid, was synthesized from nitrated cotton fiber and camphor in 1869, to make a cheaper substitute for ivory billiard balls.
  • The song has a true Brit-pop bridge (and actually borrowing a lyric line or two from Stairway to the Stars from BOC's eponymous debut), complete with a choir of 'aaah's', heavy on string synthesizer, with Bloom sounding downright soulful. All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • Dream about snowflakes as the doleful synthesizers moan like winter winds.
  • The YeZ is a concept car designed to photosynthesize carbon dioxide from the air, much like a plant. YeZ: Eco-Friendly Car that Acts Like a Plant | Impact Lab

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