How To Use Syncope In A Sentence
Eaves was suffering from a medical condition known as vasovagal syncope, which causes fainting spells. RSS - home
The traditional spellings of English place names such as Worcester and Gloucester bear evidence of syncope.
The above is a classic presentation of syncope, which is defined as a transient, self-correcting loss of responsiveness and postural tone. Top EMS News
If we assume these arose from some kind of syncope on the second syllable then we should expects all manner of internal clusters, yet only a few combinations are found.
Laryngeal abuse - Phonemes caught in the reconstructive crossfire
seratonin syndrome hyperadrenalism seizures associated with vasovagal syncope and other types of dysautonomia
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The phenomenon, known as vasovagal syncope, can also cause vomiting because the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows down the heart rate and drops your blood pressure
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Cardiac syncope often causes immediate loss of consciousness, tonic stiffening of body and limbs, and often myoclonic jerking.
Vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) is a frequent clinic apsychia syndrome.
Once cardiac arrhythmias, structural heart disease, and non-cardiac causes of syncope have been ruled out, head up tilt testing is usually the first line of testing.
For musicians, syncope is a rhythmic form that subverts the order of stress in the bar and puts stress on what is regularly unstressed.
Ildiko Csengei
Methods: To identify the causes of syncope occurred postpartum, and analysis.
As with other alpha-adrenergic blocking agents there is a potential risk of syncope passing outsee ADVERSE REACTIONS.
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As with other alpha-adrenergic blocking agents there is a potential risk of syncope passing outsee ADVERSE REACTIONS.
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Patients usually have no symptoms, but if the pause is prolonged, they may have light-headedness, palpitations, syncope, and falls.
Conclusion This data shows that there is impaired baroreflex function in patients with vasovagal syncope, and this may be associated with reduced baroreceptor sensitivity and autonomic dysfunction.
MIE enclitic *mas regularly becomes *n̥s via Syncope, and was then later extended analogically as *nos by the time of PIE proper.
The trouble with the PIE 1st & 2nd person plural endings (3)
Syncope can be categorized based on the causative mechanism ( See Table below ).
The doctors described the episode to be an extreme case of a vasovagal reaction or neurocardiogenic syncope -- an abnormal reflex to wounds or punctures that results in a blood pressure drop leading to decreased blood flow to the brain.
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In a 1949 article in the New Yorker (now the Nyawka), John Davenport commented on “Slurvian,” the language of what linguists call syncope (“SING-kuh-pee”).
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GetStatus (); Status = newStatus; SignalPropertyChanged (readonly IEndpoint _endpoint; private readonly AsyncOperation _asyncOperation; event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public EndpointStatus (IEndpoint endpoint, Logger logger) {_endpoint = endpoint; _logger = logger; Status = Status.
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But differential diagnosis should be done on some special spirit and conscious states, like syncope, eclampsia, stupor, hysterism, and locked-in syndrome.
Transferring patients to a specialist centre with recurrent syncope or significant hypotension, regardless of the use of isoprenaline infusions and external pacing is not acceptable.
Conclusion:Most of patients with unexplained syncope have VS. ISOHUT may increase the positive rate. Metoprolol is an effective drug in treatment of VS.
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Near-syncope is light-headedness due to the same cause.
Cardiac terms and definitions
Decreased cerebral perfusion may cause impaired consciousness and syncope.
According to information we found on th, Phil suffers from a rare condition called cardiogenic syncope (which means that the heart sometimes fails to pump enough blood to the brain, resulting in the sufferer blacking out).
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Syncope associated with exertion or palpitations suggests cardiac causes.
A condition known as vasovagal syncope can reduce the heart rate and blood pressure -- particularly if the victim is dehydrated.
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Syncope is a relatively common problem with a favorable prognosis in most patients.
GAINING A NEW PERSEPECTIVE — MICHAEL WESTON (‘THE LAST KISS’) GUEST STARS — When J.D. (Zach Braff) develops vasovagal syncope, a condition which results in fainting or blackouts, he finds himself not only having to deal with losing his girlfriend and his apartment, but also his consciousness.
In the eighth round, she faced syncope, which means a faint or swoon.
Typical indications for paediatric electrocardiography include syncope, exertional symptoms, tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, and drug ingestion.
So from a form like Mid IE *maxéd̰a- 'to rejoice', we can simply proceed as I had explained in my previous post which relies on a certain phonotactic-based rule I'm now hypothesizing during the Pre-IE event of Syncope that changes initial sequences of expected **CHe- (C = continuant, H = laryngeal) to *Cä- instead (MIE *maxéd̰a- 'to be rejoiceful' eLIE *mäd̰- PIE *mad- 'to be drunk').
Drinking in more of the drunk-joy connection
Cardiac arrhythmias or syncope clearly associated with a fall should be treated with antiarrhythmics or a pacemaker in consultation with a cardiologist.
Cardiac syncope often causes immediate loss of consciousness, tonic stiffening of body and limbs, and often myoclonic jerking.
In early Late IE, I've already felt the need to propose an extra low-front vowel *ä that arises just before Syncope due to a deletion of some pretonic laryngeals e.g. late MIE *mᵊxéd̰ᵊ- early Late IE *mäd̰- PIE *mad- "to be moist, to be drunk".
How long was the contact between Pre-IE and Proto-Semitic?
I feel that parśu- is probably a later innovation, either because of a tendency to make it look more 'Indic', or as the above mentioned syncope.
Battling the Indo-European axe
Common syncope, I think," the doctor said, putting his instruments back into his case.
Some symptoms St. Jude cited include a sudden loss of consciousness called syncope, palpitations and shortness of breath.
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It was the litany of fruity vowels and partisan plosives of the Russian language that inspired Musorgsky; likewise, Scriabin manipulated hemiolas and syncopes to mimic the rhythms of his native tongue.
But in the expression of her countenance there was no character of suffering or distress; on the contrary, a wondrous serenity, that made her beauty more beauteous, her very youthfulness younger; and when this spurious or partial kind of syncope passed, she recovered at once without effort, without acknowledging that she had felt faint or unwell, but rather with a sense of recruited vitality, as the weary obtain from a sleep.
A Strange Story — Volume 02
He was discharged the following afternoon with a presumptive diagnosis of vasovagal syncope, perhaps related to defecation.
Look up drug side effects in the Physicians' Desk Reference and you will discover words like tinnitus (ringing in the ears), syncope, dyspnea (shortness of breath), epistaxis and anosmia (loss of smell).
Death, he said, was the result of "syncope," or a dramatic drop in blood pressure.
Portrait of a Killer
Vasovagal syncope has three distinct phases: a prodrome, loss of consciousness, and a postsyncopal phase.
At the same time, syncope is common in words like fam'ly, fed'ral, happ'ning.
Twenty-four hour electrocardiographic monitoring is indicated when there is an increased probability of identifying an arrhythmic cause for syncope.
In addition, I suffered from vasovagal syncope, a fainting and seizure disorder caused by the heart sending incorrect signals from the brain to the vagus nerve and failing to pump enough blood through the body, “cured” by doctors surgically implanting a pacemaker when I was twenty-eight.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Chest radiographs were available for 364 of 401 patients who presented with syncope or hypotension.
In patients without focal neurologic symptoms and signs, syncope from cerebrovascular disease is extremely rare.
It seems more like anaptyxis to me, with maybe a compensatory syncope.
Schneider, the father of rhinology, mentions a woman in whom the odor of orange-flowers produced syncope.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Schneider, 9.234 the father of rhinology, mentions a woman in whom the odor of orange-flowers produced syncope.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Patients with a family history of arrhythmia, syncope, or sudden death also may be at higher risk.
In the medical terminology of the period, fainting, swooning, and various states that involve the loss of sensation or consciousness are referred to by the technical terms "syncope" and "lipothymy" (or lypothymia).
Ildiko Csengei
My thesis is that the shortening was caused by syncope.
We describe how a recently defined arrhythmia, Brugada syndrome, caused syncope in three generations of one family.