How To Use Symbolize In A Sentence

  • The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower.
  • The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • The two offerings together symbolized a community of people at peace with God because atonement for sins had been made.
  • The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
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  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • Some loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels, which symbolized falling rain.
  • The veil symbolizes the idea of modesty and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may be, the soul and character are paramount.
  • Her grids may symbolize pigeonholes but she pays homage to the individuality of people.
  • In very appealing reasoning it is also argued that the complete unbroken circle, symbolizes the Buddhist wheel of life.
  • This strength, this invincibility, this unconquerable identification caused the Prudential Insurance Company in 1896 to use the Rock as their brand to symbolize a defense from all obstacles.
  • David Herbert Lawrence has always been a controversial writer concerning the theme of the relationship between the sexes. The structure and style of the novel Sons and Lovers symbolizes the theme.
  • The protesters sat silently near an empty chair meant to symbolize the absence of the professor.
  • He would symbolize the importance we attached to the assignment.
  • Indeed, the hermetics symbolized a particular altered state—a kind of specialized trance—as a lady of dark complexion.53 The Templar Revelation
  • Some male executives make a point of brewing their own coffee to symbolize their professed non-sexist orientation.
  • This is symbolized in his ouroboros ring this ring, once mentioned, will have no further importance to the story. Stuff that Makes Tolkien Look Like a Radical Progressive
  • The pictures soon came to symbolize the dispossessed of America during the Depression; to the politically minded, they exposed the truth behind the patriotic boilerplate.
  • As if to symbolize this state of things, the "fancy piece" astern comprised, among numerous other carved decorations, a cross and a miter; while forward, on the bows, was a sort of devil for a figure-head -- a dragon-shaped creature, with a fiery red mouth, and a switchy-looking tail. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • The crozier is an ornate staff resembling a shepherd’s crook, which is held by bishops to symbolize their role as shepherds of Christ’s flock. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • The Egyptian priests and rulers were often buried with necklaces of waterlily blossoms, for the lilies symbolized resurrection from the dead.
  • This reception also symbolizes and makes real our union with the whole Church.
  • The hollow of the bell symbolizes the wisdom cognizing emptiness.
  • His body symbolizes the future good morality, honor, and reputation of his patrilineage and the performance of certain patrilineal rituals. Waldo Jaquith - Allen angry about “Lost Soldiers.”
  • They presented well wishers with gray wristbands that symbolize brain tumor awareness and are imprinted with the words "Live in harmony: RHG. > News
  • He said his black clothing symbolized the world's downtrodden people.
  • It's strange that 70s feminists came to use the term "matriarchy" as synonymous with "rule by women" as the Nurse Ratched character might symbolize. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."
  • Last year I visited Tewa, a Women's Funding Network member fund in Nepal, on the 10th anniversary of their founding and heard a story that to me symbolizes the power women have to unite and overcome obstacles. Christine Grumm: Q & A With Christine Grumm For World Poverty Day
  • The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya (the everyday world) which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god.
  • Even Easy Rider a wild card that symbolized the anarchistic spirit of that drug ridden time was a Columbia Studio release.
  • The traditional kora, a stringed calabash instrument, symbolizes the singing poet tradition in the country.
  • Orthodoxy, symbolized by domestic markers of status and respectability derived from European customs, came a generation after initial colonial land claims. 73 Significantly, evidence of this cultural orthodoxy appears in archival sources after a period of contested frontier life. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • In this paper, interval numbers symbolize uncertain process times and the optimum objective is to minimize the weighted sum of penalty possibility for jobs due to earliness or tardiness.
  • But maybe we also fetishize characters like him because they symbolize possibility.
  • The vase shape symbolizes peace, because the Chinese word for ‘vase’ is a homophone for the word for ‘peace’.
  • A lively city life, well-used historic buildings, many churches and well-stocked shops symbolize what peace, culture and prosperity together can bring. Katherine Marshall: From Munich To Sarajevo: A Pilgrimage For Peace
  • After dinner, when Celia was playing an "air, with variations," a small kind of tinkling which symbolized the aesthetic part of the young ladies 'education, Dorothea went up to her room to answer Mr. Casaubon's letter. Middlemarch: a study of provincial life (1900)
  • On the fishmonger's slab the rows of dead fish symbolized everyone's lack of interest in his fate. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That gigantic and soulless stone merely symbolizes the forces that Don Juan negated forever.
  • The fund heavy warehouse stock falls largely symbolizes that the institutional investor also falls into panic, this stops to the market falls quite disadvantageously .
  • To well-off businessmen, the lighting of firecrackers and fireworks, to this day, symbolizes their expectation of wealth for the coming year.
  • Pink roses symbolize grace and gentility in modern rose vocabulary.
  • The Statue of Liberty (1886) in New York harbor symbolized the city's role as a Mecca for immigrants.
  • Tattoos in the civil wars symbolized allegiance to military commanders and comrades-in-arms rather than to the local community.
  • This act of self-vulning, in which the female pelican pecks blood from her chest to feed her young, symbolizes Christ feeding the faithful.
  • The visit symbolizes the normalization of relations between the two nations.
  • Crime often symbolizes a wider social problem.
  • Lions symbolize good luck and their fierceness scares off evil spirits.
  • Telluride icon and professional ski bum Captain Jack Carey has long symbolized the quintessential adventurer in all of us.
  • This red banner, by the way, symbolizes the brotherhood of man, and does not symbolize the incendiarism that instantly connects itself with the red banner in the affrighted bourgeois mind. Revolution
  • It conveys an inhuman and relentless force that could well symbolize a very unattractive futurist society as well as the horror of war.
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- Draped in white robes to symbolize purity and the equality of mankind under God, nearly 3 million Muslims from all over the world gathered Friday in Mecca, on the eve of the sta ... 3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
  • For Nietzsche, Dionysos symbolized the universal, Apollo symbolized individuated art.
  • By providing them with the shorts it was intended to symbolize the spiritual and mental breakaway from traditional dress and thought.
  • The wings are added to represent entry into combat via air, and the bendlets symbolize the unit's parachute drops into combat.
  • Professional values also symbolize the democratic processes that key interest groups in the enterprise expect.
  • At the same time, state leaders are facing countervailing pressures from reform-minded groups that want to lessen the impact of partisan politics on a process that has been plagued for decades by shenanigans - and symbolized by the oddly shaped district maps that take their nickname "gerrymander" from an early 19th-century Massachusetts governor, Elbridge Gerry, who drew the first one in the shape of a salamander. NYT > Home Page
  • The participation of these Gentiles in the pilgrimage to Jerusalem with the offering for the poor symbolized their share in this righteous activity.
  • Among American Catholics, the collapse of church discipline is symbolized by empty confessionals and more than $1 billion in settlements for clergy sexual abuses.
  • Also, since dragons symbolized power and stars were considered a symbol of hope, and she seemed to be their only hope, it seemed to be the perfect name.
  • It symbolizes not only her social status but also the psychological particularities of her character.
  • To his detractors, Guston symbolized the regression of American culture, its surrender of serious painterly values to the vulgar sirens of mass culture.
  • The grapes seem to symbolize both bitterness and copiousness.
  • The memorable events would be symbolized and carved into a totem pole that would stand at the pinnacle of the pagoda roof for the next year's gyre journey.
  • The subject is space train station: a trapeziform aisle symbolizes transporting in time to show people a time shifting inter-space.
  • The latter is further symbolized in the awakening lion and the eagle that holds the emblem of the city in its feet.
  • The civilization is a concept which is opposite to barbarism, fatuity and ignorance. It symbolizes the progressive degree and civilized state of human society.
  • Although the body is deteriorated, the garland, which symbolized his glories, remains unwithered.
  • Connections, "said the concept" seems really tragic, kind of surreally tragic "in ways that sex services don't because it symbolizes the worst kind of social isolation. -
  • Their rooms are called cells, they eat very little, and agree to vows of poverty symbolized by the simple sandals they wear; for, technically, Carmelites are shoeless or discalaced.
  • What does Obama actually say about the sort of anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Semitic militance symbolized for him by Rafiq? Radical-In-Chief
  • Three beads of wampum separating the two purple rows symbolize peace, friendship and respect.
  • This symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the formal entry of the member into the Church or a public avowal of their acceptance of the faith.
  • Drawing on themes from Michel Foucault, the team symbolizes its withdrawal of allegiance from the out-moded sociohistorical construct of power and authoritarianism implicit in the state of buoyancy by performing "The Death of Man" in an empty pool. Olympic Notes
  • At the risk of profound understatement, we note that abortion symbolizes more than merely an obstetrical procedure. American Grace
  • The gated community symbolized the new suburban society, distanced both spatially and ideologically from the city. New South Creed: Looking Backward, 2001-1970
  • Lawmakers are summoned from the Commons by an official known as Black Rod - but only after they slam the door in his face to symbolize their independence. The Shad Plank
  • Furthermore, this portrait symbolizes the patriotism felt in this country with the three American flags waving in the background.
  • We hedonists have a mythology of our own, symbolized by a mythopoetic demi-god who loves a good drink and frowns on those who would keep him from it.
  • Raja Petra is what Che Guevara means to Malaysians, a gung-ho revolutioner whose interest in motorcycles helped him craft his own hugely successful "motorcycle diaries" and helped him symbolize and embody the free-wheeling spirit of Americanism of the "Easy Rider era". Lim Kit Siang
  • The first was draw together everything people didn't like about the Bush administration, everything it didn't like about two wars and high spending and illegal immigration, and brought those strands into a heavy knot that just sat there, soggily, and came to symbolize Bushism. He Was Supposed to Be Competent
  • This book publication will symbolize the genuine humanism birth!
  • This symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the formal entry of the member into the Church or a public avowal of their acceptance of the faith.
  • The red spider lilies symbolize sin. Beautiful, enchanting but desperate, they diffuse poppy - like fragrance.
  • Popes also began wearing a white woolen cloak, call a pallium, to symbolize their ecclesiastical rank. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • Each year the commemoration is held in a different part of Germany to symbolize the nation's unity. Germany Marks 20th Anniversary of Reunification
  • The left part of the picture seems to symbolize the realm of desire and irrational emotions.
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • In Tibetan iconography, physical nakedness symbolizes this naked unbounded state of mind.
  • The first lamp symbolizes divine effulgence, while the other lighted lamps represent the light in individual hearts.
  • It is concerned with the process of transmutation of matter from one form to another and the transmission of the universal life force, symbolized by the ankh, carried by Isis, bestower of the universal life force - the Goddess.
  • The institution of joint army/police patrols in the cities aroused mixed feelings; they may have been necessary where crime was large-scale and violent, but they were thought to symbolize a reversion to coercive practices.
  • It symbolizes interest in deeds rather than verbal eloquence and rhetoric.
  • The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in The Apostles' Creed.
  • On the fishmonger's slab the rows of dead fish symbolized everyone's lack of interest in his fate. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This concept of the position of the ruler in the cosmic scheme springs from ancient Chinese ideals of sacral kingship and the correspondence between the human realm and the cosmos as symbolized by the mingtang.
  • Leprosy is used in the Scriptures to symbolize sin, and was sometimes inflicted by the Lord as a punishment for sin, as, for instance, in the case of Miriam, Moses' sister, who was smitten with leprosy because of her improper attitude and disrespectful language to and about her brother Moses.
  • The dance consists of a ceremonial procession and symbolizes the unity of the kingdom.
  • ROCKFORD - Muslims have been a part of the Rockford community for at least 20 years, but they haven't had a prominent physical structure on the city's landscape that visibly symbolizes their presence. News
  • During the 1780s, community cornhuskings, barn raisings, logrollings, and quilting bees symbolized the overall cooperation among rural New Englanders.
  • His body symbolizes the future good morality, honor, and reputation of his patrilineage and the performance of certain patrilineal rituals. Waldo Jaquith - Allen angry about “Lost Soldiers.”
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • The station, through its deejays(Sentencedict), came to symbolize and help stimulate the segregated economy of Memphis.
  • So, wait: we get “symbolize,” “representations,” and even, wonder of wonders, the correctly apostrophized which is to say, not apostrophized at all “its counterparts,” but then there’s “beutifle?” Regretsy – Cat Fight
  • Tobias symbolized the powers of darkness, heathendom, and sin striving against the coming of salvation, and also Anna's long barrenness. The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • God's elect are symbolized by the sanctuary at Jerusalem (1Co 3: 16, 17, where the same Greek word, "naos," occurs for "temple," as here). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The author cites Victorian novels showing that a smoky hearth symbolized the warmth and comfort of a loving family, while a fireless house indicated destitution.
  • The bombing symbolizes the worst of religious fanaticism .
  • Although the reverse sides of these coin still have only the simple incuses, the frontal sides have diversified designs which symbolize the city the coin was issued.
  • The results of that survey could be construed to mean that post-bailout America is truly 'best symbolized' by a power-sotted corporation that exploits its workers, drains our manufacturing base, hammers our trade deficit, and floods our markets with cheap sweatshop products from China. Al Norman: Consumer Reports Trashes Wal-Mart
  • This system of infidelity is well symbolized by a noisome, grevious ulcer, which is loathsome to the sight, offensive to the smell, corrupting to the body, and productive of awful pain. The Revelation Explained
  • These flames were meant to symbolize the life of all artificial organisms, and the street should have been glorious with light. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil.
  • The invisible hand merely symbolizes the true orchestrator of social harmony, the free market.
  • Husain's bare feet always symbolized his connection to the people of his country and kept him grounded in its ethos, even as he rose from his very humble origins to hobnob with the rich and powerful," said photographer Ram Rahman, in New York, whose parents were friends of the artist. Famed but Controversial Painter M.F. Husain Dies
  • His smart suit, beautifully groomed long hair and supreme confidence symbolized the vital reclamation of a lost life.
  • The high role of priests was symbolized by the precious substances lavished on their vestments and appurtenances.
  • Blue symbolizes a cat's eye gem, with the meaning of strength and happiness, angels watching over and protection.
  • It symbolizes interest in deeds rather than verbal eloquence and rhetoric.
  • Usually, the twin pines symbol is enclosed in a circle to symbolize eternity.
  • The narrative voice symbolizes collective power, reflecting the social function of black art.
  • The roseate hue could symbolize the feminine and/or could evoke intimate or flushed skin.
  • Mason's many films and books helped to symbolize the canoe as a Canadian icon.
  • A statue showing Medea about to slaughter her children symbolizes the reproof of infanticide. In this case, death is clearly shown as a contained force, even a holy force.
  • Other dancers at the Easter celebration include: the Caballeros or horseman who carry blue flags that symbolize.
  • Orthodox art history tends to see Effie as a malign influence, eagerly propelling her docile husband down the path to mass acceptance, marchionesses' daughters and giving the public what it wanted—a long, craven process of "selling out" symbolized by the baronetcy that came his way in 1885. A Far From Model Marriage
  • The time of science is a mathematical conception, symbolized as a unit of measure by clocks and chronometers.
  • The white seamless garb of the pilgrims, called "ihram," symbolizes purity and equality of mankind and erases all signs of class and culture. Undefined
  • This symbolized our country enters the tour guide occupation socialization the time.
  • Since independence, the blue in the flag has symbolized support for the ruling oligarchy, while the red has symbolized support for communism or resistance.
  • Most brides wear white to symbolize maidenhood.
  • David Herbert Lawrence has always been a controversial writer concerning the theme of the relationship between the sexes. The structure and style of the novel Sons and Lovers symbolizes the theme.
  • Their mothers were not so quick to abandon their sheitel (wig), the most tangible sign of old-world customs and the underlying religious values it symbolized. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America.
  • The fire altars symbolized the universe and there were three types of altars representing the earth, the atmosphere and the sky.
  • Popes also began wearing a white woolen cloak called a pallium, to symbolize their ecclesiastical rank. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • Because of it, the poor freedmen have gathered the shreds of crape and muslin swept from the doors of the rich, and sewed them together and stretched them across the doors and windows of their own rude homes, to symbolize their humble but sincere sorrow. God's Ways Unsearchable
  • There are other foods, snacks and fruits which symbolize good wishes under special circumstances, including dried bean curd, black moss seaweed, peanuts, pomelos and oranges.
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- Draped in white robes to symbolize purity and the equality of mankind under God, nearly 3 million Muslims from all over the world gathered Friday in Mecca, on the eve of the start of the annual hajj pilgrimage. 3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
  • It may have been too costly, tied down too many men, and came to symbolize France’s defensive attitude, but the Great Wall of France fulfilled its designated mission.
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • One of the most puzzling emanations of Sati appears to symbolize this: Chinnamasta, holding her severed head in her hand, drinking the blood spurting from her neck.
  • Wild jujubes, a type of fruit widely seen in north China, symbolizes the straightforward, faithful and resolute character of northern Chinese represented by Shanxi merchants.
  • The apostasy, however, was not universal, and the "Intrepid Faith" of Pius XI symbolizes the martyrs in Spain and Mexico at the time. p.96 The fall of Russia into Communism and the resultant persecution of believers needs also to be remembered. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Women were antagonistic to him, and Mrs. Mangan, godly matron though she was, seemed to him to symbolize a very different ordering of life to that which he approved; but the Big Doctor was an asset of the Church who must be simpered upon, and for whose sake a little social boredom must be unrepiningly endured. Mount Music
  • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?
  • In the divine realm, fire symbolizes the universal conflagration of the apocalypse which will destroy men's sinful bodies.
  • The steam engine had symbolized the First Industrial Revolution and the electric motor and internal combustion engine the Second.
  • It symbolized the Zhenwei Group has an important stride in the rode of multiplicate development, has the meaning of landmark.
  • But, thanks to Heaney's artistic taxidermy, the story and all it symbolizes will endure well into the new millennium.
  • The author criticizes conservatives for attaching a negative connotation of the word ‘liberal’ which he says actually symbolizes progress.
  • Prepared in the sense that a nation held hostage by dictatorship could possibly be freed, but only free for a brief moment in thought by North Korean citizens of the death of a man who symbolized a reign of control so frigid and strong, no assemblance of the persecuted could rise and retaliate? Missing Kim Jong Il raises health questions
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • The little blue-haired girl was in front of the simple wooden door, the door that symbolized the huge metamorphosis she would go through upon stepping past that unornamented threshold.
  • The room was hung with pictures of pastoral scenes and paintings inspired by the cult of Isis, who is symbolized by a cow.
  • He came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.
  • The horizontal axis is a bicephalous serpent with mandibles made from jade that symbolize water and feathers.
  • In these cases, the complex content of the clause, either affirmative or negative, is symbolized by a single, unanalysable morpheme.
  • A copper-colored eagle in the upper right corner symbolizes the country's ability to rise above its problems.
  • Bluebottle may possibly symbolize Lord and Lady Holland; and Miss Lilac is, certainly, Miss Milbanke, the "Annabella" of Byron's courtship, not the "moral Clytemnestra" of his marriage and separation. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4
  • te 6 DreamThree Ten years before, the Modern Languages block had symbolized the College's audacious arrival in the space age. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • The escape of Finn under the fleece of the ram means that, having destroyed the spiritual eye, he could only use the organ of psychic clairvoyance, which is symbolized here, as in the mysticism of other countries, by the ram. AE in the Irish Theosophist
  • The significance is the reality of prophethood which is symbolized by the sun, and the holy Manifestations are the dawning-places or zodiacal points. Bahá’í World Faith
  • The poet symbolizes love in this poem
  • The palm tree leaf of both sides symbolizes victory.
  • Just as koban symbolize Japan's old ways, Nishimura's sleek office foreshadows a different future. Battling A New Breed Of Criminal
  • Wherever the other planets may be placed in the horoscope, the Sun symbolizes your essential self and who you are struggling to become.
  • Some religious anti-communists profess to find signs of God's will here: a Moses-like child rescued from the waters who symbolizes the arrival of imminent freedom for Cuba.
  • The third, and most innovative, idea is symbolized by the smart card.
  • They symbolized the New Pentecostal, a religion as stagnant as a dying fishpond. Miracles, Inc.
  • Before the cross became a Christian symbol, it already symbolized torture in the Roman Empire.
  • At Byblos she was a serpent-goddess whose cobra symbolized the eye of wisdom.
  • Crescent moons, stars, spades, hammers and indecipherable symbology - the security guy couldn't tell me what they symbolized but the effect is deeply mystical, mysterious, almost Egyptian.
  • What I wanted to know was whether he realized that his hair symbolized the hypermodern, antitraditional paradigm the Lakers used to mock the Celtics’ archetypical simplicity and Greatest Generation morality. Chuck Klosterman on Sports
  • Woods and bushes, predictably enough, symbolized pubic hair in both sexes.
  • The Mother's Best collection reminds us that the man who came to symbolize tortured genius - and who's been stuffed into the live-fast-die-young clich� with many rock stars - well, he was a loose goose, a commercial shrewdie and a generous genius, as well. Hank Williams: The Working Musician, The Creative Genius
  • The amrit that it holds symbolizes the divine consciousness, which is the true source of immortality.
  • In the revival of the motif of the psychomachia that occurs in the fifteenth century personified virtues sometimes ride on animals that symbolize their own characteristics, rather than the opposed vices. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • In the melee, the mace that symbolizes the authority of the legislature was carried away and was later found in a lobby used by parliamentarians.
  • Our maror is horseradish root and symbolizes the bitterness of slavery and anything to do with getting used and abused by "The Man. Alec Sokolow: The Audacity to Haggadah
  • His smart suit, beautifully groomed long hair and supreme confidence symbolized the vital reclamation of a lost life.
  • The father symbolizes attractive power and a potentially hazardous male-female relationship is formed, with predictable jealousies and envy as the mother completes the triangle.
  • Clear minerals reflect all the colours of the spectrum and symbolize purity, clarity and wholeness.
  • Bakery owners say despite the advent of new-fangled versions, nothing beats the classics, the ones oozing with gummy lotus seed paste and salted duck egg yolk to symbolize the full moon.
  • Adopted with wooden pattern on doors which symbolize colorful life aa beautiful rose flower.
  • Her work, and her person, came to symbolize the moral and intellectual principles on which the open admissions experiment rested.
  • For example, when sexual monogamy is equated with trust, insistence on using condoms can symbolize distrust.
  • Of course, children can't fit in the hood of the jellaba, but the hood is big enough that it symbolizes protection against the rain. Arabic for Dummies
  • Doorways into the mind and the unknown are symbolized as arcane, bewildering entrances and egresses.
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • All ritual systems, from the most ‘primitive’ to the most ‘advanced,’ are coherent wholes in which the human body stands for and symbolizes the social body.
  • Her work, and her person, came to symbolize the moral and intellectual principles on which the open admissions experiment rested.
  • The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower.
  • European elites built pineries, pineapple greenhouses, in the 1700s because the fruit symbolized opulence. Tiny pineapple, tiny queen.
  • Whether you are the type who goes for flaunting traditional bling, or a non-traditionalist who got engaged with a soda can pop-top, there is something beautifully symbolic about the tradition of exchanging rings to symbolize a long-lasting commitment to your partner. GREEN WEDDING GUIDE: Eco Wedding Rings | Inhabitat
  • The badge, not generally awarded to officers above the rank of lieutenant colonel, symbolized Matthew Ridgway's association with the common soldier.
  • The floating of the pound in 1972 symbolized this turnaround in favour of sustaining expansion regardless of the inflationary cost.
  • Yeah, and Yuanxiao symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.
  • Our maror is horseradish root and symbolizes the bitterness of slavery and anything to do with getting used and abused by "Da Man. Alec Sokolow: Haggadah Get Out Of This Place
  • As part of this larger tradition that connects performance with religious significations, nuchibana contains action signs that explicitly symbolize the worshipping of gods through performance as ‘play.’
  • The fasces of ancient Roman times were of course the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the great strength of the organized Roman people.

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