How To Use Switch In A Sentence
Sodium thiopental was used by most U.S. states as part of a lethal injection combination, but many have switched to an alternative drug called pentobarbital amid an ongoing shortage.
The Seattle Times
A former BMX enthusiast, Moore switched to motocross a couple of years ago and he has since taken on gradually more difficult tasks.
The use of steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped ironmakers switch over from charcoal (limited in quantity) to coke, which is made from coal, in the smelting of pig iron.
There was a little portable television switched on behind the bar.
Mostly, however, she seems to be held in some kind of incommunicado status until they need a sound bite, and then they throw the power switch, download the text and out she spits it, with all the emotion of an automaton.
Condi a Waste of Time

I verified the engine switches were in the proper position while my copilot completed the checklist, which requires checking the voltmeter to make sure the remaining generator is not overworked.
By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
For convenience and safety, some skid-steer loader manufacturers mount switches on the steering control grips or levers to control these multifunctional tools.
Either switch to decaffeinated tea or coffee or herbal infusions like vervain, mint or camomile.
Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly.
Perhaps you are thinking that partner has asked for a club and so that is the suit you should switch to.
Times, Sunday Times
In many communities switching between languages serves important functions.
Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off.
At that point, they either come to treatment or they switch to another drug, typically amphetamine.
His hand eventually found the light switch.
Genes get switched off when a chemical mark, a methyl group, is added to the DNA.
Perform five to six reps to the right, then switch sides to compete the set.
Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching.
It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
He switched on the lamp on his writing desk to provide his room with the most agreeable cast of light.
To study viral infections, Weitz teamed with postdoctoral fellow Yuriy Mileyko, graduate student Richard Joh and Eberhard Voit, who is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, the David D. Flanagan Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Biological Systems and director of the new Integrative BioSystems Institute at Georgia Tech. Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between "lysis" and
The steeper decline in seats available suggests that airlines will switch to smaller aircraft.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead he plays Arthur as a terrifying yet avuncular figure, apt to switch from jovial bonhomie to murderous rage with lightning speed.
The first fortnight will see closure of Slade Lane Junction to replace signalling equipment and trackwork, including switches and crossings.
If buying a new tumble dryer, think about one with a sensor that switches off when the laundry is ready.
The Sun
Costs have been cut by changing the crude mix and switching the plant's boilers to burn gas rather than more expensive fuel oil.
Times, Sunday Times
With the line now unsnarled, I suggest we switch places - I'll pole for a while, Hiaasen can fish.
Families are switching their spending from essentials such as food and petrol to discretionary items as they treat themselves to little luxuries.
Times, Sunday Times
If you switch the words over, the sentence sounds better.
Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
This year's Christmas lights switch-on promises to be a extravaganza with fairground rides, a street fair and musical entertainment.
The results? About 90 percent of the participants pulled a switch to reroute the boxcar, suggesting people are willing to violate a moral rule if it means minimizing harm.
He used radar detectors and a switch to dim rear lights to dodge the police and lots of cold coffee.
Times, Sunday Times
But he could look at a switch when the transfer window reopens to get his season back on track.
The Sun
But he said when he wanted to lose weight he switched from beer to wine and whisky.
The Sun
Don't switch the light.
There are direct and mechanical effects, such as flicking a light switch that directly links two pieces of metal, and a light goes on immediately.
Hai!” switching the camel, and fruitlessly endeavouring to fustigate Mas’ud’s nephew, who resolutely slept upon the water-bags.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
The guns are actuated by a three-way switch on the spade grip of the stick.
New technology made a switch to oil possible.
And you can do it backside too so that you end up ollieing over into a regular switch feeble.
And the switches did the trick as it turned a game in Palace's favour.
The Sun
Even customers who don't borrow might gain from switching.
It introduces the functions and characteristics of railways telex automatic switch network, the volume control of telex network, operation guarantee of network and effects of network operation.
The T1 lines that connect the towers back to the switch can have issues.
I think I remembered to switch the oven off but you'd better check .
His primary directives are to slam the President, which is a better view black-on-black politically and hopefully cause some minority to switch parties.
Steele says he has 'slimmer margin' for error
ARS scientists, working with NRCS and universities, have done the research that has encouraged farmers to largely put away the moldboard plow and switch to conservation tillage on about 40 percent of U.S. planted acres.
You switch the light off at night and you have ten hours on your own.
Times, Sunday Times
Aside from switching the order of the first question, this year was no exception.
Sorry, but I guessed the bait-and-switch just when the second interpolation about cobra flowers hit in.
CONSUMING • by Krystyna Smallman
There are motion sensors and light switches.
Times, Sunday Times
As with most aircraft stabilizer trim arrangements, the primary system consists of two switches on the yoke.
As Myeloski switched on the light, he had caught a glimpse of Louise Taylor before she disappeared under the cover.
She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.
That was back in the days when she still wore French perfume and brands you could buy at the chemist, before she switched to jasmine oil and clary sage.
The Legacy
She groped blindly for the light switch in the dark room.
At the table East won and switched to the ten of clubs.
Times, Sunday Times
A year after the Darlington Help Furniture project was launched, volunteer workers are still busy organising furniture switches throughout the town.
Every office will have a manual dimmer switch, giving the office occupant optimum control of the lighting levels he or she finds most productive.
It is already known that in some bowel cancers the K-Ras gene is faulty, leaving the switch permanently 'on'. patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances** benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab.
Like the switchblade I keep in my sock? No, I left it at home.
Byron Wallen switches between trumpet and flugelhorn, whilst Ed Jones likewise moves from soprano to tenor horns.
Consider, for instance, how the interior windows, glass balustrades, and switchable partitions create both a sense of openness and the ability to zone spaces for specific uses and privacy.
The track of the jet stream winds can also meander around in spring, switching between winter and summer conditions at astonishing speed.
Times, Sunday Times
A couple more flicks of the switch adjust the flame height and heat output.
An official decision by the authorities to switch off electricity to student dormitories at 11 p.m. led to unrest on campus.
Secure: built-in write-protect switch prevents accidental data loss
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Put a piece of wire of an electronic lighter into the coin slot, switch it on, and you got yourself a free game.
April « 2010 « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
In addition, incoming calls must be permanently routed by them once the switch has been completed.
Times, Sunday Times
The visual communication between members bordered on symbiosis as they smoothly switched up guitars, worked pedals, bashed away at keyboards and wailed through guitar solos.
Switch to paying your mortgage by direct debit.
Loop, % LANCheckCount% tmpMsg: = LANCheckName%A_Index% msg = % msg% ` n%tmpmsg% msg = % msg% ` n ` n%CONFIGLANSWITCH%
AutoHotkey Community
In some cases, the method will be used to switch off rogue genes that promote conditions such as heart failure or cancer.
Times, Sunday Times
A current transformer has a pair of input terminals and a primary side which is switchable to different measuring ranges.
I even broke out the sail for a few minutes until I got bored and switched back to paddling.
Husband and wife should switch roles occasionally.
She switched off the radio and slowed the car in the silence.
Since he's everybody's official bigmouth, he can have the pleasure of playing switchboard for you club people from here on out.
Purpose: Audio frequency low power amplifier, driver stage amplifier, switching applications.
They were switched on at the beginning of the month and will stay shining until the 12 th night.
The focus police activity then switched to a stretch of riverbank outside the town.
Times, Sunday Times
Was surprised about how complicated is to combine a landline and dsl. first they needed to “digitalize the line” at the switch, then add all kind of filter boxes around the house …
A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
In 1947 he switched fields from physics to molecular biology, because of his horror at what atomic weapons had done.
Times, Sunday Times
Imagine switching from an easygoing, carefree lifestyle, to an uptight one with no breathing room.
LOCK OUTS, are mechanical locks that will be fixed to certain isolators with individual keys for each technician, thereby allowing only the originator to switch the nit back on.
The storage network backbone provides connectivity for hundreds of storage and application resources without wasting costly ports to connect other switches.
Switch over to the other side.
The switch circuit is composed of an emitter-coupled trigger circuit, an integral delay circuit and a monostable circuit.
The switch position of each antenna element is programmed for optimum reception during, for example, an idle mode which receives a pilot signal.
She turned the switch to the 'on' position.
An optical switch is one of several essential elements of fundamental technology required for optical signal processing in photonic networks of the future.
Examples included switching the language on a computer keyboard and taping up a computer mouse.
Times, Sunday Times
The new technology switches engines off when they are not needed.
Andre Berry switches on a standard domestic vacuum cleaner powered by a petrol generator to collect material to repair an historic mound.
Many tags get sun-faded, worn, removed, switched, and one of our favorite theories for their disappearance is that roaches like to eat them.
Prices almost never listed
Switching suppliers online can save a packet - but it is still too complex.
The Sun
Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off.
The Scientist
Unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, the on / off switch for that has disappeared from Blogger's publishing dashboard.
All of this is achieved without switching the chirality of the catalyst.
Two major control algorithms, fuzzy control algorithm of frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on, are analyzed in detail.
The veteran, who seemed to be pacing himself, has flipped the on switch.
Donald added: ‘the switch from a predominantly narrative mode of thought to a predominantly analytic or theoretic mode apparently requires a wrenching cultural transformation’.
User selectable switches for setting the desired functional operation of the apparatus and a manually depressible panic button are also provided.
The toggle switch selects either pickup or both, in time honoured fashion.
It's really too bad that far too much time is spent running around them either looking for the next ledge to jump to, or trying to find which switch to throw so you can get on with the killing.
Much was made last season about Kobe's switch from berating to encouraging teammates, but he seems to be taken even the next step this year.
It is no more than a cleverly crafted lump of inorganic matter; its shape and working parts are contrived to facilitate the intended function: the switching around of the circuitry in clearly defined ways.
Using switchgrass for ethanol production results in even higher energy gains: up to 72 percent.
`No need to lock your door and switch on your scrambler, I'm not after His Lordship.
Arlen Specter switched parties to save one job: his, not yours," an announcer is heard saying at the close of the ad.
Sestak slams Specter with new television ad
This is a great time for laying the foundations for winter, reconditioning your skin after months of switching between sun and fierce air-con and generally getting ready to glow when the Christmas invitations start rolling in from November onwards.
Indulge your skin this winter
The switches are large and solid, and the bold shapes and contours give the impression of utility without ever approaching the austere.
Fan switching is relatively easy however RPM control is not, for this you needed called a rheostat baybus.
Ninjalane RSS News
There are times it will be necessary for the two guards to switch these responsibilities.
Its internal 1. 2A switches can deliver output voltages as high as 5. 25V from an input voltage range of 1. 8V to 5. 5V, making it ideal for Li-Ion / Polymer, 3. 3V PC card slot or multicell alkaline / NiMH applications.
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Most of us switch the system on and off as we require; we expect lots of heat and hot water 365 days a year.
Problem with tape backup system will necessitate switching two Model 30s between Finance and Computer Room.
The ride feels more grand tourer than eager hot hatch on the motorway, but once you make for an exit the Golf soon switches into fun mode.
The switchgrass will be burned with coal to produce electricity.
Your psychic sector is switched on so you are tuned in to feelings and desires.
The Sun
Instead, plug electronics into a power strip, and then flip the off switch when you're not using your appliances.
Together with the associated protein troponin, TM on actin can switch between two laterally shifted conformations.
A boson is a particle that obeys Bose statistics: when you take two identical bosons and switch them with each other, the state you end up with is indistinguishable from the state you started with.
Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.
The atmosphere was thicker and the protective magnetic field was switched on.
Times, Sunday Times
Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.
I've got to start saving copies of these articles before the inevitable switcheroo. - Josh Marshall
The leader rapidly tapped in the combination that opened the door and switched off the alarms.
Iris was brought up to speak Welsh as her first language and was able to switch from one language to the other with great ease.
Of course, she had it easy: Her name change predated the social media wave, and she made the switch before accumulating nearly 70,000 followers across Twitter and Facebook. News
An RPR network consists of a set of RPR switches connected together by two counter-rotating optical fiber rings.
A thumb switch near the right handlebar engages the motor to press a roller on the motor shaft, which helps spin the tire.
Even native, isolated pigment proteins like bacteriorhodopsin have been investigated for their applicability as optical switches.
Switch to compact fluorescents for your five most-used lights.
Here the pulses are converted into signals that provide the directional information, just as with a conventional switch type joys tick.
The steeper decline in seats available suggests that airlines will switch to smaller aircraft.
Times, Sunday Times
We were in control but switched off and it gave them the lift they needed.
The Sun
There are other kinds of generalized seizures that are basically inhibitory, like briefly turning off a switch.
The switchboard operator rang an extension.
The philosophy of switching to pharmacy medicines or over the counter medicines is to empower the patient to participate more fully in his or her health care.
For newbies, this is still a great game, but for veterans of previous iterations, there's no reason to switch.
A switch within the prepositional phrase should be ruled out because English has prepositions and Panjabi postpositions.
He liked a lot of new music but as soon as he heard a piece of old-fashioned opera or symphonic music he would switch off.
Times, Sunday Times
Consequently, research and develop of electronic switching power unit which is large capacity, fast and multi-functions will be the main content of research, there is high practical value.
Her black eyes were unfocused, her other hand absent-mindedly fondling the pocketed switchblade.
Lily pressed the switch and plunged the room into darkness.
This situation invites the view that the evolution of higher taxes was driven by changes in single major genes that acted as switches between such alternate forms.
But it switches off when cruising and is recharged when the car slows or brakes.
The Sun
Mercifully, the Windows shell offers you tick boxes instead of command line switches to make life a little easier.
Scott turned slightly while she was still in his arms and shut the door behind them then reaching for the light switch the room darkened around them.
Dr Barbara was able to switch from peremptory schoolmistress to doting mother in a way that always disarmed him.
The principal commodities were depth defensemen, who rotated among teams in a dizzy kaleidoscope, and some intriguing goalie switches.
Architectural fittings such as switches, extinguishers and signage can take on as much significance as the main exhibits.
And so I started switching from these endless derivative novels to trying to write parts for actors, and I've been doing so ever since.
He and his wife took the painful decision to switch off their son's life support machine.
Instead of turning to food, she used her new positive thinking to get healthy and switched to a low-calorie diet.
The Sun
After this he switched to research on cosmic rays.
Times, Sunday Times
B. Switch"ON"the transmitter and the neckband receiver unit.
I'm not pretending that the switch is going to be all magic, that the first day in the studio not as a dancer is going to be easy.
Its architecture also has built-in paths to accommodate emerging technologies such as MEMS (micro electromechanical switches).
On the motorway you can cruise along in comfort mode, switching to sport on the A-roads, flicking to advanced sport to hug corners and bends.
And I've seen a small group of men turn into a lynch mob like a light switch had been flipped.
He switched channels with the remote, clasped his hands behind his head.
Then, finally throwing the switch he opened the floodgate to the sluice, and let the water roll out into the place that was once the White River.
I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark.
As if to symbolize this state of things, the "fancy piece" astern comprised, among numerous other carved decorations, a cross and a miter; while forward, on the bows, was a sort of devil for a figure-head -- a dragon-shaped creature, with a fiery red mouth, and a switchy-looking tail.
Redburn. His First Voyage
He navigated the boat onto the dusty sand and switched the noisy engine off.
Most excavator operators find it easier to operate levers, switches, and other controls with their hands or fingers rather than the ball or heel of their foot.
I had expected a degree of disturbance and interruption as I switched over to Retirement Pension from Incapacity Benefit, and still do.
Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.
And if we switch to really high resolution, the icon is only 3 / 10 of an inch wide.
An augmented brain will get so used to its powers - for example, being able to switch on a light by thought - that it will not be able to cope without the implant, he said.
This system adopts dynamic redundancy structure, using software to switch hardware redundancy system waiting and in function.
Several publishers were asleep at the switch, and missed the book's potential.
Somehow, the windscreen wipers had got switched on during the crash.
Some very switched-on people within the Drug Squad decided to give them what they wanted.
Anything more than that generally means something is faulty or not being switched off.
Times, Sunday Times
The team also finalized a system which enables them to switch to a manual gearshift in the event of a loss of semi-automatic transmission.
It then detects when the device is switched on.
Times, Sunday Times
In actuality, a cow-tail switch is equal to a flyswatter.
Eliza’s Freedom Road
Always check that the electricity is switched off before you start.
The varistor and the surge absorber protect electronic circuits from switching surge and static electricity.
It is a knock for those trying to encourage clean air policies and switch from open fires and log burners to electricity.
This switched supply introduces a non-linearity, which can be eliminated by considering only the fundamental components of voltage and current.
The visitors stuck to their task and after a series of rucks and mauls the ball was switched to the blindside for Toby Pemberton to drive over.
If the thyristor is used with an ac supply then it will conduct on the positive half cycles and automatically switch off during the negative half cycles.
There are cordless phones that can be hooked up to company switchboards, using the same technology as home cordless phones.
A time switch can accurately control the photoperiod.
The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register.
Tom flicked the switch, but nothing happened.
He flicked a switch and all the lights went out.
Since he's everybody's official bigmouth, he can have the pleasure of playing switchboard for you club people from here on out.
A streamlined switching process has been promised by the end of the year, and not before time.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a lot of freight switching for the local peddler to do here at White Sulphur, as there was everywhere, with stock pens in the early years, and LCL freight in box cars, and coal hoppers.
Product: All Kinds Of Push button Switch, Indicator, Emergency Switch, Insturction Switch, Foot Step Switch, Combined Acoustic And Light Screen, Warning Light Etc.
The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch.
The barramundi is also a hermaphrodite, born male but switching to female at sexual maturity, at around five years old, when they begin travelling downstream to spawn.
If you want to change the factory setting, turn the DIP switch is good then the password reset, or display 21 (password twice to zero, the method see below).
By varying the angle of reflected light, an illusion is created that the ocellar scales are intermittently emitting light, thus providing an explanation of Sandersons original account of the lizard 'switch [ing] on its portholes.'
Archive 2006-11-01
I know that continually switching from subway to bus to walking to taxi thinking that I will outfool them is crazy.
Partygirl Diary Entry