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How To Use Swill In A Sentence

  • Hence, personal hygiene and cleaning our handswill bethe most effective ways of combating this disease.
  • This all changed when someone (probably an economist) spotted the nice turn that could be made by feeding slops or swill to pigs, and considered farming pigs intensively.
  • He swilled the juice around in his glass.
  • Nosour ballouze for me s abig fan fo this game i think hey shuld end thiscrap mgswill not fit in a movie snake is dead so let the man rest inpeace Exclusive: Producer Mike De Luca Says It’s Game Over for a METAL GEAR SOLID Movie –
  • Many sports fans who would rather watch the Super Bowl with a bunch of beer-swilling buddies than be present at the birth of their first child often recite that fired old saw about hockey being more violent than any other sport.
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  • He was befuddled as he swilled the tea around in his mug
  • A famous roué who played the violin, swilled whiskey, ran after women, and could charm even the most bumptious crowd of voters. Suzanne Berne's "Missing Lucile," reviewed by Carolyn See
  • Country of swill and sullage, sump of the continent. Cold Mountain
  • Even I eventually got sick of hearing about characters swilling whisky and driving at the same time.
  • It helps to have lots of vodka, gin, scotch, brandy, and cognac for all to swill down.
  • The journey they make from their local watering hole to the sea allows the beer-swilling laddish men to swap stories, memories and reflect on times past.
  • However profoundly the Honourable Member for Eatanswill might resent it, the issue of expenses and allowances for MPs and Peers is not going to go away. Archive 2008-01-20
  • I had, somehow, got both lords and deans associated in my mind with infinite swillings of port wine, and bacchanalian orgies, and sat down at first, in much fear and trembling, lest I should be compelled to join, under penalties of salt-and-water; but Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • It's cheaper than an appletini or whatever you kids are swilling these days.
  • Beer-swilling punks drag race through the river.
  • Make sure the yard is well swilled out.
  • There can be found a different class of drunk, swilling back copious amounts of G and T or champagne and stuffing their faces with complimentary food.
  • The Vegas audience of polyester-clad gamblers and middle-aged couples contrast starkly with the fag-puffing, beer-swilling crowds at home.
  • Then it has to persuade some of the millions still drinking the swill sold at most convenience stores and gas stations to trade up.
  • Water was now swilling about on the bottom of the boat almost to their knees
  • When the painting is complete it will be married with the Londonderry and Lough Swilly coach body now in store at Pennyburn.
  • Beer swilled around the bottom of the barrel.
  • He shook his head after swilling another synthetic beer.
  • For the last three plus years the Repug corporate types taunted me over dinner as they swilled expensive wine and generally lorded it up over their sole meuniere. Firedoglake » Imperial Reckoning
  • Beneath that Kiwi veneer of earthy, beer-swilling practicality, we're actually outstandingly good at the pure abstract stuff.
  • Like a practised wine taster, she swilled the dark liquid around in her mouth then swallowed.
  • She had finished swilling out her mouth with clean water
  • Neil Pickup would probably not welcome the reference: ‘People want to portray us as nutcases or beer-swilling madmen and the sport as just a pub game with no skill or no strength.
  • A basic mouthwash such as Chlorhexidine is also good to swill around the chops every day - but spit it out, don't swallow.
  • He added that although strict new measures were recently introduced to dispose of swill as quarantine waste, Transnet previously contracted out waste disposal to private companies which profited by selling it to farmers as pigswill in contravention of international practice, the report said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Then there's Buzzo, a beer-swilling alcoholic with neurological problems.
  • They stop us just before we have a first sip of wine and offer us a thought that can be swilled down with the liquid like a tablet. An atheist at Christmas: Oh come all ye faithless
  • I can't eat this pigswill! Take it away!
  • He took a sip from his glass and swilled the brandy around in his mouth
  • But even my beer-swilling customers seemed to have the same ennui that I did.
  • When I served with the mercenaries of Corinthia we swilled and wenched all night and fought all day aye, blood ran down the channels of our swords. Black Colossus
  • The Government had already clamped down on swill, the most likely route by which the disease had got into the country.
  • Ignoring his wife's concern, he took a large swill of the drink and savored the malted barley on his bitter tongue.
  • Remember a time, not that long ago, when the flippety flop of a jandal signalled the arrival of a beer-swilling, ciggie-smoking, style-starved yobbo? - Stuff
  • Give the sink a quick swill to get it clean.
  • But if you've been put-off by holidaying in Cyprus by the tabloid tales of beer-swilling thugs, drunken teenagers and late night revelling, think again.
  • It makes a change from the beer-swilling, girl-chasing, drugs-flirting image that he has specialised in back home before disappearing to far-flung parts for his gap year.
  • The immemorial mile of cheap foul doggeries remained, but business was dull with them; the multitudes of poison-swilling Irishmen had departed, and in their places were a few scattering handfuls of ragged negroes, some drinking, some drunk, some nodding, others asleep. Life on the Mississippi
  • Ambrosia, nectar, soma, these swill through our myths and histories
  • After the movie he would have a meal of rice, pasta or fish swilled down with Gaelic Coffee.
  • And it was scarcely to be supposed the poet of the Roisín Dubh had in mind the coming of a shoneen talking-house, a gombeen legislature scrounged and cadged for by whiskey-swilling fixers in the imperial Parliament across the sea. At Swim, Two Boys
  • It's hard to imagine that as recently as 30 years ago, most wine snobs dismissed Napa vino as swill, and just a couple of decades ago Australia and Chile barely blipped on the wine connoisseur's radar. 10 Off The Beaten Path Wine Regions (PHOTOS)
  • These riders have different needs than the jeans-wearing, beer-swilling bikers of days past.
  • This appalling litter problem is mainly caused by the unpleasant habit of so many people now who eat their meals in the street, swill them down with a can of drink and then finish off with the inevitable cigarette.
  • In this tryptic, I find the lampoonery of the physical deformation inherent to both the slight-statured, fat-footed Frodo and the EPO-swilling, peglegged pirate in the first 2 images to be apt signifiers of his poorly cobbled performances and subsequent attempts at mea culpa. The BSNYC Absentee Art Exhibition (Part II)
  • She swilled the whisky around in her glass.
  • Fire crews swilled away a large fuel spillage.
  • He preferred to spend his day swilling out the changing rooms in the leisure centre
  • Get a bucket to swill the yard down.
  • Now he sat under a lamp-post in Harrison Street with the bucket of foul-smelling pigswill beside him. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • He chose that path, this beer-swilling, wild life.
  • Every captured Jihadist knows the form by now; Allege the most hideous crimes of torture and humiliation against US armed forces and a BBC reporter wanting to believe such pigswill will appear, microphone in hand, prepared to provide an echo chamber for the enemy. LEADING THE JIHAD
  • Wadum suggests that some of the five books in folio and 25 other books might have been manuals such as those cited by Swillens.
  • And someone who will smile politely and clear his plate when the mother in law presents him with her usual pigswill. (apologies to my father for outing his real reason for being so skinny.) Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • Last time it was caused by infected feed and the two main forms of transportation are pig to pig contact or inadequately cooked swill.
  • Filling and swilling hour after hour, he seldom rises before he gets through ten or fifteen tumblersful, and, if he happens to be thirsty, will double it -- enough, one would think, to founder a horse. The Land of Thor
  • In the middle of the flo or was a large, old-fashioned trough with vestiges of some swill in it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Time to turn on the lights and watch them scurry back into the darkness … Their excessive postings and repeating their reich winged swill is all they have … So much hate, they truly are a miserable lot. Think Progress » Bush advised to ‘lawyer up.’
  • I observed, in fine egalitarian style, a punt full of beer-swilling lads float by - a mate running along the tow path, shooting down the bank, using a punt full of tourists as a stepping stone, and leaping in among them.
  • It seems that the foot-and-mouth outbreak in England has been traced to cheap, unseparated (ie meat mixed with vegetables and roots) swill.
  • At sunset, everyone returns to the porch to swill rum punch and wait for the bats to swoop down.
  • You can knock on the back door at Tom's starting at 6: 00AM for your tequila and, as far as community approbation is concerned, have the staff serve your drink in a coffee cup and say stuff like 'Y'all sho make a mighty fine cup o' swill, Tom, how 'bout a refill. 'when you need more. Taxes
  • So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. OpEdNews - Diary: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
  • Voss wanted to remove his eyeballs and swill them in saline, see the grit sink to the bottom. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Although the good people of Munchen are renowned for their beer-swilling skills at the annual Oktoberfest, it seems they are not afraid to travel for their few pints.
  • The smell of turkey was in the air, and even Estelle, my mother-in-law, had swilled an early glass of chardonnay. Shortcut Man
  • He pored over this for a while, swilling the wine around the glass
  • When I served with the mercenaries of Corinthia, we swilled and wenched all night and fought all day -- aye, blood ran down the channels of our swords. Conan the Freebooter
  • It was glorious waste; down below the casks were swilled and scrubbed out with freshwater, and the swillings drained into the bilge whence the ship's pumps would later have to force it overboard at some cost of labour. Hornblower And The Hotspur
  • Just next door, the best people-watching vantage point is on the deck terrace of the new La Scena Bar at the Palais St phanie (hotel-palais-stephanie-cannes. com), where "le Tout-Cannes," or everybody who is anybody, swills watermelon or fresh cucumber Mojitos at sunset. Cannes's Gastronomic Glitz
  • You wenched and fought and sang and gorged and swilled and adventured, you were a hard worker when we needed work done and a better yet man to have at my back when we needed that and in your rough gruff style a pretty good husband and father whenever we settled down a while. The Boat of a Million Years
  • After days in the stinking Jakes they call a dungeon, feeding on cold swill, 'twill delight me to smash a few heads and rip out a few guts ere I fall. Conan Of The Isles
  • There is concern about members of public going into the site, particularly if there is water swilling around it.
  • Rain swilled and foamed in its open mouth as it looked at the churning black clouds and the eruptions of fractured lightning.
  • She scraped her untouched food into a black plastic rubbish sack and swilled the plate in a bowl of cold water in the sink.
  • From his first scene, he's swilling liquor and dispensing snide remarks with such regularity that he's obviously evil.
  • At yesterday's office party, after swilling several glasses of wine, I met our executive director at last.
  • When you think of Spain's Costas, chances are you conjure up images of lager louts swilling pints of beer, greasy spoon restaurants and unfinished high-rise hotels that block out the sun stretching as far as the eye can see.
  • The meat was served in restaurants with no adverse effect on humans but the contaminated leftovers were sold to local farmers as pigswill.
  • Turbo swills a couple of beers to warm up while his wife and fans gather to cheer him on.
  • So you think you're going to sit in front of the TV watching Sport and swilling beer on a Saturday after a hard week at the office, do you?
  • It's time to retrace your steps to the Temple Bar: the pubs will soon be opening, the black vials of Guinness swilling over the bar and the fiddlers beginning to fiddle…
  • Detailswill come out - likehe preferred to play the back 9 first, and that he certainly does not celebrate diversity when it comes to his women. - News :
  • Motorway service stations joined railways as a particular target of his ire for the "pigswill" routinely purveyed. Egon Ronay
  • They both then paused, an awkward moment stepping into their time as they took a small swill from their drinks.
  • I live in the UK and I swear, nothing has changed: I still see people out partying, boozing, eating in restaurants, white-wine swillings whores (most of London's workforce) still trawling the shops for their crap. Alex Jones' Prison
  • The "swill" - when men raced to get as drunk as possible after work before closing time - was finally over. | Top Stories
  • Once a week I swilled out the stable with disinfectant which kept everything really fresh
  • But within a couple of years everyone was meeting one another at Timmy's and swilling their coffee.
  • A couple of weeks later another small force were captured off Lough Swilly when their ships were surrounded by a British squadron before they even got to land.
  • Noah took a hard hilarious time getting his gin-swilling Belfast millie of a wife on board with their compliment of furry animals.
  • This proceedeth from your bibbing and swilling yesternight, which (as it seemeth) maketh you to walke about the roome in your sleepe, dreaming of wonders in the night season: it were no great sinne if you brake your neck, to teach you keepe a fairer quarter; and how commeth it to passe, that Signior Panuccio could not keepe himselfe in his owne bed? The Decameron
  • These bottles bear witness to the multitude who tried to take advantage of the distinctive flask to flog off their own less-than-distinctive swill.
  • Some can produce individual wines of the highest quality, and they rarely produce undrinkable swill.
  • So Bingham and the club's booze-swilling, sex-starved trustee Pamela (Twyford) quickly have to come up with a replacement. Theater review: 'Fox on the Fairway' at Signature Theatre
  • It's time to retrace your steps to the Temple Bar: the pubs will soon be opening, the black vials of Guinness swilling over the bar and the fiddlers beginning to fiddle…
  • I mean, why would beer-swilling, loutish men ever want to watch these events?
  • Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.
  • He listened to his own breathing as he waited, increasing its volume to express more adequately the swill and rush of his emotions. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The waiter pours a glass of cognac, lights it, swills the flaming liquid around the glass, then tips it out.
  • Little Rivers Brewing Company opened in February and has quickly gained the support of Tassie beer swillers.
  • And peelings and kitchen waste for the pigswill, same as everyone else. Presumption of Death
  • Swinging voters will see it as a sign that he has escaped from the clutches of the Chardonnay swilling elites.
  • She used real ham, not that chopped-up swill sold in the 7-Eleven, and she browned her onions because I liked them that way. Miracles, Inc.
  • Drinking anything called swill didn't appeal to Cerryl. The White Order
  • We buy meat in from all over the place and anybody can bring anything in and we feed swill to pigs, swill which is basically left overs.
  • In the past red and white dead-nettles have been cooked like spinach but they're probably don't come into the gourmet class as they've also been used in making pig-swill.
  • Drink is one of the major social problems which contributes to the perception that streets are not safe after dark, unless you happen to be part of a gang of beer-swilling teens.
  • I didn't want to have to swill vodka before 8 a.m.
  • Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges.
  • We swill with mouthwashes that are less effective as antimicrobial agents than our saliva. Times, Sunday Times
  • You had a cushy job; you spent your summers swilling wine on Martha's Vineyard.
  • I worked it over, and couldn't avoid the conclusion that Jeff spent every evening swilling bourbon on my couch because I was his only friend.
  • In the middle of the flo or was a large, old-fashioned trough with vestiges of some swill in it. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Then again, perhaps we were just a bunch of Chardonnay (Cabernet Merlot, actually) swilling elitists totally out of touch with middle Australia.
  • Shop keepers are telling me they are having to swill their doorways down in the morning.
  • But the use of catering waste as swill continued.
  • Thus begins another skirmish in Devinsky's long-standing war on the fecklessness of youth, their natural tendency to forget their medication, stay up all night working on a term paper and propel themselves into a hypernormal state by swilling vodka or cough medicine. In the Grip of the Unknown
  • Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer swill to live into will to power.
  • Too weak to work, Tim reads while a resentful Chris shovels manure and pigswill for both of them.
  • Voss wanted to remove his eyeballs and swill them in saline, see the grit sink to the bottom. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Hidden amid all this swill is actually a moderately interesting question, to wit: How does greater sexual openness in a culture affect those who, for whatever reasons, aren’t getting any? Betty Friedan Made Me Do It!
  • In groups they can poison the atmosphere of an entire pub in seconds, swilling ale, braying, tormenting the barmaid, spilling ale and lumbering against bystanders.
  • Turbo swills a couple of beers to warm up while his wife and fans gather to cheer him on.
  • Ambrosia, nectar, soma, these swill through our myths and histories.
  • The report also recommended the government continue the ban on feeding animals swill containing meat catering waste.
  • There is always someone around to pick you up. ‘If Eliza keeps swilling the plonk like that, she had better hope so.’
  • The bar was full of lairy, pint-swilling lads in football shirts.
  • The idea that it was run by port-swilling people with double-barrelled surnames had an element of truth.
  • More often, contemporaries described such youths by their street occupation or activity: newsboys, copper pickers, wood-stealers, ragpickers, swill-gatherers, bootblacks.
  • As I did when they asked me to make a sword, a sword that could make a hero out of a husbandman , a warrior of an aleswiller, a savior from a swineherd.
  • The garage floor was swilled down by father.
  • Make sure the yard is well swilled out.
  • Diesel spill: Stockton fire fighters swilled away a quantity of diesel after a small spillage in Portrack Lane, yesterday morning.
  • So when the tie slips off and the shades go on, what will you be swilling this summer?
  • Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.
  • Furthermore, central bankswill now be more intricately involved in the unwinding of the creditmess.
  • Add the tinned tomatoes and swill out the tin with some stock or water
  • She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.
  • She cares about the welfare of others and the environmental legacy we'll leave our kids, unlike the beer-swilling brain-dead, who know nothing, and care even less, about either.
  • Most are fed on heat-treated swill, which is not the norm for pig farming in Britain.
  • And it was scarcely to be supposed the poet of the Roisín Dubh had in mind the coming of a shoneen talking-house, a gombeen legislature scrounged and cadged for by whiskey-swilling fixers in the imperial Parliament across the sea. At Swim, Two Boys
  • The profitability of corn whiskey, heavy frontier drinking, the spread of saloons in cities, and the immigration of beer-drinking and whiskey-swilling foreigners all encouraged the nation's bibulous tendencies.
  • ‘This is awfully thoughtful of you,’ I said to the girl dispensing the pills as I swilled down a handful.
  • Radge beer-swilling Begbie stole the show with his golfing V-necks and glass hurling.
  • She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.
  • The situation on blindness by trachoma, childhood blindness, glaucoma, diabeteswill be discussed.
  • All the little piggies who had their snouts well dunked in the swill will be the only ones to lament the passing of these particularly odious pieces of waste. Tub O'Lard's Legacy Melts Away
  • Government yesterday also placed an immediate ban on swill (kitchen refuse) bought from ships after it was established that the disease was carried in pig feed.
  • We're here happily discussing Jim Carry never marrying Jenny McCarthy and ignoring the fact that The Number 23 looks like a rancid bag of pigswill that only idiots will go and see. Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy No Longer An Insufferable Couple
  • Don't swill the tealeaves out into the sink.
  • Leftover ham from the meals was sold for swill for British pigs.
  • You'll definitely be in better shape than a beer-swilling, channel-surfing couch potato, but you won't be very fit.
  • The hard-drinking bear, estimated to be about two years old, broke into campers' coolers and, using his claws and teeth to open the cans, swilled down the suds.
  • I understand back during Prohibition lots of men used to swill it down by the jugful. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • I think, if asked, the computerese guyswill say that nothing is ever erased from a computer's memory banks, even if the 'delete' button is hit. Deleted Whitehouse E-Mails; Another Bush Criminal; Another Reason to Impeach
  • I can't eat this pigswill! Take it away!
  • Called swill or slop, this waste is used to feed pigs and other animals by farmers who were happy to get the cheap food.
  • Swilled quickly in a tin bath, it hung over the nurse's hand like a wet sock.
  • Alas, the small, local brewery is about to be forced to make the same kind of grocery-store swill Yamaoka abhors, unless our heroes can help the owners secure a loan. From the stack: Oishinbo: Sake
  • Calamity's an uncouth, sarsaparilla-swilling, gun-slinging frontierswoman who can shoot, scuffle, and spin tall tales as well as any man alive.
  • Good Bourbon, not the bootleg swill she used to hustle at the Eagle.
  • After taking deep swills of brandy from his flask, they shook hands and were off.
  • The first of the giant tsunamis to hit the coast was then swilling over the statue.
  • This culture of relentlessly dishonest and utterly ignorant pure hate which is ubiquitous all over low-brow, rightwing radio is nothing other than Vile Poison, even though right wing apologists try to cosmeticize this swill as merely "entertainment". Talk Radio is a Cancerous Blight on the Nation; Not "Entertainment".
  • A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer.
  • He listened to his own breathing as he waited, increasing its volume to express more adequately the swill and rush of his emotions. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Father is in the kitchen, swilling down the beer as usual.
  • Secondly, your idea that such people swill wine at cocktail parties while listening to U2 and discussing Foucault is such an absurd caricature, an amalgamation of strawmen, that it makes you seem ridiculous and detracts from your critique of modernity and our culture. mim says: Matthew Yglesias » The Brie Factor
  • It helps to have lots of vodka, gin, scotch, brandy, and cognac for all to swill down.
  • You know that at best Billy will be crushed by pit life and at worst he will eventually turn into a version of his swaggering, beer-swilling elder brother.
  • I saw the Marquis, who had time erewhile to swill at Forli with less drought.
  • It's like grade-school-level writing - the kind of contextless swill my English teacher would say is all surface and no depth. Palin takes aim at Obama over energy
  • The injury caused him to pop painkillers and swill them down with hard liquor
  • He chewed the cheese and the lettuce leaf, and cursed every ploughman in England for choosing to dine upon such swill. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Surrounded by gold-framed Badsworths, young and old, Sir Morton ate his fried bacon and 'swilled' his tea, with a considerable noise in swallowing, getting gradually redder in the face as he proceeded with his meal. God's Good Man
  • The gush of brown water swilled round my bare feet on the deck
  • SIXPACK – that cheap piss you swill is starting to take a toll! Think Progress » O’Reilly Deceives Guest Into Appearing on Blog Bashing Segment
  • For 10 days, they carried on with their lives while the polluted waters of the River Ouse swilled around the ground floor of the family's three-storey Victorian home in Friar Terrace in York.
  • At the base of the waterfall all of the water swilled into a basin and then formed a river.
  • He chewed the cheese and the lettuce leaf, and cursed every ploughman in England for choosing to dine upon such swill. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Or are we supposed to approach 2020 smelling of ordure, and sinking in swill?
  • And at the better ball parks they actually serve something other than the swill from the major breweries:) Think Progress » Torii Hunter Regrets — But Doesn’t Apologize For — Calling Black Latino Baseball Players ‘Impostors’
  • You want a van with wooden seats you can swill down at the end of the night.
  • One netizen posted a cheeky spoof restaurant calendar that says "Swill Oil" at the top and names 13 of the city's biggest-name hotpot restaurants at the bottom. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • A show about beer-swilling high school boys doesn't register on the serious-theatre metre, but this show is subtly about so much more.
  • When I served with the mercenaries of Corinthia we swilled and wenched all night and fought all day The Coming of Conan The Cimmerian
  • He swills beer, smokes the odd fag or two and is perhaps ever so slightly overweight.
  • I've lived in New York City long enough to expect the unexpected and keep cool in the presence of insanity, but an Orthodox Jew cold busting his human beatbox, dressed only in his skivvies and swilling Jack Daniels, still feels to me worthy of the term "spectacle. Patrick Egan: Family Feud: Teeth of the Sons
  • As Ken points out, for the sake of a few quid, they will lose much custom from beer-swilling jazzers and folkies.
  • Water swilled around in the bottom of the boat.
  • Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.
  • A motley crew for the most part, with the reputation of being beer-swilling, womanising chauvinists.
  • Pour half a cup of whatever undrinkable swill you've got left plus half a cup of water into a zip-lock bag.
  • There's a real paucity of suggestions for the beer-swilling boxer wearers in your life, unless those men also harbor secret fascinations with Christian Lacroix chairs and mink jackets.

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