How To Use Swig In A Sentence
Reply: skatole perhaps another ingredient! by nelswight (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 13 comments) on Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 at 5: 28: 04 PM
Terror Gas in NY?
Passed the bottle, Burnell also took an immense swig and suddenly began to snivel.
He lit a cigarette and took a swig of the alcohol and grinned at me, a grin that was rapidly becoming a leer.
Taking another swig of his beer, his eyes came to rest on a stumbling figure walking away from the warmth of the large fire.
She swigs her drinks and is off to blag her way into an exclusive club on the other side of town.

Good Gascon whites are essential summer swiggers as their vibrant, citrussy, herby fruit goes well with or without food.
Swigging something from plastic cups, they grew red-faced and raucous, hiccupping and screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
In this diary, the heroine is more likely to spend her days loading cartloads of hay and selling cattle rather than counting calories and swigging Chardonnay.
In other words, when the men get tired of the women spending long hours agonising over jewellery, they can just step next door for a swig.
Methane gas - more dangerous than any terrorist by Aimee on Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 at 5: 40: 00 AM skatole by nelswight on Tuesday, Jan 9, 2007 at 5: 28: 04 PM
Terror Gas in NY?
In yet another he is seen swigging from a bottle.
Times, Sunday Times
I swear she swigged the stuff from a flask in her purse.
It's always best to drink bubbly from a glass rather than swigging it directly from the bottle.
Soon the guard took his water canteen out of his belt, took a swig, and dropped to the floor, never to wake again.
It's easy to stereotype all adolescents as alcopop-swigging, hoodie-wearing, dope-smoking delinquents.
Holstein is German, but the northern part of Schleswig, north of Fiensburg, is inhabited by Danes who are longing to join Denmark and who number about 200,000.
The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
With spring swigging in mind, Somerfield is introducing a juicy new range of Antipodean Riesling, dry muscat, Sauvignon Blanc and Verdelho wines.
So tuck into this one's sweet, scented, easy-swigging, curranty fruit.
Times, Sunday Times
Residents of Sheffield57, perhaps the most ill-starred condo conversion in recent history, are "euphoric" that developer Kent Swig and his junior partners on Thursday formally lost control of the project they began four years ago.
Sheffield Residents Plan to Party as Fortress Takes Over the Sheffield from Swig
She also has a film on her lip after swigging milk.
The Sun
Good Gascon whites are essential summer swiggers as their vibrant, citrusy, herby fruit goes well with or without food.
The talks were also attended by Vice-Chancellor Guido Westerwelle of the FDP and Wolfgang Kubicki, leader of the FDP in Schleswig - Holstein, which is also ruled by a CDU-FDP coalition.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
When Liz came back with a tray the old lady seized her cup and took a long swig of hot tea.
One or two were swigging from a whisky bottle.
The Sun
A bit of the swig, swig, slugging back old granddads cough medicine are we?
The result is a clear, gluggable, star-bright jug of wine - and the contents of the glass can be swigged too, once the sediment has settled.
The night of, Renee takes a few generous swigs from the bottle and just when things are heating up on the couch, she starts coughing and hacking as her throat starts to close up.
Desperate Housewives Episode Recap: "Witch's Lament"
Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him.
The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
Instead of Herculean swigs of liquor, Nick uses his dwindling funds on cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon, trying to keep enough of a buzz going to deaden the pain of his predicament until he eventually falls asleep.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Everything Must Go -- Will Ferrell Gets Serious
Aye, what we call brass-monkey weather," said Dalziel, taking a swig from his flask.
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
And that means fans of the Shrimpers' Stout and Quayside beer have less than a month to swig their final mouthfuls of the favourite tipples.
Throughout the show, he finds constant excuses to swig Special Brew and bottles of scotch, even using spirits miniatures as puppets in a retelling of Goldilocks.
Most of us swallow our pills with a glass of juice or a swig of water.
Aromatic off-dry whites make fine summer swiggers, equally good as aperitifs and spicy food wines, and this mouthwatering, musky, aniseed-spiked Aussie muscat is one of the best.
Switching from summer to autumn swigging is usually a trial ... but not this year.
Times, Sunday Times
He took the canister from the campesino's hands, wiped the neck with his sleeve and swigged from it.
The sweetness gets too much after more than a couple of swigs, and after a while it starts to produce a build-up of gas which eventually squirts right up your nose.
My brother Bruce and I were standing on the rear patio of my father's house, swigging beers as my dad was readying steaks for the grill.
Maybe this will deter people from swigging from them all the time.
The Sun
At one point he began swigging from a water bottle.
Times, Sunday Times
I take a small swig.
The Sun
The last we saw of him he was pictured swigging beer on a yacht in Marbella.
Next, lower the scringe into the MO-DOR scringe-gripper aperture using the swigel-headed flonge to secure it onto the varnicle nodes, which conduct 20-zilihurtz magnifiers to the varnicles.
'Twas the Day After Christmas
Jo swigged hard on her drink and gazed at him, almost stupefied by those characteristics which rendered him familiar.
Three were hit: Schleswig-Holstein, Pommern, and Schlesien; Posen, in turn, struck Princess Royal with an 11-inch shell.
Castles of Steel
I dutifully swigged successive glasses of the Albariño with my codfish confit one night, and again with a thrombotic dish of grilled skate and veal sweetbreads the next.
It seems to confirm what we always suspected - that Austrian wine, like Strauss operettas, is frivolous and irresponsible and only for swigging by the jugful.
Evvy now and den dey passed de corn liquor 'round, and dat holped 'em to wuk faster, and evvy Nigger dat found a red ear got a extra swig of liquor.
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 2
He laughed, before swigging the contents down.
I took a swig of paga from his bota and he one from mine.
Cinnamon Roll
His two female companions, Zombie and Eeyore, swig from a bottle of pricey Tejava tea and pass a smoke while lying on a blanket surrounded by a fortress of backpacks, bedrolls and scrawled signs asking for money.
San Franciscans Try to Take Back Their Streets
He took a deep swig from the bottle.
I pulled the bottle out from under the cushion and took a swig of the liquor in it.
They remain silent until their drinks arrive and they take a couple bracing swigs.
The team, swigging from champagne bottles and drinking Australian lager, waved from open-topped coaches to thousands lining the two-mile route through the West End from Marble Arch led by an escort of police horses.
That instinctive religious action captured the paradox of our unpredictable friendship, born in battle in four public debates -- stretching from 2004 until 2010 -- on G-d, faith, evolution, and religion, but solidified over food at kosher restaurants, kosher wines, and, of course, healthy swigs of whiskey.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Christopher Hitchens and the Fall of a Worthy Adversary
He took a deep swig from the bottle.
I scuttle over to where she is sitting and take a swig from the beer can she's been clutching.
Poor Devil
‘Humans are mindless,’ Mya grunted, drinking half of the bottle in three swigs.
Marcia, swigging some metho, thanked Dan for the performance.
He took a last swig of bearshine, then stood up and headed for the tent.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Lured by its 'classy'-but-torrid R&B vocals and designer-label flaunting, champagne swigging, no-trainers-allowed ethos of living large, much of Jungle's black audience has defected to this most recent dancefloor mutation.
The Wire
Passed the bottle, Burnell also took an immense swig and suddenly began to snivel.
Take a swig of orange juice and note how sweet it tastes.
Times, Sunday Times
Brown tapped veteran social maven Charlotte Mailliard Swig to her former post as protocol chief.
She swigs a third and realizes she is too wasted to think about her thudding head.
I take a small swig.
The Sun
Then stir in a lug of olive oil and a swig of vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times
She takes a swig from her wheatgrass drink.
Times, Sunday Times
Manx takes a klondike swig and keenly feels the effect, oh yes, as the Irish aerates a number of crucial passages in his head and chest.
He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask.
He wipes the drool, takes a swig of beer and takes a quick run through the Internet to keep from falling asleep.
In the silent movie The Snowman by Wallace McCutcheon, a chain-smoking snowman is swigging whiskey and appears in the rest of the film sloshed, inspiring a flogging by the townspeople.
Boing Boing
I get a litre, crack open the plastic bottle and take a swig.
Times, Sunday Times
He swigged the dregs of his coffee, wiped the back of his hand across his moustache and typed in the headline.
Not a tired old coulis swiggle or powdery spatter among the lot.
Here we uncover what you are really drinking when you swig some pop.
The Sun
And he took a true sportsman's swig of his raki, which almost pulverized his gullet.
Slasher finishes swabbing down his work surface, and has another swig of beer.
Then stir in a lug of olive oil and a swig of vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times
I laughed, watching them take a bite of their muffins and then drinking a swig of pop at almost the same time.
My acquaintance never ran out of metheglin, which was mixed when he harvested his honey, and he never failed to offer me a swig or two.
“Can I get a bottle of Perrier?” he begs, and the CIA officers lead him to a bubbler in the lobby for a swig of water that appears to revive him.
With Torture Banned, US Tries High School Awards Night
I gulped down the last of the coffee in two quick swigs.
Brush of Darkness
When the friend arrives, he is handed the second Coke and starts swigging it with no clue where it had been.
Don't swig beer the way you drink water.
The old man took a swig from the flask and smiled.
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I scowled into the night, took a swig of my beer and dumped the rest over the side of the deck.
And he took a true sportsman's swig of his raki, which almost pulverized his gullet.
People gathered outside Munich, a large lawn, singing, dancing, watching horse racing, and swig of beer.
One or two were swigging from a whisky bottle.
The Sun
He let loose the loudest hiccup I'd ever heard and took another swig of something or other from his canteen.
But she rejected the notion as he leaned back against the cushions and took a quick swig of his brandy.
Dressed in regulation New York black, the opening crowd is much too busy swigging its wine and talking to its friends to listen or watch.
One lad kneels over an old synthesiser frequently swigging from a bottle of white cider.
We ate dried peaches, swigged iodized alpine water, and stared up at the pyramid-shaped northwest buttress of Cloud Peak.
I travelled in reading a report for the first of two meetings today, swigging copious amounts of fizzy mineral water and nursing a large hangover.
She took a swig of wine and lit a cigarette.
Don't swig beer the way you drink water.
They look at the data, sift the evidence, swig the snake oil and go public with what they think will happen.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, I want to swig lush, long, refreshing mixed drinks that make me feel I am lolling about on a beach fanned by a cool sea breeze.
Forgot to taste the mixture before swigging it.
Times, Sunday Times
These measures did no good but surely did less harm than venesection or a swig of mercury.
Malarial mosquitoes helped defeat British in battle that ended Revolutionary War
He rolled his eyes as he swallowed and swigged the dregs of his espresso.
I lay on the rooftop eating a sandwich hungrily and washing it down with a swig of whiskey.
It seems to confirm what we always suspected - that Austrian wine, like Strauss operettas, is frivolous and irresponsible and only for swigging by the jugful.
The forthright, hip-gyrating dance for the array of disco-dancing and drink-swigging Brits is set tightly on the polonaise Tchaikovsky called a "dance with goblets," albeit, in the original, wine-filled ones toasting that libretto's prince.
Fair Feathered Friends
As for Germany, the nation lost contiguous territories: Northern Schleswig to Denmark, Eupen and Malmédy to Belgium, Alsace-Lorraine to France, and the Polish Corridor and other lands to the newly recreated Poland.
According to the unnamed paper, The demonstration took a bizarre turn when twenty-four young people wearing ill-fitting suits and ties lined up on Sixth Avenue, swigging vinegar, syrup of ipecac, and food coloring, and vomited red, white, and green.
Malcolm on the mall (Jack Bog's Blog)
At the end of a hard day, a rescue worker picked up a near-empty gin bottle and swigged the remainder.
Evvy red ear of corn meant an extra swig of liquor for de Nigger what found it.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 3
Laward was able to gain the viceregency of Schleswig in fief from the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
Sylvia, who'd bought a bottle of wine, carried the dog under one arm while she swigged vino with her other.
She glanced again at the PDC, the fluorescent green screen highlighting her face as she gulped down another swig of the amber glass bottle.
He took a sip of water and tossed a few tablets into his mouth before taking another swig from the bottle.
A chemist who swigged vodka at work was let off with a reprimand after she cleaned up her act.
We sit swigging the wine with which we are liberally provided, then we disperse.
He sat swigging beer and smoking.
After ambling over to the refrigerator for a swig of soda straight from the bottle, he noted that the chairs in the lobby could use some new upholstering.
Stage Presence to Depend On
And I ended my days at a special camp serving the Hanseatic towns and Schleswig-Holstein.
And behind any club at night you will find gangs of sophisticated and gorgeous thirty-somethings swigging guiltily from an illicit flask of vodka.
One or two were swigging from a whisky bottle.
The Sun
Paul drank almost six litres of water without counting swigs taken from bottles offered along the roadside.
At 250 calories a swig, it was the perfect drink for ski troopers in off the mountains.
Spring into spring with this fragrant, grapey, musky muscat with lots of delicious, lively hot-house fruit on the palate and an intriguing smoky finish that was born for warm weather aperitif swigging and spicy oriental fare.
Forget about grabbing a tallboy and swigging it from a brown paper bag in downtown Doha, Qatar's capital and host of the 2022 World Cup; no booze in public.
Alan Black: Budweiser at 106 Degrees Fahreinheit: USA Loses World Cup Bid
To their minds, when once they were dead and gotten to Valhalla, or the place of their Gods, there would be no other pleasure but to swig, tipple, drink, and boose till the coming of that last darkness and Twilight, wherein they, with their deities, should do battle against the enemies of all mankind; which day they rather desired than dreaded.
Letters to Dead Authors
I get a litre, crack open the plastic bottle and take a swig.
Times, Sunday Times
The room where she wrote, in between bouts of melancholia and swigs of laudanum, remains above the old entrance to the stables.
We swigged cheap champagne from a shared bottle and fought running snowball battles with the neighbourhood kids.
He was later seen swigging from his hip flask.
Times, Sunday Times
We all went to swim before lunch, rather necessary after swigging Martinis.
Marie pulled the cigarette out of her mouth and took a swig of her drink, until only half of it remained.
Brian took a swig of his beer.
Taking a big swig from her emergency bottle of glucose drink, she kicked the door down, and entered the studio.
He worked primarily in Pomerania, in the II Army Corps (based in Stettin), and Schleswig-Holstein, in the IX Army Corps (with headquarters in Altona).
Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
I swigged down two white wines.
You ask, what if I had slipped from those Marseilles roofs, and been dashed to pieces on the cruel cobbles, or torn asunder by those ensanguined terrorists?" cries he,, swigging champagne and waving a pudgy finger.
What I REALLY did was take three Nurofen and swig a mouthful of cordial.
I swigged a strangely headless pint of stout, got to know my rather personable and engaging coursemates a little better, and generally had a grand time.
His partner took a long swig, either ignoring his friend or too drunk to care.
They look at the data, sift the evidence, swig the snake oil and go public with what they think will happen.
Times, Sunday Times
Their plan was to change into rough shoes after supper and walk on the shingle between the sea and the lagoon known as the fleet, and if they had not finished the wine, they would take that along, and swig from the bottle like gentlemen of the road. next »
Excerpt: On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
And, whether he meant me to do so or not, I like him when in "Un Dîner d'Athées" he makes one of them "swig off" (_lamper_) a bumper of Picardan, the one wine in all my experience which I should consider fit _only_ for an atheist. [
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
Those questions always seem to crop up just as you are about to take a swig from a boiling cup of tea or squirting ketchup and other hazardous operations …
From the pocket of his khaki jacket, he picked a small liquor bottle and took a swig.
He took a swig of wine, set the wineskin aside and made to slide down under the cloak to sleep, but Kieran caught his arm.
We ate dried peaches, swigged iodized alpine water, and stared up at the pyramid-shaped northwest buttress of Cloud Peak.
He offered it to her and when she took a swig the hard liquor burned down her throat.
Fielding took a large swig from the mug in true sailorly fashion.
The hunter picked up his rifle a swig of whiskey, and started to look for her.
The comedian waited were he was, swigging from his hip flask.
She swallowed them with a swig of water, and asked if she could go to bed.
Normally, she didn't drink rum straight, but popping the top, she swigged half the contents of the bottle in one go.
At closing time, the young men from the Leopard would come, taking swigs of vinegar for bets when they thought she wasnt looking.
Excerpt: Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni
Paul drank almost six litres of water without counting swigs taken from bottles offered along the roadside.
Leaning against the side of the wall, he took a swig of his drink.
Take a swig of orange juice and note how sweet it tastes.
Times, Sunday Times
But there was something stranger still: I'd just bidden farewell to Sardul's escort and my jampan, and was being conducted on foot by a yellow-clad officer of the Palace Guard, when I noticed an extraordinary figure lounging in an embrasure above the gate, swigging from an enormous tankard and barking orders at a party of Guardsmen drilling with the light guns on the wall.
Flashman and the Mountain of Light
This gambols from HIV clinic to perilous jungle and from child soldiers to sex tourists, while the kids just keep on smiling, tackling all manner of horrors with extrovert am-dram stylings and metaphorical swigs of Sunny Delight.
Africa United – review
Band members had to photograph one another swigging the bright orange drink.
He was frequently seen in cafés, heavily guarded, swigging down copitas of the brandy to which he was so partial.
Teenagers sit swigging beer at roadblocks, ready to kill anyone who doesn't have the right papers.
Soon they're swigging beer, blowing joints, ripping off drug-dealers and trying to sell a gun they jacked from a local gang.
OK people I think you all have been taking too many swigs from the Shocklines Sauce.
And then there’s this… – Brian Keene
His Australian colleagues can sit in their armchairs swiggering on a "tube" of Fosters with total immunity smiling that he has taken the rap for the decisions they were responsible in making.
I pulled a beer out of the brown bag I was carrying and took a few swigs to settle my nerves.
This week it's the turn of the easy-swigging under-6 and under-8 selections.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him.
The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
He filled a goblet for himself and Percival, taking a long swig.
Turning around, I twisted the top off my water bottle and took a quick swig from it as I walked into my room and sat down at the foot of the bed, which sunk down under my weight.
Some of the Bruins took swigs straight from the $100,000 bottle—Backwash of the Gods.
When Celebration Bubbles Over
Passed the bottle, Burnell also took an immense swig and suddenly began to snivel.
If a married woman fancies a swig of something naughty but nice, all she has to do is slip out of her apron and meet a pal down the pub, or uncork a bottle of Chardonnay while watching tv.
She had to be in control, even if it meant artificially reining in her wild emotions by swigging a few drinks.
Rick: Wow. The cheese melts in your mouth, and when you take a 2)swig of champagne, the bubbles play with the 3) creaminess of the cheese.
Brown tapped veteran social maven Charlotte Mailliard Swig to her former post as protocol chief.
The man smiled softly in self satisfaction as he took another swig of ale.
He declined with a smile and unslung his own canteen of water from over his shoulder and took a long swig from it.
It is a humble beverage that unites the generations, a common bond that links today's thirsty men and women with those from centuries ago swigged down in tankards and flagons after a hard day in the fields.
I dissolved some aspirin, swigged it, and then sat back to enjoy the first of several hot rum toddies, sipping gratefully, huddled by the big radiator in the kitchen.
One or two were swigging from a whisky bottle.
The Sun
Parents, most of whom have so far been very indulgent about the cola-swigging habit of their offspring, have been forced to sit up and take note.
And finally, it was in immense relief that the hilariously drunken Lensman, his money gone to the last millo, went roistering up the street with a two-quart bottle in each hand; swigging now from one, then from the other; inviting bibulously the while any and all chance comers to join him in one last, fond drink.
Gray Lensman
She regretted not taking a swig of orange juice with the banana, not remembering to drink that half glass of instant tea.
Pooja Shah's Manni goes biliously to the dogs as she swigs from the vodka bottle with naked desperation.
Time to pull myself together, swig a good deep draught of Andrew's Liver Salts, and get cracking.
Wesley coughed and swallowed a long swig of his ale while Pearl tried to explain her complicated situation.
Painted five years earlier, the nine children of Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Leopold of Schleswig-Holstein each shared the dark eyes and cleft chin of their father.
I swigged the dregs of my coke, crunching what remained of the ice cubes.
Soon the guard took his water canteen out of his belt, took a swig, and dropped to the floor, never to wake again.
Finally, he walked back to his desk, opened another drawer, and popping several of the tablets into his mouth, swallowed them with a swig from a silver flask.
Dr. V’s New Patient « A Fly in Amber
He took a long swig, put the glass down and wiped his mis-shaven upper lip contentedly.
It reminded me of nothing quite so much as one of those slightly deranged, wide-eyed tramps whom you might see standing in the middle of the pavement, reading aloud from a torn-up newspaper after he's gulped down a few too many swigs of meths.
Earl looked down at the smoky glass tumbler braced in the palm of his hand and swigged down the last sip of whiskey.
Merlot continues to be a much-loved, easy-swigging summer red.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet the demand for the rich, full-bodied, lemony, appley or peachy charms of this easy-going, easy-swigging grape continues.
Then he reached for an open bottle of red wine, took a swig from the neck.
I lifted the plastic cup to my lips again, and took a swig.
Organic wines are not as prevalent in supermarkets as they should be, so this ripe, spicy, plummy red, with its gentle pepper-and-creosote rhône fruit makes a welcome new addition to summer swigging.