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How To Use Swiftness In A Sentence

  • Thank you all very much," she said -- and was gone, with a kind of elephantine swiftness. Captain Jim
  • Should he go slowly or with decisive swiftness?
  • The image has the swiftness of haiku, with its undetermined but focused looking.
  • However, towards that fly a fishing-boat was already darting with the swiftness of a water beetle, and causing its two oars to show quiveringly red and grey, while from the marshier of the two banks there began hastily to put out a second boat which leapt in the steamer’s wash with the gaiety of a young calf. Through Russia
  • Here are the swiftness of the rapid race, and the march of slow-paced majesty, exhibited by the same poet in the same sequence of syllables, except that the exact prosodist will find the line of swiftness by one time longer than that of tardiness. Lives of the English Poets: Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope
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  • Time had eroded all things: the circus tents, the faces of young performers, the swiftness of reactions and the size of audiences.
  • To him who knows not the burden of process -- the attributes that are to claim attention with every epocha of the performance -- all attempt at swiftness will be mere pretence. The Mind of the Artist Thoughts and Sayings of Painters and Sculptors on Their Art
  • The smell of the haar, and the swiftness of its arrival, had unnerved him. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • 11 Arabia, in the opinion of the naturalist, is the genuine and original country of the horse; the climate most propitious, not indeed to the size, but to the spirit and swiftness, of that generous animal. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • They pulled on their packs, put on their boots, pulled up their hoods, and paid the innkeeper with silent swiftness.
  • The bat is flying with swiftness.
  • Then the gag swung to the side with an abrupt swiftness, the great sail boomed like a cannon, and the three rows of reef-points slatted against the canvas like a volley of rifles. Chapter 6
  • [9] Mr. Spencer weakly argues that an advantageous attribute (such as swiftness, keen sight, courage, sagacity, strength, &c.) cannot be increased by natural selection unless it is "of greater importance, for the time being, than most of the other attributes"; and that natural selection cannot develop any one superiority when animals are equally preserved by "other superiorities. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • My bird, only passingly beloved, flew away downwind with a dismaying swiftness that was magnificent enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • They mechanically weave into intricate patterns, twirling their 10-pound rifles with the swiftness of a baton.
  • The replies came with surprising swiftness.
  • The borderman advanced with a step that covered glade and glen, forest and field, with astonishing swiftness. The Last Trail
  • I seized her roughly, but, with lightning swiftness, she plucked the dagger from my belt, and would have pinned me to the wall had I not unhanded her. Saronia A Romance of Ancient Ephesus
  • With unprecedented swiftness, government lawyers cut through the paperwork.
  • Round the room, over the furniture, under the furniture, through the furniture, out of one window, along the balcony, in at another window, again round the room — so they glided with the swiftness of swallows and the noiselessness of ghosts. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Here are the swiftness of the rapid race, and the march of slow-paced majesty, exhibited by the same poet in the same sequence of syllables, except that the exact prosodist will find the line of _swiftness_ by one time longer than that of _tardiness_. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • Then, falling into place one behind the other, a string of a dozen airships dropped with unhurrying swiftness down the air in pursuit of the American fleet. The War in the Air
  • However, towards that fly a fishing-boat was already darting with the swiftness of a water beetle, and causing its two oars to show quiveringly red and grey, while from the marshier of the two banks there began hastily to put out a second boat which leapt in the steamer's wash with the gaiety of a young calf. Through Russia
  • The Inkatha Freedom (IFP) Party on Friday welcomed prison officials 'swiftness in apprehending Annanias Mathe's father, for allegedly trying to smuggle "muti" to his son. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The deerhound is a dog of marvellous swiftness, and, like an arrow from the bow, Fleetfoot shot across the open space and gained the wood. A Boy's Ride
  • : ­ Fleshly Recede: ­ Go back, withdraw ced, cess to yield, to go Antecedent: ­ That which goes before process, go farward Celerity: ­ Swiftness Decelerate: ­ Reduce celer swift Swiftness Accelerate: ­ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The name may be connected withgandharvva, “a horse,” associated with swiftness, which is also implied by her wings. Chausath Yogini Temple - Inventory of Goddesses and Gods | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • She snipped three roses with astonishing swiftness, -- _snip, snip, snip_! If Winter Comes
  • The _means_ of the hare in the fable for the race (that is, her swiftness) _secured_ her; the defects of the tortoise (her slowness) proved her Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Martlets do not have any strong meaning in heraldry, but some have commented that the bird, which is similar to the swift, connoted speed or swiftness.
  • She made her escape with a swiftness born of fear.
  • One end of the loom is fastened to a strong pole lying horizontally, against which the weaver presses her feet, and the other end is held fast by a band round her back; thus her work is kept stretched, and I have stood hours watching her lift the threads, and form – with, to me, deft and bewildering swiftness, as well as surpassing patience – the favourite Tenimber pattern which borders all the garments they make. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • The shark attacked with a suddenness and swiftness that took them all by surprise.
  • The ships were known for their incredible swiftness and maneuverability.
  • He had moved with incredible swiftness, which is often the way of heavy men under stress of feeling. The Forfeit
  • 2 The Athenians are addicted to innovation, and their designs are characterized by swiftness alike in conception and execution; you have a genius for keeping what you have got, accompanied by a total want of invention, and when forced to act you never go far enough. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • The story proper is dispatched, with deadpan swiftness, in the summary that precedes the study: a boy, Stephen, was hit by a slow-moving car; his knee was injured, infection set in, and he was hospitalized with a quite severe condition called osteomyelitis. New York Review: The Collected Stories Of Lydia Davis
  • Again, and with a swiftness an inappreciable fraction of time quicker than Ponta's, he ducked forward. Chapter 5
  • Sir Tristram, for the stranger knight was he, felt so full of strength and joy after his long leisure, that he played with Sir Palomides, and men wondered at the might of his blows, and his swiftness was a marvel to see. King Arthur's Knights The Tales Re-told for Boys & Girls
  • And other be in Ethiopia, and each of them have only one foot so great and so large, that they beshadow themselves with the foot when they lie gaping on the ground in strong heat of the sun; and yet they be so swift, that they be likened to hounds in swiftness of running, and therefore among the Greeks they be called Cynopodes. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • She made her escape with a swiftness born of fear.
  • Thus, with a swiftness approaching the speed of light itself, the luminiferous ether entered the graveyard of discredited scientific ideas.
  • There was not a great deal of sea on; indeed, there was hardly more than what the fishermen call a "northerly lipper;" but the tide was running with extraordinary swiftness. The Romance of the Coast
  • the swiftness of divine retribution
  • The university responded with astonishing swiftness.
  • It gave a sharp kling-klang like a suddenly struck cymbal -- and lo! ... the marble floor yawned asunder, and the banquet-table with all its costly fruits and flowers vanished underground with the swiftness of lightning! Ardath
  • It has been appropriately called the saurian whale, for it has both the swiftness and the rapid movements of this monster of our own day. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Perhaps more than anything else it was the swiftness of the company's demise that stunned so many onlookers.
  • I often have the most beautiful notions scampering through my head with the grace, but alas! the swiftness too, of kittens, especially just before I get asleep; but they're all lost for the want of a trap; an intellectual figgery four. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 Volume 23, Number 2
  • This Triumph, was drawne by sixe lasciuious Centaures, which came of the fallen seede of the sausy and presumpteous _Ixion_: with a furniture of gold vpon them, and a long their strong sides, like horses, excellently framed and illaqueated in manner of a flagon chayne, whereby they drewe the Tryumph; such as _Ericthonius_ neuer inuented, for swiftnesse. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • I would have seized him; but he eluded me, and quitted the house with precipitation: in a few moments I saw him in his boat, which shot across the waters with an arrowy swiftness and was soon lost amidst the waves. Chapter 3
  • But the young man was prepared, and turning he ran with the swiftness of a hare toward the nearest tree, a huge, arboraceous fern towering upon the verge of the little clearing. The Eternal Savage
  • Editor's note: WRT "swiftness": NASA posted it at Jan 26, 2009 02: 34: 18 PM Jeff Hanley's Latest Update From the Denial Zone - NASA Watch
  • The team's decision came with relative swiftness.
  • Fair warning was indeed given them, by Isaiah and other prophets of the Lord, of this desolation; but they slighted that notice, and would give no credit to it, and therefore justly is it so ordered that they should have no other notice of it, but that partly through their own security, and partly through the swiftness and subtlety of the enemy, when it came it should be a perfect surprise to them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • With remarkable swiftness, he has already reviewed the launch.
  • He stood up with surprising swiftness for his age.
  • They have a beauty all their own, a seductive, sexy, sinuous swiftness that puts everything else in the sea to shame.
  • The plan relies on swiftness and efficiency, reflecting Rumsfeld's deep opposition to long-term peacekeeping, which he believes has created a permanent dependency in places like Bosnia, Kosovo and East Timor. Bombs, Then Building
  • Swiftness and clarity aside, one distinguishing feature was the limited use of string vibrato, now common practice but here especially effective in the seventh's allegretto, the not very slow "slow" movement. Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra/Chailly; Castor and Pollux– review
  • He spoke with great swiftness, the words tumbling over one another, not with eagerness, but rather with a kind of supercilious carelessness. The Cathedral
  • The tail is not conducive to swiftness of pace, being ill adapted by its stumpiness to act as a rudder to direct the body. On Hunting
  • If he now goes back on that promise, that would be as dishonourable a traducing of his promise as that of Mr. Brown, perhaps the more so given the swiftness with which he has resiled from it. Cameron's 27 Day Promise
  • However, after a little, the raft glided into open air and I saw before me a wide valley, whereinto the river fell with a noise like the rolling of thunder and a swiftness as the rushing of the wind. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He moved with surprising swiftness for a man of his age.
  • Clift which is also perpendicular; between this abrupt extremity of the ledge of rocks and the perpendicular bluff the whole body of water passes with incredible swiftness. immediately at the cascade the river is about 300 yds. wide; about ninty or a hundred yards of this next the Lard. bluff is a smoth even sheet of water falling over a precipice of at least eighty feet, the remaining part of about 200 yards on my right formes the grandest sight I ever beheld, the hight of the fall is the same of the other but the irregular and somewhat projecting rocks below receives the water in it's passage down and brakes it into a perfect white foam which assumes The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • It is only 1146 miles in length, and is marked, as the native name indicates, by the 'swiftness' of its flow. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • The bat is flying with swiftness.
  • But the genius of Clive reversed the situation with dramatic swiftness; the French authorities at home, alarmed at these dangerous adventures, repudiated and recalled Dupleix (1754), and the British power was left to apply the methods which he had invented. The Expansion of Europe
  • Released from his pressure, the table flew up upon two legs with remarkable swiftness, and then turned over upon Mr. DIBBLE.and Mr.E. DROOD; bringing the two latter and their chairs to the floor under a shower of plates and crackers, and resting invertedly upon their prostrate forms, like some species of four-pillared monumental temple without a roof. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870
  • I would have seized him; but he eluded me, and quitted the house with precipitation: in a few moments I saw him in his boat, which shot across the waters with an arrowy swiftness, and was soon lost amidst the waves. Chapter 20

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