How To Use Sweetness In A Sentence

  • Instead, I'd gambled all my sweetness only to find out I was disposable.
  • As we dip thin slices of raw geoduck into seasoned soy, the clean, fresh sweetness of the clam seems to affirm these thoughts.
  • The honey seems extraordinarily expensive, but then sweetness was a prerogative of the rich until the eighteenth century.
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • A beer in which neither the sweetness of the malt nor the bitterness of the hops predominates.
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  • This is a full - bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness.
  • The lemon granita is slushy with large crystals—chunks you'll need to break up with a spoon—and a sweetness that, as it approaches too much, becomes pleasantly tart. In Search Of The Perfect Gelato
  • In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
  • In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
  • It doesn't help that she looks like a complete pushover, her heart-shaped face, blue eyes and perfect Cupid's-bow mouth radiating sweetness and light.
  • American defender of theirs says just the same of their industrialism and free-trade; indeed, this gentleman, taking the bull by the horns, proposes that we should for the [78] future call industrialism culture, and the industrialists the men of culture, and then of course there can be no longer any misapprehension about their true character; and besides the pleasure of being wealthy and comfortable, they will have authentic recognition as vessels of sweetness and light. Culture and Anarchy
  • Myrrh - adding a hint of bittersweetness, which is very important in a gardenia. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The policewoman was an inch or two shorter than I, but broader, stronger, with a tough-looking body that belied the pleasant sweetness of her round face. Say No to Murder
  • It opens up nicely in less than an hour and has the kind of jammy sweetness associated with Syrah - but not so much that it's cloying. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • The sweetness of her manners made everyone like her.
  • The beat lilts rather than swings, and there's a sweetness about the melodies that can become cloying if you listen too much.
  • The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures. Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life.
  • The original of all the cabbage tribe is the wild plant sea-colewort, which is to be found wasting whatever sweetness it may have on the desert air, on many of the cliffs of the south coast of England. The Book of Household Management
  • And both mouths, while generously proportioned, carried the impression of girlish sweetness and chastity along with the muscles that could draw the lips to the firmness and harshness that would not give the lie to the square, uncleft chins beneath. CHAPTER IX
  • There was a benignancy, a sweetness of demeanor, which attracted them to him, and while his name may not be sounded in the trump of fame, yet the subtile power of his gentleness and goodness has permeated many lives, will shape many destinies, and will have a force in the history of the world greater than that which will be exerted by many who will succeed him here. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William H. F. Lee (A Representative from Virginia) Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Fifty-Second Congress, First Session
  • She wore a ring engraved with the words 'Sa douçeur m'enchant' (Your sweetness enchants me). Frances Burney (1752-1840)
  • _ Ha! ha! nay there she abused you, 'tis plain; for you know what Manly said: the sweetness of your pulvillio she might mean; but for your breath! ha! ha! ha! History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • The meat ends up juicy and luscious, the gravy rich with a hint of sweetness and the carrots have bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soft as a blush when one is complimented, a pink hue with the warm sweetness of jasmine in a bottle that too is a blush colour yet is more romantic in tone, luminous in feel.
  • It offers a mild sweetness and can be blended with more intense artificial sweeteners such as sucralose.
  • MASON: Well, I think that this kind of congeniality and ease and sweetness and softness. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2005
  • There is an omnipresent vulnerability and sweetness about your portraits that belies the transgressive nature of what's presented.
  • Honest-to-goodness maraschino liqueur, by contrast, is subtle and elusive, and a sly way to add just a hint of sweetness to an otherwise unsugared drink. Hemingway's Daiquiri
  • Slightly drier was the kirschwasser from Oregon's Clear Creek Distillery, and though the sweetness of the cherries doesn't quite come through, the fruit is front and center. Do They Taste of Trumpets?
  • The sweetness of the dressing goes perfectly with the duck and contrasts well with the refreshing crunchy salad. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • Steam them for mash (butter, salt, maybe some fried onions on top) or add them to the vegetable basics of a stew (carrot, swede, celery and onion) and let their sweetness flavour the broth.
  • And since she answered my silly questions with patience and saccharine sweetness, she is in my good books.
  • Finstone with a creel on her back, had given him all his hands could hold of the sea-weed called dulse, presumably not from its sweetness, although it is good eating. Sir Gibbie
  • It gave a low, thrilling sound; and Toki began to sing, and his voice had in song a sweetness it never had in speech.
  • He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and tranquility becomes free from fear and free from sin.
  • Bite into one and you'll find the sparkling white flesh and taste its hint of sweetness with a touch of heat.
  • The chestnuts give a sweetness and soft, crumbly texture, providing a delicious contrast to the soft rice and slippery mushrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Natural sweetness, luscious texture and deep succulent flavor are the hallmarks of slowly roasted meats.
  • On top of the buttery caramel notes there is a hint of orange blossom to cut the sweetness. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you use less sugar, add spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg or flavorings such as vanilla extract or almond flavoring to enhance the sweetness of the food.
  • He wrote heartfelt petrarchan sonnets extolling his employers, and in 1551 wrote awestruck from the reconquered Pisa, while painting the ducal children: "I am continually with these most saintly sovereigns, and I rejoice in the blessed sweetness of so good and benign a prince. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • Smaller and more delicate than regular strawberries, the fraises have an intense strawberry perfume and sweetness.
  • Legato is not necessarily a physical connection but an aural effect, a sweetness of sound, determined by the character of touch.
  • My gleesome, gentle Harriet! with all the sweetness and affection of shepherd love. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 399, Supplementary Number
  • It was thickly covered with milk chocolate, which increased the sickly sweetness of the ice-cream to a nauseous intensity.
  • Sweetness and plight Slavery on sugar plantations is a thing of the past.
  • Jill dripped her words with syrup and the sweetness in her tone made the guard nauseous.
  • They were all sweetness and light when they were on top, but now that their little dynasty is threatened, they have become barroom brawlers. Moore: Clinton is trying to scare voters
  • When you use less sugar, add spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg to enhance the sweetness of the food.
  • There's a sweetness too, a hint of toasted marshmallow.
  • The auditorium was filled with barks, meows, quacks, clucks, hisses and croaks as more then 50 animals were judged on their sweetness, uniqueness, tricks, costumes, behaviour and appearance.
  • I love the sweetness of dried fruit in savory meat dishes, and capers are an olive-phobe's friend, since they provide a similar briny touch in a much smaller package. Capers Are An Olive-Phobe's Friend: Veracruzan Picadillo de Pollo... and a Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
  • His duck's sweetness is amplified by roasted rhubarb; snapper's nuttiness is made prominent by a ginger-soy nage.
  • If you wanted soft-centred sweetness, you are far more likely to find it in a mighty-muscled man driving a Hummer.
  • The thick curtain of the green vine that drapes the piazza is hung over its whole surface with the long drooping clusters of its starry flowers that lose all their sweetness upon the air, and show from the garden beneath like an immense airy veil of delicate white lace in the moonlight, -- a wonderful white glory. An Island Garden
  • Fruit pudding with cream, but the sweetness is held in check. Times, Sunday Times
  • And calycanthus buds, see how you've got to hold 'em in your hands and warm 'em before they'll give out their sweetness, jest like children that you've got to love and pet, before they'll let you git acquainted with 'em. Aunt Jane of Kentucky
  • Black rice echoes the look of the berries while contributing a nutty back taste, not forgetting roast tomato halves to add a caramel sweetness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were the inhabitants of Olduvai Gorge, or for that matter, the Neanderthals, all sweetness and light -- charitable to their neighbors and respectful of their environment? The Real End of the World
  • Especially endearing were the sweetness and portamenti of the strings in the Act I doll lullaby and Act II Arabian Dance. NYT > Home Page
  • The wines of the Sauternes appellation, at their best, are golden to orange marmalade in colour and possess a fabulous complex sweetness, without oiliness, sugary fatness or unctuousness.
  • It interferes with the ability to taste sweetness, which helps us lose the desire for sweet food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve it well chilled to knock back the sweetness further. Times, Sunday Times
  • A complex, petrolly German Riesling is ideal, combining racy acidity with enough sweetness to cope with the fruit.
  • The sunburnt grass breathed a harvest breath of dry sweetness and content.
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • Look out for: a creamy consistency with unbroken pieces of rice, plus a balance of sweetness and nutmeg spice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just the right amount of crispiness on the outside and softness inside, contrasting with the sharpness of the lemon and sweetness of the sugar.
  • Yet is there no competent Judge that findeth them wanting in those Ancient ones, and that doth not much more admire that smoothly equall neatnesse, continued sweetnesse, and flourishing comelinesse of Catullus his Epigrams, than all the sharpe quips and witty girds wherewith Martiall doth whet and embellish the conclusions of his. Of Bookes.
  • It had the sort of sweetness and paste-like mouth-feel of processed pate, and totally lacked the gamey depth of flavour that one expects from pheasant.
  • The fresh barley (a standard two-row malting variety) adds a nice underpinning of sweetness, but the malt is a supporting player in this beer; the hops are the headliners. Beer: Farm-to-glass drinking
  • Its sweetness is an ideal foil to brawny meats such as oxtail, boar, venison and beef. NPR Topics: News
  • I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness; but there are moments when, if any one performs an act of kindness towards him, or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled. Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus
  • He saw a face which even the dust of the streets could not so begrime as to hide its sweetness or its tenderness, as, with deep solicitude, she bent over her cousin. The Earth Trembled
  • It offers the drinker not an overpowering smack of peat, but a delicious honeyed, floral sweetness.
  • I thought this would be saccharine, but the sweetness dries down into a smooth base of cedar and tonka bean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add an apple or two for natural sweetness to any of the recipes listed below. Times, Sunday Times
  • They look beeyootiful, and the nibs are a great addition to cut the sweetness! Christmas Baking III: Korova Cookies with Cocoa Nib
  • With the beaming patriarch, the tolerant kuia, the benign figures from the afterlife (including a stereotypical errant male) and the quota of cute talking animals (though only the reader gets to hear them), the story is at times overrun with syrupy sweetness and light.
  • But its tracing of the band's origins from glue-sniffing toughs from Queens to kings of punk resonated with a sincerity and sweetness that won over critics and the audience.
  • But he thought also of the beauty of Maria, of the sweetness of her smile, and of the tears of voiceless gratitude which he had seen bedimming the lustre of her bright eyes. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • We found this just a little cloying in its sweetness, not sufficiently clean, although pleasant enough. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • His death is converted into perdurability of life, whereof it is said in the preface that, from whence that the death grew, from thence the life resourded, and the stench is turned into sweetness, Canticorum I. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Gardeners will find in it such flavorful varieties as the Brandywine tomato, with its balance of sweetness and acidity.
  • The fruity stuffing is a doddle to make and helps add flavour and sweetness to the gravy. The Sun
  • She thanked me with ingenuous sweetness for coming home with her.
  • What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. John Steinbeck 
  • Wee are in the wrong, to thinke her incommodities serve her as a provocation and seasoning to her sweetness, as in nature one contrarie is vivified by another contrarie: and to say, when we come to vertue, that like successes and difficulties overwhelme it, and yeeld it austere and inaccessible. That to Philosophise Is to Learne How to Die.
  • This is a style of wheat beer that I especially enjoy, with its teasing counterpoint of tartness and chocolate-malt sweetness.
  • Together they conspired, and from the air and earth they sweated all sweetness till in a mist of their own love the leaves of the chaparral and the manzanita were dewed with the honey dew. CHAPTER XXXI
  • Marcus, for all his sweetness and good qualities, seems rather like a dead fish next to Lee.
  • Its sap has been found equal to that of sugar maple in sweetness, flavor, and quality.
  • The beat lilts rather than swings, and there's a sweetness about the melodies that can become cloying if you listen too much.
  • Longer, gentler cooking brings out a low, earthy sweetness in chard, collards, or kale, an uncanny flavor that plays well with other things grown close to the ground.
  • Even during his well-documented years of excess, the saccharine sweetness of James Taylor's voice served him well.
  • MASON: Well, I think this kind of congeniality and ease and sweetness and softness, most people get involved in the competitive nature in this kind of business and there is a turbulent intensity in most people. CNN Transcript Jan 23, 2005
  • How many of us would welcome a dose of concupiscence, when the grinding realities of sickness and need have drained the body of all its sap and sweetness, just as a reminder of being sentient!
  • They are available in varying degrees of sweetness, but it is the sec and demi-sec that truly inspire on hot, sweaty days.
  • Though we think of the essence of honey as sweetness, the English word arises from its color. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Christian should reluctantly give up, one by one, the pleasures of the world; and look back upon them, when relinquished, with eyes of wistfulness and regret: because he knows not the sweetness of the delights with which true Christianity repays those trifling sacrifices, and is greatly unacquainted with the _nature_ of that pleasantness which is to be found in the ways of Religion. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity.
  • It is adding the artificial sweetener sucralose, which is commercially known as Splenda, and a proprietary additive that enhances sweetness. Hawaiian Punch Makes Over Drink, Mascot
  • In the end, they both pursue - and win over - beautiful blonds who fall in love with their inner sweetness.
  • The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.
  • Not sharp and vivid like that of her father, but dim and nebulous was the picture she shaped of her mother — a saint's head in an aureole of sweetness and goodness and meekness, and withal, shot through with a hint of reposeful determination, of will, stubborn and unobtrusive, that in life had expressed itself mainly in resignation. Jack London's Story - Moon Face: Planchette pg 3 of 3
  • The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bosquet of climbing heliotrope close by threw a fragrance into the evening air, which turned her giddy with its overpowering sweetness. The Elusive Pimpernel
  • Taking the caramel to a dark golden brown is important; it will reduce the sweetness and give a more pronounced flavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Floral tributes perfume the cool morning air and the atmosphere is drunk with sweetness.
  • It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister.
  • Beginners sometimes describe dry wines as sweet because they confuse fruitiness with sweetness.
  • He who turned the water into wine, who is the destroyer of the bitter taste, who is sweetness and altogether desire.
  • Some sweets are equipped with surprising visual and flavour effects: gobstoppers change colour when sucked, sherbet fizzes in the mouth, and bubble gum is as much about bubbles as sweetness.
  • The sweetness gets too much after more than a couple of swigs, and after a while it starts to produce a build-up of gas which eventually squirts right up your nose.
  • The silky, milky broth has a butteriness to it that complements the sweetness of long simmered vegetables and goes perfectly with the rich dark meat chicken chunks. Lunch’er Grace Reports: The Ultimate Midtown Soup List | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • The meat ends up juicy and luscious, the gravy rich with a hint of sweetness and the carrots have bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.
  • They come in all degrees of alcoholic strength, sweetness, and fizziness and are popularly flavoured with such fruits as strawberry, peach, mango, and so on.
  • The combined feelings of exile and age were converted into peaceful images of how the fig tree has a fruitful old age ‘greater than any leafy youth, carrying its load of hope’ and displays its ancient sweetness.
  • The sweetness I'm talking about is not some prosaic remuneration in the form of self-betterment. Kerry Saretsky: Franglais: Maple Brown Sugar Crème Brûlée (RECIPE)
  • Look out for: a creamy consistency with unbroken pieces of rice, plus a balance of sweetness and nutmeg spice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, the set is far too solid, but I do like the slight tanginess which helps to balance the rich sweetness of the cream. How to cook perfect panna cotta
  • You get an initial sweetness, which gives way to a bold, beefy flavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of its intense sweetness, the R, R stereoisomer in particular should be economically competitive compared to other high intensity sweeteners. FoodAndDrinkEurope RSS
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • But she smiled with a kind of confectionary sweetness on him; and, dropping an additional lump of sugar into his tea at the same moment, placed it for him beside herself; while he went and shook hands with his father, and then glancing shyly up at David Elginbrod
  • Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope that soon his month on dry land would be up, and he would return to the rigs, his gear packed in the kitbag, his peacoat buttoned to the collar. Three for the christmas
  • The heat of the peppers is tempered by the peanuts, the sweetness of the honey balanced by the soy sauce and the citrusy tang of the ginger complemented by the garlic.
  • In the light of the tragic event, he could understand everything -- her quietness, that calm certitude as if all vexing questions of living had been smoothed out and were gone, and that certain ethereal sweetness about all that she had said and done that had been almost maternal. Chapter XII
  • An example of weight and character without cloying sweetness. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • He recalled the intoxicating sweetness of her eyes, her fair hair, the delicate silken tissue of the skin, beneath which it almost seemed to him that he could see the blood coursing; the tones of her voice still exerted a spell over him; he had forgotten nothing; his walk perhaps heated his imagination by sending a glow of warmth through his veins. Father Goriot
  • This is a full - bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness.
  • She bore a striking resemblance to him and had inherited his handsome features a thousandfold, albeit her eyes were different, being large, brown, and wide apart; from them beamed a sweetness, a benignancy, and tenderness that, to the impressionable Farrel, bespoke mental as well as physical beauty. The Pride of Palomar
  • Marks Playhouse, in the East Village, and specialized in mawkish narratives whose sweetness was intended to soften, if not disguise, the ideology at the company's core.
  • Teian, there was a Lacedaemonian, a Cean, and countless others; there was even a woman, a Lesbian, who wrote with such grace and such passion that the sweetness of her song makes us forgive the impropriety of her words; among our own poets there were Aedituus, Porcius, and Catulus, with countless others. The Defense
  • It adds some sweetness while complementing the tanginess of the plums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain products such as yogurt, milkshakes and ice cream may rely on aspartame for sweetness.
  • The sharpness of the lemons contrasts with the sweetness of the honey.
  • Natural Light was "flavorless"; Michelob Ultra was simply "bland"; Coors Light was "blah" though it did have the slightest hint of sweetness, as if an ounce of (bad) ginger ale had been diluted with pint of club soda. No Bottoms Up: Light Beer Sales Are Sagging
  • What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. John Steinbeck 
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • It is not all happy-clappy sweetness and light, though. The Sun
  • Marcella explains why: The tart corrective of the capers is just what the carrots need to add a little zip to their otherwise passive sweetness. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Charlotte is creamy with a hint of sweetness that is good in salads, while Edzell Blue is very floury in texture with a deep flavour.
  • Uncle Michael was prone to a certain degree of sweetness, at least with me, and could be coaxed into compliance.
  • In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
  • Together they conspired, and from the air and earth they sweated all sweetness till in a mist of their own love the leaves of the chaparral and the manzanita were dewed with the honey-dew. CHAPTER X
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • The very sweetness of the words sounded like an insult, with no sincerity behind them. PROSPECT HILL
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • We had several dishes and referring to some of my notes from the evening - the pomelo and shrimp salad contrasted the sweetness of the fruit with the sharpness of the chilli beautifully.
  • A plate of pork belly arrived atop a smooth, creamy pile of mash, with an apple sauce that sensibly dialled down the sweetness and a gravy that spoke volubly of wine, herbs and deglazed roasting pans. Lancaster's 10 best budget restaurants, pubs and cafes
  • Madeline chided herself for her vulgar thoughts; while the woman had a beauty and sensuality that could match or surpass any demirep in England, the perfect face glowed with the unstudied sweetness and innocence of a Madonna. Dearly Beloved
  • Serve it well chilled to knock back the sweetness further. Times, Sunday Times
  • Italy; notwithstanding that two hundred years before the Romans became so powerful that the said Tuscans lost the Dominion of that country which today is called Lombardy: which province had been seized by the Gauls, who, moved either by necessity or the sweetness of the fruits, and especially of the wine, came into Discourses
  • ‘What an appetite you have,’ my sister said with acidity lurking beneath her fake sweetness.
  • It's mimsy-mumsy sweetness without any kind of bite. Actress Patricia Neal dies; Teen Choice Awards loves its vampires; Court documents filed in Fantasia Barrino sex scandal
  • It's cloying to my ears, all this sweetness, all this oh-what-a-wonderful-couple-we-are.
  • No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
  • Mr. Finch is the most sedate young man I have ever seen; -- but his sedateness is temper'd with a _sweetness_ inexpressible; -- a certain mildness in the features; -- _a mildness_ which, in the countenance of that great commander I saw at Brandon Lodge, appears like _mercy_ sent out from the heart to discover the dwelling of _true courage_. Barford Abbey
  • He charmed people with his sweetness, humour and loyalty.
  • He swallowed, the sweetness of the pancakes cloying and thick on his tongue.
  • The sweetness of the beetroot is very good with the fresh zing of the ripe tomatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tumultuous come with teeming sweetness to the bitter shore tidelong unrinsed and midday parched and numb with expectation. Experience, Figuration, the Avant-Garde, My Grouse : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The first couple of sips reveal a malty taste with a decent amount of the sweetness from the nose returning. Kevin Burns
  • The sweetness of mango chutney goes particularly well with this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salmon pink and beautifully delicate, this fizz has subtle, fruity aromas and strawberry ice-lolly flavours without the sweetness.
  • The soul sickens at the monotonous sweetness of such a wersh existence.
  • Birds are numerous, from the “scrub fowl” which dwells in the dim jungle and constructs of decaying leaves and wood and light loam the most trustworthy of incubators, and wastes no valuable time in the dead-and-alive duty of sitting, to the tiny sun-bird of yellow and purple, which flits all day among scarlet hibiscus blooms, sips nectar from the flame-tree, and rifles the dull red studs of the umbrella tree of their sweetness. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • They evoke romantic images of humming orchard hives and summer sweetness, presided over by veiled eccentrics steeped in arcane lore.
  • Dressed in gauzy white tunics, they move with a girlish sweetness that identifies them as the nymphs from Nijinsky's L'Après-Midi d'un Faune. Russell Maliphant Company
  • Admire our strategy when we feign indifference to what you call the pleasures of love, pretending even to be far removed from its sweetness, we augment the grandeur of the sacrifice we make for you, by it, we even inspire the gratitude of the authors of the very benefits we receive from them, you are satisfied with the good you do us. Ninon de L'Enclos the Celebrated Beauty of the 17th Century
  • In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
  • The gentle songs lack appropriate melodic sweetness and lyrical sentimentality.
  • A pleasing label and brand that combines flavour, sweetness and acidity perfectly.
  • Summer and autumn raspberries are trellised between rhubarb, which is forced in terracotta pots to promote sweetness.
  • That smile was full of warmth and sweetness and I'll never forget such as a smile in my whole lifetime.
  • When I asked her why, she expressed a certain bittersweetness in learning about this all these years later. Bruce Kluger: Has America Lost That Loving Feeling?
  • Now, it was midsummer: the tubbed oleanders, everywhere set out, were masses of intolerable red sweetness. Two Tales of Old Strasbourg
  • His tendresse for her has a fierce and unexpected sweetness.
  • A familiar aura of sweetness and loss reminiscent of Salinger is palpable from the first pages of the book, when we meet Jane's older brother Henry, who, by introducing his "mature" girlfriend to the family has indelibly altered the paradigm of familial relationships with which young Jane is accustomed. The Girl's Guide To Hunting & Fishing by Melissa Bank: Questions
  • Fruit pudding with cream, but the sweetness is held in check. Times, Sunday Times
  • The apples and carrots provide sweetness, and most of the content is fruit, rather than sugar and suet. Asthma and Eczema - special diet cookbook
  • Fruit pudding with cream, but the sweetness is held in check. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is susceptible to noble rot or Botrytis (the fungus that attacks certain ripe grapes and dehydrates them so that they give wines of immense richness and sweetness).
  • Each time it came, with its soft beauty, its languor of sweetness -- like a word reclining -- it flayed her soul alive, and showed her red, raw bareness. The Woman with the Fan
  • Now, Mr. Dotolo tried crusting the sweetbreads with unsweetened coconut and decorated the plate with the same tamarind and raita, adding chunks of pickled watermelon rind (for crunch), mango sauce (for sweetness) and elderflowers and nasturtiums (for color). L.A.'s Masterminds of 'Dude Food'
  • As a verbal melodist, especially a melodist of sweetness and of stately grace, and as a harmonist of prolonged and complex cadences, he is unsurpassable. A History of English Literature
  • Visitors walk along corridors above it as if hoisted by sheer sweetness and light. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tomatoes give a clean freshness while carrots and butternut squash add sweetness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her jealous shame at being disprized and notoriously neglected had given her wanness and bitterness, instead of warmth and sweetness. We Can't Have Everything
  • Well, said he, that were all one to me, to want both legs and arms, provided you and I had but one merry bout together at the brangle-buttock game; for herewithin is — in showing her his long codpiece — Master John Thursday, who will play you such an antic that you shall feel the sweetness thereof even to the very marrow of your bones. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Finally, a lot of Americans are returning to the joys of eating fresh produce in season, having tired of the plasticene blandness of hothouse tomatoes and giant strawberries that look gorgeous and smell divine, but have all the sweetness and flavor of styrofoam. Tigers & Strawberries » Community Supported Agriculture
  • The latter likewise with his rime striketh a certaine Musicke to the ear: and in fine, since it dooth delight, though by an other way, it obtaineth the same purpose, there being in either sweetnesse, and wanting in neither, majestie. Defence of Poesie
  • The cherries lend a sweet tartness, the chestnuts give a nuttiness in both texture and flavor, and the radicchio pops with a fresh, bitter tang that helps cut through the sweetness of the cherries and gaminess of the duck. Karine Bakhoum: Duck, Duck, NO Goose
  • Visitors walk along corridors above it as if hoisted by sheer sweetness and light. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vegas has a sweetness I adore and I loved him for his choice of book (The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists) and his luxury (a kiln; he has a degree in ceramics). Rewind radio: The Brown Years; Desert Island Discs; Craig Brown's Lost Diaries
  • Thespian chorus, was in the Dorian states already devoted to sublime themes, and enriched by elaborate art; and Simonides, whose elegies, peculiar for their sweetness, might have inspired the "ambrosial Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • Beautiful to the world is its prosperity, which is like a kind of ingratiating sweetness, false and seductive. - Photown News
  • The fruity stuffing is a doddle to make and helps add flavour and sweetness to the gravy. The Sun

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