How To Use Sweeten In A Sentence

  • But he railed against subsidies for ethanol producers and other provisions of the bill that he called unneeded, unnecessary, unwanted sweeteners ' ' to win votes for the package. Tax-Cut Bill Draws Wide Support in Senate
  • According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
  • How many pounds of pulvil must the fellow use in sweetening himself from the smell of hops and tobacco?
  • Once the juice has cooled, remove the flavourings and sweeten to taste.
  • The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison 
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  • Sweetened only by honey, the soft texture is created by the addition of fresh buttermilk.
  • The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison 
  • The product is sweetened with organic crystallized cane sugar and contains no unnatural stabilizers or preservatives.
  • You will also love the honey mousse, and the tasty kissel made with sweetened cranberries.
  • You can sweeten it by adding sugar or honey. The Sun
  • He could only regard her existential pain as a cup of instant coffee to be sweetened with saccharin.
  • Elsewhere, the Abbey National is offering a #50 cashback sweetener to encourage borrowers to stick with them, ‘because life's complicated enough’.
  • Chew sugarless gum, suck on sugarless candy, and drink plenty of unsweetened fluids.
  • Seasoned with French sea salt, cold-pressed Swedish rapeseed oil and ground macadamia nuts, the cheese had a creaminess that seemed to sweeten its otherwise savory quality. Young Stars of Swedish Cuisine
  • Venison was seldom served without this accompaniment, but furmety, sweetened with sugar, was a favorite dish of itself, the ‘clean broth’ being omitted when a lord was to be the partaker.
  • A considerable sweetener that may be welcome by those who have pumped money into Rotherham but perhaps not by the paying punters who will feel cheated.
  • Just 66 additives are permitted in organic food production, and they must come from natural sources and exclude sweeteners and colourings.
  • a natural sweetener
  • But a spate of scientific studies has raised doubts about artificial sweeteners.
  • Should the offer be sweetened, they make more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Food sweetener could be 'fuelling' childhood diabetes, study finds Clipmarks | Live Clips
  • I was about to bake them with just a little sugar, when I saw a little box of salted butter caramels on the counter, a souvenir from Brittany, and thought I would use a few to sweeten the fruit instead.
  • JUST two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show. The Sun
  • Avoid sugar, instead use fresh and dried fruit to sweeten food. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Add potential toxicity and an evil accelerated aging process called glycation to the list of potential bad things that artificial sweeteners do. Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy
  • The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.
  • I frosted her birthday cake with a plain buttercream that I added coconut extract to, then covered the whole thing in unsweetened shredded coconut. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks.
  • “Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks. Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
  • Stew the apples in a little water till they become a pulp, placing with them half a dozen cloves and half a dozen strips of the yellow part only of the outside of the rind of a _fresh_ lemon of the size and thickness of the thumb-nail; sweeten with brown sugar, that known as Porto Rico being the most economical. Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery A Manual of Cheap and Wholesome Diet
  • But read the labels on some of these foods and you may find artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose on the ingredient lists, conveniently omitted from the front label.
  • DRINKS containing artificial sweetener may be just as bad for your heart as those with sugar, studies suggest. The Sun
  • Stonyfield Farm's recently introduced Light Yogurt Smoothie is fatfree and naturally sweetened with less sugar and calories than traditional smoothies.
  • Check the seasoning and sweeten with honey, to taste. The Sun
  • Sprinkle a little artificial sweetener on the fruit if desired.
  • It blends the milk, the cream, and the sweeteners into the batch tank through the pasteurization and homogenization processes, then sends the mix to the production floor to be flavored and packaged as ice cream.
  • The results are extremely concerning, but few commercial beverages are sweetened only with fructose; most are sweetened with sucrose, which is half glucose and half fructose. Tim Harlan, M.D.: Sugary Drinks And Your Risk Of Disease
  • Unsweetened iced tea, fried catfish, hold the french fries and corn bread.
  • It offers a mild sweetness and can be blended with more intense artificial sweeteners such as sucralose.
  • Keep in mind, too, that most commercial soy milks, especially the fortified ones, contain added salt and sweeteners (cane juice, usually) and are thickened with carrageenan (extracted from seaweed).
  • Even treats like pain au chocolate and brioche au sucre are not sweetened, despite their respective additions of chocolate and sugar. What is vienoisserie? | Baking Bites
  • He sweetened the pill by increasing wages, although by slightly less than he raised prices.
  • There are also more mundane suggestions like using cheap shampoo instead of expensive cleansers to remove dirt from shower doors or using unsweetened lemonade Kool-Aid to remove lime and soap scum buildup from your dishwasher.
  • Previous studies have determined that between 60 and 95 percent of the sucralose-based artificial sweetener stay unabsorbed in the gut.
  • For example, you can satisfy a sugar craving with a tea sweetened by licorice root.
  • Don't bet against a sweetened offer at the 11th hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I drink water with a "smidge" of lemon juice and a bit of sweetener, usually stevia or splenda. Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
  • One day it would be noodles with garlic-butter sauce and a glass of pomegranate juice, the next it would be roasted grouse, bread, and a mug of sweetened milk.
  • Since commercial cranberry juice is loaded with sugar, use unsweetened concentrate or cranberry capsules from the natural food store.
  • How can stevia ever fairly compete with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, when the latter two are allowed to be called sweeteners?
  • Some coffees - particularly the frozen or sweetened iced drinks - can pack a powerful caloric punch.
  • Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest. 
  • It was a red wine, flavoured with ginger, cinnamon and grains of paradise (a peppery spice from tropical west Africa) and sweetened either with honey or (if you could afford it) with sugar.
  • Manufacturers sweeten the come-on with customer cash rebates and super-low financing.
  • He said that the only safe sweeteners are saccharin and stevia.
  • In Concan the sweetened decoction of the plant with a little cumin seed is given for dyspepsia with pyrosis. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • A popular dessert is grated banana cooked in sweetened coconut milk.
  • From the tender age of twelve, my mother had been unable to start her day without the aid of at least two cups of immoderately strong, tar-black, unsweetened coffee, a taste for which she had picked up from the tugboat captains and zooty bachelors who filled the boardinghouse where she had grown up. Middlesex
  • To find unsweetened dried coconut, sometimes called macaroon coconut, try a health-food store, where it's often sold among the bulk goods. Starbulletin Headlines
  • He played with the melancholy which the phrase diffused, he felt it stealing over him, but like a caress which only deepened and sweetened his sense of his own happiness. Swann's Way
  • The applesauce is the kind I always buy - and I'm glad they sent me the unsweetened kind too since I find any sweetened applesauce TOO sweet (not to mention leftovers are great in baking!). Archive 2009-02-01
  • It will keep for up to a week in the fridge and can be used to sweeten any drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can sweeten it by adding sugar or honey. The Sun
  • It also advises on the use of low-calorie sweeteners to replace sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers discovered that rats fed on yoghurt sweetened with saccharine ate more calories, gained more weight and put on more body fat than rats that were given yoghurt sweetened with glucose.
  • Besides the usual bitters, vermouths and liqueurs, bartenders usually had a choice of sweeteners: simple syrup, grenadine which, if it's the real thing, is pomegranate syrup and raspberry syrup. Cocktails That Complete Me: The Knickerbocker and Blinker
  • I'd have soup for dinner or breakfast but I usually have cornflakes in the morning with the unsweetened soya milk.
  • These are tasty sweeteners, but the dissidents at Steel Partners offer something potentially more tempting -- more rigor and discipline at a rather lackluster wigmaker. Steel Partners' Latest Japan Tangle
  • Take a toothbrush to work for a quick after-lunch cleanup, or chew sugarless gum between meals; some brands contain the artificial sweetener xylitol, which inhibits bacteria growth.
  • Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer.
  • Instead of refined sugars, sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, fruit juices and purees and powdered fruit sweeteners will do the job nicely.
  • Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame are both attributed to weight gain. WalesOnline - Home
  • Add the remaining mini marshmallows and dust with sweetened cocoa powder and icing sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people are allergic to food additives, color additives, sulfites, and the low-calorie sweetener aspartame.
  • Get your "sweetened dried fruit" deemed to be "held out for sale as snacking and home baking" and your product will bear a tax and have to compete on grocers 'shelves with zero-rated "sweetened dried fruit held out for sale as confectionary/snacking. Small Bras and the Value-Added Tax
  • In the United States, four artificial sweeteners are approved for use: saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame-K.
  • A recent study said two sweetened drinks a day can damage the heart. The Sun
  • The group is offering a generous sweetener to investors as it puts the finishing touches to the listing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most specialise in such Caribbean favourites as chicken jerky, spicy meat patties and sweetened fried banana.
  • Doth his company sweeten all things; and his absence imbitter all things? The Riches of Bunyan
  • A recent study said two sweetened drinks a day can damage the heart. The Sun
  • I have reservations about the other sweeteners, such as acesulfame-K, sucralose, and the cyclamates.
  • This has led many to reformulate products, aiming to match the taste of the original but using sweeteners instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cheese-flavoured biscuits have their origins in medieval cheese tarts and pastries; but the totally plain, unsweetened biscuit for eating with cheese did not come into use until the 18th century.
  • I was a little dismayed to see that my homemade muelsi (oatmeal, wheat flakes, dried cranberries, dried pears), at $3.85 a pound, is slightly more expensive than the least expensive ("unsweetened") bulk muesli (baby cut oatmeal, wheat flakes, dates, walnuts) at the Rainbow, which is only $3.77 a pound. Eating Organic on a Food Stamp Budget :: May 2007 :: Rebecca Blood
  • Despite an early attempt to ban the substance in 1911 - skeptical scientists argued it was an "adulterant" that changed the makeup of food - saccharin grew in popularity, and was used to sweeten foods during sugar rationings in World Wars I and II. Top Stories
  • The messengers were collected in a pallid group in the basement, discussing the affair in whispers and endeavouring to restore their nerve with about sixpenn'orth of the beverage known as 'unsweetened'. Psmith in the City
  • Also, water and natural, unsweetened fruit juices help calm stressed-out nerves.
  • Don't bet against a sweetened offer at the 11th hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sweeteners such as sugar, in order to caramelize the carnitas? Carnitas Knowledge??
  • Choose three to five selections and pair your cheeseboard with organic fresh fruit, unsweetened and sulphur dioxide-free dried fruit, and fiber-rich nuts. Clean Plates: 10 Tips For Throwing A Healthier Holiday Party
  • Let the honest heart shew itself, and reason teach passion to submit to necessity; or, let the dignified pursuit of virtue and knowledge raise the mind above those emotions which rather imbitter than sweeten the cup of life, when they are not restrained within due bounds. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • When tannins mellow with age, they sweeten up, helping wine to step up to the next level of complexity.
  • Grapes planted on a south- or west-facing slope pick up extra heat that helps sweeten fruit.
  • Cinnamon Apple Beignets: basically anything fried is good, but when filled with apples and lain in a perfectly sweetened vanilla sauce, it can be called something better than just "good," maybe even supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ... just maybe. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Sweetened ricotta base with apple and cherry pie filling, cookie dough and more sweet stuff.
  • In echoing Debbies previous comment on making dulce de lache without courting danger and death from a boiled unopened can by baking the sweetened condensed milk in a foil covered pie pan set in a bain-marie, let me just say I make a fab dulce de lache by setting the oven to 400 degrees and not doing a darn thing for an hour, then take it out and stir. Dulce de leche cheesecake squares | smitten kitchen
  • Reduce intake or avoid sweetened drinks such as soft drinks, cordials and sports drinks.
  • The Times's John Diamond, who died last year, sweetened his personal account of carcinoma of the tongue with gentle humour.
  • Cargill is lobbying regulators for an amendment to the European Sweeteners Directive so that manufacturers using erythritol as a sweetener would not have to put laxative warnings on packs.
  • Small glass mugs of steaming hot, sugarless coffee with a strong and pleasant aroma, turned out to be just as popular among the golfers, as the tall glasses brimming over with frothy ice cold, sweetened coffee.
  • Do artificial sweeteners make you fat? Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Palatinit, the approval of isomaltulose as a non-cariogenic sweetener could lead to new opportunities for product development and specific dental health claims, such as "does not promote tooth decay" or "may reduce the risk of dental caries". FDA Approves New Sugar Substitute
  • Other ingredients in an ice cream mix are sweeteners, stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  • I personally believe that drinking the water from a young nut is a much healthier choice than drinking some of those diet sodas that are loaded with artificial sweeteners.
  • Through the ages, most bands have added strings to sweeten their sappy songs, but Gordon does the opposite by pumping rock to turbo-charge his strings.
  • One of this drink's chief ingredients is the artificial sweetener aspartame.
  • The ideal moreish dessert is a sticky pavlova with too much whipped cream and sweetened with several spoons of caster sugar.
  • Another sugar replacement option is inulin and oligofructose fibers, used as bulking agents in conjunction with high intensity sweeteners.
  • Dipping an unsweetened madeleine into my coffee, I begin dictating my column, due later that hour, on the recent encyclical reaffirming the doctrine of isostasy (I approve). All Things Rich and Amiable: Another Day in the Life of Junior W. Buckeye
  • A number of artificial sweeteners, including saccharin, have been around for a long time.
  • Children should be encouraged to eat fewer high fat snacks such as crisps and biscuits and to avoid consuming a large proportion of total energy from sweetened drinks.
  • The only non-sugar sweetener at present licensed for use in most countries is saccharin, a synthetic substance made from coal tar.
  • You put all of the above in a frying pan until it looks and smells yummy and then you start adding the following ingredients: a bit of milk, some curcuma or turmeric (also known as koenjit), some ginger, some sugar or other sweetener (ginger syrop works nicely!) and some garlic and salt if you want. Colourful pasta
  • Fluids such as unsweetened juices and weak tea or food-based fluids such as gruel, soup or rice water are all effective in combating dehydration. Chapter 6
  • An ex-editor of Food Technology in NZ, with a recent degree in human nutrition, she was not keen on artificial sweeteners like saccharin and aspartame and wanted a natural product.
  • Of course, diet drinks still contain artificial sweeteners that you may want to avoid, along with additives such as preservatives and colours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olives, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, rice, unsweetened fruits and gluten-free products are allowed.
  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, such as unsweetened fruit juice, cool water or ginger ale that's lost its carbonation.
  • Now before the farmers start pelting me with corn awareness pamphlets, let me say that there's probably nothing wrong with corn syrup sweeteners per se.
  • Bringing the composer's tartly individual music to life (a bit like unsweetened lemon juice), they prove, too, an indispensable supplement to this sympathetic and thorough composer portrait.
  • Add the sweeten and maintain to move until gently phytologist almonds - elaborate not to pain! UH Watch
  • I wonder why the kid sweetens these days.
  • The mixture is greenish white in color and when sweetened to taste is relished by nearly every one.
  • Did we, a five-a-day, high-fibre, low-salt, middle-class family, need a carob bean lo-cal sweetener? Times, Sunday Times
  • JUST two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show. The Sun
  • artificial sweeteners
  • It was more of a soup than a pudding, with soft grains of rice resting beneath a slightly cardamom-ized sweetened milk, topped with chopped pistachio nuts.
  • Strain, sweeten with honey and enjoy the drink. The Sun
  • Made with no artificial sweeteners (like saccharin), No Sodium Laurel Sulfate and No Propylene Glycol this toothpaste is safe, basic, effective and cheap what else do you want? 18 posts from March 2007
  • It is adding the artificial sweetener sucralose, which is commercially known as Splenda, and a proprietary additive that enhances sweetness. Hawaiian Punch Makes Over Drink, Mascot
  • Her voice sweetened to her child even when she was angry.
  • I was about to bake them with just a little sugar, when I saw a little box of salted butter caramels on the counter, a souvenir from Brittany, and thought I would use a few to sweeten the fruit instead.
  • Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
  • In a 1-gallon stock pot, boil the cushaw in lightly sweetened water until tender but not mushy.
  • The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey.
  • I love the rattle/teether idea, because there's nothing I want to give my baby more than a cheap chew toy slathered in larded, over-sweetened frosting! Don't Toy With Me, Man
  • It added that its American corn sweeteners and industrial starch had also done well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, Scotland on Sunday can also reveal that the Beatson, which treats 8,000 new patients a year, has been trying to lure new doctors by offering £16,000 sweeteners.
  • A number of factories are situated on the very bank of the river, close enough to scoop or suck raw materials directly from the holds of ships, and are at work producing some of the less celebrated ingredients behind the smooth functioning of our utilitarian civilisation: the polyols added to toothpaste to help it retain its moisture, the citric acid used to stabilise laundry detergent, the isoglucose to sweeten cereal, the glyceryl tristearate to make soap and the xanthan gum to ensure the viscosity of gravy. ‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’
  • Still made in the same time-honored tradition, these gift cookies are thin, crisp cookies, laden with crunchy benne seeds and sweetened with a blend of maple and brown sugar for a true one-of-a-kind taste.
  • This smelled like divorce, but a couple of hundred dollars would go a long way toward sweetening my outlook on life.
  • Simple sugars, like those found in sweetened juices, sodas and fruit cups cause a spike in blood sugar.
  • He dried them and added some wild field honey to sweeten them enough to get them down. Christianity Today
  • As with fat-free products and artificial sweeteners, people will probably compensate for olestra by eating more calories elsewhere in their diets.
  • Hence, doctors have to pay special attention to prescribe sugar-free solutions (containing such non-cariogenic sweeteners as xylitol, saccharin, and sorbitol) whenever possible.
  • Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
  • Woman who drank diet soda pop that was artificially sweetened did not show any increased risk and tended to lose weight.
  • But, whatever may have been the cause of your rheumatic disorder, the effects are still to be attended to; and as there must be a remaining acrimony in your blood, you ought to have regard to that, in your common diet as well as in your medicines; both which should be of a sweetening alkaline nature, and promotive of perspiration. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Strain, sweeten with honey and enjoy the drink. The Sun
  • Another is that it is far from clear how sugar or sweeteners could damage eggs in the womb or the ovaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sweeten to taste with the artificial sweetener.
  • Do you like to sweeten your coffee?
  • Sweetened syrup is also sent directly to restaurants and fast-food chains where it is sold to the public as a fountain drink.
  • The boy who brought it slipped the bill under a round steel dish containing a little sweetened aniseed.
  • On current form, the congenial Dubliner can save his heavenly appeals, but he seems to know something the rest of us don't, and has countered the notion that taking him on board was a sweetener.
  • Make sure the soy foods you enjoy are not genetically modified and do not contain soy protein isolates and other undesirable ingredients, such as fructose, corn syrup and artificial sweeteners and flavors. Craig Cooper: Soy: When It's Good, When It's Bad, And How To Tell
  • The English spelling is "macaroon," but the French confection is not to be confused with the dense chewy treat made with sweetened coconut. Mon Dieu! Will Newfound Popularity Spoil the Dainty Macaron?
  • The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it. 
  • This drops as the honeycomb; it dulcifies and sweetens the waters of Marah; it is better than life; it has a hyper-hyperbole in it.
  • The slightly sweetened pumpkin is simmered until very tender, then covered with garlic-flavoured yoghurt.
  • Particularly useful, and insightful into her methodology, is her list of "The 15 Fix Factors" -- including ideas such as using low-fat milk thickened with a bit of flour or cornstarch to create a creamy mouthfeel; the concept of the "un-fry" -- achieving crispiness in a low-fat way; adding whole grains, cooking to keep nutrients, trimming portions, and sweetening smartly. Rozanne Gold: Two Great Cooks, Two Great Cookbooks
  • Because of its intense sweetness, the R, R stereoisomer in particular should be economically competitive compared to other high intensity sweeteners. FoodAndDrinkEurope RSS
  • Avoid all artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks and some diabetic foods as these are toxic to the liver and can cause hypoglycaemia and fatigue.
  • Often, bodybuilders will substitute diet sodas and powdered drink mixes with artificial sweeteners to avoid sugar calories.
  • To sweeten the deal, the investor would also get 50% of the voting rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your berries are tart, you may want to add the noncaloric sweetener, but in-season berries are likely to be fine without it. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • He said artificial sweeteners were already widely used in soft drinks, and the food industry should consider using them in other products. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blessing of God, as ours in covenant, is that which sweetens all our creature-comforts to us, and makes them comforts indeed; then we receive the increase of the earth as a mercy indeed when with it God, even our own God, gives us his blessing. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Sugar, redcurrant jelly, and sometimes chocolate are now used as sweetening agents in agrodolce sauces for meat.
  • Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelets tittering in the struggle.
  • It wouldn't take much for this pre-election sweetener to turn into a pre-election debacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The swimming squad's outspoken Australian coach, Bill Sweetenham, was forced to issue a rallying cry to his team.
  • Stir a little honey in to sweeten when ready to eat.
  • In other words, people sometimes sweeten their stories, particularly if there is a financial incentive.
  • The show included three sculptures replicating unmarked packets of sweetener at vastly larger-than-life size.
  • The rise in digital spending may give media buyers an opportunity to hang on to these sweeteners. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a pretty good version there for two years or so, using Pomona's Universal Pectin a low-methoxyl pectin made from citrus, which is great for making jams, jellies and preserves with either no sugar, or less sugar, or alternative sweeteners, because it doesn't need sugar to make it jell, like regular pectin-- it uses a calcium solution to jell! Archive 2007-02-01
  • No social gathering is complete without drinking a ti-punch (straight rum with a twist of lemon sweetened with cane sugar) or a planteur (fruit juice and rum).
  • Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice.
  • But read the labels on some of these foods and you may find artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose on the ingredient lists, conveniently omitted from the front label.
  • Often artificial sweeteners are added to improve taste. The Sun
  • Until recently we resorted to artificial sweeteners such as saccharine or aspartame, but never felt good about it.
  • I often think of myself as a browser in the winter garden, picking frost-sweetened greens for the dinner table, cutting budding branches for forcing, and hunting around for rosebuds and berries to fashion into winter bouquets.
  • Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders.
  • The sweet green rice ball is a Tomb Sweeping Day food which is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is made of mugwort juice, glutinous rice and sweetened bean paste.
  • She offers food, such as what she calls a decadent sweet roll, that's sweetened mostly with agave instead of sugar. Blogs Master Site Feed
  • How can stevia ever fairly compete with artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, when the latter two are allowed to be called sweeteners?
  • The sweetener called stevia, which is increasingly being used, comes from a shrub found in Paraguay, South America. The trouble with sweeteners, of particular concern for Diabetics
  • Use minimal amounts of artificial sweeteners until taste can be trained to not want sweet things. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • The management sweetened the deal by offering an extra 2% to staff on the lowest end of the pay scale.
  • I snack on tons of Inarizushi - it's white rice stuffed inside sweetened tofu wrapping.
  • It has a rich but soft taste, much like sweetened cornflakes.
  • Okay, so I survive on instant with a splosh of semi-skimmed and a chemical sweetener, but I'm sure I would appreciate the finer qualities of real coffee if only someone would come round to my house every hour on the hour and make me a cup.
  • Until recently we resorted to artificial sweeteners such as saccharine or aspartame, but never felt good about it.
  • The kunafeh was one of his favorite dishes, wheat-flour vermicelli fried in clarified butter and sweetened with honey. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Again, it made me nervous, because basically, spicy calamari is Korean oh-jing-uh bokkeum, a tasty tangle of squid, vegetables, and ever so sweetened super spicy ggoh-choo-jahng sauce. Zero, Zilch for Zip Fusion, West LA
  • I usually use artificial sweetener in my coffee instead of sugar.
  • That said, I suggest that you be prudent because to oversweeten rhurbarb defies its purpose, and you might as well be having something else instead - add what I suggest here, then add more towards the end of the cooking period after you have sampled the rhubarb. Archive 2008-08-01
  • These delicious fried pastry parcels are sweetened with honey and filled with pecorino cheese. The Sun

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