How To Use Sweep away In A Sentence
Rising up from the Astroturf, the "Don't tread on me" tsunamic swell of unknown hugeness, also known as "The Silent Majority", promised to sweep away the liberal minority in coast-to-coast Tax Day madness!
The War threatened to sweep away such fears in the uninhibited jingoism that greeted the outbreak of hostilities.
Aids, cholera and other diseases sweep away the chronically malnourished.
Times, Sunday Times
But given the precedents that have accreted over the last several decades, precedents that the Court is unlikely to sweep away, it seems to me that the equal treatment view is on balance the best outcome we can get today.
Let's sweep away the broken glass.
She had always assumed that something would happen, sometime, to sweep away her marital comfort.
He was a declinist who thought that capitalism's destructive energies would sweep away the heroic virtues that built it.
One reason why the new rules are so radical is that they sweep away all the previous ones.
To sweep away such verbiage should help the victorious prosecution of the War of Resistance.
If civilisation lay in ruins, then there was a momentous opportunity to sweep away this heap of broken images and start afresh.
Such emissions can sweep away virtually all of the cold, compact dust in a galaxy, thereby preventing that dust from ever congealing into new stars.
Destroy, sweep away, prepare the ground; then shall music the holy, music the civiliser, breathe over the renewed earth, and with Orphean magic raise in perfected beauty the towers of the City of Man.
The Nether World
There is a wind coming that will sweep away your pride.
And it will sweep away, once and for all, the web of distortion and deceit that poisons this debate.
Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.
After snow melt/deicer loosens the bond, you should shovel off or sweep away the snow or ice to prevent it from bonding to the surface again.
Can a deicer damage my driveway and harm my plants?
To sweep away all the old miasmal myth and remould history right from the beginning.
Well might they have anticipated, that Justice and Humanity, now starting forth with fresh vigor, would, in their march, sweep away the whole system; more especially, as freedom of speech and of the press -- the legitimate abolisher not only of the acknowledged vice of slavery, but of every other that time should reveal in our institutions or practices -- had been fully secured to the people.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
People visit their ancestors'graves to sweep away the dirt.
She had always assumed that something would happen, sometime, to sweep away her marital comfort.
To stop bad things before they become great floods that sweep away all living things.
In the enthusiasm of the struggle a hope arose that it would sweep away all the piled-up obstacles to human progress and usher in with a miraculous immediateness a new age.
The human spirit has still to find itself, its idea and its greater orientation
Those who profit from clear-cutting hillsides contribute to the floods that sweep away the homes and crops of those living below.
But there's nothing liberating, either, no matter what apostles of "free markets" tell us: It's one thing to break up congealed, stodgy conventions and sweep away intellectual cobwebs; it's another do do it so relentlessly and chaotically that there's never a chance to cultivate any humane alternative.
Jim Sleeper: Markets, New Media, the Occupiers, and the Next Step
All the hype of the buildup convinced them that the freshness of youth would sweep away cobwebs of doubt.
The conventionary passed his hand across his brow, as though to sweep away a cloud.
Newspaper editorials spoke the need to sweep away corrupt practices in the government at all levels.
The boat swept round with its bow to the east just in time to meet a billow, which, towering high above its fellows, burst completely over the rocks, and appeared to be about to sweep away all before it.
The proposed reform was part of a Governmentwide drive to sweep away red tape in what was described as a "bonfire of regulations" aimed at stimulating business and economic growth. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
A huge campaign will attempt to sweep away litter and graffiti in a fresh war on crime which is expected to run for a year.
Her broom helped sweep away the clam shells discarded by scavenging racoons and the carcasses of dead mice frozen during the winter.
Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris.
Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
A rough, dry wind which should sweep away the miasmas of the swamp, the misty staleness of the _Lieder, Liedchen, Liedlein_, as numerous as drops of rain in which inexhaustibly the Germanic _Gemüt_ is poured forth: the countless things like _Sehnsucht_ (Desire), _Heimweh_ (Homesickness), _Aufschwung_
Jean-Christophe, Volume I
As a child, he watched a river sweep away the wheat planted on the family farm in Indiana.
Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corrupt practices in local government.
The conventionary passed his hand across his brow, as though to sweep away a cloud.
Les Miserables
We have got to sweep away the system that has failed and devise a totally new one - designed and directed towards achieving Olympic targets.
The campaign for the democratic nominee will not end until the cleanup crew arrives to sweep away the confetti from the convention floor on it's last night.
Pelosi prepared to 'step in' to end race
Pagans bathe in salt water, burn sage, sweep away negative energy, etc., all in the belief they are ridding themselves or their sacred space of negativity.
But the spectacle can cloy and a sadness lingers after the pageant has moved on as householders emerge with shovels and brooms to sweep away all trace of their work.
Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.
Two rams and another iron warship were to form the nucleus of a Confederate fleet designed to sweep away the blockaders and challenge northern supremacy in American waters.
In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits.
This week's new exhibitions
By what guessing or critical legerdemain one who claims loyalty to the word of God and ordinary intelligence can attempt to sweep away these definite and determinate statements, and crowd some insignificant worm of the dust into the place given to him who was in the beginning, who was with God and _who was
The Testimony of the Bible Concerning the Assumptions of Destructive Criticism
Aids, cholera and other diseases sweep away the chronically malnourished.
Times, Sunday Times
To sweep away all the old miasmal myth and remould history right from the beginning.
Aids, cholera and other diseases sweep away the chronically malnourished.
Times, Sunday Times
I positioned my broom and began to sweep away the dirt and filth that had gathered since last time I had swept.
As a child, he watched a river sweep away the wheat planted on the family farm in Indiana.
Second, a mutation causing a switch in resource specialization allows one strain to sweep away its competitor.
The party's modernising zeal is set to sweep away Britain's archaic alcohol restrictions.
Hissing drones and cymbal crashes sweep away any memory of the former's dulcet overtones.
Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.
Abraham drew near him and said,'Wilt thou really sweep away good and bad together?'
They feared that some untoreseen objection would sweep away all the painful adjustments.