

[ US /ˈswɛtˌʃɑp/ ]
[ UK /swˈɛtʃɒp/ ]
  1. factory where workers do piecework for poor pay and are prevented from forming unions; common in the clothing industry

How To Use sweatshop In A Sentence

  • A US garment factory where workers are unionized is not likely to be a sweatshop.
  • fugitives from the sweatshops
  • Today there are similar stirrings in the antisweatshop, fair-trade and immigrant rights movements.
  • Women staff the maquiladoras and the sweatshops that produce the cheap goods of the global economy.
  • Hundreds of other Asian women are believed to be virtually imprisoned in similar conditions in illegal clothing sweatshops.
  • He was forced to insist that the iPad is not made in sweatshops, and began to define the term absurdly, comparing his factories with Main RSS Feed
  • It is an attempt to preserve fairly-paid jobs in Europe, and to prevent chain stores reducing prices by buying from countries that accept sweatshops and sweated labour.
  • If we listen to some of the speeches from the other side of the House, we get the impression that some of these workshops are sweatshops.
  • Thus, the fight against sweatshops is defined in this context as a struggle for physical improvement of workplaces.
  • The program featured images of women and children working long hours in sweatshops making sneakers.
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